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When to use Utilt?

Thee Incubus

Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2001
Ok, so Utilt is a great KO move, but does anyone have any good moves leading into a Utilt?

Utilt's range is so bad, you gotta be so close to hit him and just charging in to Utilt your opponent is no good...so.....

What do you suggest leads into Utilt well?


Smash Rookie
May 27, 2008
well i dont know any moves that lead into it, but use it when you may be using ur neutral combo and then use it. replace it with other tilts. that imo is good, but im no pro so anyone feel free to criticize.


Smash Cadet
Nov 4, 2007
Long Island
I personally like waiting for someone to come in for an attack, shielding, and then punishing with U-tilt. I'm sure there are better methods though.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2005
Nuevo Laredo, Mexico
Switch FC
6939 6733 3968
It's kinda hard to follow-up and attack with U-tilt, I prefer to have setups for it, poking with F-Tilt, waiting for them to roll.

Hmm.. you can counter attack certain moves, mostly aerial moves, with up-tilt, since Dedede kind of leans back a little and then headbutts, you've to get used to the timing.

d >_>b U-tilt does have it's priority, no is not as crazy compared to others, just try to avoid countering disjointed hitbox attacks.

Oh yeah, U-tilt >> Yoshi's Down B

d >_>b... oddly enough Yoshi get's sent to his death and Dedede only gets a sort of Clank animation.


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2008
Bedford, England
I use U-tilt in my own personal fresh stock combo.

Catching the opponent in a D-smash on very low %, it actually knocks them perfectly over your head, allowing you to combo atleast three U-tilts, usually fetching about 60-70% for the combo. you can also replace the last u-tilt with an u-smash or b-air.

Also, some tips:
When timed correctly, D3's U-smash has priority over link and toon link's downstab attack.
Dedede's u-tilt can cancel out Zelda's projectile move Din's Fire when timed properly. ;)


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2008
New York
I dair to utilt. It works all right for me, but you have to make sure that your dair is hitting your opponent completely and not hitting the ground at all, or there will be too much end lag and you will just be smashed instead of comboing.

I also utilt when juggling. Sometimes it's easier than using usmash, as usmash is a bit slower. Normally with other characters I tend to smash to build up percents and then tilt to kill, depending on the strength of their tilts. With DDD, I normally do the opposite. His dtilt is a real killer, but his ftilt and utilt are really just comboing tools for me. Utilt has a good ko potential at a decent percent, but I don't normally use it as such.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
Doesnt the utilt have more of a hit box from behind to above him? I find it impossible to hit with unless someone tries to come in from me above or kinda jump from behind me. It seems to have no effect when someones in front of you anywhere.


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area
Doesnt the utilt have more of a hit box from behind to above him? I find it impossible to hit with unless someone tries to come in from me above or kinda jump from behind me. It seems to have no effect when someones in front of you anywhere.
I think the shortest character you can hit with utilt(when they're standing in front of you) is about mario height. Any shorter than that and you're going to whiff. It's highly situational. If you're determined on landing it, a ff nair into utilt seems to work best for lower percents.

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
This is kind of a different topic, but: should you juggle with it or go for the kill?

I'm thinking, on lighter faster chars, juggle and use one of your many moves with decent to high knock back to kill
and on heavier chars just cg and pull out an utilt if the situation is right so you aren't just using bairs and fairs to kill.

I don't actually use it but that's what I was thinking.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2008
fastfall nair to uptilt is mostly all I can think of. It's actually a bonafide two hit combo.

Against certain characters if I do a full hop downair (roll thumb from X to A while holding down) and then do up tilt the moment I hit the ground since there's no lag when the aerial is done that way I have connected it pretty successfully, though don't quote me on that being 100% certain because I don't know if the other guy can DI or recover out of it and I've just simply gotten lucky, I never really bothered to test it.

It's not really a consecutive hit but you can do up tilt after a single jab doing jab cancel, or right after two jabs as a third hit timing it just right so the auto-combo move doesn't accidentally come out. You can do that with down tilt, down smash, or up smash too with varying uses. I'm sure everyone here knows this stuff already.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2006
I utilt when the opponent expects a usmash so they air dodge almost before getting to me, and then they end up eating a nice utilt. With low percentages, a roll and chaingrab followup occurs.
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