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Venus' SSB4U Blog: Partial Roster Revealed!

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Link to original post: [drupal=5033]Venus' SSB4U Blog[/drupal]

My Roster Thus Far (Minus Secret Characters)​

Hello all,

You might remember my thread from before Brawl was released (or not; depending on your memory). Surprisingly, you can find my thread here. It contained a massive amount of ideas, concepts, wish lists, and predictions for Brawl. Brawl has come and gone and shown to be a great game albeit with a few problems here in there but that is in every game.

Now, Nintendo has released that a new Smash Bros. game is underway for the new Nintendo Wii U as well as the Nintendo 3DS, a new precedent in the Smash world. By now, tons of rumors have circulated about possible characters and rosters but, nothing official has come out. So, we must dream and write about what we want in hopes it comes true.

This is where this blog comes in. I am currently working on a blog on wordpress called Super Smash Bros 4 U .

It is a blog both dedicated to giving you news on Super Smash Bros. 4 when it eventually comes out as well as my postings of characters I think may or may not make it into SSB4. The blog works much like my previous Brawl thread. I would like to hear feedback from followers so I saw that the Smash Boards have a blog option so I thought of also taking my blog to the forums! I will be posting, hopefully on a daily basis minus weekends, about possible new characters, veteran changes, new stages, new game play concepts, pokeballs, assist trophies, etc. While it is a wish list of sorts but I try to be realistic as possible (so no Knuckles, Tails, Master Chief, Altair, Banko-Kazooie, Cloud, etc). However, with some character, I have taken a creative liberty knowingly there is no chance in hell of being included in the next game but I felt they would make for an very interesting character. I also encourage you to post and follow my blog! I hope this will become a big hit and people ultimately enjoy.

This front post will change to fit the blog needs and to make it appealing so bear with me

2/20/12 7:51 AM
Veteran: Mario, Link, Pikachu, and Pit

2/22/12 9:43 AM
Veteran: Bowser
Newcomer: Bowser Jr/Shadow Mario
Concerning Elements, Costumes, Affinities,Final Melees, Final Brawls, and Perks

2/27/12 10:27 am
Newcomers: Krystal, Saki, Isaac, and Shulk
Updated: Bowser Jr and Shadow Mario

3/13/12 9:43 AM
Stage: Starship Mario

3/23/12 10:50 am
Stage: Skyloft, Castelia City

Mario OP
Link OP
Pikachu OP
Pit OP
Bowser OP

Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario OP/OP
Krystal OP
Saki OP
Isaac OP
Shulk OP

OP = Original Post on my blog
Original Post Here!

A burning village. A burning kingdom. Fire sweeps across the palace walls and darkens them black. The beautiful pained glass shatters from the intense heat that roars; spinning around the once mighty castle. Around it, the kingdom burns with a greedy light. The denizens run screaming, pleading for help, and fleeing for their lives. This once beautiful kingdom, full of Toads, flowers, and mushrooms, is only a smoldering cinder and, in the village square, a lone mustached plumber stands; staring at the sky. Up in the dark red sky, a floating mechanical isle lies floating; surveying the destruction. The plumber clenches his fists in anger and bounds off towards the floating mechanical isle.

Mario from Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Name: Mario
Game Series: Mario
First Game: Donkey Kong (1981)
Element Alignment: Fire
Affinity: Good
Purpose for Fighting: Love
Availability: Starter

Mario returns again to the Smash party as a balanced fighter! It would be ridiculous to not include him in SSB4 since he is literally the face of Nintendo. He has appeared in every single Smash game from Super Smash Bros. 64 to Super Smash Bros. Brawl. However, it would be interesting if a few new changes was made to him. For example, Mario moves and actions should be based off the Mario Galaxy series since it is the most up-to-date version of Mario as well as his Super Mario Bros. Wii and Super Mario Bros 3D Land.

Proposed Changes from Brawl to SSB4


Change: Replace Mario`s down B attack F.L.U.D.D. with a new attack.

Reason: Super Mario Sunshine was pre-Brawl so Mario should be updated to fit a newer game such as Galaxy or New Super Mario Bros. Wii. One idea is Mario would use the ability or abilities given to him in Mario Galaxy 1 and/or 2.

Proposed New Move set:

B - Fireball
Side B -Cape
Up B Super Jump Punch
Down B – Cloud Mario

Final Smash: Mario Finale
Final Melee: Fire Tornado
Final Brawl: Plumber Combo

Cloud Mario enables Mario to erect a wall made out of clouds to stop or halt attacks. Mario can also hit the cloud to send it flying into opponents to cause 1between 10-13% damage depending on the distance of the opponent. Mario can also use this ability to stop himself from flying off the side of the stage since his movements stops when he comes into contact with the wall.

Fire Tornado causes Mario to begin spinning which can be increased by spinning the joys tick on the controller. A fiery tornado erupts from Mario and erupts upwards much like a tornado of fire. It causes around 55-75% damage with an additional 10% damage with the right perks. It has a high vertical knockback after the final smash ends.

Plumber Combo is Mario”s Final Brawl. Mario rushes his opponent, does a sliding kick, and goes down a pipe. He reappears next to the opponent on the other side punches the opponent, goes down the pipe and reappears on the other side. He does this 3 times n quick succession and then does a uppercut sending the opponent sky high. Has a very high knock back and KO potential. He does 50-63% damage with an additional 25% damage with the right perks.

Proposed Stage: Starship Mario

Proposed New Taunts
NEW Right Side – Twirls around twice and then thrusts his hand out to give a peace sign.
NEW Left Side – Jumps up while thrusting one fist into the air (similar to his openining animation when Mario enters the stage except no pipe).

Proposed New Stage Entrance – Mario crashes down via a star found up in the sky. He then quickly adjusts his hat and says “Let’s a go!” (taken from Mario Galaxy)

Proposed New Palette Swap

Bee Mario Palette Swap – Brown Hat, yellow overalls, black shirt, and brown shoes.

Proposed Buy able Costumes

Penguin Suit (from Super Mario Bros. Wii)

Attributes: Changes Mario’s elemental alignment from Fire to Ice, Mario slides longer with running dash, faster when swimming.

Tanooki Suit (from Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario 3D Land)

Attributes: Changes Mario’s elemental alightment from Fire to Wind, Mario glides longer when falling, Mario’s basic A attack is a hit from his Tanooki Tail

Current Mario Move Set (taken from SmashWikia):
Ground Moves

* Neutral Attack – Punches with his left, then his right, and then kicks with his right foot. All are from Super Mario 64. Beneficial in making combos. First hit jab locks character laying on the ground and does 3% damage, second punch does 2%, and kick does 4% for a total of 9%.
* Forward Tilt -Power Kick- Does a roundhouse kick with his right leg. Has average damage and knockback, but has better reach than his other tilts (it is still short). Has some IASA frames. Does 8%.
* Up Tilt -Uppercut- Delivers an uppercut while spinning. Similar to a move in Super Mario RPG. Average damage and above-average knockback. An excellent juggler that can be combod into itself, a up smash, and a uair juggle. 7% damage.
* Down Tilt -Crouch Kick- Sweeps low to the ground with his leg. Though it has a very fast start-up, it deals very little damage, has high ending lag, low knockback, very low hitstun, and very short reach. Deals 5% if Mario’s foot connects, while hitting with his leg/body deals 7%.
* Dash Attack – Leg Sweep- Slides forward and kicks with both feet. Also from Super Mario 64. Has low diagonal knockback behind Mario that is difficult to follow up on. (Has IASA frames near the end.) Does 9% if connected with the initial hitbox, does 7% if it hits later.


* Side Smash – Fire Smash- Steps back and then forward, causing a blast of fire out of his hand. One of Mario’s best reaching moves (though its reach is only average at best). It has rather fast start-up for a forward smash but it does have punishable ending lag. Damage and knockback is highest when sweetspotted at the flame. Can also be angled up and down. It has low base knockback but its knockback scaling when sweetspotted is very high. This is Mario’s most powerful attack and can be considered his best finisher. The attack is derived form Mario’s ability to shoot fireballs. Does 14% if Mario’s arm connects and 17% if the fire connects; angling up increases the damage to 15%/18% and angling down decreases it to 13%/16%. If fully charged, deals 19.6% (arm) or 23.8% (fire) (angled up: 21%/25.2%, angled down: 18.2%/22.4%). The sweetspot is a hitbox with transcendent priority.
* Up Smash – Head Snap- Sends opponents skyward with a headbutt. Has fast start-up lag and its ending lag is rather low as well. It does have good base knockback and knockback scaling, but its KO power is rather average for a up smash. This is Mario’s only other reliable finisher and it is his only attack that can KO vertical under 150%. 14% uncharged and 19.6% fully charged.
* Down Smash – Breakdance Kick- Does a breakdance sweep. Like Mario’s other attacks, it has fast start-up and ending lag but short reach. While stronger than his tilts and aerials, it isn’t strong enough to reliably KO under 150%. Another attack from Super Mario 64. The front hit deals 15% damage (21% charged), while the back hit does 12% (16.8% charged).


* Ledge Attack (below 100%) – Does a somersault and then kicks upwards, from a laying down position. 8% to those on the stage and 6% to those extremely close by.
* Ledge Attack (above 100%) – Gets up then does a kick similar to his forward tilt. Does 10%.
* Floor Attack (faceup) – Gets up then kicks behind him, then in front of him. Does 6%.
* Floor Attack (facedown) – Gets up then punches behind him, then in front of him. Does 6%.
* Floor Attack (sitting) – Kicks behind him, then in front of him while getting up. Does 5%.

Aerial Attacks

* Neutral Aerial – Air Kick- Performs a Sex Kick kick in the air. Similar to an attack from Super Mario 64. Its almost instantaneous start-up can be used to break certain chainthrows and combos but it has low knockback and short reach. Initially does 10%, then 5% afterwards.
* Forward Aerial -Meteor Punch-Lowercuts. This is a slow Meteor Smash if it is sweetspotted. It is a very weak meteor smash that is difficult to land, but it does have the benefit of sending opponents on a diagonal trajectory instead of straight down. When sourspotted, it sends opponents on a horizontal trajectory with decent knockback. Does 13% when sweetspotted, does 12% when sourspotted, and 10% if landed with the later hitbox.
* Back Aerial -Back Kick- Spins and kicks backward. Similar to his Fair in the original Super Smash Bros.. Very fast start-up with decent reach and knockback. Can WoP at low to mid percentages and KO at very high percentages (but not below 150% outside of edgeguard situations). Does 12% when the initial hitbox is landed, does 7% if landed with the later hitbox.
* Up Aerial -Flip Kick- Does a somersault and kicks upward. Very low start-up and ending lag with low knockback, it works very well as a juggler at low to mid percentages. Does 11% with diagonal knockback.
* Down Aerial – Mario Tornado. Spins with fists then strikes with both on opposite sides. Like the original move, it looks somewhat like the Spin Jump from various Mario games, such as Super Mario World. Similar to his other aerials, it has almost no start-up with short reach, but it does have some ending lag. The final hit does low vertical knockback. Hits 5 times for 1% each before a final hit of 7% for a total of 12%. If Mario lands while spinning, nearby opponents receive 2%.

