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We Need Some More Colored Folk in Brawl!!!!!


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Garath331 said:
You guys got Donkey Kong already, right? So what's the problem?
Congratulations. You just pissed off any black person who actually cares about race.

....and made everyone else laugh their ***** off. You, sir, have balls.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
Riverside, CA
im black and proud to be with nothing to be ashamed of...but this thread is just ******** and begs for idiotic remarks like garath331's which i wont even validate by responding to. This needs to be closed


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
St. Louis
I was thinking, how about that black panther from starfox? He's new but he could really represent me. And the miis are a great idea. Also adding a crackhouse level would be good. But dawg, we need awesome new characters like Jessie Jackson, Condaleeza Rice, Oprah, and Snoop. I' know for a fact that 50cents definitely in brawl already cause they said it on the NEOgaf boards. And Snifit will be in cause I've been emailing nintendo for some colored folk with guns to fend themselves against the white army that is the video game world.

I did raise a good point though, they never ever have regular japanese people from japan made games, what the piss? Maybe we could add all the yakusa from red steel to represent them. We could have like 10 or 11 move around as a group like ice climber (i hate those haters) and slice crackas with swords. No joke.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2006
East Orange NJ
im black and proud to be with nothing to be ashamed of...but this thread is just ******** and begs for idiotic remarks like garath331's which i wont even validate by responding to. This needs to be closed
:O Same here lol but I'm with the thread.
I've never let anyone get to me when it came to racism ( I'lll just kick your *** sorry to say)
This thread is going good I'll say. Good comedy going on here... I wont even be offended by the word "*****".

Hey Dave Chappelle used it more then I used it in a day than I have In my lifetime (never said the word)

If I can watch Dave Chappelle with a white friend laughing with me for 6 episodes I can deal with this thread lol and lol at it.

ANYWAY! Every Human in this game has at least 1 percent black in them ( all humans are from africa) so it's silly to say "we need some colored folk".

Kuta Kenteh's left food could be in here I thinks.
Yeah the master feet should be black.


Smash Lord
Jun 11, 2005
Mr. Game & Watch is black.

Seriously, though, they are adding a new character to represent black people. It's top secret information, & alot of people don't know about it. They're adding a new character called Blackguy-Man. He's a super hero, who is a white guy that was bitten by a radioactive black guy & given all of the abilities of a black guy. He can rap & play basketball, but his super weakness is going to jail for selling drugs & carrying a gun even though he's supposed to be on probation. For his super move, he calls Al Sharpten, who appears on the stage & gives a long speech about how the other characters are racist, but nobody takes him seriously or cares what he has to say.

Also, maybe they'll add Baraka from Mortal Kombat. His name sounds kind of like Barack Obama, & Barack Obama is black. So you see? Things are looking up for black people already.

& don't forget about Donkey Kong! I'm just kidding. Seriously though, Donkey Kong.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I'm black and I don't really give a crap about if Brawl is 0% black. Look at BET, it sucks and it's insulting [due to that fact that it's not entertaining to me at all] and kinda puts all black people in a box [stereotyping].

If anything I guess I'm a oreo.

P.S. me no likey rap.

P.P.S Smash is fine the way it's going.

P.P.P.S sorry I can't spell today.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
freeman123 said:
Mr. Game & Watch is black.
I can't decide whether or not to scream 'phail' or 'win'....

Red Exodus said:
I'm black and I don't really give a crap about if Brawl is 0% black. Look at BET, it sucks and it's insulting [due to that fact that it's not entertaining to me at all] and kinda puts all black people in a box [stereotyping].
This is definitely a 'win'. I'm white (sorry?), but even I can see that BET is the most flagrant black degradation that is around today. Why do African Americans put up with it?

It's like women putting up with fashion models...it makes no sense.

And Red Exodus: if you really do think like that comment, go do yourself a favor and pick up a Boondocks comic strip. You'll love it.


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2006
San Diego, California.
Mr. Game & Watch is black.

