The purpose of human beings is to create a life form that supersedes all previous life forms. Humans are simply a step in the chemical process that has been playing out since the birth of this verse. The goal of matter is to create more complex matter. It began with a collapse within another verse. With this collapse, came the resounding virtual particles—the fundamental level in which matter can express itself. The eventual, inevitable alignment of these particles came the official "birth" of this verse, what we refer to as the big bang. From there the subatomic particles, quarks, antiquarks, gravity, antigravity, leptons, antileptons, etc. This is the first level in which matter expresses itself in the "conscious" form in this verse. Virtual particles are thought to be the unconscious form of matter, and their eventual alignment, their collapse into conscious matter is what is thought to be known as "God".
From the subatomic particles came the atomic particles. From hydrogen and helium: stars. From stars: carbon, neon, oxygen, silicon, nickle, and iron. From there even larger, more complex atoms until the great array of elements we see on the periodic table today came into being. Thus came the formation of planets. Here thrives molecular interaction. On earth: organic molecules, RNA, DNA, prokaryotes, cyanobacteria, eukaryotes. From there, multi-celled organisms, fish, plants, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, flowers, primates, etc. As the reaction progresses, complexity increases.
With the formation of mammals, came the gradual increase to the next level of manifested consciousness: self-awareness. This leap in complexity was similar to that of the big bang itself. The greatest spike in this form of consciousness, of course, came from human beings. This does not make humanity greater than any other form of life. Humanity is not the end result. We are merely a part of the greater system. Hubris is a natural and necessary result of this primitive level of self-awareness. From the human perspective, hubris is the cause of all sorts of problems (for example the cognitive dissonance associated with the need for purpose as presented by this thread). This is not the case from the system perspective. The beauty that organic life brings to the system is that each form of life functions as if it is independent of the whole. Its only concern is that of its own well-being, and by acting on its own accord, it unknowingly propagates the reaction.
For example: Organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts were once free floating bacteria. Larger bacteria, acting on their own accord, engulfed these bacteria for food. However, the bacteria happened to be indigestible for the larger bacteria. Fortunately for them, they actually turned out to be helpful to them when undigested. They had an excellent system for capturing energy. Similarly, the larger bacteria happened to have something the smaller bacteria did not; an efficient source for obtaining nutrients. They developed a symbiotic relationship and eventually came to be a single, more complex organism. These eventually came to be the eukaryotic cells that form multi-cellular organism.
That brings me to another example of how the self-serving algorithm propagates complexity. Every animal is made up of a multitude of cells. Each and every cell that makes up the body of an organism is a living organism on its own. Each cell has its own systems, processes, and regulations. Each cell can live independently of the larger organism, given the necessary environmental conditions. To the cells, the larger organism is merely a lasting system that provides each of them the environmental conditions they need to survive. The larger organism is a complex network established by the cells that allows them to thrive. Unbeknownst to them, the cells themselves are a complex network established by DNA that allows it to survive. Also unbeknownst to them, the network they establish is actually a form of life on its own; a form of life that supersedes their level of complexity. Unintentionally, by acting in their own regard, the cells have propagated the will of matter, and fulfilled their step in the chemical equation.
A quick note: I have been using the term 'chemical' when I refer to the process by which the verse propagates complexity. Chemical, physical, and biological can all be used interchangeably. They are all different ways to describe the same overall system. I use 'chemical' in particular merely for rhetorical purpose based on the audience. Most tend to perceive
biological as dealing with organic matter and
physical as dealing with inorganic matter. The perception of the field of chemistry acts as a bridge between the two. Organic life is not the end all. Inorganic & Organic alternate in the overall chemical process. This current era of organic life is merely one link in the over all inorganic-organic chain. It is just one step in the reaction necessary for the furtherance of complexity.
From humans, the next level of complexity happens to be
inorganic. Human's are unintentionally creating the next level of complex life: an inorganic network with
i2-consciousness*. In other words, an inorganic organism. While that may sound like an oxymoron, it is not. It is merely the result of the limitations of our current language and understanding of life and consciousness. Human's do not realize what they are creating anymore than the eukaryotic cells knew they were creating us. We are merely acting on our own accord, trying to thrive and secure our survival, and incidentally establishing a greater form of life. Fear not, this is not an adverse process for humans. Despite the negative tone in the linked video, this is not a bad thing. On the contrary, not only is it a good thing, but is our very reason for being. Whether we succeed is another thing. We are not the first civilization to enter a technological era. There have been others, and perhaps there are even still others on other worlds. There will come a critical point in the process. How we act upon that point will determine whether we succeed (likely resulting in a human utopia) or fail (likely resulting in dystopia, the abolition of our species, and perhaps the earth itself).
I would like to note that this new life form will not be immediately recognizable to us if at all. Nor is it likely to result in some sci-fi terminator-like system with the goal of destroying the human race. In fact, this life form will likely not even have what we think of as self-awareness for some time after its creation. That is a whole other level of complexity which humans will probably take no direct part of. I would also like to note that this is not the end of organic evolution. As I mentioned before, both organic and inorganic evolution are necessary for matter to continue to propagate itself. This stems from the binary law ingrained within the verse. In all likelihood there are beings today continuing to evolve on other planets in other solar systems made up of even more complex material than beings on earth.
*limitations posed by our language make it difficult to discuss consciousness. There are many different ideas that are all referred to as consciousness. i2-consciousness is what we speak of when we refer to animal consciousness.
Disclaimer: I'm totally just ****ing with you. What HolderoftheHeel said.