Grabs & Throws

* Pummel -Grab Headbutt- Headbutt for 3% damage. One of the slowest pummels in the game.
* Forward Throw – Single Spin- Mario spins around once then throws his opponent in front of him. It has low knockback scaling even for a throw. It is mostly only used to get the opponent off the edge. Does 9%.
* Back Throw – Tornado Spin- Mario whirls around several times then throws his opponent backwards. It is similar to when Mario grabs Bowser by the tail, and then swings him around in an attempt to throw into the bombs in Super Mario 64. While a very slow throw, he can damage other characters with the character he is swinging around. This is by far Mario’s strongest throw and its knockback scaling is high enough to reliably KO around 185%. While powerful for a throw, it is very slow, making it very easy to DI, limiting its KO potential. It is also Mario’s most damaging throw dealing 12%.
* Up Throw – Sky Hurl- Mario throws his opponent high into the air. Good base knockback but it has low knockback scaling. It can be follow up by a uair juggle but is mostly inferior to the down throw for setting up. Does 8%.
* Down Throw – Slamdown- Mario slams his opponent into the ground. Its low base knockback and knockback scaling with its vertical trajectory makes it great for setting up with a u-tilt and uair juggle, but it is Mario’s weakest throw otherwise. Does 6%.


o Up – Turns into Super Mario. The way he does it is how he changes in the original Super Mario Bros, what goes up must come down. (Same as in SSB and Melee.)
o Down – Spins in the air and falls on his back, based on the dying animation from the original Donkey Kong.

My Thoughts

Mario should be based off his appearances in Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Bros. Wii just as how SSBB Mario was based off from Mario Sunshine. Mario will always be a mainstay in the SSB universe so including him is a no brainer.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Original Post Here!

An island floats above the lands; a island of solitude and happiness. Everyone goes about their day of chores, play, and work. However, a light breeze turns into a storm. Before, long a tempest rages around the island with shrieking winds and flying debris. Just as soon as the storm came, it left leaving nothing and taking everything. The once happy and lively floating island was empty of laughter, voices, and people. . The wind, once a beautiful melody in the air, is gone and only silence remains. In the middle of the silence is a young man wearing peculiar clothes: a green tunic, a green hat, and brown boots. On his back is a sturdy shield and in his hand; a powerful sword to fight off evil. The young man looks up to the darkening sky where a strange floating mechanical island sits, like a vulture, upon the sky. The young man calls for his faithful bird, a loftwing, to pursue the mechanical island in the sky.

Link from Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Name: Link

Game Series: Legend of Zelda
First Game: The Legend of Zelda (1986)
Element Alignment: Wind
Affinity: Good
Purpose for Fighting: Courage
Availability: Starter

Link returns in Super Smash Bros. 4 as a starting character. He is the mascot and representative of Legend of Zelda so he has a guaranteed in SSB4. Link, in SSB, has always been updated to fit his current look (OoT for SSB, SSBM, and TP for SSBB). Therefore, it is only logical for Link to appear as the Skyward Sword version of Link. This would not only affect his appearance but his move set as well. This means different weapons and tools that Link uses while he fights.


Proposed Changes from Brawl to SSB4

Move Set

Change: Replace Link’s Side B attack “Boomerang” with a new attack.
Replace Link’s Up B “Spin Attack” with a new attack.
Replace Link’s Hero Bow to the Sacred Bow.
Move Link’s Up B “Spin Attack” as a chargeable A button attack.

Reason: The Boomerang does not appear in Skyward Sword so since Link should be based off Skyward Sword version of Link, the Boomerang should be changed. As for the Spin Attack, it can be replaced to help Link have a more reliable recovery move. Obviously, the Hero Bow does not appear in Skyward Sword so the Sacred Bow would fit much better.
Proposed New Move Set:

B - Sacred Bow
Side B – Quick Beetle
Up B – Sailcloth
Down B – Bomb

Final Smash: Triforce Slash
Final Melee: Lightning Sword
Final Brawl: Hero of Time

Sacred Bow acts much like the Hero Bow but it flies farther the longer you hold than the Hero Bow. As well, if you let it charge to the max, it will add a “Drilling effect” that can pierce through weakened shields. It can now cancel other projectiles but only when fully charged.

Quick Beetle acts much like Snake’s remote missile in that it can be controlled by Link. It can used in many different ways so it is a very versatile move. One way is to pick up items and bring them to link. The Quick Beetle is, well, quick so just scoop up any item and direct it to Link to pick up. It can also attack opponents and hold them. Once the Quick Beetle latches on to the opponent, it ceases the connection with Link allowing him to attack the trapped opponent. A trapped opponent has a higher knockback than un-trapped. It can also halt opponents in mid air and cause them to fall on the ground. However, opponents can struggle (move, dodge, shield, air dodge, or attack) to knock off the Quick Beetle.

Sailcoth sends a gust of wind from underneath Link causing him to be propelled high in the air. Link then deploy his parachute at his highest point of falling and can sail safely down to the ground. Link can also control where he floats down to but, once he attacks, he cannot move. If you press any attack button, A or B, during his descent, he will drop his parachute and do a downward swing much like Ike’s Either.

Lighting Sword is Link’s Final Melee. Lighting begins to strike the battlefield which causes 5% damage to any players hit by it. Link raises his sword by pressing A which will direct a lightning bolt to his sword. He then can fire a electrical blast at a player by pressing A again. This blast hits 3-5 times with 10% damage for each hit with an additional 1% damage with the right perks. Pressing A will cause Link to raise his sword to guide lightning to it again.

Hero of Time is Link’s Final Brawl. Link rushes the opponent and smashes his shield into his face. He then turns around and elbow jabs the opponent and then performs a strong slash attack like his forward smash attack. The opponent gets knocked away but is then grabbed by Link’s hookshot which draws him or her back to Link. Link instantly smashes the sword’s hilt into the opponent; spiking him to the ground for a high vertical knock back. It has a high potential as a KO move. It deals between 55-68% damage with an additional 10% damage with the right perks.

Proposed Stage: Skyloft

Proposed New Taunt(s)
NEW Up – Link thrusts his hand in the air and the sound bit of when Link finds a item plays.
NEW Right – Link takes out the Goddess’s Harp and plays a quick tune on it.

Proposed New Stage Entrance – Link’s Crimson Loftwing swoops in from the top left of the screen, hovers for a second to allow Link to jumpdown to the ground and unsheathe his sword.

Proposed New Palette Swap

White Tunic from Melee

Proposed Buy-able Costumes

Novice Clothes (from Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)

Attributes: Bolsters Link’s Wind attack damage by 15%, resists Electricity damage by 5%, and Link’s jumps are 2% higher than before.

Magic Armor (from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)

Attributes: Damage Link takes is cut by 35% but, every minute, it occurs 15% damage, his jump height decreases by 2%, and his defense increases by 8%.

Current Link Moveset (Taken from SmashWikia)
Ground Attacks


* Neutral attack – Swipes his sword across his body (can jab lock), second swipe goes outwards (has lots of hitstun, allowing to be comboed into many of his moves) and the third hit is a stab forward. Loosely based off of Link’s final blow to Ganon in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The first 2 hits are great when jab canceled, as it can lead into his grab, up b, down smash or even to Jab again if the opponent doesn’t Smash DI out of it. First hit can jab lock characters laying on the ground, which Bomb footstool fast falled Nair can set-up at lower percents. First slash does 4%, second does 3%, and the stab does 5%.
* Neutral (Charged) – Link charges his Spin Attack. When fully charged, Link can unleash it resulting in a grounded spin attack. It cannot be performed while running or in the air.
* Dash attack – Swings sword from head to toe. Good combo starter. Does 12% normally, 10% if hit with the tip of the sword, and 11% if hit at very close range.
* Strong Side – An overhead swipe. Does 13% damage and is an efficient kill move at higher damages.
* Strong Up – Swings sword in an arc. It is quick and does 9% damage and has good range and knockback. Good for juggling heavy opponents at low percentage.
* Strong Down – Swipes sword across ground. Does 12% damage. Meteor smashes aerial opponents in contact with Link’s body, and opponents hanging on a ledge. Unlike Ike‘s strong down, Link’s strong down is more difficult to use as a meteor smash.


* Side Smash – Swings sword forward, if attack button is pressed again, he swings again but with more force. This move comes out faster than “strong forward” but is a few frames laggier, especially the 2nd swing. Both hits can be used to rack up damage quickly at very low damages. First hit is stronger in the tip, while the 2nd hit is stronger if hit from close. First hit, 15% (14% if hit at very close range) uncharged, 22% (19% if hit at very close range) fully charged. Second hit, 18% (24% if hit at very close range) uncharged, 23% (26%-28% if hit at very close range) fully charged. Can be used to perform Bomb Smashing.
* Up Smash – Swings sword in an arc three times. First hit, 4% uncharged, 5% fully charged. First two hits have no knockback, while the 3rd hit has below average knockback. This move is easily Smash DIed out of the last hit. Second hit, 3% uncharged, 4% fully charged. Third hit, 10% (8%-9% at very close range, depending on distance) uncharged, 14% (11%-13% at very close range, depending on distance) fully charged. This move is very effective at racking up a lot of damage.
* Down Smash – Swipes sword from front to back, very quick start up but moderately long ending lag; like his down tilt but with more force and it aims behind him too, however it does not spike if sweetspotted, but it can sometimes spike opponents when they are trying to recover and the hit-stun is very effective and can leave opponents open. Forward hit, 14% uncharged (16%-17% at very close range, depending on distance), 19% (23% at very close range) fully charged. Backward hit, 16% (17% at just the right distance) uncharged, 22% (23% at just the right distance) fully charged. Opponents can be hit by both swipes if they are between Link and the Gale Boomerang during it’s second phase as it pulls the opponent towards Link. However, good timing is required. 31%-35% uncharged, and 42%-48% charged if both hits connect.

Other attacks

* Ledge attack – Pulls himself up into a front flip and slices downward. Does 8% damage.
* 100% ledge attack – Slowly climbs up and stabs in front of him. Does 10% damage.
* Floor attack – Does two slashes front and back. Does 6% damage.

