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Q&A Weekly AMA: Doc Monocle

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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC

Doc Monocle

This AMA's subject is quite the spectacle, Doc Monocle!

As always, all site rules are in effect. Please try and limit yourself to one post containing up to three questions until Doc Monocle has answered, then you may ask more. And when asking questions, please keep it civil. Have fun! If you're curious about if you're on the list of future AMAs, refer to this post over in the Social thread. If you're not and you'd like to be added, please send me a message. Even if you've been a subject in the past, you're free to go again! We'll try to draw one name for an AMA each week, so stay tuned! And if you wanna check out some of the older AMAs, please refer to this post in the Social Thread

Alright, Doc Monocle Doc Monocle , you ready?

I'll start:
  1. What's your prediction for the last character of Fighters Pass Vol 2 and Smash Ultimate in general?
  2. How did you get around to even join Smashboards in the first place?
  3. Waffles or Pancakes?

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
View attachment 324458
Doc Monocle

This AMA's subject is quite the spectacle, Doc Monocle!

As always, all site rules are in effect. Please try and limit yourself to one post containing up to three questions until Doc Monocle has answered, then you may ask more. And when asking questions, please keep it civil. Have fun! If you're curious about if you're on the list of future AMAs, refer to this post over in the Social thread. If you're not and you'd like to be added, please send me a message. Even if you've been a subject in the past, you're free to go again! We'll try to draw one name for an AMA each week, so stay tuned! And if you wanna check out some of the older AMAs, please refer to this post in the Social Thread

Alright, Doc Monocle Doc Monocle , you ready?

I'll start:
  1. What's your prediction for the last character of Fighters Pass Vol 2 and Smash Ultimate in general?
  2. How did you get around to even join Smashboards in the first place?
  3. Waffles or Pancakes?
1. Honestly, I have not kept up very well with the speculation scene, but did think of it in passing. I did not do my homework, really, and did not spend much time with the subject.

Having said that, a serious answer might be a milk shake, a burger, or the accompanying action figure...

but if it is a joke that you seek, then Smash Bros. may just conclude its roster with... a Crash, as this is the final character (I know that is not likely though). I would need time and details that I do not, at the moment have, in order to give a confident answer. It is a question that may be worth looking into later though.

2. Quite simply, I was looking to pass the time. A combination of the following elements led up to it: A. The Corona Virus in 2020, B. I often get more gratification listening to, reading about, imagining, (etc.) content and theory of a game than I do actually playing it (not to say that I do not enjoy playing it). C. (See my response to Yiptap) D. Sometimes it is fun to watch the words and behaviors of others, seeing how they respond to right or wrong; opinionated or dispassionate inputs. E. Having looked for forums that were related, but not Smash Boards, I came across it, and took a glance...

3. Waffles or pancakes?... Both sicken me quickly, and waffles, being as rich as they are, even more so. I think (but am not absolutely sure) that pancakes are an edge above. They are close to equal, I suppose.

What's your favorite video game?
Quite probably Smash Bros., generally speaking. It can be as simple, or as complex to think about; as competitive, or as casual to play as you wish; falls within category of games that strikes a the 'perfect balance' between two well-liked genres-- the fighting game, and the platformer. In particular, I like the depth of the game for its simplicity to play, and its theme around celebrated video game characters, especially when they are from Nintendo, since they are the owner of the series.
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
1. Why do your profile pictures have to do with classy-looking monocle animals?
2. Have you played Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and if not, do you intend on doing so?
3. Outside of video games, what are some of your hobbies?

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
1. Why do your profile pictures have to do with classy-looking monocle animals?
2. Have you played Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and if not, do you intend on doing so?
3. Outside of video games, what are some of your hobbies?
1. It did not begin with it in mind that the animals were "classy." Rather, I wanted an image that suited the name, which came from two things that I know about myself. A. I strongly desire to pursue higher education, and for a long time, was very ambitious about what heights to attain (the deck of cards I have though say to me, "It is unfortunate that you will not be able to do so as early as you hoped... or is it?") but with so many options, particularly in science-related and mathematics-related interests, I settled for the concise beginning "Doc," which was simple and to-the-point. B. Issues of social adjustment (among other things) have ostensibly caused me to see things somewhat askew, as far as can be seen publicly, anyway. Everything else in the images started as a coincidence, and then became a pattern, as I prefer to be consistent.

2. I have not played it, but...

... Do I want to!... I shall probably try it someday, if a future title in the series (should it come) does not take precedence, that is.

3. I spend inordinate amounts of time thinking in quiet. It may not sound like a hobby, but it is very exciting when not preoccupied. I also like writing notes and reading , and have taken to coding not long ago. Scholarship galore!... When I am motivated.


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
1) Favorite game genre(s)?

