So uh, Sliq totally wasted my 2000th post.
And I was saving it for my shoutouts for this thread. =( Here is what I was gonna post:
Alright, since this will be my 2000th post, I figure I may as well make it my VLS shoutouts. Long overdue, I know. I suppose I'll stick with the traditional alphabetic ordering.
We played briefly in crews. It wasn't pretty, but I still had fun. Thanks for putting that sticker back on my back. Congrats on winning!
Your reaction to me asking "so what's it like in Mexico?" was priceless >_>. That set we had in teams was too close, and too fun. I hope I get a chance to play against you and Vwins again.
When you went against th0rn in the crew battle, I said kinda...well, not kinda, really dickish trash talk, and wanted to apologize for it. You know what I'm talking about. I'm really sorry about it. I'm sad I didn't get to play against your Doc in friendlies or anything, seeing as how I seem to have a recent weakness against them, but oh well. Glad you decided to travel all the way to the East Coast for the tournament.
Our pools set was awfully close (especially game 1). Glad to have gotten a chance to play against you. Teams was fun.
Randy Moss is the ****, I have no idea what you're talking about. I was hoping I'd get a chance to play against you and Azen in the teams tournament, but the up+B kill I got on you in Crews made up for it =).
Our teams set was fun. I was hoping I could make that 2v1 comeback happen in game 1, but it never came around =(. Oh well. Congrats on second place, and your revenge on Darc and I in teams way back at Cata3.
Colbol and people cheering for Colbol vs Darc
The trash talking was all in good fun. >_>
I still don't understand your neverending hatred of Pokefloats. And I don't believe I ever will. I'll get you in teams yet, Dirty Dan.
Everyone says you're the guy, but, I wanna be the guy too!
You're a funny person. I'll get my revenge on you in singles someday. Maybe. You're welcome for signing your shirt =)
I can't believe Darc and I pulled the win off on you guys in teams, but we did. Close sets all the way, and you guys seemed to be leading a large majority of the time. I'm really not sure how we did it. Glad we finally got the moving to Maine thing cleared up >_>.
You are seriously one of the most hilarious people I've met at tournaments. Midwest in general is just way too awesome. Sad I didn't play against you at all, maybe Pound 3? I'll be sure to bring Cinnamon Toast Crunch bars this time, I promise.
Our pools set was too good. Even with the lasers for eternity (most notably on that last stock). Good job placing 13th. I'll get my revenge on you, just you wait.
The reason you didn't beat me like Eggm did in pools, was because you don't use enough lasers. Sometimes the best approach is to just sit there and fire lasers for an eternity or so. I'm not one to give you advice, seeing as how you placed 9th, though. Good job.
It was fun playing against you and the rest of NorCal in crews, as well as the discussion we had about the massive amount of leaves New England has >_>. I hope your rake business makes you a millionaire. I hope I make a visit to one of the Cals some time, because I can't imagine ground without leaf.
Teams was too good, thanks for pausing it so I could correct my controller malfunction, and thanks for the compliment on AIM after the tournament >_> Your Falcon is crazy as ****.
Yessss I'm leading in the Young Link vs Marth on Cruise matchup. It must be like 5-3 or 4-2 now. Thanks for the loads of friendlies Sunday morning, really got me warmed up for the tournament. Kit is too fricken goot!
The "SASTOPHERRRR" thing started because I needed a way to keep my friend awake while he was driving back from tournaments. Then you showed up to one. I had to say it. >_>
Even though the matchup we played wasn't exactly the funnest matchup (Marth vs Jiggs on YS = LOL), I'm still glad we at least got a chance to play, especially after all of the Terranigma discussion in the hub. I hope you do get around to playing it though. >_>
Iron Chief
Your crews game against Chu was one of the most entertaining matches I've ever seen. SASTOPHERRRR
AHHHHHHH I almost had you, then you 0-death me on my last stock. I suppose you are known for insane comebacks (3 stocks vs Chu at Pound 2, for example), but it still makes me sad knowing I had the win in my grasps and still couldn't pull it in. Like almost everyone I'm giving shoutouts to, I'll get my revenge on you eventually. Also, I dyed my hair red in honor of being defeated by both halves of the mighty Red Power.
Teams set was fun. That picture of "Kirbstir" playing video games was amazing. Although it didn't happen at VLS, we'll meet up again in singles, and it will be the most epic rematch ever.
lol @ the various shenanigans that involved
1. Darc
2. Yelling really loud
3. Yelling at Darc really loud
Happy birthday!
Our pools game was amazing for the one game I took off of you...with Young Link >_>. It led to everyone else in pools taking me to Rainbow Cruise and trying the same thing, so it helped me get more wins >_>. You and Chu are too good in teams. Always great seeing you at tournaments, don't stress the loss against Chu in singles. Keep up the hard work.
Why can't I hit your TeamsPuff? =( I had to throw millions of needles and let Darc take a stab, seriously. Enjoyed our teams set. Midwest is awesome.
Our pools set was fun, I was hoping you'd let me play against your Marth, but oh well =(. Rainbow Cruise with Young Link is too good, especially that random downstab I got on you >_>
OmegaBlackMage & OmegaWhiteMage
I enjoyed the tournament, always glad to see you guys at tournaments.
PC Chris
I landed like a 5-forward-tilt combo right at the start of the game on Cruise in teams. It was amazing. Then you guys went and won. What. I'll get you guys in teams eventually. We were *this* close at that ESTICLE, and we haven't been that close since. Makes me sad =(
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL @ your money match with Darc. Not so many lols at my money match with you.
Talk about beasting. And with Link, too. Crazy stuff. I think we played one friendly, when I was half awake. =(
You are the craziest, coolest, awesomest, everythingest person I've met at a tournament. Thanks for recording a bunch of me and Darc's team matches, I really appreciate it. We should have played some friendlies, but even without them, I still had fun hanging out with you. You're a cool dude. Thanks for Goemon. Sorry to hear about the craziness of the trip you and the rest of Georgia went through, but I'm glad you guys made it to and from in one piece.
You are too awesome. Your posts on Smashboards, your amazingness at the tournament, and that broken shield punish against Chu. Sorry I didn't sign your hat. =(
You ****ing ***** that donkey kong plushie. Thanks for the enjoyable tournament, sorry to hear about the money loss =(
Again, thanks for picking me up Taco Bell, and our pools set was fun.
Harv5, LOL
You ****ing ***** in crews.
Wow our teams set was amazing. Glad to see you did enter singles, it'd be a shame for you to travel that far just to say "nah." Good **** against Darc in pools.
Game 2 was too 1, not so much >_>. I'll get my revenge on you eventually, maybe even in teams.
Cold hands are terrible as **** =( You should have told me you had them before the match started, I would have let you warm up against a CPU or something. Other than the first game being plagued by cold hands, our set was fun, I hope I get a chance to play against you again, and thanks for the mini-shoutout in your 3000th post thread.
Playing against you singles never seems to get old, always fun.
If I missed you, please let me know, and I'll give you a shoutout. Unfortunately since I've procrastinated so much, the tournament was fairly long ago and I don't remember everyone I'd want to give a shoutout to. =(