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What do you use to finnish a chain grab and why?


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
I'm pretty much curious about what most people use to finnish off their opponent from a chain grab and why they choose that finnisher, since there are so many and some I never see other people do.

I always use different finnishers depending on my situation. I try to chain grab someone to the edge to spike them from it, unless it's someone like olimar or samus that recovers from spikes quickly, then I don't even try.

If I have someone near the edge and I'm not going to spike them, I'll just do the down throw > nana Fair > popo Fsmash.

If I have them in the middle of the stage and they're hurt bad, I'll just Fthrow to nana and have her throw them back into my charged up smash.

If I'm in the middle of the stage and my opponent is hurt bad and I don't want to risk throwing them to nana and missing, then I'll have popo Fthrow and have Nana run and Usmash right as they are out of popo's hands, pretty much like in melee where you had popo down throw and nana up smash, only different throw and smash here.

I never finnish my opponents off by having Nana use the first smash to dammage and 2nd one to dammage any more since people have been breaking out of my grabs so quickly lately.

Anyways, which finnishers do you use the most?


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Poughkeepsie, NY
you pretty much covered everything . the onyl thing that i could add is that at really high percents (like above 160%) you can do an upthrow into a nana Uair to take a stock

its pretty reliable but it hardly ever has its uses


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
you pretty much covered everything . the onyl thing that i could add is that at really high percents (like above 160%) you can do an upthrow into a nana Uair to take a stock

its pretty reliable but it hardly ever has its uses
Do you have to turn off jump tap for that? I used to try it but nana would jump lol, and I don't want to change my controls.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
Union City, CA
I'm pretty much curious about what most people use to finnish off their opponent from a chain grab and why they choose that finnisher, since there are so many and some I never see other people do.

I always use different finnishers depending on my situation. I try to chain grab someone to the edge to spike them from it, unless it's someone like olimar or samus that recovers from spikes quickly, then I don't even try.

If I have someone near the edge and I'm not going to spike them, I'll just do the down throw > nana Fair > popo Fsmash.

If I have them in the middle of the stage and they're hurt bad, I'll just Fthrow to nana and have her throw them back into my charged up smash.

If I'm in the middle of the stage and my opponent is hurt bad and I don't want to risk throwing them to nana and missing, then I'll have popo Fthrow and have Nana run and Usmash right as they are out of popo's hands, pretty much like in melee where you had popo down throw and nana up smash, only different throw and smash here.

I never finnish my opponents off by having Nana use the first smash to dammage and 2nd one to dammage any more since people have been breaking out of my grabs so quickly lately.

Anyways, which finnishers do you use the most?
Also, if I'm at the edge of the stage but there percent is too high to spike, I use upsmash then forward smash.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
I am not that good at chaingrabbing since my timing is off most of the time but what I usually do is grab with nana and then charge up an up smash with popo when the opponent's damage is high enough and then get nana to throw the opponent into my fully charged up smash. If the opponent's damage is around 50%, I try to forward throw to a nana f air to spike and then have nana edge hog.

Dj Chopin

Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
St. Louis, MO
hey KRD, you pry know me better as yourlocalshaman from AIM. anyway, i just wanted to say that i think the nana f-air spike is actually quite viable against olimar. i have played several times against melee1 who has used that move to painfully good effect at the ledge.

i just opened one of the replays. in my first life, melee grabs me, and moves me to the edge with chain grabs. the fair spike happens, and in my frantic attempts to escape his combo, i accidentally input a neutral air, dooming myself to fall. immediately in the next life, i have only pulled 2 pikmin out of the ground before he scares the crap out of me by running in for another grab. he is able to easily gimp my recovery by chasing me to the edge and doing whatever it takes to get a spike or a simple recovery gimp. btw, that recovery gimp is why i no longer use olimar on the ladders : ) so, depending on how many pikmin your opponent has out, you very well may be able to pull off the edge spike. keep in mind pikmin are always getting tossed around wildly, so an olimar with 6 live pikmin may not have any that are useful at the moment.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
If they don't tech, this is my high damage finisher:

Dthrow, fair, ice block reset, charge u/f/dsmash.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2008
The finisher I use the most is F-Throw>U-smash. But everything is always situational.
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