So yesterday I had a mini epiphany at school. It was yearbook day, so we didn't really do anything productive. Most of the day we just sat in the cafeteria area. There was a Promethean board in the center that they had used for a Senior breakfast thing earlier, and we asked if we could use it to set up a Wii U, and they let us have at it. Of course you guys know what game we brought.
Boy was it a blast! We had two GC adapters and 8 controllers, so we had 8 players playing at all times! All sorts of guys in the school were hopping on, and everybody else was just watching with a look of joy on their face. All items were on, any stage goes, completely casual.
And I realized that while I definitely enjoy the game more as a competitive hobby, I think Sakurai was on to something when he said the game was meant to be played at a casual level. I don't remember the last time I played Smash not really caring whether I won or not. If Sakurai were with us that day, he would've been proud.
We also set up a mini tournament later on, which I won, so that was fun too.