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What was your saltiest match?


Smash Cadet
Jul 10, 2015
Have you ever played For Glory and went up against that guy? You know, the one that's actually pretty good kicks your ass, and yet you have no respect for the guy because he taunted 2-3 times in a row after KOing you and tea-bagged/taunted when you couldn't hit him? Or was it some other kind of player?

What For Glory match left you feeling saltier than you ever have?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 27, 2015
Lawrenceville, Georgia
I faced a player who tried to troll me for one match. He never attacked, he refused to approach, and he rolled every time I got near him. The match went for 4:45, which is way longer than a Ryu vs Roy match should be.

I have never been so frustrated by a single opponent in this game. If he had tried to attack, it wouldn't have been as bad.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 9, 2015
i fought a Luigi named Mr Q when the game first came out, he was good and I hadn't learned the MU yet so I lost a lot. He always taunted as much as he could, insulted me between matches, etc

2nd place goes to a Dr Mario that kept getting 2-stocked , until he managed to kill me ONCE then SD and leave. lol

Purin a.k.a. José

Smash Lord
Mar 27, 2015
Americana, São Paulo, Brazil
To me, it's the exact opposite: He wasn't that good. I was pretty salty yesterday because of a Ike. He kept spamming F-Smash, and since Kirby is light as heck, he kept getting me. I was, like, (except of the first match) winning by a long mile and he killed me with a F-Smash at, like 79%. I'm not that salty, but the fact that I was beating every spammy Ike except for this made me wish a nerf for him again. I felt like I sucked, honestly!
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Smash Cadet
Jul 10, 2015
i fought a Luigi named Mr Q when the game first came out, he was good and I hadn't learned the MU yet so I lost a lot. He always taunted as much as he could, insulted me between matches, etc

2nd place goes to a Dr Mario that kept getting 2-stocked , until he managed to kill me ONCE then SD and leave. lol
Dude...I played that Luigi! Guy was annoying as hell!


Smash Cadet
Jul 10, 2015
To me, it's the exact opposite: He wasn't that good. I was pretty salty yesterday because of a Ike. He kept spamming F-Smash, and since Kirby is light as heck, he kept getting me. I was, like, (except of the first match) winning by a long mile and he killed me with a F-Smash at, like 79%. I'm not that salty, but the fact that I was beating every spammy Ike except for this made me wish a nerf for him again. I felt like I sucked, honestly!
I know that feel bro.

As for your first sentence, I'm with you there too. Whenever I'm playing someone who isn't too good, I'm underwhelmed. I'm beating the crap out of them and there's just no thrill in the fight. Then after I win, I leave because I want a challenge. That said, I don't judge other players (these are random strangers I'm fighting in For Glory) based on their skill, because looking down on someone for that reason is unbelievably elitist and arrogant. Besides, I've had plenty of times where I got completely bodied in a match, so I kind of sympathize with those players because I know what it's like to be destroyed and be salty over such matches. They're probably very new to Smash, and we've all been there once.
Now it's not that I hate playing good players, either. When I play someone that's actually good, I enjoy it, especially if it's an evenly matched game. It's only when the match is heavily one-sided or the player is rubbing they're superiority into my face where it gets on my nerves.


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2009
This morning, Villager ditto, although, we were complete opposites in play styles.

We were both on our last stock, my percentage was lower than his but we were up there. Then I noticed that he was getting scared of me and he started the flee game. You only make me mad when you start running away. Roll roll roll forward smash. It killed me from across the stage. I've never been so mad in my life.

He probably laughed and saved the replay.
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Smash Cadet
May 25, 2015
I've got two.

The first one was against this guy playing as Rosa against my Ness. I played him a match before where I barely beat him while he was playing Sheik.

The guy completely outplayed me, juggling me with constant u-airs and making me miserable. Everytime he took a stock he'd taunt and then teabag me. To top it all off every time he won he changed his tag to "lol" and then "patience". I wasn't taking his advice seriously because he acted like such a d-bag.

Looking back at that one, I should have counterpicked to another main of mine, but I was so determined to beat him as Ness. But that never happened, and I eventually gave up.

The next one was against a guy around a month ago who played as Ryu while the dlc just came out. (Again, I played as Ness)

This kid spammed nothing but hadoken and his dash attack. This match was also extremely laggy, and I end up messing up my recovery. The Ryu uses both of his taunts, and now I'm thinking "Oh it's on now b****.*"

I end up taking his first stock, and then I get him past the percentage I was at (around 80 or so) and the majority of it was with PK Thunder juggles. I don't think he even knew how to air dodge, which makes me even angrier.