Seriously, though, they are adding a new character to represent black people. It's top secret information, & alot of people don't know about it. They're adding a new character called Blackguy-Man. He's a super hero, who is a white guy that was bitten by a radioactive black guy & given all of the abilities of a black guy. He can rap & play basketball, but his super weakness is going to jail for selling drugs & carrying a gun even though he's supposed to be on probation. For his super move, he calls Al Sharpten, who appears on the stage & gives a long speech about how the other characters are racist, but nobody takes him seriously or cares what he has to say.

Also, maybe they'll add Baraka from Mortal Kombat. His name sounds kind of like Barack Obama, & Barack Obama is black. So you see? Things are looking up for black people already.

& don't forget about Donkey Kong! I'm just kidding. Seriously though, Donkey Kong.

I laughed the entire time I read that, I can see some people finding that racist, but who cares, they can call mexicans border hoppers for all I care, that was hilarious.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 8, 2006
Washington DC
Omg.....Boondocks Most intellegent Black comiv book in history <---- opininon
Huey can star in melee :D thunder fist and sword skills ROFL Owned

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
Everybody knows that Daisy is half-black.

Falco is definitely black. Look at how he shoots the laser. And if you look at his other hand, he's definitely giving you the finger.

And he's obviously a crip. He's ALWAYS blue.

Mr. Game & Watch is Aborigine, not black.

Ganondorf is East Indian.

Captain Falcon is Native American.

Donkey Kong is not black, he's just a hairy white guy.

Luigi is high all the time, so maybe he's a light-skinned brother.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2006
Lancaster, PA / Golden, CO
yea, let's focus on color to further emphasize the differences between all of us!!! awesooooommme! jesus dude, who cares what color they are, as long as the characters are righteous in nature. 50 cent... are you high? that dude is almost as worthless a rapper as he is an actor (almost). the thing is... there are basically no recognizable nintendo mascots that are black. that's why there are no black people in smash bros. if there were any big name characters who have a little more pigment in them, theyd make it into the game. (correct me if im wrong there). oh, and by the way, jax is a real piece of **** too (as are all MK characters except machine smoke and rain), bionic arms my as$.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2006
Colored eh?

Dude. Just give Link the 4 Sword. Then he'll be colored. Purple, Green, Blue, Red. It's all good.

Or are you just trying to start a race war within the thread?

Well to that, I say "good day sir!"


Smash Rookie
Dec 4, 2006
Detroit, MI
Seriously, though, they are adding a new character to represent black people. It's top secret information, & alot of people don't know about it. They're adding a new character called Blackguy-Man. He's a super hero, who is a white guy that was bitten by a radioactive black guy & given all of the abilities of a black guy. He can rap & play basketball, but his super weakness is going to jail for selling drugs & carrying a gun even though he's supposed to be on probation. For his super move, he calls Al Sharpten, who appears on the stage & gives a long speech about how the other characters are racist, but nobody takes him seriously or cares what he has to say.

lmao, for some reason I see this as a skit Dave Cheppelle would make:laugh:

@56k : lol, hey it does seem like falco is giving you the finger! The crips would kill him though if he walked in with that red jacket on, lol

Jazzy Jinx

Jun 22, 2006
Location, Location
I ain't never seen a black man refering to his own race as "colored folk" so the topic starter is a freaking liar! Smash does need a brother or two though. Only problem is, which one qualifies for the spot? Ah well, I support the purples. Ridley FTW!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2006
East Orange NJ
I ain't never seen a black man refering to his own race as "colored folk" so the topic starter is a freaking liar! Smash does need a brother or two though. Only problem is, which one qualifies for the spot? Ah well, I support the purples. Ridley FTW!
Dave Chappelle on "The ***** Family"


P.S.P. This thread is pure MINDGAMES!


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
50 Cent; Bulletproof. He’s certainly going to be in Brawl, once the racists leave Nintendo. He’s a video gaming icon and star of his own videogame. Certainly every black gamer in America owns this game and plays it daily. I personally can’t wait to shoot all the white folk in smash with my machine gun. He’s practically a bigger star than micky mouse and Mario combined.

