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Weavile is a time paradox [OU RMT]


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
True Story, brah

Let's... let's take a trip back to early D/P - a good three years ago - when the metagame wasn't as developed as it is today. BulkyDos and Garchomp made most teams piss themselves with fear while Weavile, one of the premier Swords Dancers, made a most, if not all players pack a bulky Water to dispatch of the many Life Orb Swords Dance variants running around. In time, Stealth Rock became more popular with every team albeit suicide leads weren't as popular back then as they are now. After Garchomp's ban to the Uber tier, the metagame was really able to flourish with the advent of Swords Dance Lucario, Tentacruel, Choice Flygon and other Pokemon that were overshadowed by the omnipresence of the land shark. Weavile's usage began to plummet fast due to Lucario being the choice Swords Dancer for its ability to net many more OHKOs. Stealth Rock also became a prominent threat to Weavile's survivability since it would only be able to switch in a maximum of 5 times without a Rapid Spinner supporting it. Finally, Scizor gained Bullet Punch and ****ed Weavile's usage over sans the random Swords Dance/anti-lead variants. In the current metagame however, Choice Band Weavile is in fact a potent revenge killer thanks to Pursuit and Ice Shard being very effective against the likes of Latias and Salamence. Taking those facts into account, Weavile needs a partner to be effective. Bulky Waters, Magnezone and a few other Pokemon were tested, ultimately bringing me to using Wish Vaporeon for a while; however, I soon dropped Vaporeon due to the lack of power. In better terms, Vaporeon would find herself being worn down easily against Pokemon such as Bulky Swords Dance Scizor, Metagross, Swampert and Gyarados (both Bulky and Offensive variants). I began testing Hydro Pump as opposed to Surf, but the lack in power wasn't noticeable and it was eventually dropped to to its shaky accuracy. This led me to trying out an impractical variant of Vaporeon, one that wouldn't lack in power nor bulk - Life Orb Vaporeon. Testing this variant of Vaporeon was successful, and I quickly began to become more aware of what helped and broke Vaporeon + Weavile.

Toxic Spikes hinders Vaporeon greatly while Stealth Rock screws over Weavile; both Toxic Spikes and Stealth Rock are commonly seen together. With that mind mind, a Rapid Spin user was in order. I could smack a Lum Berry onto any user of Rapid Spin in order to successfully switch in on Toxic Spikes and spin them away... that, or I could use Foretress/Claydol. I then decided to take a trip into the UU tier and found my favorite Spinner of mid-D/P: Hitmontop. Hitmontop is one of the few Rapid Spinners with the ability to find a way around Ghost types (Foretress, Claydol and Sandslash), however, Hitmontop comes with nice defensive typing, a base 120 STAB move to fire off at will and decent stat arrangement. With the correct EVs, Hitmontop would be able to switch in on the various Rotom forms without fear of any of their moves (barring a Choice Specs Thunderbolt from Modest Rotom-a) while still functioning as a decent switch in to Physical attackers not named Metagross. Though Hitmontop's typing didn't do much for the duo, it proved to be an even better Rapid Spin user that those that did - Claydol, Donphan, Tentacruel and Starmie. It should also be noted that Hitmontop is one of the best Tyranitar checks in the game.

Three slots down, three more to go. Thus far, my team couldn't take on powerful Fighting attackers such as Breloom and Machamp out without sacrificing a member of my team. Scizor was also a pain in my side what with U-turn denting just about everything on this team. Rotom-A has the best chance against all of these Pokemon barring Spore and Payback from Breloom and Machamp respectively. In all honesty, I didn't want to use Rotom-H or Rotom-C just because their best sets to use are Choiced sets considering that their signature attacks prevent them from staying in very long. The extra Speed sounded useful at one point, but then I realized that I already had Weavile's already high Speed as well as its priority move, Ice Shard. Rotom-S entered by mind, however, it quickly became discarded from my thoughts after I realized how weak Air Slash is when compared to Rotom-A's other STAB options and how Tyranitar can switch in and essentially force Rotom-S to either take the full brunt of Pursuit and die, or take multiple Pursuits and... die. Rotom-W is worked this slot nicely as my answer to bulky Fighting types as well as Gliscor. Rotom-W also came with the luxury of not getting itself trapped by Choice Band Tyraniar which always something to look up to when using a Pokemon that's so trappable.

Rather than letting Roserade, Breloom and Smeargle leads have their way with my team, I decided on using Lum Berry Metagross as a lead. Not only does this monster get up Stealth Rock roughly 90% of the time, but it serves a decent status absorber later in the game.

So we're coming down to the climax of this team. I have the base of this team (Vaporeon and Weavile), the support to keep the duo and the rest of the team alive (Hitmontop), the utility Physical sponge (Rotom-w) and finally the reliable lead (Metagross). What's left for this team to cover? Swords Dance - Crunch Lucario for starters, 2HKOing and OHKOing just about everything on this team after a boost. What makes an effective check to a powerful threat such as Lucario? A bulky Pokemon that takes at the worst neutral damage from all attacks - this includes STAB attacks hitting a base 160+ base power - or a faster Pokemon that can deliver an OHKO while at the same time taking little to laughable damage from any priority move. In Lucario's case, Zapdos, Heatran, Gyarados, Jirachi, Salamence, Torkoal, Suicune, Gliscor, Choice Scarf Tyranitar, Moltres, Gengar, Magnezone and Uxie can all be considered checks; however, this team has a rough time dealing with Thunder Wave; most of Lucario's checks cannot deal with becoming Paralyzed. With that in mind, I'm down to only a few options: ResTalk Zapdos, Gliscor, Torkoal and ResTalk Gyarados. After showing themselves to be mere setup fodder for powerful sweepers, Zapdos and Gyarados were omitted from testing. This left me with Torkoal and Gliscor for the final slots. Both managed to do well for this team, though in the end I chose Gliscor for its ability to effectively check Lucario and lure Gengar in for Weavile to kill it off.
At a better glance...


Metagross @ Lum Berry ***** Bad Omen
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP/236 Atk/20 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Meteor Mash
- Bullet Punch
- Brick Break
- Stealth Rock
Let's admit it, Lum Berry Metagross is the best lead in OU. Metagross sports fantastic typing alongside excellent defensive and offensive capabilities. Most importantly as a lead, Metagross can learn a plethora of moves that can either cripple the opposing lead or just smash its face in. Metagross' weakness lies in its inability to take on faster (and notably frail) leads that can induce Sleep. The Lum Berry allows Metagross to take on these said leads and win unscathed. Random Burns, Paralysis and Freezes tend to screw Metagross up as well, giving the Lum Berry an even higher use. I decided to play Metagross conservatively since it synergizes very well with this team. Playing Metagross in such a manner would obviously call for Explosion to be dropped for another move. Bullet Punch allows Metagross to finish off Focus Sash users after nailing them in the face with a STAB Meteor Mash. With the rising amount of leads and switch ins to Metagross running Dual Screens, I decided to take an alternative route and run Brick Break as opposed to Earthquake. Earthquake wasn't as useful as I thought it would be - trashing the occasional Magnezone dumb enough to switch in. Beating opposing Metagross leads hasn't come to be very useful since switching to Rotom is normally the best option.

Synergy is a very important part of team building, but it can go much further than one Pokemon covering another Pokemon's type disadvantage. Covering a Pokemon's threats and switch ins effectively is great synergy to work with, it should also be mentioned that type disadvantages are commonly found with a threat to a Pokemon. In this case, Heatran and Rotom-A switch ins threaten Metagross greatly. To remedy this, I have Gliscor, Weavile and Hitmontop to pin Rotom-A down while Vaporeon and Hitmontop can rid the field of Heatran.

Since the "How to handle other leads" section is getting popular with RMTs, I'll make one for Metagross =/:

Azelf: Meteor Mash followed by Bullet Punch as always. In the event of Dual Screen variant, Meteor Mash, Brick Break and Bullet Punch should do the trick.

Metagross: Stealth Rock and switch to Rotom-w

Swampert: Stealth Rock and switch to Hitmontop

Aerodactyl: Meteor Mash + Bullet Punch

Jirachi: Stealth Rock and scout with Brick Break. From there, Rotom-w or Hitmontop can switch in without much trouble.

Infernape: Switch to Vaporeon, Gliscor or Hitmontop.

Roserade: Meteor Mash + Bullet Punch

Heatran: Switch to Vaporeon/Hitmontop

Smeargle: Meteor Mash + Bullet Punch

Hippowdon: Stealth Rock and switch to Hitmontop

Tyranitar: Stealth Rock then Brick Break

Gliscor: Switch to Rotom-w/Vaporeon

Ninjask: Meteor Mash + Bullet Punch/switch Gliscor ad use Taunt

Hitmontop (M) @ Leftovers ***** Wherever I May Roam
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP/96 Def/160 SDef
Careful nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Foresight
- Close Combat
- Rapid Spin
- Toxic
Hitmontop was revealed to me as a Rapid Spinner while I was going through the UU-*** phase - when I thought that using UU Pokemon in OU would make me cool or some **** like that. For those who are actually thinking "OmGz! using OU pokemon show no skill u n00b!", you really need a reality check. The Pokemon from the lower tiers that you use in OU are OU viable. In better terms, it doesn't make you any better than a player that copies a hyper offense team and rises to 8th on the OU leaderboard if you use a team comprised mostly or entirely of... UU/NU Pokemon and raise your CRE to 1400 imo. With that in mind, Hitmontop is still a very effective contender in OU thanks to its ability, type, movepool, stat distribution and Foresight. With Foresight, Hitmontop can safely Rapid Spin against Ghosts. Foresight also keeps Hitmontop from becoming setup fodder for McGar and SubBoost Rotom. Latias switch ins usually screw Hitmontop up; however, after scouting what they can do with Toxic (Hitmontop can take just about anything from Timid Choice Specs Latias), Weavile can switch in and finish the job. SubCM Latias poses an even larger threat, which forces my to send in Rotom after Toxic fails and break its Substitute. From there, I can toss Weavile into the game and hope that is doesn't carry Hidden Power Fire (a +2 Dragon Pulse doesn't KO Weavile without SR damage so Pursuiting Latias is usually the way to go). Breloom and Machamp also pose a threat to Hitmontop, Gliscor and Rotom are pretty effective at keeping these powerhouses at bay. Furthermore, Gyarados can switch in without much trouble an attempt to setup. Vaporeon and Rotom can and preform their task of scaring Gyarados out effectively.