Aerial Attacks

* Nair – Does a flying jump-kick. 6% normally, 10%, sweetspotted. Sex kick. Good priority. Has almost no landing lag at all.
* Fair – Swings his sword twice while spinning 360 degrees. Second hit has great knockback, though the first hit only set ups the second hit at very low percentages, making it hard to use as a killing move. First hit, 9%. Second hit, 12%.
* Bair – Does a two kick combo. First kick does 4%, second does 7%. Has almost no landing lag, 1st hit truly combos into his Up Tilt. Can combo into many of his throws and other moves.
* Uair – Thrusts his sword upward, just like the upward thrust attack in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Long duration and can Star KO at higher damages, though it has fairly slow start-up (15 frames), little horizontal range and significantly high ending lag, with 30 frames landing lag. 15% in the first several frames, 13% in the rest with slightly lower knockback.
* Dair – A very powerful finisher that can K.O. as low as 75% or as low as 55-60 if hit with the activation frame (which has a lot of stun power as well as knockback.). Extremely high landing lag if missed (51 frames), leaving him open to some slow, powerful moves. Holds his sword downward, this time based off of the downward thrust from Zelda II. Can bounce off when the attack lands, scoring an additional hit. Hitting during the very start deals 22% with very high knockback,hitting a right after activation frame does 22 as well but without significant knockback, hitting in later frames deals 17% with still high knockback, although less than the 22% one. Bouncing after hitting an opponent or their shield deals 8% damage with little knockback. Can’t be auto-canceled in flat plataforms, even if started at the highest height jump and double jump combined (though it can from a ledge jump). However, it is very spammable in stages like Norfair, where it can be easily auto canceled, especially against characters without a disjointed aerial that outranges it vertically (to completely outprioritize it). A Bomb footstool canceled can truelly set-up the Dair. The pogo effect can be canceled by a fast fall, though it doesn’t affect the power of the Dair. Link learns a similar-looking move in Twilight Princess, which is called the Ending Blow; used as a finishing move, the attack was used to defeat Ganondorf.
* Zair – Fires his Clawshot forward, scoring two hits. Has no landing lag at all. Can be used as a tether recovery. First hit, 4%. Second hit, 6%. Very useful for spacing, and stopping approaches against taller characters. This move can rack up serious damage over a short period of time. It also is links most effective set up move and combo move and can set up into almost all of his moves due to no landing lag. This tether recovery can be used to save Link from a KO at extremely high damages ranging up to even higher than 300%. This can be done by simply air dodging and then immediately using Zair (or pressing Z twice or more) after getting hit by an attack that can semi-spike, such as Fox‘s, Jigglypuff‘s, or Zelda‘s Down Smashes. Link’s Zair can also be used while a bomb is held to cancel an airdodge, which also allows him to Tether recover or attack with a Bomb still in hand allowing for even more options. Link has the 2nd longest Zair in Brawl, though is only a bit shorter than Samus‘.

Grabs & Throws

* Grab – Holds opponent with his right hand after grabbing them with the Clawshot. Very high ending lag if this move misses, leaving him open to slow, powerful moves.
* Pummel – Hits opponent with the hilt of the Master Sword. A fairly fast pummel. Does 2% damage.
* Forward Throw – Lets go of foe then kicks them, football punt style. Does 7% damage.
* Back Throw – Throws foe back then back kicks. Does 7% damage.
* Down Throw – Throws foe down then elbow drops them. If Link and Toon Link use their down throw on Jigglypuff it will only do 4% damage. This is because their down throw hits twice and Jigglypuff is too light to get hit on the first strike (as the second strike does 4 damage and the first does 3). Does 7% damage.
* Up Throw – Throws foe a very short distance above him, then slashes. Guaranteed KO at 160%. Does 7% damage.

* Down: Link’s mysterious taunt from the original. He pulls his knee to his chest and draws his sword back behind his head. May be loosely based off of Link’s attacking pose from Zelda II.
* Left Side: Takes out Navi, a fairy, who will fly around him.

My Thoughts

I really support Skyward Sword Link being the main Link in SSB4. He is much different than both TP and WW Link in terms of appearance and even weapons. Skyward Sword includes new weapons such as Gust Bellows, Whip, and the Groosenator. I am also for Link being un-nerfed. I propose that by a more powerful chargeable A attack, a more reliable Up B attack, as well as a powerful arrow attack.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Original Post Here!

A lush, beautiful world full of promise and possibilities. Mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, deserts, villages, cities, hopes, and dreams. That was until the world began to crumble apart. Storm clouds grew and enveloped the mountains and rained down ruin upon the surface. Lighting struck trees and mountain tops; fires broke out and mountains were torn apart at the seams. This once beautiful world was soon posed to collapse. In the center of the storms a hovering mechanical isle floated high in the sky. The lightning seemed to emanate and grow from it and create these violent storms. Amongst the storm stood a solitary creature yet defiant of the storms. This creature frowned at the storms that raked across the lands and off, in a streak of pure lightning, to meet the storms threat.

Pikachu from Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Name: Pikachu

Game Series: Pokémon

First Game: Pokémon Red and Blue (1998)

Elemental Alignment: Lightning

Purpose for Fighting: Bonds

Availability: Starter

Pikachu comes back to the Super Smash Bros. world along with it’s quick lightning attacks. This electric rat Pokémon can shock opponents with it’s electrical attacks. Pikachu hasn’t seen any updates so much since Brawl however, it has a feel new tricks up its sleeves that come from the new Generation V. However, in terms of Pikachu’s overall score, Pikachu shouldn’t be buffed or nerfed in any way.

Proposed Changes from Brawl to SSB4

Move Set

Change: Replace Pikachu’s Skull Bash with a new move

Reason: Replace Skull Bash with an attack from Generation V. Skull Bash is a good attack that allows Pikachu to fill the gap but lacks electrical damage.

Proposed New Move Set

B – Thunder Jolt

Side B – Wild Charge

Up B – Quick Attack

Down B: Thunder

Final Smash: Discharge

Final Melee: Volt Tackle

Final Brawl: Thunderpunch

Wild Charge acts very similar to Skull Bash but it doesn't require as long of a charge time as well as adds electrical damage when hit. Pikachu envelopes itself in electrical energy until it is glowing yellow. It then unleashes in a crackling ball of electricity. Anyone hit by the attack will receive 20% electrical damage. Wild Charge can be stopped by attacks unless it is an lightning element attack which will increase the damage with an additional 5% when contacted.

​Discharge​ is Piakchu's new ​Final Smash​ . Pikachu jumps high in the air and begins to gather energy. It says "Piiiiiiikaaaa...." as electrical energy starts crackling around Pikachu's body. Anyone close to Pikachu at this time receives 2% damage for every hit with an additional 1% with the right perks and the attack usually hits 3 times in one second. In a sudden electricla blast, Pikachu screams "Chuuuu!!" and a intense electrical storms erupts on the stage; damaging anyone within the radius. Those closest to Pikachu incur around 65-78% damage with an additional 5% with the right perks. Those farther from Pikachu gets deducted -10% damage including perks. It has high vertical and horizontal knockback and huge KO potential.

Thunderpunch​ is Pikachu's ​Final Brawl​ . Pikachu readies a electrical Thunderpunch and runs into the opponent. It first headbutts them and flips over the opponent's head, crackling with electricity. Pikachu then slams its small arms into the opponent; blasting them with electricity. It has a high horizontal knock back and can KO opponents as high as 55%.

Proposed Stage- Pokémon Stadium 3

Proposed New Taunt(s)

NEW Right Side – Pikachu sits on its bottom, scratches his ears with its leg, and says “Pikachu!”

Proposed Palette Swaps

Hilbert Palette Swap – Pikachu wears a hat very similar to Hilberts.

N Palette Swap – Pikachu wears N’s menger’s sponge that hangs off his belt around it’s neck (like bling bling).

Proposed Buy-able Costumes

Flying Pikachu (from various Pokémon games and events)

Attributes: Pikachu’s attacks gain Wind damage instead of Lightning damage, Pikachu becomes 10% floatier, and jumps 15% higher.

Current Pikachu Move Set (Taken from SmashWikia)

Ground Attacks


* Neutral Attack – Quick headbutts. Can be held, or just pressed. 2% damage each hit. It may also cause tripping and it has a disjointed, invisible hitbox like Snake’s f-tilt and u-tilt. Best used against an opponent when they are next to a wall to rack up very high damage.
* Dash Attack – Bashes target with its head like a mini Skull Bash. Laggy in completion, easily shield grabbed. 7% damage.
* Strong Side – Sticks both feet forward. Really short range. 9% damage. Nicknamed “Mega Kick”.
* Strong Up – Swings tail in an arc above itself, good for juggling fast fallers. 7% damage
* Strong Down – Does a quick, low tail whip. Can attack twice, first tripping and then knocking away if you tap fast enough. 7% damage.

Smash Attacks

* Side Smash – Pikachu charges bolt of electricity in front of it, causing a lot of knockback when released. If Pikachu uses or charges its side smash with a battering item, it will have a straight face. If it does so with a Smash Ball, its face takes on an evil expression. The further away Pikachu’s opponent is, the less damage it does. Does 20% uncharged, but 28% charged. Has some starting lag and minimal ending lag.
* Up Smash – Flips very fast, attacking with its tail. 13% uncharged, 19% charged. Great move to use after Down Throw. Powerful vertical killer. A strategy involves using this to combo to Thunderspike to get a Star KO.
* Down Smash – Spins on the floor and releases electricity. 15% uncharged, 21% charged. Good move for racking up damage, and a reliable finisher. If the opponent flies directly up after a Down Smash, Thunder can quickly be used for a reliable Star KO. Almost no starting lag and some ending lag. An amazing panic option move for spacing. Helps with Stale Move Negation.


* Ledge attack- Does a somersault that hurts opponents. 8% damage.
* Over 100% ledge attack- Kicks up then whacks opponents with its tail. 10% damage.
* Floor attack- Does a sweeper kick. 10% damage.
* Trip attack- Does a sweeper kick with its tail. 5% damage.

Aerial Attacks

* Neutral aerial – Spins in a ball. Decent knockback and power. Still has hitboxes while on the ground, decent priority. kills most characters at 130% 12% damage. Pikachu’s best aerial KO move.
* Forward aerial – An electric drill-like move forward. Lags on the ground but still sets up for a grab or down smash. 11% if all 5 hits make contact last hit has minimal knockback.
* Back aerial – Spins like a disc and hits multiple times. Lags on the ground. 11% damage if all hits connect. Good for chasing your opponents DI. Very high aerial lag.
* Up aerial – Swings tail while flipping forward. Very weak attack. Certain tail frames send opponent away at an angle good for gimping at high percentages. 6% damage. Best used to push opponents off in aerial combat. Has almost no KOing potential.
* Down aerial – An electric drill-like move downward. Has hitboxes while on the ground. 12% damage. Lags on contact with ground, can be lag canceled if done while rising. Has horizontal konckback. Cannot spike.

Grabs & Throws

* Pummel – Shocks opponent. Fairly quick. 1-2% per hit. Best if used rythmically because of slight afterlag.
* Back Throw – Tumbles with opponent back and throws them back. 9% damage.
* Forward Throw – Places opponent on back and electrocutes them forward. Can chain throw almost all characters. 10% damage. Good for countering Stale Move Negation because it hits multiple times.
* Up Throw – Headbutts opponent upward. Can combo with Thunder. 10% damage.
* Down Throw – Slams on top of opponent. Can chain throw certain characters. Has a 0-death on Fox.10% if fresh, 8% after 4th use.


