Its hard to believe anything coming out of 2Ch too, but we're still accepting this video.
Honestly, why would he stop once the fight is about to begin, which would SEAL the "Real" stamp on it for good.
You can rip the sounds from anywhere.
Where did the announcer guy go? The one who'll say "PIT!" in a low voice.
We were shown the screens enough times between E for All, Dojo, and a couple WHobby photos so that someone with ALOT OF TIME ON THEIR HANDS(As most people on 2Ch and 4Chan have), to produce such a great fake.
We cannot tell if that is a Television or a computer screen.
He had access to all the sounds via Dojo Movies, ESPECIALLY FOR PIT.
Change your computers cursor to a mock up of Dojo's, and make an interactive flash that allows things to pop up like that did, and TADA!
We have ourselves that video.
Come on people, common sense.