With Intimidate giving Hitmontop a good amount of Physical bulk, I decided to make switching into Special Attackers much less of a hassle. With the given spread, Hitmontop is never 2HKO'd by a Modest Choice Scarf Rotom-a Thunderbolt when factoring in both Stealth Rock and a layer of Spikes, allowing it to either Poison it or Rapid Spin away any entry hazards that hinder Weavile's switch in. Hitmontop also takes Special Attacks from the likes of Latias, Gengar, Celebi (Tinkerbell), and Suicune much better. Once again, Intimidate prevents Pokemon that Hitmontop would be switching in on from doing a substantial amount of damage, so the loss of Defense isn't noticeable at all. Even Scizor isn't doing much with a Banded Bullet Punch after Intimidate.

Weavile (F) @ Choice Band ***** No Love
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Ice Shard
- Pursuit
- Brick Break
- Night Slash
Weavile was my first sweeper in D/P; Weavile was everyone's first sweeper in early D/P. It's almost heartwarming to remember the first time that I tried Weavile as a sweeper (albeit on PBR wifi). Then Lucario brings his stuff to the table with a very effective Swords Dance set, harshly reducing Weavile's already depleting usage and finally, Scizor gains Bullet Punch ****** Weavile at every chance possible.

What the **** is a Scizor anyway? Weavile is one of the most effective revenge killers in the game thanks to the Choice Band bolstering its Attack to 507 off the bat. That, combined with Weavile's STAB attacks, Ice Shard and Pursuit allow Weavile to reliably revenge Salamence, Latias, Gengar, Rotom-A, Dragonite, Starmie, Azelf and Tyranitar without much effort. Brick Break really helps his team out against Dual Screens as the Pokemon that make the attempt of hiding behind them cannot be KOed by normal mean. Low Kick was an option at one time, but it didn't net any notable KOs considering that Heatran would only switch in after Weavile KOed something. Since this team does relatively well against Hippowdon, Night Slash was chosen as the stronger STAB attack in order to prevent Weavile from becoming shorthanded against bulkier Pokemon. With the advent of Outraging Dragons came bulky Steel types in plentiful numbers. Weavile hates Steel types; Vaporeon, Gliscor, Hitmontop, Metagross and Rotom-W love taking on Steel types, hmmm. At any rate, Weavile's true hindrance lies in its inability to switch into the omnipresent Stealth Rock and with Hitmontop, Stealth Rock isn't much of a concern.

On a smaller note, my first [Jolly] Weavile was female.

Vaporeon (F) @ Life Orb ***** Lucretia
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Electric]
- Hydro Pump
- Wish
When taking into account Vaporeon's overall usage, movepool, stat arrangement, typing and ability, it's safe to say that Vaporeon is the best and most popular Eeveelution thus far (I say "thus far" since Gamefreak loves us). In the OU metagame, Vaporeon is a mixed bag of sorts thanks to its assorted but very viable moves. Wish, Protect, Hidden Power Electric, Toxic, Roar, Ice Beam and the increasingly popular Heal Bell all accompany Vaporeon's most reliable STAB, Surf. It's very common, very easy and very dangerous to underestimate Vaporeon strictly off of its moveset only because each combination of moves achieves an entirely different purpose than another combination of moves. Wish, Toxic and Protect for example, give Vaporeon longevity as well as the ability to scout the opposing Pokemon's moveset and wear them down [if possible] with poison while a combination such as Wish, Roar and Heal Bell allow Vaporeon to take on SubPetaya Empoleon without much trouble and support its team very well. Vaporeon also has a knack for appearing on Baton Pass teams as a Substitute and Acid Armor Baton Passer thanks to its amazing bulk and potential Speed boosts that are passed to it. Essentially, Vaporeon will almost always have the element of surprise.

The element of surprise is essential for the set that I'm running, as Vaporeon would not net as many KOs without it. Life Orb Vaporeon - as mentioned earlier - hits very hard while maintaining its ability to sponge hits from the likes of Gyarados and Suicune effectively. The EVs were used to optimize Vaporeon's ability to pull off a late game sweep when it can, tying at worst with max Speed Scizor who tend to get the jump on me with U-turn. Vaporeon hates being revenge killed and powerful Thunderbolts and powerful Physical hits from the likes of Lucario, Gengar, Infernape, Latias, Magnezone, Salamence, Azelf, Rotom-A and Jolteon. Gliscor and Rotom can take on Jolteon, Lucario, Magnezone and Rotom-A without much of a hassle whilst Weavile can pick off Gengar and Latias with Pursuit and if comes down to it, revenge Salamence with Ice Shard. Paralysis support from Rotom-w also prevents Vaporeon from being revenge killed by the mentioned Pokemon barring Jolteon.

If you're still doubting Vaporeon's power, I'll demonstrate the crux of what Vaporeon is going to be KOing and eventually sweeping:

Hydro Pump vs 4/0 Adamant Tyranitar: 97%- 100%
Hydro Pump vs 252/0 Adamant Tyranitar: 82%-97%
Hydro Pump vs 252/252 Calm Heatran: 91.34% - 100%
*Surf from 68 SAtk Vaporeon vs 4/0 Timid Heatran: 70.37% - 83.33%*
Hydro Pump vs 24/0 Adamant Scizor: OHKO
Hydro Pump vs 232/0 Adamant Scizor: 88.69% - 100%
Hydro Pump vs 252/0 Relaxed Swampert: 70.05% - 82.67%
Hydro Pump vs 252/252 Careful Swampert: 47.03% - 55.69%
Hydro Pump vs 252/0 Adamant Machamp: 71.83% - 84.77%
Hydro Pump vs 252 Bold Cresselia: 44.59% - 52.70%
Hydro Pump vs 4/0 Jolly Jirachi: 72.81% - 85.96%
Hydro Pump vs 4/0 Jolly Flygon: 92.17% - 100%
Hydro Pump vs 252/0 Bold Rotom-A: 76.97% - 90.79%
Ice Beam vs 252/0 Bold Celebi: 65.35% - 77.23%
Ice Beam vs 4/0 Kingdra: 53.74% - 63.35%
Ice Beam vs 252/0 Bold Zapdos: 78.85% - 92.95%
Hidden Power Electric vs 4/0 Timid Suicune: 50.29% - 59.65%
Hidden Power Electric vs 252/0 Impish Gyarados: OHKO
*Hidden Power Electric from 68 SAtk Vaporeon vs 4/0 Adamant Gyarados: 71.30% - 84.59%*
Hidden Power Electric vs 12/0 Modest Empoleon: 61.54% - 73.08%
Hidden Power Electric vs 188/0 Bold Vaporeon: 45.09% - 53.12%

Rotom-w @ Leftovers ***** Electric Funeral
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/112 Def/144 Spd
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Hydro Pump
- Will-o-wisp
- Discharge / Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
Rotom-h is usually the primary choice of a Rotom appliance; same defenses, same typing, but it can dispatch of Steel types whom Rotom can switch in in to without much trouble. Who wouldn't want to use it? Rotom-h is often seen running a Choice set due to its signature move, Overheat, forcing it out very often; however, defensive sets running Will-o-Wisp are commonly seen in OU as well. Defensive Rotom-h is also prone to switch often due to its inability to stay in on Pokemon that can easily setup on its 123 Special Attack stat if Rotom decides to use Overheat in order to kill off a Steel type powerhouse or anything that isn't hit harder by a STAB Thunderbolt.

Rotom-W is an excellent staple of a Rain Dance team since it not only gets two base 120 STAB attacks to fire off at will, but it also syncs well together with most of the common Rain Dance sweepers such as Kabutops and Ludicolo. Though as temping as it would seem to run a Rain Dance team, I decided to run Rotom-W as a utility Physical sponge since it's the only Rotom form that is not beaten by Choice Band Tyranitar or Gliscor. It should also be noted that Rotom-W has the most reliable and powerful signature attack that doesn't require it to switch out in order to negate the Special Attack drop, which prevents Pokemon such as Suicune from doing horrible things to it. Speaking of horrible things that Pokemon can do to Rotom-W, Gengar and Latias switch ins as well as Lum Berry sweepers, namely Dragonite and Sub-DD Kingdra give Rotom problems. In order to effectively fend off Kingdra, Hitmontop has to switch in and dent it with Close Combat while Weavile can switch and revenge it or Swampert can just kill it off if it's near or at full health. Gengar and Latias switch ins fall very easily to Weavile's Pursuit and in the latter's case, Hitmontop's Toxic. Weavile can kill any Lum Berry Dragon Dancer weak to Ice Shard.

