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Where CAN'T You Use Wolf Scarring


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
Tested by me in training mode. I'm only listing the stages, and where on those stages, scarring is useless, impractical, or impossible.

Final Destination - You'll always get caught underneath the lips of the edges.

Delfino Plaza - On the main board (the stage that actually flies around the plaza, which you always start on) trying to scar almost always results in Wolf falling through instead of landing on the platform. However, you can use scarring on the part of the stage where the tall pillars of land stand over the sea.

Luigi's Mansion - Nope, you'll only get caught under the stage.

Frigate Orpheon - Depends on the stage. If the stage is in its form where the far right section is lifting and descending (where you can't grab that edge), scarring (on the left side) is impossible and ineffective on the right. When the stage flips and you're fighting on its form where those platforms will come in from the left & right sides of the screen, you can scar on the stage. It depends on which "ceiling and floor" you’re fighting on.

Lylat Cruise - No, no, no, no, NO! You cannot scar here, and to make things worse, the ship tilts.

Spear Pillar - There are four edges. The two at the top floor (neither side is scar-able), and the two underneath (only the bottom left side are you able to scar through). 3/4 edges = no Wolf scarring.

Castle Siege - Neither the castle roofs nor the underground have edges you can scar through. You'll only get trapped underneath the tip of the edges.

Distant Planet - Well, you won't scar "through" the landmase on the left (where the rainwater washes down), but trying to Wolf Flash there will actually make Wolf shoot along the ground (probably the lowest Wolf Flash you'll ever see). As far as the main part of the stage (the main platform in the center), your Wolf Flash may go through the main platform and you'll fall through and die, or you might actually land on the main platform aftrewards.

New Pork City - SO MANY EDGES! ONLY ONE can you use scarring through. The one right above the breakable sidewalk.

Summit - Here's the dealio...there are no ledges you can grab here. HOWEVER, you CAN scar through the ledges of the stage. You just won't have the comfort of grabbing the edge first. Of course, this is only when the Summit hasn't broken and slid into the sea.

Skyworld - No! Either you try and hit a floor tile, or you don't land on the clouds and keep falling.

Mario Bros. - There are no places to use scarring here.

Flatzone 2 - See Mario Bros.

Pictochat - Trying to scar here won't kill you, but you'll instantly go into your default "standing/neutral" pose instead of Wolf Flashing forward. So, you sorta, kinda can scar here.

Hanebow - No. Just like some other stages, you'll fall instead of land on solid ground.

Shadow Moses Island - See Mario Bros.

Temple - Out of all the ledges, the two Wolf cannot scar through are the uppermost farthest left ledge and right ledge.

Yoshi’s Island - Scarring here is extremely unlikely. Either you try and you reattach to the ledge, or you go into a standing pose.

Jungle Japes - You'll fall through OR overshoot the platforms if you scar with the platforms to the very left or right, and you'll get caught underneath the main center platform.

Onett - Actually, on the house to the very left, you can semi-scar. But really, Onett? How will this help you anyway?

Corneria - The only place you can scar is the "fin" of the ship in the center. Not the left/front, not the right/rear.

Rainbow Cruise - WAY TOO MANY PLATFORMS! I only tested the ships left and right ledges. You get trapped underneath the movie ship everytime.

Big Blue - IIR, the front of the Falcon Flyer Wolf can scar through, but not the rear.

Pokémon Stadium - No. You will get trapped underneath the stage.


Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2008
you can stage scar in every stage.its just harder on some stages than others


Smash Capitalist
Mar 28, 2008
Switch FC
you can stage scar in every stage.its just harder on some stages than others

Falchion- said:
I don't want a flame war or anything, but what exactly is "Wolf Scarring?" I think I have an idea, but I dunno what it is exactly. If anyone can kindly tell me what it is, I'd gladly appreciate it. =P
A technique usable on some stages where you jump a little away from the ledge while hanging on it and immediately use Flash. Wolf will pass through the edge, and will sweetspot if it hits someone.


Smash Capitalist
Mar 28, 2008
Switch FC
Its very noticeable on trapezoidal stages like Norfair, Smashville, and Battlefield. There are more that can be scarred and semi-scarred, but I'm dead tired and really don't want to go looking for them at the moment, so apologies.


Smash Rookie
Jun 26, 2008
Only a few can be scarred, but every stage can be semi-scarred. This list is good for those new to wolf though, good job.
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