Umm. Can someone explain how telling someone about Jesus and what He did for me, and what He can do for you is "forcing your religion on others"?
It's basically the same as telling someone about your job, why you like it, what the manager is like, what the pay is like, and why I think it could better for you than your current job.
I've never understood how that's considered forcing your [insert word here] on others. When simply if they have a different opinion, they are free to disagree, or go do something else.
You over simplify this to the extreme. It's not as simple as telling someone about what you think Jesus or whatever God did for you. It's when you guys (and I'm not saying "you" specifically) try telling us why we're awful people for either doing what we like or being who we are and threatening us with imaginary consequences like "Hell".
And no, I highly disagree. I was raised religious for the first fourteen years of my life and was constantly scared that whatever I'd do would get me into Hell and was severely depressed. I still struggle with depression, but ever since I ditched religion at 15, I've been so much happier and better off. So no, I don't think subjecting myself to a religion that thinks me, and all the people I love should all be killed or tortured is at all "better than my current stance".
You seem to be not as extreme as some other religious people I've seen and seem genuinely curious. But as for the last paragraph, again, it's not that simple. Some kids are born into extremist families. Born gay? Tough luck. Born transgender? Better hope daddy can't find his belt today. Sometimes you'll have friends who just stop being friends with you if you don't agree with their religion. In that case, they were never truly a friend so whatever, but the fact that you can be physically and mentally abused by this whole thing is awful and shouldn't be oversimplified as "just disagree".
I can admit that some atheists can be too bitter and just disregard everything involving religious people, and I have plenty of religious friends who aren't super crazy about it. But I've seen way too many people oblivious to the fact that so many people resent them for being part of religion, and it's a lot worse when the one wondering is part of the problem.
I hope that gives you a better idea. Don't take this with an angry tone of voice.