* Up: Pikachu creates rings of electricity around it, saying “Piiiiiii!”
* Down: Pikachu rolls on its back and says “Pikaaaahh!”.
* Side: Turns to the camera, waving both paws and says “Pika, Pika!” (same as Melee)

Stage Entrance – A Poke Ball is thrown and Pikachu pops out.

My Thoughts

Pikachu was a solid character in both SSB and SSBB so I see no need to buff or nerf Pikachu. I suggest keeping Pikachu the same as in Brawl with a few buffs here and there to even him out.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Original Post Here!

The clouds seem angry and violent; churning and rumbling. In the distance, a darkness dwells that gobbles up the light and grows from its nourishment. The clouds that seemed like home was now a chaos of evil. It was a evil, swirling vortex that swallowed everything and gave nothing. Suddenly, the light shine and a beautiful godly form appeared between the light and the dark. The form cried out for help, to save the heavens from this creature that aimed to swallow everything in the heavens; in the universe up. She pleaded to those who would listen but, soon, even her light gave way, and she vanished in the shadows. Yet, even as the shadows swallowed up the light from her, a winged warrior came forth; flying through the clouds in haste. The winged warrior looked into the pits of chaos and within, he saw a floating mechanical island that seemed to spew out this darkness. He followed the pleas of help as he dived deep into swirling chaos.

Pit from Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Name: Pit

Game Series: Kid Icarus

Debut: Kid Icarus (1987)

Element Alignment: Light

Affinity: Good

Purpose for Fighting: Virtue

Availability: Starter

Perks: Sword Damage, Double Sword Damage, Projectile Damage, Double Projectile Damage, Projectile Damage Resistance, Double Projectile Damage Resistance, Speed Increase, Double Speed Increase, Health Buff, Double Health Buff

Pit first appeared in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and quickly became popular resulting in a upcoming 3DS game “Kid Icarus: Uprising“. Pit uses various weapons from Kid Icarus: Uprising that wasn’t availible when SSBB came out. Therefore, Pit should reflect his most recent appearance from the 3DS game.

Proposed Changes from Brawl to SSB4

Move Set

Change: When flying using Wings of Icarus, if hit, Pit should have a stun and falling animation before he can fly again.

Replace Side B Angel Ring with a different attack.

Replace Down B Mirror Shield with a different attack.

Reason: To reflect the new weapons and abilities Pit gains in Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Proposed Move Set

B – Palutena’s Bow

Side B – Orbitars

Up B – Wings of Icarus

Down B – EZ Cannon Equip

Final Smash: Palutena’s Army

Final Melee: Atlas

Final Brawl: Holy Weapon

Palutena’s Bow works the same as it did in Brawl but resembles more so the Kid Icarus: Uprising version.

Obritars work very similar to the Angel Ring, but when activated, it lasts for 15 seconds The two Orbitars will revolve around Pit protecting him from harm and deflecting projectiles, much like the Mirror Shield did in SSBB. When Pit comes into contact with someone, they will pulse thus damaging the opponent. Does 25-28% damage with an additional 10% with the right perks.

Wings of Icarus So basically, if Pit is attacked while using Wings of Icarus, he will fall in a stunned animation for 3-4 seconds before the player can use Wings of Icarus again. However, this does not reset the time limit for using the attack. It acts as if the attack paused the Wings of Icarus.

EZ Cannon Equip allows Pit to equip the Cannon feature to his arm. It can be charged to unleash a powerful beam type attack, much alike Samus’ Zero Laser but on a much less grander scale. However, if you use it three time at max output, it will dysfunction and the player will have to wait for 2 minutes to allow it to cool down. If Pit equips the EZ Cannon, he will become much heavier and his jumps will be weighed down. As well, Pit will be unable to active Wings of Icarus nor perform his second jumps. If you Equip the EZ Cannon while in mid flight, Pit will automatically fall to the ground. However, the player can still shoot the cannon will falling to the ground. As well, he will be unable to crawl, dodge, dash, or roll while equipping it. Pressing Down B again will unequip the EZ Cannon. Does 30-50% damage with 50% being fulled charged. Deals an additional 5% damage with the right perks.

Atlas is Pit’s new Final Melee move. Pit summons the foot of a mighty Titan to stop on the stage. If Pit just summons the titan, the giant will stomp once or twice however, if the player repeatedly presses A, the giant will stop faster resulting in six to ten stomps; depending how fast the player can press A. Deals anywhere from 40-92% damage.

Holy Weapon is Pit’s Final Brawl. Pit fires 8 arrows in quick succession and then rushes the opponent as they are dazed. He performs some quick slashes and then, powers up his swords so they grow extremely bright and performs two cross shaped slashes on the opponent which burns with a holy light. A pair of angelic wings appear behind the opponent and then, a bright light explodes from the opponent. The opponent is thrown horizontally with a high knock back and a extremely high KO potential. It causes between 60-80% damage with an additional 6% damage with the right perks.

Proposed Stage – Palace in the Sky

Proposed New Taunt(s)

NEW Right Side – Pit arches his back, yawns, stretches out his arms, and stretches out his wings. He than flaps his wings twice before resuming his battle pose.

Proposed Palette Swaps

Red Pit - Palette swap with red hair and a light pink toga and lavender flowers in his hair. The pendant on his shoulder is dark red. His wings are scarlet red.

Proposed New Pit Move Set


* Neutral Attack – Slashes three times, spins the blades together back and forth, hitting repeatedly. Interestingly, Pit cannot enter his rapid fire attack by simply holding the “Attack” button, he will only do a three hit combo. However, once he has entered the rapid fire attack, it is necessary only to continue holding ‘Attack’ to continue it. This means Pit essentially has two different combos depending if the button is tapped or held initially. 11% damage rapid attack: 1% per hit.
* Dash Attack – Small slash forward with one of his blades below, below average knock back. 12% damage.
* Strong Side – Thrusts both blades forward causing 12% damage and good knockback.
* Strong Up – Plants bow into the ground and does a handstand with it, performing two kicks above him, the first comboing into the next. Causes 16% damage.
* Strong Down – Crouches and swipes blade towards the ground causing 11% damage. Can spike when the foot and blade touch the opponent.


* Side Smash – A strong slash by the Blade weapon followed by a short gun burst from it for additional damage. The longer you charge it, the longer the plasma Blade is. The knockback is in the first slash. The second attack does an additional 10% damage. [30% fully charged with gun burst]
* Up Smash – Pit slams the Insight Staff onto the ground and a short magical burst that looks like the point of the spear erupts from it and extends at the height at the max of 8 Pit heads. The longer the attack is charged, the higher the magical attack. The knockback point is at the very top of the spear which provides the most knockback potential and KO potential of any of Pit’s Smash attacks[18% fully charged]
* Down Smash – Pit equips his Tiger Claws and crouches. He immediately slashes at both sides of him. It slashes to his right with his right and then to the left with his left arm. Does 17% damage with an additional 3% with the right perks.


* Ledge Attack – Slides on stage with a kick similar to Falco’s ledge attack.
* 100% Ledge Attack – Pauses for a moment while getting his swords ready, then stabs 10% damage.
* Floor Attack – Slashes with his bow split left and right separately. Identical to Ike’s Down Smash in form.

Aerial Attacks

* Neutral Aerial – Spins both blades together in front of him, hitting multiple times causing 11% if all hits connect. This can stop weak projectiles if executed at the right time.
* Forward Aerial – Thrusts both blades forward and quickly brings them apart, slashing horizontally doing 14% damage.
* Back Aerial – Thrusts sword behind him. Quick and very powerful, Pit’s highest knock back aerial move. Not easy to short hop with. Causes 15% damage.
* Up Aerial – Spins his blades together above his head, hitting multiple times causing 12% if all connect. can be used after down throw to hit heavy/fast falling characters reliably.
* Down Aerial – Slashes under him causing 12% damage. high priority, can be used up to 5 times in the air if used right after initial-midair jumps the 5th is only if you use WoI.
* Glide Attack – Slashes both swords in a 160 degree arc from bottom to forward. 12% damage, good knockback. Great killing move.

Grabs and Throws

* Pummel – Knees them in the gut, dealing 2% damage.
* Forward Throw – Slashes opponent doing 10% damage. Can chaingrab at very low percentages against heavier characters.
* Back Throw – Twirls around with the enemy in tow, slamming them on the ground and launches him backward resulting in 8% damage.
* Up Throw – Does a handstand and kicks opponent with both feet causing 11% damage.
* Down Throw – Slams opponent on the ground and plunges bow into his/her back dealing 6% damage.


Up: Spins his blades in each hand, then crosses them. He says, “The fight is on!”. In the Japanese version he says, “Shoubu da!” (Let’s fight/beat).

Side: Slices at the air, similarly to a Subspace Emissary video, and from the E3 trailer. He says, “You’re not ready yet!”. In the Japanese version he says “Mada Mada!” (That’s not enough).

Down: Floats in the air and poses angelically, looking up.

Stage Entrance – Pit floats down to the stage in a pillar of light with his wings spread.
My Thoughts

Pit should have a move set that resembles/matches to Kid Icarus: Uprising. It would make for a interesting move set since Pit has a lot of weapons and tools at his disposal. However, this would mean an entire revamp of Pit’s move set which is already good in Brawl. My consensus is to make Pit similar in terms of game play to his Uprising version.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Original Post Here!

The castle glowed violently red and flashes of lightning seared the sky. Inaside though, the castle was strangeling quiet despite the storm that was hammering against the walls. Every so often, a quiver would run up the walls but…it was strangeling quiet. Suddenly, the castle began to shake and cracks began to form up and down the walls and floor. Lava seeped through the cracks and, like a flood, burst through; consuming everything in its path. Slowly, the castle began to fall into the pools of lava. But a lone figure could be seen flying from the tumbling rubbles. A large, horned beast in a Koopa Clown Car can be seen flying off a large mechanical isle that lies hovering above the smoking wreckage that was once a castle.

Bowser from Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Name: Bowser

Debut: Super Mario Bros. (1985)

Element Alignment: Fire

Purpose for Fighting: Dominion

Affinity: Dark

Availability: Starter

Perks: Physical Damage, Defense, Claw Damage, Fire Resistance, Fire Damage

Bowser first appeared in Super Smash Bros. Melee as a heavy-weight fighter who was buffed up in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. He focuses on heavy hitting physical attacks to punish his opponents. He is both the largest and heaviest Character in SSB so he is difficult to KO but is an easy target compared to more smaller characters.
Move Set

Change: Replace Bowser`s Up B Whirling Fortress for effective recovery move.