Then I missed him while he was coming down. After that I panicked, and accidentally hit myself off of the stage with the PK Thunder.

The worst part is that he left, and that was the first match I played against him.

JD .

Smash Rookie
Jun 4, 2015
New to the board, but just wanted to say that I played against a pit by the name of "max", and his tag was "MAX". I was shulk. He just stood on the other side of the stage, wouldn't approach me, and spammed rolls, A LOT. He would occasionally dash attack or try to grab me, and actually took a stock off of me. I managed to two stock him with my last stock, though, and hit him with a taunt, said "GG", (because I was pretty sure he was a troll), and left.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Have you ever played For Glory and went up against that guy? You know, the one that's actually pretty good kicks your ***, and yet you have no respect for the guy because he taunted 2-3 times in a row after KOing you and tea-bagged/taunted when you couldn't hit him? Or was it some other kind of player?

What For Glory match left you feeling saltier than you ever have?
I just had one of the saltiest matches..
So just jumped on FG got pared up with up with a Dr mario and im Ganondorf i knew this was gonna be a fun match because heavyweight matches mostly are.

So the guy is pretty bad...he spams smash attacks...and just plays like he really doesnt know what he is doing...so i wrecked..him hard.

2nd match he switches to Ness...and i knew this wasent gonna be good...
He never approached just spammed PK fire and backrolls pretending to approach keeps spamming PK fire then grab then Fair x3.
Once im in the air he does Up B and chases me in the air..gimps Ganons awful recovery...then he starts tip toeing...slightly pushing the control stick to tip toe...(showing off) taking the piss.
He does the same but this time finishes me off with a back throw.

Then he leaves...because he knew who i was gonna bring out next was gonna wreck him again.
What a ***..

Ness players are some of the worse i swear...
There is something i have learned about FG that anyone in this thread if you are listening you should start doing.

When you beat someone play them again if they start being really salty. Just leave the next match because its only gonna get worse...and people get salty fast...they get annoyed and desprate and what was once fun becomes sad and..annoying real Fast...

How you know someone has become salty
- Never approaches
- Spam a particular move / PK fire / Links Arrows
- Always taunts.

Just leave..
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Zero Suit Roxas

Smash Cadet
Oct 19, 2014
I played a Palutena with my Zero Suit Samus a few months ago. It was an entirely normal match and I was winning by a lot. And then... she took a stock off of me when there were 30 seconds left.

She kept rolling and dodging all my attacks to reach a sudden death since she had 107% damage. I got the finishing KO move.

Too late.

She didn't reach the blast zone before the announcer declared time. Then she cheaply killed me with Autoreticle as I tried using Plasma Whip on her.

I couldn't take the anger I felt and just removed my game card so I wouldn't have to see Palutena give me an evil laugh.


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
I have a bunch but here are two specific ones:

:4ganondorf:[Me] VS :4luigi:

Prior to fighting this Luigi as Ganondorf, I fought him as Wario and Dr. Mario. He was pretty tough when I was Wario but I managed to win that round. For the match where I was Dr. Mario, I caped his recovery and beat him in less than 30 seconds. I did not taunt at all in both of those matches.

For our third match I switch to Ganondorf while he just does nothing but spam fireballs and d-throw combos. I had almost no experience fighting these kind of Luigi's as Ganondorf at the time so of course he beats me while barely keeping his first stock. While I'm being star KO'd he does the "HOO-HAH-HE-HEY-HOO" taunt three times. Because, you know, I TOTALLY taunted when I beat him in 30 seconds as Dr. Mario.

:4wario2:[Me] VS :4sonic:

A crappy Sonic that literally did nothing aside from spin dashes. I was about to KO him so for the last 2 minutes of the match he just runs away from me. I land a few hits on him in that time but not enough to KO so we go into sudden death. He lands a hit on me and wins, then changes his name to "SnicRules!" or something like that. I just said "LOL" and left (I was incredibly salty).