2) Favorite prehistoric animal(s)?

3) Will you give Wesker an egg? :4pacman:

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
1) Favorite game genre(s)?

2) Favorite prehistoric animal(s)?

3) Will you give Wesker an egg? :4pacman:
1. Fighting and platformer games, I would say, distinguishing them. The former gives you quick action without very tedious gameplay, such as navigating mazes (worse if it is timed). The latter offers great variety, with two-dimensional platformers having simple gameplay, generally speaking, and three-dimensional platformers giving a sense of liberty. Though this last has seen few titles that really impressed me. Then again, I only tried a few. However, I think it is safe to say that two-dimensional platformers win...

The winning combination? Smash Bros. ties the two genres together nicely, and whets my appetite for platform-fighting games, of which Playstation Allstars is an element (Not equally liked though).

2. The two that come to mind as most interesting are the tyrannosaurus and the moa, physically speaking. I would have liked to have seen them (from a safe distance, of course. In fact, why not remotely?)... Oh, yes, I am also very curious about a giant sloth. Overall though, my favorite probably defaults to the infamous tyrannosaurus.

3. Not even to fry.
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Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
4) Favorite Fighting game(s) that isn't Smash?

5) Favorite Platformer(s)?

6) How many times are you willing to kill Ryu Hayabusa? :4pacman:

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
4) Favorite Fighting game(s) that isn't Smash?

5) Favorite Platformer(s)?

6) How many times are you willing to kill Ryu Hayabusa? :4pacman:
4. Probably Tekken. I have tried several fighting games, but that is the only one I remember well (Tekken 6, that is).

5. My favorite platformers likely would be considered Donkey Kong Country 2 and Yoshi's Island.

6. Twice. I did it once... a long time ago, in a Warriors Orochi 3 far, far away... but I would do it again if he appeared in Smash Bros.
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Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
7) Favorite Tekken character(s)?

8) Favorite DKC2 boss(es)?

9) Would you kill Hayabusa with kindness... and bullets? :4pacman:

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
7) Favorite Tekken character(s)?

8) Favorite DKC2 boss(es)?

9) Would you kill Hayabusa with kindness... and bullets? :4pacman:
7. Of those in Tekken 6, in this order (perhaps), I would select:

I. Dragunov- Like most of the characters I favored, Dragunov is fairly easy to play as, boasts a decent defense and offense, and stands out for his possession of a general mid counter, and a low counter. Having a number of good throws helped as well, and his demeanor drew my attention.

II. Miguel- Though I have two characters for power (the other being Brian), having one that smoothly flows from standard attacks into a stance filled with simple follow ups makes for an interesting feature, and he does compete with Dragunov.

III. Brian- I was impressed by the raw power. Seeing the damage output he could offer from single attacks and attack chains was a large part of the appeal.

8. Of course, the Kaptain is one of them. Other than him, I liked Kleaver and Krow, conceptually speaking. (On that note, I wish that Kackle were a boss, but oh, well.)

9. I would kill him via bullets courtesy Masamune Date the first time, and then launch him to a blast zone in Smash Bros., which is a kind thing, because that means I brought him into Smash Bros. to do that.
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Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
10) Favorite film genre(s)?

11) Favorite mineral(s)?

12) Are you Speed Racer's brother Rex Racer? :4pacman:

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
10) Favorite film genre(s)?

11) Favorite mineral(s)?

12) Are you Speed Racer's brother Rex Racer? :4pacman:
10. Unequivocally, science fiction. Though that is only speaking by conventional categorization. I generally like films that are deliberately thought-provoking, which for reasons I could not easily elaborate on, often coincide with science fiction. In the brief, my preference is for philosophically enriched movies.

11. That is a very difficult one to answer... Perhaps silver... I am not sure. I suppose that would depend on what it means to have a favorite mineral or minerals. For the sake of discussion, I would select aluminum (very useful), carbon (synthetically and naturally prominent), gold (appealing and symbolic of permanence), silver (appealing. Otherwise I am not sure why I would like silver so much), silicon (we are here talking, yes?), and copper (useful, and for such a long time. To me, it topically represents history). I have to say that I could not come up with a firm answer easily.

12. I cannot be, as I agree that slow and steady wins the race. Maybe I could be a distant relative constrained by traffic, or perhaps the uncle watching from the stands.


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
13) Favorite science fiction film(s)?

14) Favorite moon in our solar system excluding our own moon?

15) Why are there 6 pedals when there are only 4 directions? :4pacman:

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
13) Favorite science fiction film(s)?

14) Favorite moon in our solar system excluding our own moon?