The given EVs allow Rotom-w to outplace Jolly Tyranitar and burn it before it gets the chance to go for the OHKO with Crunch (though it doesn't OHKO from full health without 30% on Rotom and those numbers are generally easy to achieve) as well as Adamant Breloom in order to hit it with Shadow Ball/Will-o-Wisp before it Spores.

Gliscor (M) @ Leftovers ***** Parasite
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 248 HP/40 Def/220 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Taunt
- U-turn
- Roost
Let's face it, Gliscor is the most reliable and effective check to Lucario in the entire game. Zapdos? No. Heatran? No. Giratina? Hell no. Gliscor's Ground/Flying typing allows for it to switch in on most of what Lucario can dish out pre-Swords Dance as well Stealth Rock without much of a hassle, outplace it, and deliver a fresh OHKO with Earthquake. Keep in mind that Gliscor is only using a single move in order to effectively keep Lucario at bay - it has three other slots that it can use to its and its team's advantage. Taunt is a godsend for Gliscor, allowing it to prevent Pokemon whom are slower than it from setting up on it and attempting a sweep. Taunt also kills over most forms of stall. Gliscor's natural bulk allows it to take quite the beating - unSTABed Ice Beams, [weak] STAB Surfs and Waterfalls, powerful Stone Edges, you name it and Gliscor can take it like a champ - and come out on top with a combination of healing with Roost and attacking with Earthquake. The final moveslot can be an array of moves ranging from Toxic in order to deplete to opposition of its HP to Fire Fang in order to dispatch Scizor from the field. I decided to use U-turn since it works very nicely with Weavile's ability to trap most of Gliscor's common switch ins and Vaporeon's ability to outright wall them. Gengar for example is a common switch in to Gliscor, U-turning away to Weavile prevents it from switch in again; McGar is usually beaten by Vaporeon thanks to the lack of Thunderbolt, however with Thunderbolt, Metagross and Hitmontop are viable switch ins as well. Crocune tends to switch in on Gliscor... a lot. Rotom-w and Vaporeon can try their hand at beating Crocune, but that behemoth normally requires me to sacrifice Rotom in order to give Vaporeon a chance at beating it. With those Pokemon in mind, Kingdra, Vaporeon, Heatran and "Tinkerbell" Celebi are also threats to Gliscor. Metagross, Rotom-w, Vaporeon and Hitmontop can scare these guys out pretty easily.

I hate getting poisoned by other Gliscor before I can use Taunt. With an extra point in Speed, they can go suck on it.

Threat List


* = Checks vary among each moveset
Italics = Threat (can be outplayed however)
Red Italics = Overwhelming (usually requires a sacrifice)
*Scizor: Rotom-w, Vaporeon

Salamence: Rotom-w. Can be revenged by Weavile

*Heatran: Hitmontop, Gliscor, Vaporeon

Gyarados: Rotom-w, Vaporeon

*Rotom-A: Gliscor, Hitmontop, Rotom-w

Latias: Weavile, Metagross

*Tyranitar: Metagross, Hitmontop, Gliscor, Rotom-w

*Metagross: Rotom-w, Gliscor

Lucario: Rotom-w, Gliscor

*Infernape: Vaporeon, Gliscor

*Jirachi: Gliscor, Rotom-w, Metagross

*Gengar: Weavile, Metagross, Hitmontop

*Swampert: Rotom-w, Hitmontop, Vaporeon

*Blissey: Hitmontop, Metagross, Gliscor

Azelf: Weavile, Metagross

*Starmie: Weavile, Vaporeon, Rotom-w

Gliscor: Vaporeon, Gliscor, Rotom-w

Vaporeon: Rotom-w, Hitmontop, Vaporeon

Magnezone: Gliscor, Rotom-w, Metagross, Hitmontop

Zapdos: Rotom-w, Hitmontop, Zapdos

Kingdra: Rotom-w, Hitmontop, Vaporeon, Metagross

Breloom: Gliscor, Rotom-w

*Machamp: Gliscor, Rotom-w, Hitmontop, Metagross

Skarmory: Rotom-w, Gliscor, Vaporeon

*Bronzong: Rotom-w, Gliscor, Vaporeon, Metagross

*Celebi: Metagross, Gliscor, Hitmontop, Vaporeon, Rotom-w, Weavile

*Flygon: Vaporeon, Gliscor, Hitmontop, Rotom-w

*Suicune: Rotom-w, Vaporeon

Empoleon: Vaporeon, Metagross

*Foretress: Rotom-w, Gliscor, Vaporeon, Metagross, Hitmontop

* = Checks will vary with Pokemon choices
Italics = Threat
Red Italics = Overwhelming (really requires me to play carefully)
Bold = Cannot be effectively checked due to common Pokemon choices (usually requires me to do some immense thinking and in most cases, outstall the theme of the team)
Stall Teams: Gliscor, Vaporeon, Rotom-w

*Baton Pass Teams: Gliscor, Vaporeon

*Rain Dance Teams: Vaporeon, Metagross, Weavile

*Hail Teams: Rotom-w, Metagross, Hitmontop, Weavile, Vaporeon

Trick Room Teams: Vaporeon, Weavile, Gliscor, Rotom-w

Sunny Day Teams: Gliscor, Hitmontop, Metagross, Rotom-w


Not much at the moment aside from a few moveset choices that I'll make on my own eventually.