If I listed all of my salty matches that involved fighting against :4luigi:'s and :4sonic:'s, it would probably fill 20 pages.
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Smash Cadet
Jul 10, 2015
I have a bunch but here are two specific ones:

:4ganondorf:[Me] VS :4luigi:

Prior to fighting this Luigi as Ganondorf, I fought him as Wario and Dr. Mario. He was pretty tough when I was Wario but I managed to win that round. For the match where I was Dr. Mario, I caped his recovery and beat him in less than 30 seconds. I did not taunt at all in both of those matches.

For our third match I switch to Ganondorf while he just does nothing but spam fireballs and d-throw combos. I had almost no experience fighting these kind of Luigi's as Ganondorf at the time so of course he beats me while barely keeping his first stock. While I'm being star KO'd he does the "HOO-HAH-HE HEY-HOO" taunt three times. Because, you know, I TOTALLY taunted when I beat him in 30 seconds as Dr. Mario.

:4wario2:[Me] VS :4sonic:

A crappy Sonic that literally did nothing aside from spin dashes. I was about to KO him so for the last 2 minutes of the match he just runs away from me. I land a few hits on him in that time but not enough to KO so we go into sudden death. He lands a lucky hit on me and wins, then changes his name to "SnicRules!" or something like that. I just said "LOL" and left.

If I listed all of my salty matches that involved fighting against :4luigi:'s and :4sonic:'s, it would probably fill 20 pages.
Ugh...Sonic is like...that character's salinity levels are off the charts.


Smash Cadet
Jul 22, 2015
This Dedede I fought was driving me crazy, mainly because once he started winning he started taunting me.

All he did the entire match was troll me with gordos, grabs, neutral air -> down tilt. Before I knew it he caught up with me and had more wins than I did. It didn't help that he LOL'd at my misery either.

If he ever reads this. You don't need to be a jerk. Seriously.

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
Every match I've ever lost to a Ganon player. Bonus points if there was a good amount of lag, which is a pretty safe assumption.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
Matches involving Sonic tends to be the most irritating of all the characters I've fought in For Glory.

A good example happened during the early days of the Wii U version. I was Shulk when I fought that Sonic that literally did nothing but run towards the edge and dash attack, spin dash and repeat for the whole 5 minutes. I was able to seal his first stock during that disaster before we went to sudden death. He ran and did a dash attack, unsurprisingly, but I was able to use Vision to send him flying for the win. Now I wouldn't say I was salty as a result, it was just a waste of my damn time dealing with him and his ****. Good thing he left after that.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2014
Today I fought a Toon Link who claims he didn't rematch me because he was just gonna 2-0 me anyway... It's funny because the 1 game I fought with him was when I disabled my specials.


Smash Lord
Sep 29, 2014
None of your beeswax!
Switch FC
I'm usually more pissed off if people just STAND there and do nothing between stocks.
That or Falcons who do short-hop uAirs at nothing for no reason between stocks.

Teabaggers are just a minor nuisence. They embarrass themselves for than infuriate me.


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
I don't know how I forgot about this one:

:4drmario:[Me] VS :4tlink:[Named FullMetal and according to their message placed 4th in the NWS]

I won the first match against their Villager as Wario, then lost the next match while fighting them as Luigi. I then switched to Doc while they switched to TL.

I started doing not so good but I started to make a comeback. I hit them off stage a bit, but I accidentally did my up-B the wrong way causing me to fall down. While I'm falling she does TL's side taunt like me screwing up was all her work (I never taunted at all in the previous matches). Of course she leaves right after.

KevN くコ:彡

Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Gotta love it when a kid starts insulting you after you beat him. It had to have been a kid, because if it was an adult, that was just pathetic.

So I just had the saltiest match I've had where I beat his :4falcon: with my
, a character I never play. Afterwards, he starts calling me names in the CSS, says I'm a spammer, tells me to quit. He switches to :4peach: and immediately starts throwing turnips at me. It was a close game, but after the match, he starts telling me I suck again. Next game, my :4littlemac:vs. his :4peach: again. Abuses Peaches hover and throws turnips, he wins, then starts to call me a spammer (what?) After that, he goes :4robinm: against my :4littlemac:. Starts spamming his crap, camping the ledge, gets two stalked with KO punches (I know I should probably stopped right there, but I wanted to see how far this kid goes.) Final match, he switches to , shocker, :4tlink:. He really liked that B button, I can tell ya that. He won, I lost, starts saying in CSS, GIVE UP, YOU SUCK, and some other insult I can't remember, then leaves.

...that doesn't happen very often for me.