Reason: Whirling Fortress is a horrible recovery move that has always plagued Bowser so a possible change could remedy these short comings.

Proposed New Move Set

B - Flame Breath

Side B - Flying Slam

Up B - Fiery Charge

Down B - Bowser Bomb

Final Smash - Koopa Clown Car
Final Melee - Giga Bowser
Final Brawl - Koopa King

Fiery Charge encircles Bowser is a firey cone which blasts him into the air. If attacked in the middle of his animation, he will not flinch. He will only flinch if attacked during the beginning or final animation. It causes 25% damage with an additional 10% fire damage witht he right perks.

Koopa Clown Car is Bowser`s new Final Smash. Bowser hops in his Koopa Clown Car, floats above the stage, and unleashes a fire tornado that connects to the lowest possible platform on the stage. A giant fire tornado erupts and engulfs the stage (half od the stage in large, all the stage if small). Does around 63-68% damage plus 10% fire damage with the right perks.

Koopa King is Bower`s Final Brawl move. Bowser lunges at his opponent and delivers three quick slashes from his claws. On the third slash, he grabs the opponent, slams him or her to the ground, jumps high in the air like a Bowser Bomb but, instead, lands on his opponent with his spiked shell. Does around 80-85% damage with an additional 8% with the right perks.
Proposed Stage - Bowser`s Castle

Proposed New Taunt(s)

NEW Left Side - Bowser steps forward with one leg, clenches his fist, shakes it, and roars at the opponent.

Proposed New Palette Swap

Dark Bowser Palette Swap - Dark Green Skin, Black shell with red spikes and red horns, grey skin with white ahir and white eyebrows. Bowser`s wrist bands are black with red spikes on them, much like hsi shell. His claws on his hands and feet are red as well. His eyes are black with a white pupils.

Proposed Buy-able Costumes

Mario Strikes Bowser (from Super Mario Strikers Charged)

Attributes: Physical damage increases by 18%, speed increases by 6%, and basic A attacks has a 2.5% increased range.

Dry Bowser (from New Super Mario Bros.)

Attributes: 10% lighter, physical damage increases by 8%, defense increases by 10%, and throws damage increases by 6%.

Current Bowser Move Set (taken from the SmashWikia)
Ground Attacks

* Standard Attack - Two quick claw swipes. 5% per swipe. Good priority cancels out many projectiles helping out against campy characters.
* Dash Attack - Running headbutt. Has good vertical knockback. 11%. Horrid ending lag makes this move easily punishable.
* Strong Side - Punches while leaning his body forward. Can be aimed up or down. Similar to Wario 11%. Has decent KO potential at later percentages.
* Strong Up - Swats the air above him. A decent juggling move given its priority. 12%. This is also a very powerful KO move and can KO lightweights at about 70% given its surprising speed.
* Strong Down - Claw swipes while crouched. Does two hits. First hit is 14%, second is 11%. High knockback for its kind with speed make this another speedy KO move.


* Side Smash - Rears back and then performs a very strong headbutt. Two hits. Fully charged first hit does 14% damage, second hit right after does 32% (total of 46% damage). This makes it the most damaging side smash in the game. If used correctly this can prevent shield grabbing. A highly shield damaging move with enough shieldstun to help prevent countering.
* Up Smash - Pounces on all fours and jumps straight up, hitting with his shell. Opponents who only shield his jump will be hit by him landing. Very high knockback. Fully charged does 28% damage.
* Down Smash - Retracts into his shell and spins. Limited suction. Multi-hit attack that does up to 29% damage fully charged. Very high knockback.


* Ledge attack - Quickly spins onto the stage, then retreats back a bit. 8% damage.
* 100% ledge attack - Slowly climbs onto stage, and does a quick claw jab. 10% damage.
* Floor attack - Slams body forward, then back. Does two hits. Both hits do 6% damage.
* Trip attack - Gets up while facing backwards, and does a claw swipe that brings him facing forward. 6% damage.

Aerial Attacks

* Neutral Aerial - Spins around inside his shell. 15% damage with low knockback that has very low KO potential.
* Forward Aerial - Slashes in the air in front rather quickly. 13% damage. Decent knockback with surprising speed.
* Back Aerial - Thrusts out his shell behind him. High knockback. 15% damage. High ending lag on the ground.
* Up Aerial - Swings his head upward with a little but noticable startup lag but little ending lag in the air. 17% damage with incredibly high knockback make it one of the best up airs in the game in power. High ending lag on the ground.
* Down Aerial - Retracts into his shell and spins himself into the ground. Limited shockwave if hits the ground. It can Meteor Smash when hit by the last hit, but it's weak and overall not recommended. Multi-hit attack that does up to 23% damage. High aerial lag and ground lag.

Grabs & Throws

* Pummel - Hits foe with his head. 3% damage. Very slow pummel.
* Forward Throw - Launches foe forward using his head. 10% damage. Decent knockback, but will rarely KO.
* Back Throw - Turns around, and tosses foe forward. 10% damage. Decent knockback and better at KOs than forward throw, but still rarely KOs.
* Up Throw - Bowser tosses foe upwards, retreats into his shell, and spins, damaging the foe with his spikes. 10% damage. Decent but set knockback.
* Down Throw - Sets opponent on floor, then flings himself forward, performing a body slam on his opponent. 12% damage.


* Up: Throws his head back and roars.
* Right Side: Snaps furiously forward five times.
* Down: Balances precariously on one leg.

Stage Entrance - Emerges from a pillar of flame

My Thoughts

Bowser could be buffed up in terms of speed and jumping height since those seems to be his dsiadvantages. A more effective Up B recovery Move would bve a great addition to help him climb the tier lists.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Original Post Here!

Fire filled the air. Smoke was everyone and visiblity was very low. A ship creaked back and forth on the slightest ash filled breeze. A small horned beast paced back and forth on the ships prow; waiting for the guest to arrive. The ship was made ready once the castle fell and was covertly docked ina far-away mountain side. A flash of lightning seared the air and the small horned beast looked out. He could make out the floating mechanical isle every lightning flashed: hovering menacingly and evily. A cry went out and from the shadows, a clown car appeared, flying through the air with great speed. The clown car landed on the deck and a great horned reptilian beast jumped out with a crash. Those who manned the great ship all bowed and the small horned beast took his spot next to his father.

Bowser Jr. from Super Mario Galaxy

Name: Bowser Jr.

Game Series: Mario

Debut: Super Mario Sunshine (2002)

Element Alignment: Fire

Purpose for Fighting: Family

Affinity: Bad

Availability: Starter

Perks: Physical Damage, Double Physical Damage, Physical Damage Resistance, Double Physical Damage Resistance,, Claw Damage, Double Claw Damage, Claw Damage Resistance, Double Claw Damage Resistance, Shield Increase, Double Shield Increase, Daze Recovery, Health Buff

Bowser jr. finally enters the Smash party alongside his father, Bowser. Bowser Jr. is the first newcomer shown for SSB4U so please give him the attention he deserves! Bowser Jr. plays much like a smaller version of his father…but don`t worry, he is not a clone! While small, Bowser Jr. packs a wallop with his attacks which ranges from fire breathe to using a paint brush for attacks!

Bowser Jr.

Power: ****
Weight: ****
Defense: *****
Speed: **
Jump: ***
Recovery: **
Element: ***

Bowser Jr. isn`t the best at jumping or speed but he excels in Power, Weight, and Defense. He is sub-par in his Element compared to his father, Bowser. Bowser Jr. can punish his opponents with strong punches and attacks while taking punishment from other fighters. His small size can make him hard to hit. However, he is helpless against fast characters with fast attacks so its best to play defensively with Bowser Jr. As well, Bowser Jr. has the ability to transform into Shadow Mario giving him a identical Mario move set while being much faster and lighter. However, he trades in his power and defense for the speed and light weight. Bowser Jr. can confuse his opponents by transforming between Shadow Mario and Bowser Jr and launch surprise attacks.

Proposed B Move Set

Bowser Jr.

B - Fire Missile

Side B – Massive Shell

Up B – Bullet Bill

Down B – Shadow Mario

Final Smash: Graffiti

Final Melee: Giga Bowser Jr.

Final Brawl: Koopa Klash

Fire Missile is similar to Bowser`s Fire Breathe attack however, it shoots a single fire missle from his mouth at his opponent. It flies straight and dissipates around six seconds after being shot. It will explode when it collides with an opponent. Bowser Jr. can charge the Fire Missle for even more damage and a larger blast area. The attack does between 30-45% damage with an additional 10% with the right perks.

Massive Shell will cause Bowser Jr. to pull out a large koopa shell, from Mario Kart Double Dash. Bowser Jr. will then throw the shell depending on where the player is facing. The shell will glide along the ground; crashing into any opponent with a high knockback. It can drain shields very easily with the right perks. It will continue sliding on the ground until it falls of the stage or off the screen. It does between 35-42% damage with an additional 13% with the right perks.

Bullet Bill
will appear and Bowser Jr. will grab ahold of it. Bullet Bills jet thrusters will start and carry Bowser Jr. up to the sky. It lasts approximately 5 seconds before Bowser Jr. lets go. Anyone who is next to Bowser Jr. when the takes off will recieve 26-30% damage with the right perks and anyone who is hit as Bowser Jr. travels through the sky will recieve 18-20% damage but no perk damage. Bowser Jr. is helpless as he falls off from Bullet Bill.

Shadow Mario allows Bowser Jr. to transform into the later ego, Shadow Mario, from Super Mario Sunshine. Shadow Mario has a completely different moveset compared to Bowser Jr. That will be addressed later.

Graffiti is Bowser Jr.`s Final Smash. Bowser Jr. whips out his paintbursh and begins making strong, savage strokes at everyone resulting in paint being spilled everywhere. The paint becomes so thick that it even splatetrs on the screen thus obscurring everyones view. Within seconds, the entire screen is covered in paint but is washed away by a unseen F.L.U.D.D. This attack deals anywhere from 68-72% damage with an additional 10% with the right perks.

Giga Bowser Jr. is Bowser Jr.`s Final Melee. It is similar in appearance to his father, Bowser`s, Final Melee. It also looks similar to Baby Bowser`s transformation in Super mario World 2: Yoshi`s Island. Giga Bowser Jr. will have all of his normal attacks but they are buffed up to max strength. In addition, he is also immune to flinching. The transformation lasts 12 seconds.

Koopa Klash is Bowser Jr.`s Final Brawl. Bowser Jr. curls into his turtle shell and rams into the opponent who is knocked down. Bowser Jr. then begins swiping and clawing at the opponent and than, with his paintbrush, whacks him away with high knockback damage. This does around 50-64% damage with an additional 15% damage with the right perks.

Proposed Stage: Bowser’s Castle

Proposed Taunts:

Up – Bowser Jr. stands up, holds out his arm, and motions ala kung fu style “to come” and then snickers at the opponent.