Test logs

The "early" stages of this team, nothing to **** your pants about
Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause, Soul Dew Clause
OxyTesting sent out Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?).
Mr. Grieves sent out Metagross (lvl 100 Metagross).
Metagross used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Swampert used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
OxyTesting switched in Rotom-w (lvl 100 Rotom-w).
Pointed stones dug into Rotom-w.
Rotom-w lost 12% of its health.
Rotom-w makes ground moves miss with Levitate!
Metagross used Earthquake.
Metagross's attack missed!
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Mr. Grieves switched in Latias (lvl 100 Latias ?).
Pointed stones dug into Latias.
Latias lost 12% of its health.
Rotom-w used Will-o-wisp.
Latias was burned!
Latias's leftovers restored its health a little!
Latias restored 6% of its health.
Latias was hurt by its burn!
Latias lost 12% of its health.
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Latias used Calm Mind.
Latias's special attack was raised.
Latias's special defence was raised.
Rotom-w used Shadow Ball.
It's super effective!
Latias lost 37% of its health.
Latias's special defence was lowered.
Latias's leftovers restored its health a little!
Latias restored 6% of its health.
Latias was hurt by its burn!
Latias lost 12% of its health.
Latias used Recover.
Latias restored 50% of its health.
Rotom-w used Shadow Ball.
It's super effective!
Latias lost 54% of its health.
Latias's special defence was lowered.
Latias's leftovers restored its health a little!
Latias restored 6% of its health.
Latias was hurt by its burn!
Latias lost 12% of its health.
OxyTesting: sorry >.>
Latias used Dragon Pulse.
Rotom-w lost 70% of its health.
Rotom-w used Shadow Ball.
It's super effective!
Latias lost 28% of its health.
Mr. Grieves's Latias fainted.
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Mr. Grieves switched in Infernape (lvl 100 Infernape ?).
Pointed stones dug into Infernape.
Infernape lost 12% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).
Hitmontop's intimidate cut Infernape's attack!
Pointed stones dug into Hitmontop.
Hitmontop lost 6% of its health.
Infernape used Flamethrower.
Hitmontop lost 46% of its health.
Infernape lost 10% of its health.
Infernape used Flamethrower.
Hitmontop lost 48% of its health.
OxyTesting's Hitmontop fainted.
Infernape lost 10% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Vaporeon (lvl 100 Vaporeon ?).
Pointed stones dug into Vaporeon.
Vaporeon lost 12% of its health.
Mr. Grieves switched in Gyarados (lvl 100 Gyarados ?).
Gyarados's intimidate cut Vaporeon's attack!
Pointed stones dug into Gyarados.
Gyarados lost 25% of its health.
Vaporeon used Wish.
Vaporeon made a wish!
Gyarados used Dragon Dance.
Gyarados's attack was raised.
Gyarados's speed was raised.
Vaporeon used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Gyarados lost 75% of its health.
Mr. Grieves's Gyarados fainted.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
The wish came true!
Vaporeon restored 22% of its health.
Mr. Grieves switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ?).
Pointed stones dug into Scizor.
Scizor lost 12% of its health.
Vaporeon used Hydro Pump.
Scizor lost 88% of its health.
Mr. Grieves's Scizor fainted.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
Mr. Grieves switched in Metagross (lvl 100 Metagross).
Pointed stones dug into Metagross.
Metagross lost 6% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Rotom-w (lvl 100 Rotom-w).
Pointed stones dug into Rotom-w.
Rotom-w lost 12% of its health.
Rotom-w makes ground moves miss with Levitate!
Metagross used Earthquake.
Metagross's attack missed!
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Metagross used Bullet Punch.
It's not very effective...
Rotom-w lost 10% of its health.
Rotom-w used Thunderbolt.
Metagross lost 37% of its health.
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Mr. Grieves switched in Infernape (lvl 100 Infernape ?).
Pointed stones dug into Infernape.
Infernape lost 12% of its health.
Rotom-w used Hydro Pump.
It's super effective!
Infernape lost 56% of its health.
Mr. Grieves's Infernape fainted.
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Mr. Grieves switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Pointed stones dug into Skarmory.
Skarmory lost 12% of its health.
Rotom-w used Thunderbolt.
It's super effective!
Skarmory lost 88% of its health.
Mr. Grieves's Skarmory fainted.
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Mr. Grieves switched in Metagross (lvl 100 Metagross).
Pointed stones dug into Metagross.
Metagross lost 6% of its health.
Metagross used Bullet Punch.
It's not very effective...
Rotom-w lost 11% of its health.
Rotom-w used Will-o-wisp.
Metagross was burned!
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Metagross was hurt by its burn!
Metagross lost 12% of its health.
Metagross used Bullet Punch.
It's not very effective...
Rotom-w lost 5% of its health.
Rotom-w used Thunderbolt.
Metagross lost 35% of its health.
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Metagross was hurt by its burn!
Metagross lost 3% of its health.
Mr. Grieves's Metagross fainted.
OxyTesting wins!
Mr. Grieves has left the room.
Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause, Soul Dew Clause
OxyTesting sent out Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?).
campisi sent out Aerodactyl (lvl 100 Aerodactyl ?).
Aerodactyl is exerting its pressure!
Aerodactyl used Taunt.
Swampert fell for the taunt!
Swampert used Surf.
It's super effective!
Aerodactyl lost 65% of its health.
Aerodactyl used Roost.
Aerodactyl restored 50% of its health.
Swampert used Surf.
It's super effective!
Aerodactyl lost 70% of its health.
Aerodactyl used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Swampert used Surf.
It's super effective!
Aerodactyl lost 15% of its health.
campisi's Aerodactyl fainted.
campisi switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Skarmory used Spikes.
Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
Swampert used Surf.
Skarmory lost 29% of its health.
Skarmory used Spikes.
Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
Swampert used Surf.
Skarmory lost 29% of its health.
Swampert's taunt wore off!
Skarmory used Taunt.
Swampert fell for the taunt!
Swampert used Earthquake.
It doesn't affect Skarmory...
Skarmory used Roost.
Skarmory restored 50% of its health.
Swampert used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Skarmory lost 60% of its health.
Skarmory used Spikes.
Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
Swampert used Surf.
Skarmory lost 27% of its health.
Swampert used Earthquake.
It doesn't affect Skarmory...
Skarmory used Whirlwind.
OxyTesting switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).
Hitmontop's intimidate cut Skarmory's attack!
Pointed stones dug into Hitmontop.
Hitmontop lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop was hurt by Spikes!
Hitmontop lost 25% of its health.
Skarmory used Roost.
Skarmory restored 50% of its health.
Hitmontop used Rapid Spin.
Hitmontop blew away the pointed stones!
Hitmontop blew away the spikes!
It's not very effective...
Skarmory lost 2% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).
Skarmory used Roost.
Skarmory restored 47% of its health.
campisi switched in Mamoswine (lvl 100 Mamoswine ?).
Gliscor used Taunt.
Mamoswine fell for the taunt!
OxyTesting switched in Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?).
Mamoswine used Ice Shard.
Swampert lost 18% of its health.
Mamoswine lost 10% of its health.
Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
Swampert restored 6% of its health.
campisi switched in Dusknoir (lvl 100 Dusknoir ?).
Dusknoir is exerting its pressure!
Swampert used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
Swampert restored 6% of its health.
Swampert used Surf.
Dusknoir lost 26% of its health.
Dusknoir used Will-o-wisp.
Swampert was burned!
Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
Swampert restored 5% of its health.
Swampert was hurt by its burn!
Swampert lost 12% of its health.
Dusknoir's leftovers restored its health a little!
Dusknoir restored 6% of its health.
Swampert used Surf.
Dusknoir lost 26% of its health.
Dusknoir used Pain Split.
Dusknoir restored 33% of its health.
Swampert lost 24% of its health.
Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
Swampert restored 6% of its health.
Swampert was hurt by its burn!
Swampert lost 12% of its health.
Dusknoir's leftovers restored its health a little!
Dusknoir restored 6% of its health.
Swampert used Surf.
Dusknoir lost 26% of its health.
Dusknoir used Night Shade.
Swampert lost 25% of its health.
Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
Swampert restored 6% of its health.
Swampert was hurt by its burn!
Swampert lost 12% of its health.
Dusknoir's leftovers restored its health a little!
Dusknoir restored 6% of its health.
Swampert used Surf.
Dusknoir lost 37% of its health.
Dusknoir used Night Shade.
Swampert lost 25% of its health.
Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
Swampert restored 6% of its health.
Swampert was hurt by its burn!
Swampert lost 8% of its health.
OxyTesting's Swampert fainted.
Dusknoir's leftovers restored its health a little!
Dusknoir restored 6% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Weavile (lvl 100 Weavile ?).
Weavile is exerting its pressure!
Weavile used Night Slash.
It's super effective!
Dusknoir lost 43% of its health.
campisi's Dusknoir fainted.
campisi switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Pointed stones dug into Skarmory.
Skarmory lost 12% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Vaporeon (lvl 100 Vaporeon ?).
Skarmory used Spikes.
Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
Vaporeon used Hydro Pump.
Skarmory lost 73% of its health.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
Skarmory used Taunt.
Vaporeon fell for the taunt!
campisi switched in Blissey (lvl 100 Blissey ?).
Pointed stones dug into Blissey.
Blissey lost 12% of its health.
Vaporeon used Hydro Pump.
Blissey lost 26% of its health.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Blissey restored 6% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).
Hitmontop's intimidate cut Blissey's attack!
Hitmontop was hurt by Spikes!
Hitmontop lost 12% of its health.
Blissey used Wish.
Blissey made a wish!
Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Blissey restored 6% of its health.
Blissey used Protect.
Blissey protected itself!
Hitmontop used Close Combat.
Blissey protected itself!
The wish came true!
Blissey restored 26% of its health.
campisi switched in Starmie (lvl 100 Starmie).
Pointed stones dug into Starmie.
Starmie lost 12% of its health.
Hitmontop used Close Combat.
It's not very effective...
Starmie lost 30% of its health.
Hitmontop's defence was lowered.
Hitmontop's special defence was lowered.
OxyTesting switched in Weavile (lvl 100 Weavile ?).
Weavile is exerting its pressure!
Weavile was hurt by Spikes!
Weavile lost 12% of its health.
Starmie used Gravity.
Gravity intensified!
Weavile used Pursuit.
It's super effective!
Starmie lost 58% of its health.
campisi's Starmie fainted.
campisi switched in Mamoswine (lvl 100 Mamoswine ?).
Pointed stones dug into Mamoswine.
Mamoswine lost 12% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Rotom-w (lvl 100 Rotom-w).
Rotom-w was hurt by Spikes!
Rotom-w lost 12% of its health.
Mamoswine used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Rotom-w lost 87% of its health.
OxyTesting's Rotom-w fainted.
Mamoswine lost 10% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).
Hitmontop's intimidate cut Mamoswine's attack!
Hitmontop was hurt by Spikes!
Hitmontop lost 12% of its health.
Mamoswine used Earthquake.
Hitmontop lost 44% of its health.
OxyTesting's Hitmontop fainted.
Mamoswine lost 10% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Weavile (lvl 100 Weavile ?).
Weavile is exerting its pressure!
Weavile was hurt by Spikes!
Weavile lost 12% of its health.
Weavile used Brick Break.
It's super effective!
Mamoswine lost 58% of its health.
campisi's Mamoswine fainted.
Gravity returned to normal!
campisi switched in Skarmory (lvl 100 Skarmory ?).
Pointed stones dug into Skarmory.
Skarmory lost 12% of its health.
Weavile used Brick Break.
A critical hit!
Skarmory lost 3% of its health.
campisi's Skarmory fainted.
campisi switched in Blissey (lvl 100 Blissey ?).
Pointed stones dug into Blissey.
Blissey lost 12% of its health.
campisi: gg
OxyTesting: gg
OxyTesting switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).
Blissey used Counter.
But it failed!
Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Blissey restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor used Taunt.
Blissey fell for the taunt!
Blissey used Counter.
But it failed!
Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Blissey restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor used Toxic.
Blissey was badly poisoned!
Blissey used Counter.
But it failed!
Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Blissey restored 0% of its health.
Blissey is hurt by poison!
Blissey lost 6% of its health.
Gliscor used Toxic.
But it failed!
Blissey used Counter.
But it failed!
Blissey's taunt wore off!
Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Blissey restored 6% of its health.
Blissey is hurt by poison!
Blissey lost 12% of its health.
Gliscor used Taunt.
Blissey fell for the taunt!
Blissey used Counter.
But it failed!
Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Blissey restored 6% of its health.
Blissey is hurt by poison!
Blissey lost 18% of its health.
Gliscor used Taunt.
But it failed!
Blissey used Counter.
But it failed!
Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Blissey restored 6% of its health.
Blissey is hurt by poison!
Blissey lost 24% of its health.
Gliscor used Taunt.
But it failed!
Blissey used Counter.
But it failed!
Blissey's leftovers restored its health a little!
Blissey restored 6% of its health.
Blissey is hurt by poison!
Blissey lost 31% of its health.
Gliscor used Earthquake.
A critical hit!
Blissey lost 33% of its health.
campisi's Blissey fainted.
OxyTesting wins!
Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause, Soul Dew Clause
OxyTesting sent out Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?).
november1093 sent out Quagmire (lvl 100 Infernape ?).
Quagmire used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Swampert used Surf.
It's super effective!
Quagmire lost 93% of its health.
november1093 switched in Matilda (lvl 100 Jumpluff ?).
Swampert used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
OxyTesting switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).
Hitmontop's intimidate cut Matilda's attack!
Pointed stones dug into Hitmontop.
Hitmontop lost 6% of its health.
Matilda used Encore.
But it failed!
Matilda used Substitute.
Matilda lost 25% of its health.
Matilda made a substitute!
Hitmontop used Rapid Spin.
Hitmontop blew away the pointed stones!
The substitute took damage for Matilda!
Matilda's leftovers restored its health a little!
Matilda restored 6% of its health.
Matilda used Leech Seed.
Hitmontop was seeded!
Hitmontop used Close Combat.
It's not very effective...
The substitute took damage for Matilda!
Matilda's substitute faded!
Hitmontop's defence was lowered.
Hitmontop's special defence was lowered.
Matilda's leftovers restored its health a little!
Matilda restored 6% of its health.
Hitmontop's health was sapped by leech seed!
Hitmontop lost 12% of its health.
Matilda regained health!
Matilda restored 12% of its health.