Smash Cadet
Apr 8, 2015
I'm usually more pissed off if people just STAND there and do nothing between stocks.
That or Falcons who do short-hop uAirs at nothing for no reason between stocks.

Teabaggers are just a minor nuisence. They embarrass themselves for than infuriate me.
oops sorry i didn't know that got to people lol. i usually just like to keep momentum when i take a stock so do some random attacks. do people really gte miffed about that?


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2015
I faced off against a Lucas and Sheik player. I was playing Roy and it was against his Lucas, he didn't have any skill with the character (using mostly PK freeze and trying to C-Stick me) but I won the first match. When we returned to the lobby he then put on the tags 'Try hard?' and mocked me. Afterwards we went into round 2, He brings out the same character as me and I honestly scoffed a bit. He ended up SDing the first stock and dying by K.O. The second. Back in the lobby, going to round 3, He then pulls out a Sheik and begins projectile spamming and kiting. I won again then decided to use Sheik as well. Match was going alright but the funniest thing that happened was that I managed to kill him twice by just poking him off the edge really. After that he stayed in the viewing results and left at the last second during character select lol.


Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2014
I played this one guy who was actually pretty good, but thought he was really funny and spammed me out with Link ofc... He spammed but spammed well I must say, Samus couldn't approach without getting grabbed/up smashed/whatever.... He ran away to take the match to SD and killed me with an arrow. The next match he did pretty much the same with R.O.B, dragged it to SD and won. Plus he just taunted, tea bagged, etc, I was super pissed off. I did get revenge though.

So then he tried to go Samus on me because he thinks oh man Samus is good for spamming... I picked Wario who can bypass pretty much all of Samus's projectiles with his bike. Ofc I ran away almost the whole match because i just had to. He got a kill on me and started running away because time was running out and he would've won, but I got a kill at the last second. When SD started I literally just biked towards him, he tried to grab, he died. It was sweet.

But those first two matches are the most angry i have been over FG.


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2015
I've got two more that top my last ones.

:4miisword:(Me) Vs :4feroy: (in a 1v1 for fun tournament match)

The kid playing as Roy was awful. All he did was counter and side smash spam. I took his first stock with ease, having only 15 percent on me.

I mess up with my next stock, accidentally SDing and messing up my recovery. Roy picks up a deku nut (which was barely visible on lylat cruise, the stage we were on) and throws it at me. While I'm stunned, a convenient poison mushroom goes to me, then the Roy side-smashes me.

Deku nut -> poison mushroom -> side smash is a 0-death combo for Roy apparently.

:4pit: (Me) Vs. :4falco: (on 1v1 for glory tournament mode)

After my experience with for fun 1v1, I decided to go to for glory, and I got lucky getting the last spot in the tournament.

This guy was also bad. There was also a ton of input lag, and the guy was a roll spammer as well.

When we were down to one stock, I had a percentage lead over the Falco. The time runs out, and then...

The winner is... Falco!

The guy damaged me to 190%, while I had 184% tacked on him.

After that one, I just gave up. Two tournament matches produced more salt than my average FG session.


Smash Rookie
Jul 12, 2015
Pretty much any match with an Up tilting spammer. Mostly because I suck at DI.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2014
Queens , New York
Switch FC
SW 1823 5909 5682
In For Fun mode, there were two buttholes who kept on attacking me together, and any time one of them was at kill percent, one of the other would hit each other and SD. Whenever another player shows up, they do absolutely nothing to stop them and I hate that. i didn't quit but I got so mad, I reported them twice, hope they got banned for that.


Smash Cadet
Apr 8, 2015
New one
I was playing falco on for glory for some fun. I knew i wouldn't win many matches, i don't play falco too much. so the first guy i run into is a mewtwo. he stars off charging up a shadow ball and shoots it. you all probably know what happened next. i reflected it back without thinking of the skill of this mewtwo and he re-reflects it to me and it kills me he taunts twice and teabags then charges another. i'm still calm and laughing about how i could fall for something like that so i respawn. he decides to now run away from me and roll everywhere. i'm not trash so i took his stock fairly quick. he comes back and keeps doing the running strategy occasionally throwing out attacks and grabs. this sucks cause falco's down smash isn't long enough to punish mewtwos rolls since he was rolling erratically i would always whiff a tiny bit. slowly i'm catching up and we are both 100% + and i jump over a fully charged aura sphere and was trying to fair him but he ran in and up smashed instead of jumping like he always was before. so he won and taunted tea bagged some more. at this point i was like "ooohhhh so we got a badass on our hands. no problem i have a main that i know i can beat him with." so i ready up and on the chara select screen he changes his tag to "U Suk" "Noob" blah blah blah. I wasn't mad cause i knew what would happen next. i thought to myself "we'll see who's the noob in round 2 so ready up."