Right Side – Bowser Jr. jumps up and down with a angry frown. He then starts growling and gnashing his teeth.

Down – Bowser Jr. jumps down on his shell and spins around like he is break dancing. He then stops when he faces the camera after spinning and props his head on his elbow.

Left Side – Bowser Jr. whips out his paintbrush and spins it around in his hands like a baton. If a opponent is near Bowser Jr, they recieve 2% damage from the spinning paintbrush.

Proposed Winning Poses

Bowser Jr. takes out his paintbrush and spins it like a staff and then points it at the camera and begins to laugh.

Bowser Jr. starts to break dance on his shell; spinning on it and on his head. He finally lands on his side and does a similar pose as his taunt.

Bowser Jr. appears from the side in the Clown Car, pointing like in his official artwork. He appears off the screen and appears farther back going the opposite way. He then reappears even farther back. This animation repeats itself through out the time.

Proposed Stage Entrance

Bowser Jr. descends onto the stage on the Clown Car, jumps out, and gets into a fighting stance.

Audience Cheer

BOWSER! JUNIOR! BOWSER! JUNIOR! (Bowser part is a male cheer, junior part is a kids cheer)

Kirby Hat

Bowser Jr.`s red top knot and his bib.

Proposed Palette Swaps

Brown Bowser Jr. – Bowser Jr.’s head scales is white, his mouth is tan with a gray tint, his arm/legs scales are a gray-brown, his hair is a black, his arm bands are black, his claws/spikes is a dull grey and his shell is black. His bib is a gray with brown lips. Made to look like Morton Koopa Jr.

Blue Bowser Jr. – Bowser Jr.’s head scales is a light green, his mouth is tan, his arm/leg scales is a a green-yellow, his hair is a electric blue, his arm bands is dark blue, his claws/spikes is a ash gray color, and his shell is navy blue. His bib is a gray color with blue lips. He is made to look like Larry Koopa.

Pink Bowser Jr. – Bowser Jr.’s head scales is pink, his mouth is beige, his arm/legs scales is goldenrod, his hair is fuchsia, his arm bands are magenta, his claws/spikes are white, and his shell is magenta. His bib is a light pink with magenta lips. He is made to look like Roy Koopa.

Retro Bowser Jr. – Bowser Jr’s palette swap looks a lot like Bowser’s 2nd palette swap.

Grey Bowser Jr. – Bowser Jr.’s palette swap looks a lot like Bowser’s 5th palette swap.
Proposed Buy-able Costumes

Paintbrush Bowser Jr. Costume (from Super Mario Sunshine)

Attributes: Bowser Jr.’s attacks change from Fire to Water alignment, Bowser Jr. gains an additional 6% sword damage, Bowser Jr.s speed increases by 12% while his attack decreases by 8%.

Charged Bowser Jr. (from Mario Strikes Charged)

Attributes: Bowser Jr. claw damage attack increases by 15%, and his speed increases by 11% but his shield defense decreases by 4%.

Bowser Jr.’s Proposed Moveset

* Standard Attack – Two quick claw swipes. 3% per swipe. Little to no knockback but can interrupt other characters attacks plus an additional 1% with the right perks.
* Dash Attack – Sliding headbutt. A small vertical knockback and does 10% damage. Has a very fast ending animation where Bowser Jr. pops back onto his feet.
* Strong Side – A much harder claw swipe, similar to Bowser Jr.’s standard attack. Has potential as a KO move at high percentages and a far knockback. Does 15% damage plus an additional 2% with the right perks.
* Strong Up – Jumps up and performs a headbutt. A very fast but has a low knockback and a slow ending lag. Does 9% damage plus 3% with the right perks.
* Strong Down – Performs a strong kick that can knock opponents far from the stage. Potential side KO with high percentages. Does 14% damage plus an additional 2% with the right perks. Position an opponent between Bowser Jr. and the wall to rack up damage.


* Side Smash – Bowser Jr. tucks himself into his carapace and slams the spiked part into the opponent. Has both high horizontal and vertical knockback. Does 25% damage fully charged plus an additional 5% damage with the right perks.
* Up Smash - Bowser Jr. pulls out his paintbrush and thrusts it in the air and spins it in his hand. Has both high horizontal and vertical knockback. High vertical knockback. Does 28% fully charged with an additional 3% with the right perks.
* Down Smash – Crouches, swipes to one side, then the right, and then does a grounded spinning roundhouse with his legs (like a break dance move). First move does 6% damage, the second does 8%, and the third does 16% fully charged total damage of 30%. High knockback and can KO at level 60% and higher.


* Ledge attack – Quickly jumps to the stage and swipes with his claw. Does %5 damage with an additional 2% with the right perks.
* 100% ledge attack – Slowly climbs to the stage and sweepkicks the opponent for 8% damage.
* Floor attack – Retreats into his shell, spins for two rotation and pops back out. Does 4% damage at each rotation totaling for 8% with an additional 2% with the right perks..
* Trip attack – Crouches and than lunges forward, bowling the opponent over. Does 6% damage.

Aerial Attacks

* Neutral Aerial – Slashes with one his claws. Does 12% damage with an additional 3% damage with the right perks.
* Forward Aerial – Tucks inside his shell and does a front flip hitting the opponent with his shell. It does 14% damage. It also does an additional 2% with the right perks. Has a high ending lag when he reaches the ground.
* Back Aerial – Stretches out his legs and kicks behind him. High potential KO move. Does 15% damage.
* Up Aerial – Pulls out his paintbrush and slashes upwards in the air. High vertical KO potential. Deals 16% damage with an additional 4% damage with the right perks.
* Down Aerial – Turns upside down in midair and thrusts his claws up and begins spinning like a drill. Bowser Jr. does 4 rotations with each rotation dealing 4% damage totaling to 16% damage with an additional 3% damage with the right perks. Possible Meteor Smash at the last rotation. Has a horrible ending lag.

Grabs & Throws

* Pummel – Hits foe with his head. 2% damage. Quick pummel.
* Forward Throw – Spikes the opponent on the ground. High vertical KO potential at higher percentages. Deals 14% damage with an additional 1% with the right perks.
* Back Throw – Picks up the opponent and slams them backwards like a wrestling move. Very low KO potential and a slow ending lag. Deals 11% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks.
* Up Throw – Pickups the opponents, jumps up, flips in the air two times, and then slams them to the ground. High vertical knock back but low KO potential. Deals 12% damage with an additional 1% damage with the right perks.
* Down Throw – Slams the opponents on the ground, retreats into his shell, and then jumps on them and begins to spin. No knockback or KO potential but can easily rack up damage percentage. Deals 15% damage with an additional 3% damage with the right perks.

My Thoughts

Personally I was somewhat surprised Bowser Jr. was not in Brawl or even as an assist trophy. However, with his new found fame in the Mario Galaxy games as well as in Super Mario Bros. Wii, I think Bowser Jr. will be likely candidate for a new Mario representative slot. He has enough potential to differentiate himself from Bowser. I envision Bowser Jr. playing a tad bit like his father, Bowser, but a bit faster and smaller, like a little fat ninja. Quick but heavy power attacks.

Chances to Being SSB4

70% – He is a requested character, appeared in many recent Mario games, has been a mainstay in many spin-off games, and a potential move set to the boot. I think he will be in the next SSB4.

Why Bowser Jr. was Added

As I said before, Bowser Jr. is a shoe-in for the Smash Bros. game (IMO) so including him is a no-brainer. I thought it would be interesting to incorporate both his Mario Sunshine, Mario Galaxy, and Super Mario Bros. Wii versions of Bowser Jr. into the game such as allowing him to transform into Shadow Mario, the use of the clown car, and his use of the paintbrush.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Original Post Here!

The small horned beast nodded to his father and descended from the ship. As he fell to the land below him, his flesh began to give way. He became transparent, almost like water. He donned a transparent plumbers hat, overalls, and a strange pair of sunglasses. This shadowy figured landed on the ground and pulled out a paintbrush from his pocket which dripped with paint. The shadowy figure ran off towards the floating mechanical isle in the sky with all speed; leaving a trail of bright orange and red paint.

Shadow Mario from Super Mario Sunshine.

Name: Shadow Mario

Game Series: Mario

Debut: Super Mario Sunshine (2002)

Element Alignment: Water

Affinity: Bad

Availability: Starter

Perks: Physical Damage, Sword Damage, Double Sword Damage, Speed Increase, Double Speed Increase, Jump Increase, Double Jump Increase

Shadow Mario makes his shadowy appearance as a possible transformation for Bowser Jr by using Down B “Shadow Mario”. This works much like how Zelda transforms into Shiek. Shadow Mario is much lighter and faster then his real counterpart as well as Bowser Jr. However, he has access to all Mario’s attacks including B Attacks and Final Smashes.

Shadow Mario

Power: **

Weight: *

Defense: **

Speed: ****

Jump: ****

Recovery: ***

Element: ***

Shadow Mario’s main strengths lies in his speed and jumping ability given his light frame. However, he trades in Bowser Jr.s power and defense for the speed and jumping ability. Shadow Mario is very floaty when in air and, at times, appears to be gliding when running. His move set is identical to Mario but more faster with less power. He also has all of Mario’s Final Smashes albeit a bit weaker. Shadow Mario also does not talk at all, not even grunts or shouts when fighting. All you hear is whispering of a breeze and paint sounds.

Proposed Shadow Mario B Move Set

B – Shadow Fireball

Side B – Shadowy Cape

Up B – Shadow Jump Punch

Down B – Shadow Cloud Mario

Final Smash: Mario Finale

Final Melee: Fiery Tornado

Final Brawl: Plumber Combo

Shadow Fireball is much like Mario’s original Fireball but it has more floatiness when it bounces. It burns the opponent with a light blue-clear flame. It does 7% damage with an additional 3% with the right perks.

Shadowy Cape acts much like Mario’s Cape attack but it appears blue-clear. It ha sno changes to its attributes. It does 8% damage.

Shadow Jump Punch is more lighter and higher than Mario’s Super Jump Punch. Shadow Mario also falls slower than Mario when he returns to the stage. It does between 9-12% damage with an additional 1% damage with the right perks.

Shadow Cloud Mario works much like the original Cloud Mario but the clouds appear dark, like rain clouds. When launched at opponents, they do 10-15% damage depending on the distance of the opponent.

Mario Finale is Shadow Mario’s Final Smash. It is just like Mario’s Mario Finale but only does 2% damage. However, it travels slower than Marrio’s Mario Finale thus racking up more damage as it travels. It is capable of hitting a opponent 9 times a second. It has a high horizontal knock back and KO potential.

Fiery Tornado is Shadow Mario’s Final Melee. It is similar to Mario’s Fiery Tornado but travels slower and is floatier. It deals between 50-63% damage with an additional 18% damage with the right perks.