Matilda used Substitute.
Matilda lost 25% of its health.
Matilda made a substitute!
Hitmontop used Toxic.
Hitmontop's attack missed!
Matilda's leftovers restored its health a little!
Matilda restored 6% of its health.
Hitmontop's health was sapped by leech seed!
Hitmontop lost 12% of its health.
Matilda regained health!
Matilda restored 13% of its health.
Matilda used Encore.
Hitmontop got an encore!
Hitmontop used Toxic.
But it failed!
Matilda's leftovers restored its health a little!
Matilda restored 5% of its health.
Hitmontop's health was sapped by leech seed!
Hitmontop lost 12% of its health.
Matilda regained health!
Encore prohibits the use of this move.
Matilda used Leech Seed.
But it failed!
Hitmontop used Toxic.
But it failed!
Hitmontop's health was sapped by leech seed!
Hitmontop lost 12% of its health.
Matilda regained health!
OxyTesting switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).
Matilda used Leech Seed.
Gliscor was seeded!
Gliscor's health was sapped by leech seed!
Gliscor lost 12% of its health.
Matilda regained health!
Matilda used Sleep Powder.
Matilda's attack missed!
Gliscor used Taunt.
Matilda fell for the taunt!
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor's health was sapped by leech seed!
Gliscor lost 12% of its health.
Matilda regained health!
OxyTesting switched in Rotom-w (lvl 100 Rotom-w).
november1093 switched in Quagmire (lvl 100 Infernape ?).
Pointed stones dug into Quagmire.
Quagmire lost 7% of its health.
november1093's Quagmire fainted.
november1093 switched in Matilda (lvl 100 Jumpluff ?).
Pointed stones dug into Matilda.
Matilda lost 25% of its health.
Matilda used Sleep Powder.
Rotom-w fell asleep!
Rotom-w is fast asleep!
Matilda's leftovers restored its health a little!
Matilda restored 6% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).
Matilda used Leech Seed.
Gliscor was seeded!
Matilda's leftovers restored its health a little!
Matilda restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor's health was sapped by leech seed!
Gliscor lost 12% of its health.
Matilda regained health!
Matilda restored 12% of its health.
november1093 switched in Steve (lvl 100 Metagross).
Pointed stones dug into Steve.
Steve lost 6% of its health.
Gliscor used Taunt.
Steve fell for the taunt!
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor's health was sapped by leech seed!
Gliscor lost 12% of its health.
Steve regained health!
Steve restored 6% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?).
Steve used Explosion.
Swampert lost 100% of its health.
OxyTesting's Swampert fainted.
november1093's Steve fainted.
OxyTesting switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).
november1093 switched in Fish of DOOOM (lvl 100 Relicanth ?).
Pointed stones dug into Fish of DOOOM.
Fish of DOOOM lost 12% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).
Hitmontop's intimidate cut Fish of DOOOM's attack!
Fish of DOOOM used Head Smash.
Fish of DOOOM's attack missed!
november1093 switched in AnOwnInDMinor (lvl 100 Dragonite ?).
Pointed stones dug into AnOwnInDMinor.
AnOwnInDMinor lost 25% of its health.
Hitmontop used Close Combat.
It's not very effective...
AnOwnInDMinor lost 20% of its health.
Hitmontop's defence was lowered.
Hitmontop's special defence was lowered.
AnOwnInDMinor's leftovers restored its health a little!
AnOwnInDMinor restored 6% of its health.
AnOwnInDMinor used Dragon Dance.
AnOwnInDMinor's attack was raised.
AnOwnInDMinor's speed was raised.
Hitmontop used Toxic.
AnOwnInDMinor was badly poisoned!
AnOwnInDMinor's leftovers restored its health a little!
AnOwnInDMinor restored 6% of its health.
AnOwnInDMinor is hurt by poison!
AnOwnInDMinor lost 6% of its health.
AnOwnInDMinor used Dragon Claw.
Hitmontop lost 44% of its health.
OxyTesting's Hitmontop fainted.
AnOwnInDMinor's leftovers restored its health a little!
AnOwnInDMinor restored 6% of its health.
AnOwnInDMinor is hurt by poison!
AnOwnInDMinor lost 12% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Weavile (lvl 100 Weavile ?).
Weavile is exerting its pressure!
november1093 switched in Fish of DOOOM (lvl 100 Relicanth ?).
Pointed stones dug into Fish of DOOOM.
Fish of DOOOM lost 12% of its health.
Weavile used Ice Shard.
It's not very effective...
Fish of DOOOM lost 10% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Vaporeon (lvl 100 Vaporeon ?).
Fish of DOOOM used Waterfall.
november1093 switched in Angela (lvl 100 Togekiss ?).
Pointed stones dug into Angela.
Angela lost 25% of its health.
Vaporeon used Ice Beam.
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Angela lost 75% of its health.
november1093's Angela fainted.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
november1093 switched in Fish of DOOOM (lvl 100 Relicanth ?).
Pointed stones dug into Fish of DOOOM.
Fish of DOOOM lost 12% of its health.
Vaporeon used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Fish of DOOOM lost 53% of its health.
november1093's Fish of DOOOM fainted.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
november1093 switched in Matilda (lvl 100 Jumpluff ?).
Pointed stones dug into Matilda.
Matilda lost 25% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Weavile (lvl 100 Weavile ?).
Weavile is exerting its pressure!
Matilda used Encore.
But it failed!
Matilda's leftovers restored its health a little!
Matilda restored 6% of its health.
Weavile used Ice Shard.
It's super effective!
Matilda lost 81% of its health.
november1093's Matilda fainted.
november1093 switched in AnOwnInDMinor (lvl 100 Dragonite ?).
Pointed stones dug into AnOwnInDMinor.
AnOwnInDMinor lost 25% of its health.
Weavile used Ice Shard.
It's super effective!
AnOwnInDMinor lost 30% of its health.
november1093's AnOwnInDMinor fainted.
OxyTesting wins!
Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause, Soul Dew Clause
9Kplus1 sent out Metagross (lvl 100 Metagross).
Inept sent out Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ?).
9Kplus1: gl
Inept: hf
9Kplus1 switched in Zapdos (lvl 100 Zapdos).
Zapdos is exerting its pressure!
Inept switched in Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?).
9Kplus1 switched in Metagross (lvl 100 Metagross).
Swampert used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Metagross used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Swampert used Roar.
9Kplus1 switched in Vaporeon (lvl 100 Vaporeon ?).
Pointed stones dug into Vaporeon.
Vaporeon lost 12% of its health.
Vaporeon used Hydro Pump.
Swampert lost 68% of its health.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
Swampert used Roar.
9Kplus1 switched in Metagross (lvl 100 Metagross).
Pointed stones dug into Metagross.
Metagross lost 6% of its health.
Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
Swampert restored 6% of its health.
Inept switched in Forretress (lvl 100 Forretress ?).
Pointed stones dug into Forretress.
Forretress lost 12% of its health.
Metagross used Meteor Mash.
It's not very effective...
Forretress lost 17% of its health.
Forretress's leftovers restored its health a little!
Forretress restored 6% of its health.
9Kplus1 switched in Rotom-w (lvl 100 Rotom-w).
Pointed stones dug into Rotom-w.
Rotom-w lost 12% of its health.
Forretress used Spikes.
Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Forretress's leftovers restored its health a little!
Forretress restored 6% of its health.
Rotom-w used Thunderbolt.
Forretress lost 49% of its health.
Forretress used Spikes.
Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Forretress's leftovers restored its health a little!
Forretress restored 6% of its health.
9Kplus1 switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).
Hitmontop's Intimidate cut Forretress's attack!
Pointed stones dug into Hitmontop.
Hitmontop lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop was hurt by Spikes!
Hitmontop lost 19% of its health.
Inept switched in Latias (lvl 100 Latias ?).
Pointed stones dug into Latias.
Latias lost 12% of its health.
Latias's leftovers restored its health a little!
Latias restored 6% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
Latias used Draco Meteor.
Hitmontop lost 42% of its health.
Latias's special attack was harshly lowered.
Hitmontop used Rapid Spin.
Hitmontop blew away the pointed stones!
Hitmontop blew away the spikes!
A critical hit!
Latias lost 11% of its health.
Latias's leftovers restored its health a little!
Latias restored 6% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
Latias used Calm Mind.
Latias's special attack was raised.
Latias's special defence was raised.
Hitmontop used Toxic.
Latias was badly poisoned!
Latias's leftovers restored its health a little!
Latias restored 6% of its health.
Latias is hurt by poison!
Latias lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
9Kplus1 switched in Weavile (lvl 100 Weavile ?).
Weavile is exerting its pressure!
Inept switched in Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?).
Pointed stones dug into Swampert.
Swampert lost 6% of its health.
Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
Swampert restored 6% of its health.
9Kplus1 switched in Zapdos (lvl 100 Zapdos).
Zapdos is exerting its pressure!
Swampert used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
Swampert restored 6% of its health.
Zapdos used Heat Wave.
It's not very effective...
Swampert lost 14% of its health.
Swampert used Ice Punch.
It's super effective!
Zapdos lost 34% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
Swampert restored 6% of its health.
Zapdos used Substitute.
Zapdos lost 25% of its health.
Zapdos made a substitute!
Swampert used Roar.
9Kplus1 switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).
Hitmontop's Intimidate cut Swampert's attack!
Pointed stones dug into Hitmontop.
Hitmontop lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
Swampert restored 6% of its health.
Hitmontop used Toxic.
Swampert was badly poisoned!
Swampert used Ice Punch.
Hitmontop lost 13% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
Swampert restored 6% of its health.
Swampert is hurt by poison!
Swampert lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop used Rapid Spin.
Hitmontop blew away the pointed stones!
A critical hit!
Swampert lost 6% of its health.
Swampert used Waterfall.
Hitmontop lost 22% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
Swampert restored 6% of its health.
Swampert is hurt by poison!
Swampert lost 12% of its health.
Inept switched in Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ?).
Pointed stones dug into Heatran.
Heatran lost 12% of its health.
Hitmontop used Close Combat.
It's super effective!
Heatran lost 85% of its health.
Hitmontop's defence was lowered.
Hitmontop's special defence was lowered.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
9Kplus1 switched in Vaporeon (lvl 100 Vaporeon ?).
Heatran used Overheat.
It's not very effective...
Vaporeon lost 33% of its health.
Heatran's special attack was harshly lowered.
Inept switched in Swampert (lvl 100 Swampert ?).
Pointed stones dug into Swampert.
Swampert lost 6% of its health.
Vaporeon used Wish.
Vaporeon made a wish!
Swampert's leftovers restored its health a little!
Swampert restored 6% of its health.
Swampert is hurt by poison!
Swampert lost 6% of its health.
Vaporeon used Ice Beam.
Swampert lost 25% of its health.
Inept's Swampert fainted.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
The wish came true!
Vaporeon restored 50% of its health.
Inept switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ?).
Pointed stones dug into Scizor.
Scizor lost 12% of its health.
Vaporeon used Hydro Pump.
Scizor lost 88% of its health.
Inept's Scizor fainted.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
Inept switched in Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
A sandstorm brewed!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar.
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.
9Kplus1 switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).
Hitmontop's Intimidate cut Tyranitar's attack!
Tyranitar used Dragon Dance.
Tyranitar's attack was raised.
Tyranitar's speed was raised.
The sandstorm rages.
Hitmontop is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Hitmontop lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
Tyranitar used Stone Edge.
It's not very effective...
Hitmontop lost 31% of its health.
Hitmontop used Close Combat.
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 88% of its health.
Inept's Tyranitar fainted.
Hitmontop's defence was lowered.
Hitmontop's special defence was lowered.
The sandstorm rages.
Hitmontop is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Hitmontop lost 4% of its health.
9Kplus1's Hitmontop fainted.
9Kplus1 switched in Rotom-w (lvl 100 Rotom-w).
Inept switched in Forretress (lvl 100 Forretress ?).
Pointed stones dug into Forretress.
Forretress lost 12% of its health.
Rotom-w used Shadow Ball.
It's not very effective...
Forretress lost 21% of its health.
Forretress used Spikes.
Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!
The sandstorm rages.
Rotom-w is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Rotom-w lost 6% of its health.
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Forretress's leftovers restored its health a little!
Forretress restored 6% of its health.
Rotom-w used Shadow Ball.
It's not very effective...
Forretress lost 13% of its health.
Inept's Forretress fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
Rotom-w is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Rotom-w lost 6% of its health.
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Inept has left the room.
9Kplus1 wins!
Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause, Soul Dew Clause
jh123 sent out Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ?).
OxyTesting sent out Metagross (lvl 100 Metagross).
OxyTesting switched in Zapdos (lvl 100 Zapdos).
Zapdos is exerting its pressure!
Heatran used Fire Blast.
Zapdos lost 65% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Zapdos used Substitute.
Zapdos lost 25% of its health.
Zapdos made a substitute!
Heatran used Fire Blast.
Heatran's attack missed!
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Zapdos used Roost.
Zapdos restored 50% of its health.
Heatran used Fire Blast.
The substitute took damage for Zapdos!
Zapdos's substitute faded!
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Zapdos used Substitute.
Zapdos lost 25% of its health.
Zapdos made a substitute!
Heatran used Fire Blast.
The substitute took damage for Zapdos!
Zapdos's substitute faded!
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Zapdos used Discharge.
Heatran lost 35% of its health.
Heatran used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
jh123 switched in Latias (lvl 100 Latias ?).
Zapdos used Substitute.
Zapdos lost 25% of its health.
Zapdos made a substitute!
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Latias used Surf.
The substitute took damage for Zapdos!
Zapdos's substitute faded!
Zapdos used Roost.
Zapdos restored 50% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 3% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).
Hitmontop's Intimidate cut Latias's attack!
Pointed stones dug into Hitmontop.
Hitmontop lost 6% of its health.
Latias used Surf.
Hitmontop lost 23% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
jh123 switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).
Hitmontop used Rapid Spin.
Hitmontop blew away the pointed stones!
Gliscor lost 3% of its health.
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 3% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Vaporeon (lvl 100 Vaporeon ?).
Gliscor used Earthquake.
Vaporeon lost 44% of its health.
