I will start by basking in the glow of the lights in the mall, get up on the podium, lift Brawl into the sky, and yell in a manly voice, "MADNESS?!?!? THIS, IS, BRAAAAAAAWLLLL!!!!", at which point I will f-tilt the security guards off the edge of the podium into the crowd while my fellow Brawl fans take down the rest of the security guards. I will WD back to my house, powershield any police projectiles, and DJ into my room, l-cancel my land and play NO ITEMS FD TOP TIER ONLY ADVANCE TECHS FTW 4-STOCK GC CONTROLS EDGE-HOGGING ALLOWED NO GLITCHES OMGOMGOMG
Probably stay awake all night playing, then cry myself to sleep the next day after my Wii overheats and melts the disc.