This AMA's subject is a Smashboards regular and a nerd at heart, let's hear it for Nerd Saga Nate!
As always, all site rules are in effect. Please try and limit yourself to one post containing up to three questions until Nerd Saga Nate has answered, then you may ask more. And when asking questions, please keep it civil. Have fun! If you're curious about if you're on the list of future AMAs, refer to
this post over in the Social thread. If you're not and you'd like to be added, please send me a message. Even if you've been a subject in the past, you're free to go again! We'll try to draw one name for an AMA each week, so stay tuned! And if you wanna check out some of the older AMAs, please refer to
this post in the Social Thread
Capybara Gaming
, you ready?
I'll start:
- What would you say was the most hype Smash reveal for you?
- What are your top 3 favorite movies?
- Dragon, Ram Ram, or Megawatt?
1. Well, there's a few I'd have to say. Cloud was definitely the winner for Smash 4's reveals for sheer shock power, Simon and Richter I think still have the hypest trailer, Joker was the coolest trailer and definitely rivals Cloud for shock value, and Banjo-Kazooie finally making their return was definitely the most hype moment of that E3... but I'd have to say the true most hype moment was "Everyone is Here!"
2. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Wreck-It Ralph, and My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising come to mind.
3. Depends on the situation, but I find myself relying on the dragon most in Smash Bros.
1. So how have you been keeping yourself busy during the crisis? Made any new discoveries or interests?
2. Is there any form of media that you feel has had a major impact on your life and shaped you into the person you are today?
3. If you had the opportunity to have all your favorite Pokémon irl with you, not to battle but just to travel around and spend time with, what kind of activities would you do with your Pokémon? Including activities you could only do with those Pokémon. (If you don’t wanna do Pokémon, any fictional characters would work as well)
1. Most of my time has been spent working at my job, but my free time has been spent streaming games on my Switch and PS4. I've picked up a lot of new titles too.
2. Definitely.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic helped me to realize I was an awful person and helped me grow and learn to let others be a part of my life again - eventually introducing me to my best friend/partner (and ideally, my future wife), and
Avatar: The Last Airbender shaped my entire philosophy on life.
3. I'd spend time flying on the back of my Charizard, cuddle with my Stufful, and bounce and play with my Lopunny.
- Favorite Pokemon Gen?
- What are you most looking forward to in the next Nintendo Direct?
- How is life in general right now?
1. Generation 6 I would say I have the fondest memories of just for being my first real introduction into the franchise since Gen 2 back when I was a kid.
2. Definitely a Smash reveal. Potentially a double one? But if we're lucky, I'd like to see more from the
Splatoon IP. A new DK game would be nice as well, as would more info on
Breath of the Wild's sequel. I would say info on
Bayonetta 3, but we all know it's never coming out :'D
3. It's as best as it can be living in a pandemic, though my mother's questionable beliefs regarding the county-mandated masks in public is definitely getting on my nerves. I've been playing through
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix and
Spider-Man PS4 lately.