Curtis James Jackson III (born July 6, 1975) is an American East Coast rapper commonly known by his rap name 50 Cent. He rose to fame following the success of his albums Get Rich or Die Tryin' and The Massacre. 50 Cent achieved multi-platinum success with both albums, selling around 20 million albums worldwide. He is known for his "gangsta" image, and for having been shot at nine times of which one hit to the jaw and one in each leg. He currently resides in Farmington, Connecticut, in the former mansion of boxing star Mike Tyson
You're joking, right? I mean, honestly, you can't be serious. Exactly what were you shooting up/smoking/snorting that made you think that 'he's certainly going to be in Brawl?' Not only is not a video game character, but the one game that he made about himself has been widely regarded as the worst game of all time. Please tell me that you're not being serious. Please. Nobody could be that dumb unless it was on purpose.

And other than that, 50 has got to be the most superficial and self-absorbed rapper I've ever seen. You know what? Forget the rapper part, he's just completely full of himself. Honestly, who makes a movie and a video game about themself?

Other than other than that:


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2005
there's plenty of diversity in melee. G&W and DK are black. Ganondorf is jewish. There are a couple Italian plumbers, Roy and Marth are some sort of asian, and even the Inuit tribe is represented.


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2006
San Diego, California.
You're joking, right? I mean, honestly, you can't be serious. Exactly what were you shooting up/smoking/snorting that made you think that 'he's certainly going to be in Brawl?' Not only is not a video game character, but the one game that he made about himself has been widely regarded as the worst game of all time. Please tell me that you're not being serious. Please. Nobody could be that dumb unless it was on purpose.

And other than that, 50 has got to be the most superficial and self-absorbed rapper I've ever seen. You know what? Forget the rapper part, he's just completely full of himself. Honestly, who makes a movie and a video game about themself?

Other than other than that:
It's a joke thread, lol..

And what video game did he star in? XD Never heard of any involving him.

The Dark Lord Ganondorf

Smash Apprentice
Aug 13, 2005
(I shouldn't be treading these waters, but here goes...)

You guys got Donkey Kong already, right? So what's the problem?

(Feel free to flame me into removing this)
I was quite enjoying this thread until I came across this comment. That is insensitive, ignorant and racist. If I could reach through my computer screen and do something unpleasant to you then I would, but alas, I cannot. I'll have to settle for shaking my head in disgust and hoping that you have an unhappy life.

If this were my forum Id suspend your account.


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2006
San Diego, California.
I could poke at that comment, but then i'd be a 'racist' too. =/

As hilarious as this thread is, someone should close this before someone really gets heartset thinking everyone's a racist.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
It's a joke thread, lol..
I should hope so... T_T

And what video game did he star in? XD Never heard of any involving him.
He made a video game about what he wants people to beleive happened to him in his life. It's called 50 Cent Bulletproof and it's the worst game ever made. The kind of game where, if you were made to play it, you'd find yourself asking for Shadow the Hedgehog instead.


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2006
San Diego, California.
Lmao, such an obvious name referring to him, and i've never heard of it, guess it shows how unpopular it is? XD

I take it it's one of those "gang war" kind of games?

And I wouldn't ask for shadow the hedgehog instead. D= I'm fine just not playing video games at all, that game was too horrid to replay again.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
(I shouldn't be treading these waters, but here goes...)

You guys got Donkey Kong already, right? So what's the problem?

(Feel free to flame me into removing this)
You've got guts I'll give you that much, however, you are so naive. Would you get offended if I said something around the lines of.....oh I don't know....if I called you a Cheese It?

I'll let you ponder this for a while......


Smash Rookie
Jan 8, 2007
Somewhere in IL
. . . .*looks at 50 cent*. . . . .
No, I refuse to read this threads opening.

Ganon and Falco are coo as the black characters of SSB. (In TP you can't tell me Ganon doesn't look black. . . and Falco has the heart of a black man. . .I can tell)

And Lucario is based off of a African god so theres my black character picks. . .
I'm black myself but to stay with the quote, I agree. In TP, Ganon looks like he'll pull out a gun on somebody and Falco, he is black. No questions because this is the answer.


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2006
San Diego, California.
Lol, I know what a cheese it is, i've just never heard that one as a term defining a white dude, most of them have just been cracker. o.O

Or vanilla face. *Borat* XD


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
O.K, you all want a black character? Well, one is most likely to get in. . .
Ganondorf (TP spoilers. . . )
That dark skinned, that hair color, that hair stlye (corn rows!). . . he is official based on black people in my book.

