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Vids of my ganon -- advice appreciated! (Links fixed)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 18, 2006
I went to E52 this past weekend and got some mms in with 18spikes and Cosmo. As I expected, I got wrecked by both of them, but I had a lot of fun and really would appreciate any advice.


Me vs 18Spikes' Doc (full set)

Me vs Cosmo's Marth (full set)

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy the sets. All comments/criticism/etc are welcome.

Edit: broken links hopefully fixed


Smash Lord
Nov 16, 2007
537 Paper Street - Bradford - 19808
I left my comments on the Youtube matches. In a nutshell it looked like you were uncomfortable with these matches. Your Ganon is very good and it's obvious that you have good control and knowledge on how to play him but you played him the same in both matches and in these two matches Ganon shouldn't look like that. Looking forward to your next vids cause I know once you understand the gimmiks your opponents used on you, you'll start regulated them.


Smash Ace
Nov 20, 2006
Pasadena, Tx
In that match vs Doc, you really just have to maintain your spacing. Aside from pills, Doc has very limited range. He shouldn't be using pills against Ganon either cuz Bair eats 'em and the hitbox hangs out for a moment to punish his pill following approach. I fight this matchup with my back facing Doc most of the time. Scare him out of approaching by spacing Bairs and reverse Uairs.

Here's a fun way to counter Doc's Pill guarded recovery when he's off the edge: Right as he is throwing a pill, jump after him with a reverse Uair and fast fall it just before you hit the pill. The Uair will eat the pill and catch Doc before he has a chance to do anything. Also, I wouldn't try the tipman spike because Doc has magnet hands, so when he sweetspots properly, I really don't think it can possibly hit him. I would recommend ledgehopping a Uair while saving invincibility from the ledge. OR, you can ledgestall and punish his Down-B swirly crap with a ledgedrop Uair or Bair.

Post 800!!!


Smash Champion
Oct 25, 2007
Miami, FL (Ives Dairy)
Alright Ulti your ganon is pretty good, but here are some pointers/tidbits that you might be able to use.

Against Doc: I personally think this match up is 50/50, Ganon can easily neutralize pills with just his F-airs, b-airs and his tilts, so try to neutralize his pills and it'll force them to come to you. Also, retreating b-airs destroy Docs and Marios. Additionally, try to use reverse up-airs when you're pretty sure Doc has to up-b, also when they do their down-b to gain more vert, simply run out there and up-air or F-air, and it'll completely kill there jump. Spacing yourself out is important in this match up, but isn't dire; it just presents more opportunities to exploit.

Against Marth: Now this match-up I'm still learning myself, so I can't really help you a whole lot like Tipman and Linguini can, but I can tell you as much as I know. Ok, so NEVER roll into Marth. They'll most likely up-tilt or F-smash and heavens knows you don't want that, it'll make too vulnerable and Marth can combo Ganon so easily it's not even funny. If you see them doing f-air spamming; up-airs will usually knock them out of that, if you see them doing neutral-a, then spaced b-airs are your best solution.

If you find yourself off the stage and you know they're going to space themselves off the ledge and F-smash, save your up-b and come up from below the ledge, and depending on your percent you can wall-jump tech and up-b or b-air (simply wall tech jump and slam the c-stick back for the b-air to come out) Edgeguarding Marth is tricky but it can be done. Whenever you see him using his side-b to approach then run of and f-air. Also use the Marth killer if you don't know how, press Z and move the control stick of the direction you're facing while holding Z and back. If you can anticipate a F-smash and you're really close, ALWAYS grab or up-b out of shield. If you happen to grab, then make sure you up-throw or d-throw, and I think at like...30% a down-throw can lead to a d-smash, which can lead into other things, also use the wizard's foot and side B sparingly, they're easily punishable moves if they become to unpredictable.

So next time no more vids of your Ganon losing. I want to see a win! (preferably a 3-4 stock) =)


Smash Ace
Sep 24, 2008
Toronto, ON
Your Ganon is really good, and way better than mine. But that means nothing, because I suck.

I just wanted to ask how you did that Yoshi thing.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 18, 2006
Thanks for the advice everyone. And yeah, I really do need to work on match-up specifics. I haven't played a good doc (or any doc) in months (since the last E52, incidentally), and Cosmo's Marth was so much better than any Marth I've played before I wasn't sure what he was doing, much less what to do myself.

The Yoshi trick: Pick ganon (don't change colors), then move your cursor over to Yoshi and press b (bringing you "coin" to it), then press Y (so you're Cyan colored). DO NOT PRESS A! Just hold the cursor over Yoshi, don't select him! Then go to the start screen (L+R+start I think), go back to vs mode, and your cursor should be on Ganon, but the portrait will show Cyan Yoshi. You have to play as the default ganon btw (switching costumes stops the glitch).


Feral Youth
Sep 27, 2006
Cbus, Ohio
Yo ulti, i dunno how often you play cosmo but if you live near him you should play him ALL THE TIME. He's seriously a great marth to learn a lot of **** from, i did some friendlies with him once in michigan and a money match, i came out of michigan with a whole new perspective on the ganon marth match up. My advice is to play very cautious against marths, cosmo has a funky marth that'll be ready to punish you for anything so playing against him will help you learn what you can and cant do. All in all good luck and if you wanna see how i played agaisnt him just youtube cosmo dippndots money match
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