First off, this isn't about the background or the layout(good 'ol MSPaint), it's about my views on what Online could be like, to enhance the game play of Brawl. Most of things things are largely based apon other popular games with great online features (Halo, CS, WoW etc)
OK, here we go,
>This will be the Main menu for all online activity
>It will have your character (and color), your name and your control style, as well as match options
>As you can see there are several options, like friends, profile, and talk (More on those later)
Quick Brawl will lead you to a quick unranked match of any type just for when you want some practice or fun. Usually it'll send you to games that are still looking for players to fill them faster.
With Friends is like the custom party in Halo, you can invite friends and set up a game just like you could if you were next to them in real life. It works like Melee, but online (Or like Brawl when it comes out) Also more on that later =p
Lets move on to With Anyone:
In with anyone (ranked or unranked) you can choose a subtype for what you feel like playing
After playing Ranked matches you can check your rank on!
A Basic 1v1 match with random people, not much to say
You can invite a friend or a person from your team (my word for clan) to go on a 2v2 against a random team
A Free for all match I think you know what it is
>Fiesta Brawl
A fun mode, maybe metal with curry mode is on, maybe all pokeballs with pokemon stadium, who knows it's random!
Before we enter a game lets change our profile by pressing "Y" in the GC Controller
I just have the basics here, I'm sure Brawl's will be better and such, but notice there are mic settings. Yes you get a headset in my version =D
Now I'm going to press "X" (for friend list) so I can invite a person in my Team to do a 2v2
The friends list will drop down over the menu, where you can see your
> Friends
> Their <Team> ( and another tab for your team)
> If they are online (red/green dot)
> And their rank ( as well as your teams rank)
You can click on people and invite, add, delete, send mic message etc. I put 100 friends but I'd rather have more (better than 64)
So I've invited Bfu to a 2v2
>Here it's in the lobby looking for a person to fill the other team.
>I kept sand bag because it's fun
(Notice it's over 9000 ft)
>Lets saying the auto match making gives you a level like the Ice Climber's Mountain in Melee, most people hate it right? Well here, if at least 1 person from each team "vetos" a map then the game will repick a new one. (this can only be done once)
>Mics are shown for people who are talking
So after the game, we decide to invite our friends to a custom Brawl
In custom brawls you can customize the game to no end, anything is changeable.
>Change map
>Item Control
Edits items, smash balls, rate of drops, box's and random things like goombas and such
> Team options
1v1 2v2 3v1 FFA I can't think of anything else here
>Special Brawl
Same as the one on the dojo
> Invite people
Invite friends, teammates, and recently played people online
>User Control
It's shown in the pic, kick, ban, and shut up annoying people
>Back leads to the menu
>Online Tourneys
>Recently played people on friend picture
>Better stuff for profile
>How rank would work
Thats about it, sorry for the large pics and all. Critiques? What do you all think? I'd like to hear your views on this
OK, here we go,
>This will be the Main menu for all online activity
>It will have your character (and color), your name and your control style, as well as match options
>As you can see there are several options, like friends, profile, and talk (More on those later)
Quick Brawl will lead you to a quick unranked match of any type just for when you want some practice or fun. Usually it'll send you to games that are still looking for players to fill them faster.
With Friends is like the custom party in Halo, you can invite friends and set up a game just like you could if you were next to them in real life. It works like Melee, but online (Or like Brawl when it comes out) Also more on that later =p
Lets move on to With Anyone:
In with anyone (ranked or unranked) you can choose a subtype for what you feel like playing
After playing Ranked matches you can check your rank on!
A Basic 1v1 match with random people, not much to say
You can invite a friend or a person from your team (my word for clan) to go on a 2v2 against a random team
A Free for all match I think you know what it is
>Fiesta Brawl
A fun mode, maybe metal with curry mode is on, maybe all pokeballs with pokemon stadium, who knows it's random!
Before we enter a game lets change our profile by pressing "Y" in the GC Controller
I just have the basics here, I'm sure Brawl's will be better and such, but notice there are mic settings. Yes you get a headset in my version =D
Now I'm going to press "X" (for friend list) so I can invite a person in my Team to do a 2v2
The friends list will drop down over the menu, where you can see your
> Friends
> Their <Team> ( and another tab for your team)
> If they are online (red/green dot)
> And their rank ( as well as your teams rank)
You can click on people and invite, add, delete, send mic message etc. I put 100 friends but I'd rather have more (better than 64)
So I've invited Bfu to a 2v2
>Here it's in the lobby looking for a person to fill the other team.
>I kept sand bag because it's fun
>Lets saying the auto match making gives you a level like the Ice Climber's Mountain in Melee, most people hate it right? Well here, if at least 1 person from each team "vetos" a map then the game will repick a new one. (this can only be done once)
>Mics are shown for people who are talking
So after the game, we decide to invite our friends to a custom Brawl
In custom brawls you can customize the game to no end, anything is changeable.
>Change map
>Item Control
Edits items, smash balls, rate of drops, box's and random things like goombas and such
> Team options
1v1 2v2 3v1 FFA I can't think of anything else here
>Special Brawl
Same as the one on the dojo
> Invite people
Invite friends, teammates, and recently played people online
>User Control
It's shown in the pic, kick, ban, and shut up annoying people
>Back leads to the menu
>Online Tourneys
>Recently played people on friend picture
>Better stuff for profile
>How rank would work
Thats about it, sorry for the large pics and all. Critiques? What do you all think? I'd like to hear your views on this