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Vids up critique plz


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2007
ok got a few matches up with my good friend simon who also happens to be the top ranked player in australia at the moment and i was just seeking some advice on things i do well and things i dont do well match up specific and otherwise, cheers. Oh i also left one match out cause i played horrible in it lol.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noj7g67jUiM vs metaknight

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s888XtzitiA vs metaknight

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGhFV4Sejls vs metaknight

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBj7cZsYWVI vs metaknight

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMz8AvEzBmAvs metaknight


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
I would say be a little more aggressive actually. there were several openings that you allowed to pass. From the videos, it looks as if you are still learning Pit because I saw several times where you were just standing there instead of being fluid.

I saw a lot of smashes and hardly any basic moves like AAA or tilts. Esp against MK, you want fast attacks and smashes are slow. The fastest tilt is the Utilt. You need to add variety to your game because it is stale with only smashes and arrows. I also saw hardly any grabs and smashing at 0% is not advisable. I also saw hardly any combos "'combo"turtle lol. Dtilt is an amazing move with great reach, priority and combo starting. Where is the angel ring? AR to Dtilt is great!

Something you should always be thinking when MK is coming back from the stage is Mirror shield. It is probably the best weapon against him. Always be ready to flip him around and even doing it prematurely doesn't really hurt either. It will also let the MK be cautious and afraid to use his normal cocky shuttle loop at the risk of being gimped.
Also you use the arrows way too much. They are not that effective against MK and are slow after firing so you have to be mindful of when you use it. You should also use WoI to grab the ledge always. It snaps you to it,

You are on your way with the AT's, of course applications can be improved a bit with exp, but I think you need to go back to the basics. I did like your tornado counters in the first vid. Do more of that.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2006
Memphis, TN
don't smash so much. In brawl attack depletion is huge. With pit some of his best kill moves are also some of his more appealing damage moves (fsmash for example). Its not a bad idea to save the fsmash for the kill. Alternatively you could use fsmash & dsmash a lot and then around 100% on the opponent start using moves that refresh your attacks. Attack depletion only goes 9 moves deep so if you hit him with a couple arrows, pummel the grab some and jab a bit you can refresh the move sufficiently to kill with it. If your going to do this try to keep in mind how depleted each of your kill moves are.

With your wingdashing. Although I believe this is an overated tech with limited uses its still worth pointing out that you were landing in lag with it. You were probably canceling it with a bair or something but its quite possible to wingldash without landing in lag.

A couple things against mk. Don't be so arrogant off the edge. MK wins off the ledge sadly thats all there is to it. I noticed when recovering you generally weren't urgently getting back to the edge hoping for some free damage. Although against a lot of characters this is cool I wouldn't recommend it against mk. You may think if it goes badly you can always escape by going under the level with wings of icarus but the metaknight can actually glide under the level and catch up to you for an annoying gimp (believe me I had it happen in a tournament). Your glide attack tends not to be that good against him, your opponent either didn't know this or is greedy for more damage but mk tornado completely beats pits glide attack. This was already mentioned but down b can gimp him (but not really reliably).

I only watched two matches so maybe I didn't get a fair showign but that's much constructive critisim.

Because I feel bad saying all negative things when you really actually play a good pit heres a couple positive things.
Good use of nair off the edge.
good spacing.
You had a pretty arrow loop.
You were able to win a couple games against mk which is one of pit's hardest matchups.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
i think that arrow looping is overrated but all techs are important. anyway i disagree by saying that you should use the mirror shield more to try to gimp MK from returning. its the only way to learn and Id rather see a pit brave enough to attempt gimps in friendlies instead waiting for mk to come back and ****. its a tough match up but not impossible. metas should be easy to gimp because they are extremely predictable when they return from the ledge. That shuttle loop is very predictable and I guess when he would use it everytime. Once you get the timing and spacing of the shield it is too powerful against meta. The only move the shield isn't effective against when returning is the down B and I rarely see them use it. So if you force them to be cautious with there arrogant moves then you have an adj.

ppl (no one specific) underestimate pit and its really annoying. This game is made so that any character can beat any character.


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2007
thanks for all the advice guys, i will definitely work on it and yeah as far as learning pit goes i still am i just got the game again after a 2 month break because my original copy stopped working, but it looks like i have alot of things i can work on, im also glad to see advice from some of the top pit players and not just anybody also in some of the other matches i started to jab jab grab and it seemed to work pretty well so all your advice seems pretty good, thanks again :D
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