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Vs. Luigi?


Smash Rookie
Mar 31, 2008
I recently had the chance to play a good luigi, and what I discovered is that some of my most obvious strategies are useless. For instance, luigi's neutral air cancels out my up-smash, and then hits me! So he was able to approach from above with a sex kick that I couldn't attack through. I don't have a video of it, but I believe there were other situations where luigi's aerials cancelled out my smashes and other moves. So, firstly, does anyone have more information on this? Am I just overreacting, or is this really a problem for Olimar? And, if it is, what can I do about it beyond switching to a different character?


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
the match up chart says advantage for oli, but we all know that is false. i'm actually terrified to play luigi, especially rofl's -shivers-. all his moves out-prioritize oli's and attack through all of them. the fireballs can burn through the pikmin and stop them in their track (except reds). the down b kills all pikmin on him in one swipe. to add on to all that, his recovery is insane. the only thing oli can do is try to kill from up top which can be hard to do.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
Delray Beach, Florida
I don't think there's a harder match-up for Oli than a Luigi player who knows Oli's moveset well.

As for countering his aerial approaches, your best bet is not the Usmash but the amazingly high-priority, long-range Up-B of pwn. Pikmin Chain > aerial approaches. Let's see if Luigi's Nair can beat THAT!

The main issue with Luigi is, in my experience, his ****ed Down-B. It's extremely annoying. I don't have a surefire counter to that one. Suggestions would be nice.


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
Most luigi's are sex kick happy and love down+b (its priority is a pain in the ***). What I abuse in this matchup is our grab range. Reading a down+b or the typical sex kick to luigi jab is crucial and I run away into a pivot grab with a blue or white which i find to work INCREDIBLY well. This is a match up where priority is not in our favor, but our speed and grab range when abused properly can still pull out the win.


Smash Rookie
Feb 10, 2008
It's definitely a tough match, I don't think Luigi has a single move with a lower priority than any of olimar's. Abuse grabs and space right, and most of all don't **** up.
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