Plumber Combo is Mario’s Final Brawl. It is exactly similar to Mario’s plumber Combo but it faster but weaker. It deals 50-60% damage with 13% additional damage with the right perks.

Proposed Stage: Bowser’s Castle

Proposed Taunts

Right Side – Twirls around twice and then thrusts his hand out to give a peace sign.

Left Side – Jumps up while thrusting one fist into the air (similar to his opening animation when Mario enters the stage except no pipe).

Up – Turns into Super Mario. The way he does it is how he changes in the original Super Mario Bros, what goes up must come down. (Same as in SSB and Melee.)

Down – Spins in the air and falls on his back, based on the dying animation from the original Donkey Kong.

Proposed Winning Poses

Shadow Mario spins around and then does a thumbs down to the camera.

Shadow Mario whips out his brush and starts painting the screen until it only appears to be paint.

Shadow Mario folds his arm, leans to the side, and starts moving his body slowly up and down.

Proposed Stage Entrance

Materiaizes from the ground like water and forms into Shadow Mario.

Audience Cheer

Shaaaadow Mario, Shaaaaadow Mario. (hushed male cheer)

Kirby Hat

Shadow Mario`s hat and sunglasses.

Proposed Palette Swaps

Dark Blue Shadow Mario – Darker blue hue to his body. His paint is neon blue.

Light Green Shadow Mario – Lighter blue-green hue to Shadow Mario’s body. His paint is neon green.

Dark Purple Shadow Mario – Darker purple hue to Shadow Mario. His paint is neon purple.

Smoke Gray Shadow Mario – Gray hue to Shadow Mario. His paint is a gray color.

Black Shadow Mario – Black hue to Shadow Mario. His paint is black and white.

No Buy-able Costumes for Shadow Mario
Shadow Mario Move Set

All of Shadow Mario’s moves are faster in terms of frame rate and animation than Mario’s moves. However, Mario’s moves are more powerful than Shadow Mario’s.
Ground Moves

* Neutral Attack – Punches with his left, then his right, and then kicks with his right foot. All are from Super Mario 64. Beneficial in making combos. First hit jab locks character laying on the ground and does 2% damage, second punch does 2%, and kick does 3% for a total of 7% with an additional 1% with the right perks.
* Forward Tilt -Power Kick- Does a roundhouse kick with his right leg. Has average damage and knockback, but has better reach than his other tilts (it is still short). Has some IASA frames. Does 6% with an additional 1% with the right perks.
* Up Tilt -Uppercut- Delivers an uppercut while spinning. Similar to a move in Super Mario RPG. Average damage and above-average knockback. An excellent juggler that can be combod into itself, a up smash, and a uair juggle. D Deals 10% damage with no perks available.
* Down Tilt -Crouch Kick- Sweeps low to the ground with his leg. Though it has a very fast start-up, it deals very little damage, has high ending lag, low knockback, very low hitstun, and very short reach. Deals 5% if Mario’s foot connects, while hitting with his leg/body deals 6%with 1% additional damage with the right perks.
* Dash Attack – Leg Sweep- Slides forward and kicks with both feet. Also from Super Mario 64. Has low diagonal knockback behind Mario that is difficult to follow up on. (Has IASA frames near the end.) Does 10% if connected with the initial hitbox, does 8% if it hits later with no perks available.


* Side Smash – Fire Smash- Steps back and then forward, causing a blast of fire out of his hand. One of Mario’s best reaching moves (though its reach is only average at best). It has rather fast start-up for a forward smash but it does have punishable ending lag. Damage and knockback is highest when sweetspotted at the flame. Can also be angled up and down. It has low base knockback but its knockback scaling when sweetspotted is very high. This is Mario’s most powerful attack and can be considered his best finisher. The attack is derived form Mario’s ability to shoot fireballs. Does 12% if Mario’s arm connects and 19% if the fire connects; angling up increases the damage to 17%/18% and angling down decreases it to 14%/15%. If fully charged, deals 19.6% (arm) or 28.3% (fire) with an additional 5% with the right perks (angled up: 21%/25.2%, angled down: 18.2%/22.4%). The sweetspot is a hitbox with transcendent priority.
* Up Smash – Head Snap- Sends opponents skyward with a headbutt. Has fast start-up lag and its ending lag is rather low as well. It does have good base knockback and knockback scaling, but its KO power is rather average for a up smash. This is Mario’s only other reliable finisher and it is his only attack that can KO vertical under 150%. 12% uncharged and 16% fully charged with an additional 2% with the right perks.
* Down Smash – Breakdance Kick- Does a breakdance sweep. Like Mario’s other attacks, it has fast start-up and ending lag but short reach. While stronger than his tilts and aerials, it isn’t strong enough to reliably KO under 150%. Another attack from Super Mario 64. The front hit deals 16% damage (22% charged), while the back hit does 8% (10.2% charged) with no perks.


* Ledge Attack (below 100%) – Does a somersault and then kicks upwards, from a laying down position. 9% to those on the stage and 7% to those extremely close by with an additional 1% with the right perks
* Ledge Attack (above 100%) – Gets up then does a kick similar to his forward tilt. Does 8% with an additional 1% damage with the right perks.
* Floor Attack (faceup) – Gets up then kicks behind him, then in front of him. Does 7% with an additional 1% with the right perks..
* Floor Attack (facedown) – Gets up then punches behind him, then in front of him. Does 7% with an additional 1% with the right perks.
* Floor Attack (sitting) – Kicks behind him, then in front of him while getting up. Does 4%.

Aerial Attacks

* Neutral Aerial – Air Kick- Performs a Sex Kick kick in the air. Similar to an attack from Super Mario 64. Its almost instantaneous start-up can be used to break certain chainthrows and combos but it has low knockback and short reach. Initially does 8%, then 6% afterwards with an additional 1% with the right perks.
* Forward Aerial -Meteor Punch-Lowercuts. This is a slow Meteor Smash if it is sweetspotted. It is a very weak meteor smash that is difficult to land, but it does have the benefit of sending opponents on a diagonal trajectory instead of straight down. When sourspotted, it sends opponents on a horizontal trajectory with decent knockback. Does 13% when sweetspotted, does 13% when sourspotted, and 8% if landed with the later hitbox with an additional 2% damage with the right perks..
* Back Aerial -Back Kick- Spins and kicks backward. Similar to his Fair in the original Super Smash Bros.. Very fast start-up with decent reach and knockback. Can WoP at low to mid percentages and KO at very high percentages (but not below 150% outside of edgeguard situations). Does 11% when the initial hitbox is landed, does 5% if landed with the later hitbox with an additional 1% damage with the right perks..
* Up Aerial -Flip Kick- Does a somersault and kicks upward. Very low start-up and ending lag with low knockback, it works very well as a juggler at low to mid percentages. Does 12% with diagonal knockback with no perks.
* Down Aerial – Mario Tornado. Spins with fists then strikes with both on opposite sides. Like the original move, it looks somewhat like the Spin Jump from various Mario games, such as Super Mario World. Similar to his other aerials, it has almost no start-up with short reach, but it does have some ending lag. The final hit does low vertical knockback. Hits 6 times for 1% each before a final hit of 3% for a total of 9% with an additional 2% with the right perks. If Mario lands while spinning, nearby opponents receive 1%.

Grabs & Throws

* Pummel -Grab Headbutt- Headbutt for 3% damage. One of the slowest pummels in the game.
* Forward Throw – Single Spin- Mario spins around once then throws his opponent in front of him. It has low knockback scaling even for a throw. It is mostly only used to get the opponent off the edge. Does 8% with an additional 2% with the rights perks.
* Back Throw – Tornado Spin- Mario whirls around several times then throws his opponent backwards. It is similar to when Mario grabs Bowser by the tail, and then swings him around in an attempt to throw into the bombs in Super Mario 64. While a very slow throw, he can damage other characters with the character he is swinging around. This is by far Mario’s strongest throw and its knockback scaling is high enough to reliably KO around 185%. While powerful for a throw, it is very slow, making it very easy to DI, limiting its KO potential. It is also Mario’s most damaging throw dealing 14% with an additional 1% with the right perks.
* Up Throw – Sky Hurl- Mario throws his opponent high into the air. Good base knockback but it has low knockback scaling. It can be follow up by a uair juggle but is mostly inferior to the down throw for setting up. Does 6% with an additional 1% with the right perks.
* Down Throw – Slamdown- Mario slams his opponent into the ground. Its low base knockback and knockback scaling with its vertical trajectory makes it great for setting up with a u-tilt and uair juggle, but it is Mario’s weakest throw otherwise. Does 7% with an additional 1% with the right perks.

My Thoughts

I really wanted to see Bowser Jr. in Brawl and a Shadow Mario transformation even more so but, alas, it never came. I personally think adding a transformation to Bowser Jr. would make both characters extremely interesting to play as; even if both characters do well against other characters. I imagined Shadow Mario being floatier, lighter, and faster than the original Mario given his watery/shadowy design. I picture him playing similar to Lucario or Mewtwo, Metwo more so than Lucario. I even picture him gliding a bit after running because of lesser traction. Since he is faster, I lowered his physical damage because..well..a shadow hits lighter than a real fist lol.

Chances of Being in SSB4

5% – He will only appear in SSB4 if Bowser Jr. appears as well and, as I said, only as a transformation option. However, if Bowser Jr. is confirmed for SSB4, I would put his chances up to 60% then.

Why Shadow Mario was added

As I said before, I really wanted to see Shadow Mario playable. I toyed with the idea of Bowser Jr. being able to transform into any of the characters, ala Kirby, that are on the stage as a shadow version of them but I figured that would be just too hard given Shadow Mario’s strange physical properties. As well, I have ideas for two other characters who can copy abilities/appearances so I thought having a fourth (including Kirby) would be too much so I stuck with Shadow Mario.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Original Post Here!

As you may know, I just posted a post about Bowser and his inclusion into SSB4. If you noticed, there are three new Final Smashes. This is to explain what those are as well as other numerous new additions I have added.

Firstly, Final Smashes. I believe Final Smashes should remain in SSB4 as well as have the option to be turned off much like how Brawl did it. However, as the SSB series has always tried to do something different, I think two new Final Smashes, that are different than the others should be introduced for each character. In Brawl, Link`s Trifoce Slash was executed by simply pushing a button with getting a Smash Ball. However, Bowser`s Giga Bowser allowed the player to control Bowser while in this form. I think it would be interesting to apply this to more Final Smashes.

Thus, three Final Smashes per character. This is how it works:

The Blue Smash Ball is a regular Final Smash like the Mario Finale, Zero Laser, Triforce Slash, Waddle-dee Army, Light Arrow, etc.

The Green Smash Ball is called a Final Melee. A Final Melee is instead a Final Smash that the player controls so like Volt Tackle, Landmaster, Super Dragon, and Giga Bowser. It allows the player to control the character during his or her Final Smash.

