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What.... just.... happened? (Waddle Doo Glitch?)


Smash Rookie
Jun 10, 2008
East Coast
I was in the practice mode of online looking for a "With Anyone" match (I know, the feature sucks and shouldn't be used, but I'm bored. :p). I was just randomly throwing Waddle Dee's, Waddle Doo's, and Gordo's to pass time and I threw a Waddle Doo. Instead of using Waddle Dee Toss again, I just threw the Waddle Doo again.

Here's where the glitch comes in.

I'm pretty sure the Waddle Doo was either half-way, just about to start, or just about to finish shooting it's beam when I picked it up and threw it. Well, it hit the Sandbag, started walking, and got shocked. There weren't any other Waddle Doo's out. There was nothing there and it happened to be the spot where the Waddle Doo was standing before.

So I'm wondering a few things:
1) Has this happened to anyone else?
2) Could this lead to something of a Jacket Drop like Ness in Melee?
3) Can anyone do this and post a video of it as I don't have a camera?

It's still very unclear what prompted it, because it was so random and unexpected. I haven't been able to duplicate the effect yet, but if it is what I think it is, Dedede players will be able to set up invisible shocking traps.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
I've had something similar happen, although I fail to remember in what circumstances it happened. Hopefully someone with more time on thier hands will test it out more.


Smash Apprentice
May 26, 2008
I think that happens when the waddles are near you he'll pick up the same one and throw its not a glitch.


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas
...I'm sorry, but what? Was it the Waddle Doo or the sandbag that got shocked? Are you saying that the Waddle Doo walked into the sandbag and shocked it? O,o

This could be an amazing tech if found out...


Smash Rookie
Jun 10, 2008
East Coast
I think that happens when the waddles are near you he'll pick up the same one and throw its not a glitch.
I know that Dedede will throw the Waddle Dee's or Waddle Doo's by pressing A when they are near him. I've been killed by trying to air-dodge while trying to recover and instead throwing an Air-born Waddle Dee. >_>

That is not what I was talking about when I was trying to describe the glitch.... which apparently, I did a very bad job at.

...I'm sorry, but what? Was it the Waddle Doo or the sandbag that got shocked? Are you saying that the Waddle Doo walked into the sandbag and shocked it? O,o

This could be an amazing tech if found out...
I meant, that after I threw the Waddle Doo and it bounced back from hitting the Sandbag, the Waddle Doo started to walk again. However, as the Waddle Doo was walking, the Waddle Doo got randomly shocked for no apparent reason. The place where it got shocked was the same place where it had been shooting its beam before I threw it. I only assume that this could very easily be like a Dropped Jacket like that from Ness's YYG in Melee.

This is the glitch. I really didn't do a very good job at explaining it, though, did I?

I think that even though I threw the Waddle Doo, the hit-box stayed there because it wasn't finished with the attack.

I still can't remember if I threw it right before the beam, during the beam, or right when the beam was about end.

I hope someone will experiment with this more than I can, figure out how to duplicate this effect, record this occurance, and post it on YouTube.


Smash Ace
Dec 16, 2006
Belgium, Antwerp
I'll be testing this, and maybe i'll have a vid up tomorrow. I hope this was not random though, or else i'm wasting everyones time >_>

EDIT: I tried it in the middle of his attack, the beginning and the end several times. i've made the opponent and the wdoo walk into the place and nothing happend. can you say a bit more about what was happening (a bit more precise, thry to remember).


Smash Rookie
Jun 10, 2008
East Coast
I'm pretty sure that I hit the Sandbag with the Waddle Doo close enough to make the Waddle Doo bounce back to a place before he started shooting his lasers.

Before you continue expirimenting with this, let me try to duplicate it. I'm not going to have someone waste their time if this all turns out to be caused by internet lag.

I really hope it wasn't produced by some sort of lag. I didn't think the Practice Stage had lag so I didn't even consider it. However, there was no lag spike when it happened and I didn't get booted off until 10 minutes later.

I will duplicate it to my best ability. I hope my subconscious remembers more than my conscious does. =/


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
it would suck if it was because of the lag, but i hope you'll get to duplicate it
when the OP says pactice mode I think he talking about that practise stage. Accually he obviously is because hes talking about the sand bag. Correct me if im wrong, but isn't there no lag in the pactise stage. I have been in really laggy games with a huge delay, but in the practice stage the delay is gone.


Smash Rookie
Jun 10, 2008
East Coast
when the OP says pactice mode I think he talking about that practise stage. Accually he obviously is because hes talking about the sand bag. Correct me if im wrong, but isn't there no lag in the pactise stage. I have been in really laggy games with a huge delay, but in the practice stage the delay is gone.
Yeah, I meant the practice stage. I just did a very bad job in explaining in my first post. :laugh:

And this is also why I don't think the lag has anything to do with it. I think that what happened is an actually duplicatable glitch. Just finding out how, when, and at which point is going to give me trouble.

I will start my experiments today, post what I've found, and if I have duplicated it (now that I know what I'm looking for), I will post how to duplicate it so someone can record this is put it on YouTube.

Wish me luck. :)


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2008
long island, NY
I hate to be the first person to say this, but after recreating it(note1)
it seems the 'glitch' is nothing but timing the WD toss so WD runs into its own beam.(note2)
This isnt very special yet, nothing like Ness's jacket glitch.
Its a bit tiring reading all this hype without much proof of a legitimite useful glitch.

note1-You were not descriptive at all about what happened, so i dont know if i recreated what you said.
I tossed the WD sometime before or during beam, when it landed it was shocked.

note2-beam is just dying as the WD is thrown/bounces off sandbag,
WD runs into beam, WD lands, and suffers grounded hitstun instead of aerial.


Smash Ace
Dec 16, 2006
Belgium, Antwerp
I hate to be the first person to say this, but after recreating it(note1)
it seems the 'glitch' is nothing but timing the WD toss so WD runs into its own beam.(note2)
This isnt very special yet, nothing like Ness's jacket glitch.
Its a bit tiring reading all this hype without much proof of a legitimite useful glitch.

note1-You were not descriptive at all about what happened, so i dont know if i recreated what you said.
I tossed the WD sometime before or during beam, when it landed it was shocked.

note2-beam is just dying as the WD is thrown/bounces off sandbag,
WD runs into beam, WD lands, and suffers grounded hitstun instead of aerial.
=/ if it really is like that. basically, he says he threw the waddle doo when it [insert moment here] firin his laz0r and it bumped against the sandbag. when the waddle started walking again and reached the place where he [insert moment here] firin his laz0r before, he got shocked by nothing...


Smash Cadet
Jan 1, 2008
Rolla, MO
I don't really think we gave this thing a full look. It looks like you can make a doo shock himself by interrupting any one of his beam shots at just the right moment. It doesn't matter whether he bounces off of anything, where he lands, or which way he's facing.

Waddle doo glitch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShMEOpCPRg0#

A couple things not in the video:
I f-tilted a waddle during a match on the animal crossing stage, and he landed up on the moving platform before shocking himself.
While I was figuring out how to reproduce it, diddy got knocked off the stage. As he fell back down from above, I got one of my waddles to glitch just below him right before he landed. That's the only time I've seen it hit somebody, but I'm actually not sure if it really happened anymore.

It still seems pretty useless, but maybe the video can help somebody can figure something out.
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