whoa, wait...how did this all go into crews?
also, since when was ricky, ECE, and special K SoVA? i'm not bashing them like they suck (cuz they dont), but....like...I thought ECE/Ricky were NoVA and that Special K wasnt even from VA
Also, we have Lee, Ether, and kitsune to take into consideration, especially after his upset pullings over me and Lee. Also, Rad isnt garbage, so he should be thrown in there somewhere
If Tope, meep, etc. fight for SoVA, then that kinda stacks our crew alot
Rahil from what kitsune says
and a few others...
thats ten right there, and i'm sure richmond would have a few more that could bump some others out of the list. i think it'll be better just to wait and see who shows up and how the tourney goes first, cuz i'm sure it will be more clear-cut in deciding by then
..not to mention how some peeps go to school down here but dont live here, so that makes things wierd as well. *coughAdwilliaCowEtc.cough*
I say decide on the actual tourney day. doing this **** online never seems to work
also, what the **** is up with that "teams cant have doubles of characters" crap? SoVA alone has like 5 falcos and 3 foxes @_@