Definitely these two characters:
[collapse="Character 1"]
Jing, the Bandit King, and his partner, Kir, join the fight!
And I know just what his Final Smash would be...
Man, I love this show. Takes me back to mine childhood.
[collapse="Character 2"]
Time for a more logical approach... Spock for SSB4!!
Flying in from across the galaxy at warp speed, Spock, the first officer of Captain James T. Kirk, from
Star Trek joins the fray! As he crashes the party, he makes use of all his available skills and tools, including his famous Vulcan Nerve Pinch!
Up Special (Hover Boots):
Counter Move (Death Grip):

Believe it or not, though they are 4th party, both of these characters have appeared on a Nintendo platform.
I was thinking about posting a Spock thread just to be funny, but ultimately decided against it.