I just beat
The Magnificent Five and well, if you can get through Hulk Davidson without losing too much health and lives, you're set.
The secret with Davidson is to slow, zoom, and kick until you break his axe. Once you break his axe mach speed is the ability you'll want to use and punch the living crap out of him, he's most likely knock you down eventually or you'll catch on fire from the fire bombs but no matter, if you catch on fire run around in mach speed outside of the fire (Or else you'll suddenly get hurt and fly to the ground, I wondered what the heck was happening for about 5 hours and finally figured this out -_-), using mach speed also causes you to break the boxes in the background, thus, giving you health in the form of hamburgers if you need it.
It is possible to kill Bruce in a matter of 15 seconds, if you run to the very far left and go to the high point just slow down time when he approaches and hit him, now, I got lucky as he stopped to take a breather right in front of me, slow, zoom, punch for about 10 seconds and bam, he's dead. I really don't have a strategy otherwise for him
Another Joe is also really easy, just use all the same tricks and make sure, absolutely sure to slow, zoom and punch him as much as you can, this will make the battle go by so much faster.
I was expecting to fight Alastor again after this but to my surprise no, Fire Leo came up. His voice is wicked cool and he himself was pretty **** easy, I only needed two tries to kill him. The strategy is simple, use mach speed and punch the rocks he lays around the track until you get your orange glow (Some call this the "On-Fire Mode" but anyways, it allows you to do fire moves AND makes it so fireballs don't hurt you, they go right through you). Now, hurry and run over to Leo and punch him with your nearly on-fire self. He'll lose his aurora and then begin to attack you regularly, mostly with a spin attack. Jump above him and towards a side, right or left and then zoom causes you to shoot downward, now at about his head start doing your Zoomed Kicks and only come out of them when you are about to lose your VFX power. Make sure you have enough to Mach Speed away though, because he can hit you and if you Mach Speed away those chances are put to a very low percent. Let your VFX powers recharge and go in for a second round of hitting, after this you should just have to repeat. Once you get Leo down into the "red zone" in his life gauge, he will gain speed and be a little more difficult to hit while he has his aurora.
I'm now on the Star Wars Spoof-type chapter called
"Joe & Silvia" or maybe its vice-versa, Silvia & Joe... Oh well, I can't even get through the first room because this ****ed door is locked -_-'
This game is so awesome though, not to be blunt just because its a new release and all but I think it is my favorite GameCube game now... I haven't had this much fun with any of GameCube's other titles, even
Super Smash Bros. Melee. Now, am I the only one who thinks if Joe stays exclusive to Nintendo he should be in the next Smash Bros? Joe fits perfectly as a Nintendo mascot.