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This matches up roughly with what I know.Alright, I know we can logic our way through this. We just need to follow the paper trail.
Let's side aside Holder and Cori, they're basically confirmed town through Red's riddle. GRC has his role revealed as town, so I'll set him aside, too. And presuming Ura is the same as he was when he died, we'll set him aside, too.
That leaves ten of us, myself included. Three of which are lynchproof. I still think it's worth testing if one of them is a one-shot lynchproof, but if you guys don't want to test that, then that leaves the seven of us.
I'll start with myself. I have only one ability, and that's the ability to take someone else's second ability for a night. This is justified by my character, Mr. Potter, a banker, repossessing the ability. I think the specific wording here is important because it lends credence to my character claim being legitimate. The person's role isn't stolen. It isn't borrowed or disabled. It's repossessed.
And if you look back in the thread, you'll see Shish and Praline use this exact wording, before I'd ever publicly stated I could take someone's ability.
I used this ability to prove that @Shishœ was indeed the linker, but the fact that both of them knew the proper term anyway should also help prove his roleclaim. I also can verify that Shish's first ability is the hider ability, because of the fact that he hid behind Golden on night 1, and I received Golden's ability when redirected to Shish by Cori. Unfortunately given that Golden's ability was immediately made known to the group by his death, this is the claim you'll simply have to trust my word on, but Cori was in on this plan, so she can somewhat verify it.
It's because of this that Shish is the only unconfirmed townie I'll vouch for completely.
So we'll move on next toNatz~ . She's now proven her ability is jailing, and not just a form of rolestopping. On night 1, Shiny was unable to send anyone his "Waah" card, which on its own doesn't prove the jailing claim, but last night I was unable to repossess Apollo's role. This establishes her skill as not roleblocking or rolestopping, but specifically stopping all actions committed by and to the player. The only thing we haven't proven is her ability to save someone from death from jailing, an action which is inherently risky to test given the claimed 50/50 nature of her ability.
From here things get fuzzier for me, as I haven't directly interacted very much with any of the remaining four players. But we're down to the minimum number for a mafia. This is also why I believe one of the lynchproof to be mafia, as I don't believe the remaining four all are. Or at least, that they all started as mafia.
I believeKingofPhantoms has proven he can roleblock, at the very least, given the nature of Praline's death. Crusher's role flavor says he'd commit suicide if he couldn't pass on the spot, and it appears from praline's death flavor that he committed suicide. However, I'd argue, causing praline's death is still in the mafia's best interest. He claims he prevented Apollo from acting on night 2, but he did block Praline again on Night 1. Mafia roleblockers aren't unheard of, and considering Natz is the super jailer, I can see it.
Kirby Dragons has stayed out of the game basically completely, only using his announcer ability to character claim; something, I might add, he waited to do until well after everyone else had character claimed.
Jojalole was prevented from acting last night. He says he made no action on night 2, rather conveniently on the same night KingofPhantoms says he would have killed himself if he acted. This despite Shish attempting to get him to kill Zeb. And of course, on night one he killed Ura, who wasn't completely town, but also wasn't mafia.
Lastly we'll talk aboutAEMehr . He's claimed that he needed to choose a senpai before night 1, and that his win condition is the same as his senpai's. Neither he nor his senpai have spoken up about WHO that is. He could have picked a mafia player. But I also have a feeling, based on the foreboding message in Swamp's post, that he may have picked Praline, and that's he's been set off by his death. Either way, he hasn't done anything productive or helpful for the town. But I also do not believe that even if he's mafia now, that he started out that way, meaning one of those lynchproof kiddos is back on my list.
So, let's discuss them now.
RamOne has claimed the windmill from Don Quixote. That's a bold fakeclaim to make, that's for certain, but that enough isn't reason to clear him. But what is is we've seen his first skill in action. He sent White a Nightmare, and White confirmed it in the main thread. So both his abilities are proven and I'm willing to tentatively declare him town.
@Yellowlord has been quite inactive and has not proven what his second ability is. That's really all I can say regarding him.
And lastly we've gotA Distant Demon , who not only claims lynchproof, but bulletproof as well. When Shish attempted to test his claim using Apollo, Apollo opted not to act, leaving us without definitive proof of his second ability. I do, however, find it a bit peculiar that Apollo opted not to shoot Zeb on the same night King claims he would have shot himself, and now Zeb is stepping forward to defend King's roleblock target as always being Praline, after Cori has claimed she redirected him that way.
Since I'm making this long post anyway, I might as well offer my theory regarding the resurrection ofUra , too. I think Red did it. His role flavor says he'd be awarded a new ability related to the solved riddle. And the only riddle he was able to solve in time was the one about doubles. Ura is now back playing his own double.
And discussing balance and how many of the remaining players could be mafia, I believe it may very well be just three or four. That might seem small for a game of this size, but the game also includes two doubled up roles clearly meant to function as red herrings, third parties in Waluigi and Stain, a random goon with no win condition until he finds his boss, and two roles in Mystique and Yandere-Chan that can potentially flop in either direction based on who they connected with.
And that's that. The fact that I'm the role cop is out in the open, and I'm likely the next target for the mafia, so with this post I can say I'm content with my part in the game. I'll refrain from voting until the rest of you can join in and shed some further light to the events of the last few days.
What I will say is that Red actually got a one-shot Vig that I don't think he actually used, and the night he was killed IIRC he solved the second riddle as well which gave him a one-shot doc. All according to him at least, and he had no reason not to trust me at that point. Not like it matters at this point.
That means our reviver is still out in the wild, but since they're likely spent that doesn't matter much either. Other than that, your deductions are better organized than Red's scattered notes are and seem to come to at least largely the same conclusions, and from what little I've been in the loop on out of all this I also see nothing else inaccurate.