jh123 switched in Celebi (lvl 100 Celebi).
OxyTesting switched in Rotom-w (lvl 100 Rotom-w).
OxyTesting switched in Metagross (lvl 100 Metagross).
Celebi used Thunder Wave.
Metagross is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
Metagross's Lum Berry cured its Paralysis!
jh123 switched in Heatran (lvl 100 Heatran ?).
Metagross used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Heatran used Earth Power.
It's super effective!
Metagross lost 67% of its health.
Metagross used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Heatran lost 65% of its health.
jh123's Heatran fainted.
The Shuca Berry weakened Earthquake's power!
jh123 switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).
Pointed stones dug into Gliscor.
Gliscor lost 12% of its health.
Gliscor used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Metagross lost 33% of its health.
OxyTesting's Metagross fainted.
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 6% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Vaporeon (lvl 100 Vaporeon ?).
jh123 switched in Celebi (lvl 100 Celebi).
Pointed stones dug into Celebi.
Celebi lost 12% of its health.
Vaporeon used Ice Beam.
It's super effective!
Celebi lost 72% of its health.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
Celebi's leftovers restored its health a little!
Celebi restored 6% of its health.
jh123 switched in Vaporeon (lvl 100 Vaporeon ?).
Pointed stones dug into Vaporeon.
Vaporeon lost 12% of its health.
Vaporeon used Wish.
Vaporeon made a wish!
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Vaporeon lost 48% of its health.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
Vaporeon used Wish.
Vaporeon made a wish!
The wish came true!
Vaporeon restored 50% of its health.
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon used Wish.
Vaporeon made a wish!
Vaporeon used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Vaporeon lost 31% of its health.
The wish came true!
Vaporeon restored 48% of its health.
Vaporeon used Ice Beam.
It's not very effective...
Vaporeon lost 16% of its health.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
Vaporeon used Wish.
Vaporeon made a wish!
The wish came true!
Vaporeon restored 50% of its health.
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon used Wish.
Vaporeon made a wish!
Vaporeon used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Vaporeon lost 29% of its health.
The wish came true!
Vaporeon restored 9% of its health.
Vaporeon used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Vaporeon lost 52% of its health.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
Vaporeon used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Vaporeon lost 32% of its health.
The wish came true!
Vaporeon restored 50% of its health.
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Vaporeon lost 53% of its health.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
Vaporeon used Wish.
Vaporeon made a wish!
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon used Protect.
Vaporeon protected itself!
Vaporeon used Ice Beam.
Vaporeon protected itself!
The wish came true!
Vaporeon restored 50% of its health.
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon used Wish.
Vaporeon made a wish!
Vaporeon used Wish.
Vaporeon made a wish!
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
jh123 switched in Latias (lvl 100 Latias ?).
Pointed stones dug into Latias.
Latias lost 12% of its health.
Vaporeon used Ice Beam.
It's super effective!
Latias lost 72% of its health.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
The wish came true!
Vaporeon restored 44% of its health.
The wish came true!
Latias restored 50% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).
Hitmontop's Intimidate cut Latias's attack!
Latias used Thunderbolt.
Hitmontop lost 23% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
jh123 switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).
Pointed stones dug into Gliscor.
Gliscor lost 12% of its health.
Hitmontop used Toxic.
Gliscor was badly poisoned!
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor is hurt by poison!
Gliscor lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor used U-turn.
It's not very effective...
Hitmontop lost 9% of its health.
jh123 switched in Vaporeon (lvl 100 Vaporeon ?).
Pointed stones dug into Vaporeon.
Vaporeon lost 12% of its health.
Hitmontop used Toxic.
Vaporeon was badly poisoned!
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon is hurt by poison!
Vaporeon lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Rotom-w (lvl 100 Rotom-w).
Vaporeon used Wish.
Vaporeon made a wish!
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon is hurt by poison!
Vaporeon lost 12% of its health.
jh123 switched in Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
A sandstorm brewed!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar.
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.
Rotom-w used Shadow Ball.
It's not very effective...
Tyranitar lost 7% of its health.
The wish came true!
Tyranitar restored 19% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Rotom-w is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Rotom-w lost 6% of its health.
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Rotom-w used Will-o-wisp.
Tyranitar was burned!
Tyranitar used Pursuit.
It's super effective!
Rotom-w lost 28% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Rotom-w is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Rotom-w lost 6% of its health.
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Tyranitar was hurt by its burn!
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.
jh123 switched in Latias (lvl 100 Latias ?).
Pointed stones dug into Latias.
Latias lost 12% of its health.
Rotom-w used Hydro Pump.
Rotom-w's attack missed!
The sandstorm rages.
Latias is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Latias lost 6% of its health.
Rotom-w is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Rotom-w lost 6% of its health.
Rotom-w's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rotom-w restored 6% of its health.
Latias used Draco Meteor.
Rotom-w lost 66% of its health.
Latias's special attack was harshly lowered.
Rotom-w used Shadow Ball.
It's super effective!
Latias lost 48% of its health.
jh123's Latias fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
Rotom-w is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Rotom-w lost 6% of its health.
OxyTesting's Rotom-w fainted.
jh123 switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).
OxyTesting switched in Zapdos (lvl 100 Zapdos).
Pointed stones dug into Gliscor.
Gliscor lost 12% of its health.
Zapdos is exerting its pressure!
jh123 switched in Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar.
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.
Zapdos used Substitute.
Zapdos lost 25% of its health.
Zapdos made a substitute!
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Tyranitar was hurt by its burn!
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.
Zapdos used Roost.
Zapdos restored 25% of its health.
Tyranitar used Stone Edge.
The substitute took damage for Zapdos!
Zapdos's substitute faded!
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Tyranitar was hurt by its burn!
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.
jh123 switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).
Pointed stones dug into Gliscor.
Gliscor lost 12% of its health.
Zapdos used Substitute.
Zapdos lost 25% of its health.
Zapdos made a substitute!
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor is hurt by poison!
Gliscor lost 6% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor used Roost.
Gliscor restored 44% of its health.
Zapdos used Heat Wave.
Gliscor lost 36% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor is hurt by poison!
Gliscor lost 12% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor used Taunt.
Zapdos fell for the taunt!
Zapdos used Heat Wave.
Zapdos's attack missed!
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor is hurt by poison!
Gliscor lost 19% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor used Roost.
Gliscor restored 50% of its health.
Zapdos used Heat Wave.
Gliscor lost 34% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor is hurt by poison!
Gliscor lost 25% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Vaporeon (lvl 100 Vaporeon ?).
Gliscor used Roost.
Gliscor restored 50% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Vaporeon is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Vaporeon lost 6% of its health.
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor is hurt by poison!
Gliscor lost 31% of its health.
jh123 switched in Vaporeon (lvl 100 Vaporeon ?).
Pointed stones dug into Vaporeon.
Vaporeon lost 12% of its health.
Vaporeon used Ice Beam.
It's not very effective...
Vaporeon lost 16% of its health.
Vaporeon lost 10% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Vaporeon is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Vaporeon lost 6% of its health.
Vaporeon is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Vaporeon lost 6% of its health.
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon is hurt by poison!
Vaporeon lost 6% of its health.
Vaporeon used Wish.
Vaporeon made a wish!
Vaporeon used Wish.
Vaporeon made a wish!
The sandstorm rages.
Vaporeon is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Vaporeon lost 6% of its health.
Vaporeon is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Vaporeon lost 6% of its health.
Vaporeon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Vaporeon restored 6% of its health.
Vaporeon is hurt by poison!
Vaporeon lost 12% of its health.
jh123 switched in Celebi (lvl 100 Celebi).
Pointed stones dug into Celebi.
Celebi lost 12% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Zapdos (lvl 100 Zapdos).
Zapdos is exerting its pressure!
The wish came true!
Zapdos restored 25% of its health.
The wish came true!
Celebi restored 50% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Celebi is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Celebi lost 6% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Celebi's leftovers restored its health a little!
Celebi restored 6% of its health.
Zapdos used Substitute.
Zapdos lost 25% of its health.
Zapdos made a substitute!
Celebi used Thunder Wave.
But it failed!
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Celebi is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Celebi lost 6% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Celebi's leftovers restored its health a little!
Celebi restored 6% of its health.
jh123 switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).
Pointed stones dug into Gliscor.
Gliscor lost 12% of its health.
Zapdos used Heat Wave.
Gliscor lost 35% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor is hurt by poison!
Gliscor lost 6% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor used Roost.
Gliscor restored 50% of its health.
Zapdos used Heat Wave.
Zapdos's attack missed!
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor is hurt by poison!
Gliscor lost 12% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor used Taunt.
Zapdos fell for the taunt!
Zapdos used Heat Wave.
Gliscor lost 37% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor is hurt by poison!
Gliscor lost 19% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor used Roost.
Gliscor restored 50% of its health.
Zapdos used Heat Wave.
Gliscor lost 31% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gliscor restored 6% of its health.
Gliscor is hurt by poison!
Gliscor lost 25% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
jh123 switched in Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar.
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.
Zapdos used Heat Wave.
It's not very effective...
Tyranitar lost 6% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Tyranitar was hurt by its burn!
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.
Zapdos used Discharge.
Tyranitar lost 16% of its health.
Tyranitar used Stone Edge.
It's super effective!
The substitute took damage for Zapdos!
Zapdos's substitute faded!
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
Tyranitar was hurt by its burn!
Tyranitar lost 3% of its health.
jh123's Tyranitar fainted.
jh123 switched in Celebi (lvl 100 Celebi).
Pointed stones dug into Celebi.
Celebi lost 12% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).
Hitmontop's Intimidate cut Celebi's attack!
Celebi used Recover.
Celebi restored 50% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Celebi is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Celebi lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Hitmontop lost 6% of its health.
Celebi's leftovers restored its health a little!
Celebi restored 6% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
jh123 switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).
Pointed stones dug into Gliscor.
Gliscor lost 12% of its health.
Hitmontop used Close Combat.
It's not very effective...
Gliscor lost 3% of its health.
jh123's Gliscor fainted.
Hitmontop's defence was lowered.
Hitmontop's special defence was lowered.
The sandstorm rages.
Hitmontop is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Hitmontop lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
jh123 switched in Celebi (lvl 100 Celebi).
Pointed stones dug into Celebi.
Celebi lost 12% of its health.
Celebi used Energy Ball.
Hitmontop lost 33% of its health.
Hitmontop used Toxic.
Celebi was badly poisoned!
The sandstorm rages.
Celebi is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Celebi lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Hitmontop lost 6% of its health.
Celebi's leftovers restored its health a little!
Celebi restored 6% of its health.
Celebi is hurt by poison!
Celebi lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop's leftovers restored its health a little!
Hitmontop restored 6% of its health.
Celebi used Energy Ball.
Hitmontop lost 32% of its health.
Hitmontop used Close Combat.
It's not very effective...
Celebi lost 12% of its health.
Hitmontop's defence was lowered.
Hitmontop's special defence was lowered.
The sandstorm rages.
Celebi is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Celebi lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Hitmontop lost 5% of its health.
OxyTesting's Hitmontop fainted.
Celebi's leftovers restored its health a little!
Celebi restored 6% of its health.
Celebi is hurt by poison!
Celebi lost 12% of its health.
OxyTesting switched in Zapdos (lvl 100 Zapdos).
Zapdos is exerting its pressure!
jh123 switched in Vaporeon (lvl 100 Vaporeon ?).
Pointed stones dug into Vaporeon.
Vaporeon lost 4% of its health.
jh123's Vaporeon fainted.
Zapdos used Substitute.
Zapdos lost 25% of its health.
Zapdos made a substitute!
The sandstorm rages.
Zapdos is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Zapdos lost 6% of its health.
Zapdos's leftovers restored its health a little!
Zapdos restored 6% of its health.
jh123 switched in Celebi (lvl 100 Celebi).
Pointed stones dug into Celebi.
Celebi lost 12% of its health.
Zapdos used Heat Wave.
It's super effective!
Celebi lost 41% of its health.
jh123's Celebi fainted.
OxyTesting wins!
OxyTesting: gg
jh123: gg
jh123 has left the room.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
[22:54] ThePinkReaperr: OH MY GOD
[22:54] ThePinkReaperr: IT'S A WEAVILE
[22:54] ThePinkReaperr: HOLY ****
[22:54] ThePinkReaperr: someone is actually using weavile
[22:54] MycatgoesMow: huh?
[22:54] MycatgoesMow: LOL
[22:54] MycatgoesMow: good ****
[22:54] MycatgoesMow: compliment them