But i already knew, he left after that. left me laughing and salty. of course he wouldn't fight me again. i was just too bad to give another round to. even though he barely scraped by with that win against a character i don't even play.

Lemme stop being a pleb and hop on Anther's Ladder cause For Glory is full of ****


Smash Apprentice
Oct 19, 2009
Today I fought a sonic on for glory.


No but seriously, picture a sonic slightly above your own skill level, but spamming moves on purpose, plus some nice input lag. Then picture yourself, who hasn't played much over the past couple of weeks, barely being able to hit the sonic, shielding too late because of the lag. That sonic started to taunt after each kill, and at random moments. Then he started to pick sheik, the only character I was beating him with, and he went on needle camping. At a certain point, I was stupid enough to get really frustrated and chase his spin dash sonic everywhere. All he had to do was wait for my attack, then do the classic up B up air combo or wait on the ground and do a dash grab. I eventually had to go away because of eating dinner, but it felt like ****.


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2013
My saltiest match was when still had real trouble handling ROB and basically not knowing the :4zelda: / :4rob: matchup.

I won, but I never raged that much.

It was the kind of player that NEVER approach. Knowing that Zelda reflector had endlag, he would even not send projectiles until I do something. (as I did some read at first, even some hard reads)

Basically, waiting for something to shield. Of course, I couldn't use Din or anything. Approaching him resulted in dodge to DSmash.

It was a long, boring battle. During the last 30 seconds, we were both at high %, and I managed to steal the kill but tricking him with a jab, making him respond with a fully charged laser that I punished with Farore.

That was the worst battle I had.
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Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
I believe I experienced my "Saltiest Match" just last night actually. I enjoy playing for fun and know how to take losing, but this...

Basically this guy stuck with Link the entire time. First off he was an amazing player. He knew the perfect times to shield, perfect times to punish, made sure I couldn't take advantage of Links end lags, and of course knew how to deal with mine. He was the first opponent I have ever faced on For Glory that could two stock me every single match no matter what. He spammed bombs quite a lot which was annoying, but then again he knew exactly how to use them so I guess I can't really complain about that.

Point is, this guy was really fun and allowed me to learn and practice; however he was so insanely cocky which got to me.

He would taunt once or twice after every single KO. He'd taunt when I messed up. He'd taunt when he smacked me far enough from him. I gotta say my enjoyment from playing with this guy was lessening each and every match. I guess I'm at fault cause I clearly didn't know when to call it quits, but I still wanted to try and practice. It's not everyday I can face an opponent that's THAT good.

In the end, probably after our 7th match he put as his tag "#1MyCity" and immediately left. Almost as if he wanted to add insult to injury. I don't care how amazing of a player you are, everyone has to start somewhere and you can't get better without practice. Don't mock them. Don't toy with them. If you're that great of a player then show some respect to your opponent.

I would of even added him and would of asked him to allow me to practice with him more if it wasn't for all of that.

One Handed Sword

Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2014
I believe I experienced my "Saltiest Match" just last night actually. I enjoy playing for fun and know how to take losing, but this...

Basically this guy stuck with Link the entire time. First off he was an amazing player. He knew the perfect times to shield, perfect times to punish, made sure I couldn't take advantage of Links end lags, and of course knew how to deal with mine. He was the first opponent I have ever faced on For Glory that could two stock me every single match no matter what. He spammed bombs quite a lot which was annoying, but then again he knew exactly how to use them so I guess I can't really complain about that.

Point is, this guy was really fun and allowed me to learn and practice; however he was so insanely cocky which got to me.

He would taunt once or twice after every single KO. He'd taunt when I messed up. He'd taunt when he smacked me far enough from him. I gotta say my enjoyment from playing with this guy was lessening each and every match. I guess I'm at fault cause I clearly didn't know when to call it quits, but I still wanted to try and practice. It's not everyday I can face an opponent that's THAT good.