And support Lucario (who is also very likely). . .
" Lucario appears to be based on the Egyptian god Anubis, who has the head of a jackal."
"Lucario's name may be a corrupted, backward version of oracle. It may also be a reference to Cairo, Egypt"


He has African Influence all over him (look at those dread locks. . ). If anything, he is African in origin.

There. . . and I STILL say Falco is black on the inside (he is just too coo. . . like black lev coo).

And Garath331 (and those who find such a comment funny), that was uncalled for and this whole thread has a disgusting feel after that post. I can't do anything but hope you learn something in life. . . .or atleast have bad luck in anything you hope to gain in your life.
*Shakes head in disgust*


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
O.K, you all want a black character? Well, one is most likely to get in. . .
Ganondorf (TP spoilers. . . )
That dark skinned, that hair color, that hair stlye (corn rows!). . . he is official based on black people in my book.

And Garath331 (and those who find such a comment funny), that was uncalled for and this whole thread has a disgusting feel after that post. I can't do anything but hope you learn something in life. . . .or atleast have bad luck in anything you hope to gain in your life.
*Shakes head in disgust*
Ganon is so black, well bi-racial at best (African/ Middle Eastern Gerudo)

Yeah I agree, those are waters that you just don't tread, period!


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
that hair color,
I've never seen someone of African decent with that color hair.

There. . . and I STILL say Falco is black on the inside (he is just too coo. . . like black lev coo).
I wonder what the VA for Falco looks like (the fighter one not the radio one) as well as Mewtwo (but that's a different story).

And Garath331 (and those who find such a comment funny), that was uncalled for and this whole thread has a disgusting feel after that post. I can't do anything but hope you learn something in life. . . .or atleast have bad luck in anything you hope to gain in your life.
*Shakes head in disgust*
I'm going to have to agree with this.


Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Ganondorf's race, the gerudo, seemed pretty clearly based off an Arab race, based on... well, lots of things. Facial features, desert location, and their flag from Ocarina of Time- for those who don't remember, it was a crescent moon with a star in the middle. That flag is very, very similar to many arabic nations.
And in TP and windwaker you might have noticed, ganondorf has BLACK skin. Why is this important? Black people actually have brown skin. You can't use his actual skin pigment as an argument either way- it is just as different from an Indian as it is from an African American.

Overall it seems impractical to make much of a fuss over there being black characters in SSBM. Then, you would have to argue why there aren't Latinos, then Asians... and of course, different European nations have distinguishing physical features too. If you can't possibly include every minority, then the entire thing should be ignored.


Smash Ace
Nov 16, 2006
San Diego, California.
And Garath331 (and those who find such a comment funny), that was uncalled for and this whole thread has a disgusting feel after that post. I can't do anything but hope you learn something in life. . . .or atleast have bad luck in anything you hope to gain in your life.
*Shakes head in disgust*
Gasp, i'm condemned for finding something that wasn't meant to racially profile a race, rather a joke, funny?

I didn't wanna bother going way off topic, but here goes.

These days, racism and prejudiced isn't as common as everyone seems to make it out to be. Because you hear a joke about someone's race, it automatically means its racist? You have no idea how many of my friends call me border hopper and beaner, I laugh at it, cause honestly it is funny. Nowadays, the only people who see those kinds of comments as really racist are the white peeps that are scared they'll be considered racists for agreeing and/or finding it funny, like how they buy rap CDs and sing along, but when it comes to the word *****, they freeze? Jesus christ.

Thousands of comedians around the world make these racial things into laughter, as to stop prejudice involving the different races. I'm sure every white, black, latino, asian, whatever, who listens to Dave Chappelle and Carlos Mencia laugh at it, not want to kill him because he's making fun of them? That Donkey Kong comment, while a bit roughed around the edges, wasn't meant to necessarily be racist. He knew of the consequences of saying that comment, but he made a joke in an already joke thread. (Even though he's already condemned by this Black/Light, rofl )

I'd rather this thread closed though, at least to prevent any further heart failure.
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