You have my compliments


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
Do you really think you're outstalling Crocune with Vaporeon? Every attack you hit it with loses 2 PP, it has rest to take up two turns, wasting only 1 PP while you lose 3 minimum by using 3 wishes in a row.

4 HP weavile, iirc, is also not a smart thing: SR is prevalent, and while certain team types can only put up SR once due to their offensive nature, others can put it up multiple times, meaning it's best to be prepared just in case. So move the 4 HP evs to defense to reduce SR damage. Also, Low Kick is better than Brick Break.

Physically Mixed Infernape seems like an issue, as Swampert can't be consistently be relied on, being the starter, Vaporeon isn't EVed to take ****, good luck bringing Weavile, Hitmontop, or Gliscor in without being KOed either outright or by a combination of CC+Overheat. Scizor is another issue: not because it can really kill anything, but it will be often annoying just by U-Turning all over the ****ing place, especially after you revenge something with weavile. I can't suggest anything, however, because the team has a lot of synergy and the only thing I would change is the Vaporeon: I can see you love it, and I do too, so I'd suggest either changing Wish to Baton Pass or Ice Beam to Protect. Empty Baton Pass helps for scouting purposes, allowing you to properly respond to switch-ins. This will especially be helpful against stall so you can bring in Weavile on Blissey and slap da *****. =3

Protect over Ice Beam is what I would choose, for more reliable recovery in combination with Wish. Ice Beam isn't needed as much as HP Electric + Hydro Pump, since Weavile owns the **** out of any grass-types.