In the end, probably after our 7th match he put as his tag "#1MyCity" and immediately left. Almost as if he wanted to add insult to injury. I don't care how amazing of a player you are, everyone has to start somewhere and you can't get better without practice. Don't mock them. Don't toy with them. If you're that great of a player then show some respect to your opponent.

I would of even added him and would of asked him to allow me to practice with him more if it wasn't for all of that.
I want that guys ID so I can personally have a nice one on one session with him.


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Here's one that happened back when I first got the Wii U version:

:4luigi:(Me) vs :4morton: (A Morton player actually named Morton)

A good Morton player that loved to taunt after every kill. At the time I was really bad with Luigi (well even now I'm still not that good with him) so I struggled for most of the match. The match went on for so long that we were both about to enter sudden death. Both of our %'s were high and there were 5 seconds left so I decided to go in for a KO since (I didn't feel like going through sudden death). He managed to hit me with an f-smash which killed me a split second before sudden death started (and of course he taunted). He spent a long time on the results screen so I guess he saved the replay. I was so salty I stopped playing as Luigi for a while after this match.
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Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2015
Things that get me salty usually have to do with poor sportsmanship. For example, someone taunts at the beginning of the battle. I taunt back as a sign of respect, and they grab me and combo me, or worse, throw a gordo into dash attack. (thanks Dedede). I also can't stand players who win a single match, then leave. I want to learn and get better--If I lose, I want to change things up and try again. I love experiencing great matches.

The thing that gets me saltiest, however, is when players intentionally lag. This is a big issue on For Glory... When it lags ONLY when they start losing, or in the middle of getting combod, or when I'm trying to recover, it's more than just coincidence. The worst part is that IT WORKS, and they just taunt relentlessly while it happens.
I usually end up SDing if it gets that bad and end up reporting and blocking the player... It should be considered cheating to purposely inhibit lag when you start to lose, and Nintendo should make a bot that senses lag during a match, and kick out a player if their lag spikes more than twice in a battle.

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Smash Cadet
May 25, 2015
Jeez, I just had one that topped them all.

I was playing this Sheik in tournament mode, and admittedly, he was kinda good. The thing that made me angry was that he had a huge lead over me, and I felt too overwhelmed at times.

The worst part about it was that he needle camped me after he lost his first stock, and I couldn't get past all of it.

To make matters even worse, he kept stalling and running away. In the last few seconds of the game, he started teabagging. I was so happy that a Mewtwo beat him in the next round.

With all the times I've slammed down my controller in anger, I'm amazed how it's still fully functional (screen included.)


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2014
Lost by decision to a terrible, projectile spamming Link player in tournament mode.

I took his first stock with him at like 80%, lost my first stock at around 173%, then got him up to 153% with only 51% damage on myself before time ran out, yet the game decided to give him the win for some reason. If it's true that the game decides to reward the win based on who caused more damage, it basically handed him the win for being bad, since he was the one having more difficulty getting KOs.
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Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2014
Both matches in Tournament mode. First as Ike I got matched up with the one Duck Hunt in the entirety of the 64 tournament so I was already salty at the mere image of Duck Hunt in my vs screen. What's also funny is I had my brother in one ear telling me that DH's are always this certain type of way and that it should be easy. Which he thinks everything is 'easy' in his book so whatever.

This Duck Hunt was not one of those campy types. As soon as the countdown ended, the first thing he does is rush at Ike as if he was holding a piece of chicken in his hand or something and just started wailing on him with every combo in the freaking book and I couldn't do anything I was like a freaking punching bag. I got him at like what 11% or something? I couldn't touch this Duck Hunt at all. And obviously I got two stocked.

Then later on during the day I picked a 30 min. tourney since I had some things to do in the house in the meantime. I go in with Roy. Match starts up and I'm facing a Zero Suit Samus. Then I just stood there for a few seconds, and turned Roy around, wanting to just walk off the stage and immensely regretting not going in with Ike or Lucas instead. You know characters that I actually had experience with the match up and knew what play style to go with. But then I didn't want to give the person an easy win and thought how bad could this be? But yep it was bad. Stun blaster for days, the flip kick thing, plasma whip blocking my approach etc. And then I got two stocked. lol guess they still got an easy win in the end.

But I was even saltier here cause it was a 30 min. tourney (even though it technically didn't feel like it since I was busy with other stuff, making the time seem faster) but I died at barely a minute mark.

Also I swear tourney gives me the most annoying match ups for my characters all the time.
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