15) Why are there 6 pedals when there are only 4 directions? :4pacman:
13. I would default to Star Wars (primarily the first six movies). The pantheon that is the "force" was clearly placed in there as a religious reference, which gave a sense of cause, and thus story to the movies. While there are many things that, in retrospect, do not make sense, or that presented an exaggerated, atmosheric contrast at times, I liked the movies for the action, and have a greater apprectiation for them due to the historical impact, originality, and background they have enjoyed.

14. I do not know that much about the many moons, but aesthetically, of the ones I can remember, Calypso stands out.

15. Hmmm... Take a planar slice through the axis of symmetry of each of four pedals. The intersection of these planes form four directions, while the planes themselves contain a slice for each of two chosen of those pedals such that there could exist two more pedals whose axes lie in the same planes as the two chosen pedals.


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
16) Favorite webshow(s)?

17) Which place(s) in the world would you like to visit the most?

18) What would you buy from Waluigi's bridal boutique? :4pacman:

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
16) Favorite webshow(s)?

17) Which place(s) in the world would you like to visit the most?

18) What would you buy from Waluigi's bridal boutique? :4pacman:
16. I do not really know any, much less have a favorite.

17. Good question, it is. Broadly speaking, countries that have been on my mind that I would like to visit are Iceland, Ireland, and Japan, but I must say that I have not been the most eager to travel. I am satisfied with staying in a local area.

18. Time. No doubt, if I tried to escape, he would try to swindle me by selling stolen merchandise. That is how I would imagine it. Though I do not really imagine buying anything from Waluigi, in particular, anyway.


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
19) Favorite Twitch streamer(s)?

20) Favorite arthropod(s)?

21) Are you a Beefuru muncher? :4pacman:

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
19) Favorite Twitch streamer(s)?

20) Favorite arthropod(s)?

21) Are you a Beefuru muncher? :4pacman:
19. In general, I do not stream. There are very few occasions that I do at this point in time.

20. That is a hard question. It is such a broad category containing so many strange creatures. Though for the sake of conversation, I would probably choose scorpions.

21. If only I knew what Beefuru was... I know what to do... I really and truly enjoy uncapitalized beef!


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
22) Favorite YouTuber(s)?

23) Favorite species of scorpion(s)?

24) Ever heard of the Metropolitan Mutant of Ark? :4pacman:

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
22) Favorite YouTuber(s)?

23) Favorite species of scorpion(s)?

24) Ever heard of the Metropolitan Mutant of Ark? :4pacman:
22. I typically do not watch videos, at least not with my current circumstances.

23. I do not know the names of many scorpion varieties, and it would be difficult to pinpoint a favorite, but in terms of appearance, there are definitely some that I like less than others. Generally, that would be those with comparatively large abdomens; brighter, paler colors; shorter, thicker tails; and thicker pincers.

24. No, but I have heard of Metropolitan ice cream, mutant ninja turtles, and Joan of ARC. Perhaps we could solve the problem by combining them into... Never mind. Suffice it to say that I have never heard of it.


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
25) Favorite anime?

26) Worst Smash fighter(s)?

27) Will you let Agent G play his 4@(%!#& music? :4pacman:

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
25) Favorite anime?

26) Worst Smash fighter(s)?

27) Will you let Agent G play his 4@(%!#& music? :4pacman:
25. It has been a very, VERY long time since I have watched any anime, and then I did not watch them much, but I would probably have enjoyed the Kirby and Sonic television shows most. Though I am admittedly not a strong anime fan.

26. Let us see... In Brawl, I tired of Wolf, Link, Toon Link, Pit, Marth, Pikachu, and Zelda very quickly, could have fun with most other characters when in the mood to play as them, could play as King Dedede, Ganondorf, Snake, Samus, and Mario all day, and could not bear playing as the Ice Climbers for long. The answer is probably the Ice Climbers.

27. I do not think so, unless of course the song is a story about how those 'cymbals' came to be.


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019
Final set of questions:

28) Favorite cartoon(s)?

29) Favorite Smash stage(s)?

30) WHAT KILLED THE ICE AGE!?!?!? :4pacman:

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
Final set of questions:

28) Favorite cartoon(s)?

29) Favorite Smash stage(s)?

30) WHAT KILLED THE ICE AGE!?!?!? :4pacman:
Those were all interesting questions. I bid you good day.

28. Hmmm... Though I cannot think of any that I intensely favored I liked the satirical flavor of Charlie Brown. I suppose there are others that were likeable, but cannot think of them right off.

29. Hyrule Castle likely makes the list, though I can see why some competitive scenes ban it, and it did have some annoying features. The Battle Field has a nice sound track, and was a good default when I could think of no other. Smashville and Final Destination were okay, but I think a smaller stage should have at least a few fixed platforms. The answer is probably Hyrule Castle, but the Halberd makes a good second or rival.

30. Global warming... I am sorry. The political and non-political versions of this answer cannot be distinguished :laugh: .
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