Your team is insanely weak to Tail Glow Manaphy, specifically ones that use Energy Ball. Everytime it comes in it will get a kill, as it will set up on Gliscor, Hitmontop, Swampert, Vaporeon, and anything on weavile that isn't Night Slash. After it kills something, your only chance is to bring in Weavile and predict properly on to Pursuit or Night Slash. If you pursuit and it surfs it's essentially GG, but if it runs away as you Night Slash, it WILL come back for another kill later. By the time it gets off a second Tail Glow and kills something else, weavile will be in the position to trap it with Pursuit. So it's "checked" properly, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention how much of a threat Manaphy is.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
Do you really think you're outstalling Crocune with Vaporeon? Every attack you hit it with loses 2 PP, it has rest to take up two turns, wasting only 1 PP while you lose 3 minimum by using 3 wishes in a row.
Rather than wording out extremely situational scenarios, I'll say what I've gathered from encounters with CroCune thus far; PP stalling is normally solved by incoherent Wish spam alongside repeated Ice Beams with a Hidden Power Electric, or Hydro Pump tossed in here and there. This is actually very effective when keeping Vaporeon from being PP Stalled since repeated hits from Ice Beam usually force Suicune to use Rest in fear of a potential Freeze, the same goes for critical hits with Hidden Power Electric. In some cases, I'll weaken Suicune down to the point where Weavile can revenge it (albeit it requires very precise prediction).

4 HP weavile, iirc, is also not a smart thing: SR is prevalent, and while certain team types can only put up SR once due to their offensive nature, others can put it up multiple times, meaning it's best to be prepared just in case. So move the 4 HP evs to defense to reduce SR damage. Also, Low Kick is better than Brick Break.
Brick Break breaks both Reflect and Light Screen while achieving the same OHKOs and 2HKOs sans Heatran - which is pretty difficult to land early in the game. With Sandstorm being the dominant weather condition in OU, I've found it pretty difficult to utilize the SR number anyway.

Physically Mixed Infernape seems like an issue, as Swampert can't be consistently be relied on, being the starter, Vaporeon isn't EVed to take ****, good luck bringing Weavile, Hitmontop, or Gliscor in without being KOed either outright or by a combination of CC+Overheat. Scizor is another issue: not because it can really kill anything, but it will be often annoying just by U-Turning all over the ****ing place, especially after you revenge something with weavile. I can't suggest anything, however, because the team has a lot of synergy and the only thing I would change is the Vaporeon: I can see you love it, and I do too, so I'd suggest either changing Wish to Baton Pass or Ice Beam to Protect. Empty Baton Pass helps for scouting purposes, allowing you to properly respond to switch-ins. This will especially be helpful against stall so you can bring in Weavile on Blissey and slap da *****. =3
With Intimidate, U-turn doesn't even break 25% imo. Baton Pass isn't the best option considering that scouting usually doesn't come in handy when using Vaporeon for the simple fact that most of the Pokemon that can pose a threat to Vaporeon normally come in after another Pokemon has been KO'd, preventing the switch in prevent taking one of Vaporeon's STAB attacks. Aside from random predictions, Baton Pass wouldn't make this set any more effective.

MixApe is a pretty thing to look at since it can 2HKO and OHKO most of my team. Though, Close Combat still fails to OHKO Vaporeon with Stealth Rock damage and Gliscor has the ability to take a Life Orb Fire Blast from full HP. Hitmontop can also take a Fire Blast pretty well and dent KO Infernape with Close Combat after Infernape goes though a few rounds of Life Orb recoil. In all honesty, Infernape is a true threat late game imo.
Protect over Ice Beam is what I would choose, for more reliable recovery in combination with Wish. Ice Beam isn't needed as much as HP Electric + Hydro Pump, since Weavile owns the **** out of any grass-types.
I'm going to be honest here, Protect seems like a great option thanks to random switch ins carrying HP Grass or some ****; however, considering that Weavile doesn't OHKO 252/232 Bold Celebi with Night Slash until about 40% of its HP is hacked off, Ice Beam's usefulness is very noticeable. It should also be noted that Ice Beam provides Vaporeon with a much more reliable option of scouting since Dragons - Latias and Kingdra - tend to switch in on Vaporeon. Furthermore, Ice Beam softens up Tyranitar and Swampert on the switch in, allowing me to effectively OHKO both if they decide to stay in.

Your team is insanely weak to Tail Glow Manaphy, specifically ones that use Energy Ball. Everytime it comes in it will get a kill, as it will set up on Gliscor, Hitmontop, Swampert, Vaporeon, and anything on weavile that isn't Night Slash. After it kills something, your only chance is to bring in Weavile and predict properly on to Pursuit or Night Slash. If you pursuit and it surfs it's essentially GG, but if it runs away as you Night Slash, it WILL come back for another kill later. By the time it gets off a second Tail Glow and kills something else, weavile will be in the position to trap it with Pursuit. So it's "checked" properly, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention how much of a threat Manaphy is.
I don't consider what's not OU a threat


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
Very nice demonstration of Vaporeon. I honestly didn't think about using Wish on switches to keep her health high while also hitting hard. What a **** set, dude. xD


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
with all the scarf heatrans and scizors running around u got balls for using weavile lol. Make it a bit better by changing brick break to low kick, it got that in hg/ss

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
Low Kick would undoubtedly get the 0HKO on Heatran, even Bulkier versions like TormentTran. But Brick Break disposes of screens, which could be very useful. But you're not netting any other important KOs by using Low Kick.

I really like that Vaporeon set.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Explosion on Metagross? You can always switch him in mid- to late-game when Rock are spun away and (attempt to) blow up a Blissey or something.


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Just to say, you haven't even considered Sandstorm Teams in your Team threat list, but comparing my SS team to this, lets just say I'd be having a pretty bad day. SS teams can vary, though, and in some instances, say, Rock Polish Aggron, is going to remove you from the face of the planet, Hitmontop and Vaporeon are virtually the only things not OHKO'd by Head Smash eith extreme ease, unless Metagross switches out completely unscathed.
You'll be fine against SS as long as you make sure things don't set up, like Cursedily or RP Aggron.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
Explosion on Metagross? You can always switch him in mid- to late-game when Rock are spun away and (attempt to) blow up a Blissey or something.
Wellllllllllllllll... considering that Meteor Mash/Brick Break does 54.91% - 64.88% to 0/252 Calm Blissey and all, I don't need Explosion >_>.

Just to say, you haven't even considered Sandstorm Teams in your Team threat list, but comparing my SS team to this, lets just say I'd be having a pretty bad day. SS teams can vary, though, and in some instances, say, Rock Polish Aggron, is going to remove you from the face of the planet, Hitmontop and Vaporeon are virtually the only things not OHKO'd by Head Smash eith extreme ease, unless Metagross switches out completely unscathed.
You'll be fine against SS as long as you make sure things don't set up, like Cursedily or RP Aggron.
Aggron is lol. Considering that its usage in OU - | 88 | Aggron | 8942 | 1.23 - was only due to Head Smash hype and the fact that Gliscor and Rotom-w can completely run over it, Aggron isn't a threat. Cradily is ***** pretty hard by Vaporeon, Hitmontop and Gliscor even if it gets a single boost imo... >_>

Sandstorm teams don't deserve a spot on the threat list since they're not usually the theme of an entire team. In a better sense, teams that use Sandstorm are more common than Sandstorm teams in OU.


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Cradily > Gliscor and Vaporeon. Vaporeon can't beat SS' Rock boost, and if it gets to +1 Cradily shurgs off Gliscor, but Gliscor also Shrugs off cradily so.....

Just hope that CC OHKOs Cradily at +1, or else it'll EQ back and probably kill you. Even though you can just revenge kill it at like, the 4 HP it has left <.>


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Wellllllllllllllll... considering that Meteor Mash/Brick Break does 54.91% - 64.88% to 0/252 Calm Blissey and all, I don't need Explosion >_>.
Sorry, I should have explained that better.

You switch Metagross into Blissey.
Blissey switch out into who knows what.
You blow up.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
Sorry, I should have explained that better.

You switch Metagross into Blissey.
Blissey switch out into who knows what.
You blow up.
The most common switch ins to Metagross fear Explosion anyway and can just use Protect and scout IMO. Rotom-A is what screws over switching back in and Exploding >_>. Also:

Weavile is a time paradox said:
I decided to play Metagross conservatively since it synergizes very well with this team.
If you can give me a decent reason to get rid of this synergy, I'll be more than happy to run Explosion.

Cradily > Gliscor and Vaporeon. Vaporeon can't beat SS' Rock boost, and if it gets to +1 Cradily shurgs off Gliscor, but Gliscor also Shrugs off cradily so.....
Let's see, Gliscor has Taunt and Roost whilst Vaporeon can do this:

349 Atk vs 344 Def & 376 HP (120 Base Power): 312 - 368 (61.17% - 72.34%)

Just hope that CC OHKOs Cradily at +1, or else it'll EQ back and probably kill you. Even though you can just revenge kill it at like, the 4 HP it has left <.>
With a base 81 Attack, what the hell is Cradily going to KO anyway? At any rate, Hitmontop has Toxic and Intimidate, which screws Cradily over >_>.
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