The last Final Smash is the Final Brawl which is obtained by getting a Red Smash Ball. A Final Brawl is basically a high damaging combo which combines various attacks and special attacks from the character. This is entirely a new attack introduced in the SSb series. The camera pauses the action and focus on the character doing the combo. It is in-game and not a cinematic however, once done, the action automatically resumes as if it wasn`t paused in the first place.

This will allow a greater depth of game play and more challenge in obtaining a Smash Ball.

Wait…there is a Fourth Smash Ball? Yes, there is but it is only obtained in Team Battles. It is called a Team Smash. Sometime during the fight, you can obtain a Purple Smash Ball however, it will lie dormant on your character. Shorty later, a second one will appear. Your team mate must snatch up the Purple Smash Ball before the other team does. Once both team mates have a Purple Smash Ball, they can perform a Team Smash by pressing B at the same time. They both perform thier respective Final Smash attack such as the Mario Finale and Triforce Slash.

Secondly, I would like to talk about Element Alignment. Each character has an Element Alignment to them. The following elements are as follow: Water, Fire, Ice, Ground, Wind, Lightning, Light, and Dark. For example, Mario and Bowser are both Fire Element Users while Pikachu is a Lightning Element User, Pit a Light Element User, and Link a Wind Element User.

Each element has a weakness and a strength against another element, much like Pokemon. Here is a chart explaining it:

Water -> Fire
Fire -> Ice
Ice -> Ground
Ground -> Wind
Wind -> Lightning
Lightning ->Water

Light and Dark are different in that:

Light -> Dark
Dark -> Light

However, Light recieve 5200% resistance to Fire, Lightning, and Wind while Dark recieves 20% resistance from Ground, Water, and Ice. Meaning that a Light element user resists Fire damage by 20% thus minamalizing Fire damage based attacks.

Player can buy or find items that help augment thier character and maximize thier respective element damage and resistance. This incorporates the element-theme in Pokemon in Super Smash Bros.

Some items that can augment elemental alignments is the:

Charcoal – Increases fire damage by 5%.
Fire Stone – Increases fire damage by 10%.
Flame Plate – Increases fire damage by 15%.
Water Stone – Increases fire damage by 10%.
Magnet – Increases lightning damage by 5%.
Fire Ring – Increases fire damage resistance by 5%.
Fire Scarf – Increases fire resistance by 10%.
Fire Cloak – Increases fire damage resistance by 15%.
Lightning Ring – Increases lightning damage resistance by 5%.
Lightning Scarf – Increases lightning damage by 10%.
Light Scarf – Increases light damage resistance by 10%.
Black Glasses – Increases Dark damage by 10%

I will add more as this blog continues.

Thirdly, I would like to introduce Perks. Perks work much like Elements in that you find buy, find, or steal items that can enhance several character stats. these include:

Physical Damage – Increases physical damage by 4%.
Double Physical Damage – Increases physical damage by 8%
Physical Damage Resistance – Increases physical damage resistance by 4%.
Double Resistance – Increases physical damage resistance by 8%.
Claw Damage – Increases claw damage by 4%.
Double Claw Damage – Increases claw damage by 8%.
Claw Damage Resistance – Increases claw damage resistance by 4%.
Double Claw Damage Resistance – Increases claw damage resistance by 8%.
Sword Damage – Increases damage from swords or other edged weapons by 4%.
Double Sword Damage – Increases damage from swords or other edged weapons by 8%.
Sword Damage Resistance – Increases damage resistance from swords or other edged weapons.]
Double Sword Damage Resistance – Increases damage resistance from swords or other edged weapons by 8%.
Magic Damage – Increases magical damage by 4%.
Double Magic Damage – Increases magical damage by 8%.
Magic Resistance – Increases magical damage resistance by 4%.
Double Magic Resistance – Increases magical damage resistance by 8%.
Shield Increase – Increases shield stat by 4%(shields last longer, stronger)
Double Shield Increase – Increases shield stat by 8% (shields last eeven longer, stronger)
Speed Increase – Increases speed by 4%(faster walk, run, crawl, and roll animations)
Double Speed Increase – Increases speed by 8%(even faster walk, run, crawl, and roll animations)
Jump Increase – Increases jump height and air time by 4%.
Double Jump increase – Increases jump height and air time by 8%.
Projectile Damage – Increases magical damage such as arrows, bullets, knives, etc by 4%.
Double Projectile Damage – Increases magical damage such as arrows, bullets, knives, etc by 8%.
Projectile Damage Resistance – Increases projectile damage resistance from arrows, bullets, knives, etc by 4%.
Projectile Damage Resistance – Increases projectile damage resistance from arrows, bullets, knives, etc by 8%.
Daze Recovery – Time during Daze after broken shield decreased by 2%.
Double Daze Recovery – Time during Daze after broken shield decreased by 4%.
Health Buff – Resistance to any damage increased by 8%.
Double Health Buff – Resistance to any damage increased by 16%.
Shield Breaker – Possibility of breaking a shield in one hit increased by 3%.
Shield Double Breaker – Possibility of breaking a shield in one hit increased by 6%.

I will add more as I continue this blog.

Fourthly and lastly, I want to bring up Buy-able Costumes. Costumes are purchase online and considered DLC. A costume is a outfit worn by a character that alters, changes, or hides the original appearance such as Bowser`s costume, Dry Bowser and Link`s costume, Magic Armor. These differ from palette swaps because they come with pre-defined perks that augment your characters stats and elemental abilites (or decreases depending on the perk).

However, they are not individual characters and any attacks are still strictly that character. Meaning Dry Bowser does not have different attacks compared to regular Bowser. They remain the same. As well, Transformation Final Melee`s will not keep that costume. For example, when Bowser transforms to Giga Bowser while wearing the Mario Strikers Charged costume, Giga Bowser will not be wearing that costume during the transformation.

I hope you find these interesting and hopefully give a new deph into the world of SSB. I think these additions can make the game fun, a RPG-esque feel, more customization, and enjoyable.


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2008
Chicago, IL
You have way too much free time. I've never seen such detailed, yet completely baseless, speculation.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
You have way too much free time. I've never seen such detailed, yet completely baseless, speculation.
Thanks for the compliment I guess? :D I usually dislike wish lists/speculations where people want eight Sonic characters, a ton of 3rd party characters, and random characters that barely made a impact in the game they were in so I wanted to create, like I did before, a fairly realistic roster/wish list of characters I think will get it or could possibly get in as well as other assorted speculations such as stages, Pokeballs, AT, as well as my own ideas. Plus, I love lists and need an outlet to put my ideas down on...err..well...the screen I guess.

As for free time, I really only have time to do this stuff on the weekdays. I teach English so during my free time at work, I add a little bit more info. Mondays and Wednesdays are when I have a lot of free time. Thank god though for the wordpress app on the iPhone though lol.

I will add more stuff when I can :)


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
I just want to say making alternate costumes have perks would make the game even more dumb unless they make 4 alternate colors for said alternate costume so that everyone would be able to use said costume. Otherwise there will be dumb disputes on who gets to use the costume when two people want to use the same one...

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I just want to say making alternate costumes have perks would make the game even more dumb unless they make 4 alternate colors for said alternate costume so that everyone would be able to use said costume. Otherwise there will be dumb disputes on who gets to use the costume when two people want to use the same one...
Hm....I never thought of that. I said before that I see the alternate costumes as being DLC so people would have to buy them. It might be a bit more work but I could see alternate colors for the costumes. Just follow the palette swaps color scheme for the original character (for example Tanooki Mario would have white fur, a red tummy, red gloves, and red rings on the tail for one palette swap).

Personally, I do not think costumes will ever be in Smash Bros. for the same fact you mentioned. However, I thought it would be interesting as well as having customizable feel if players could use buffed up costumes.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Original Post Here!

The world was dark and night descended fast in the valley. Some where a animal roared in challenge against the bright rising moon. A wind blew through the trees and a shadowy figure jumped up on a rock and sniffed the air. The shadowy figured readied a long staff and shone it up to the sky. The stars grew brightly as if they seemed to answer back to the shining line from the staff. Suddenly, an intense wind blew from seemingly no where and lighting seared the sky. A sudden slash of lighting struck a near by tree and it started to blaze. The shadowy figure tried to extinguish the flames but, it was hopefully for they were too strong for her powers. She fled through the forest as fire danced from tree to tree in a wild, frightening ballet. The shadowy figure stopped and looked up to the sky and in the intense orange glow: the shadowy figure saw a strange mechanical floating island; emblazoned by the fire below. Laughing and smiling mockingly at the ruin below.

Krystal in Star Fox: Assault

Name: Krystal

Game Series: Star Fox

Debut: Star Fox Adventures

Element Alignment: Ice

Affinity: Good

Purpose for Fighting: The weak

Availability: Starter

Perks: Physical Damage, Sword Damage, Double Sword Damage, Magic Damage, Double Magic Damage, Speed Increase, Double Speed Increase, Projectile Damage, Double Projectile Damage, Shield Increase, Health Buff, Shield Breaker, Ice Damage Increase, Double Ice Damage Increase, Ice Damage Resistance, Double Ice Damage Resistance, Fire Damage Resistance

Krystal was one of the main protagonist of Star Fox Adventures where she wielded a staff embedded with magical energy and performed numerous abilities like shooting projectiles, ice projection, flight ability, making force fields, and creating shockwaves. Krystal is very adept at using the staff for many purposes while fighting. In addition, she is also a talented pilot and sharp shooter.

Krystal’s Stats

Power: ***
Weight: ***
Defense: **
Speed: ****
Jump: ***
Recovery: ***
Element: **

Krystal excels in speed, jump, and her recovery move. Krystal also has the longest reach of any character due to her staff. She is able to attack from mid-range while still being able to close into an opponent. She is best used at far to mid-range due to her projectile abilities, long reach, and speed. She can dart in and out of opponents attacks, unleash a brutal assault, and jump back and continue to attack the opponent from a farther range. Krystal’s power rating is average but, with the right perks, her magical attacks can be very damaging. She is also average in weight so she can be juggled very easily. She also doesn’t have to much element power, her only ice attack using her staff but that can be improved slightly using elemental perks.

Proposed Krystal B Move Set

B – Staff Blast

Side B – Ice Projection

Up B – Staff Boost

Down B – Staff Quake

Final Smash: Saurian Aid

Final Melee: Staff Barrier

Final Brawl: Lupine Assault

Staff Blast fires a single projectile at the opponent. Hold down the B button to make the projectile a homing shot. The projectile lasts 7 seconds while the homing shot only lasts 5 seconds. The single projectile does 8-10% damage with an additional 5% with the right perks while the charged homing shot does 10-15% damage with an additional %5 with the right perks. It has a high knock back for high percentages but rarely KO’s.

Ice Projection launches a spray of ice that can freeze opponents in their places. The opponents will be frozen anywhere from 7-10 seconds but Fire element characters are only frozen for 5 seconds. If an opponent is frozen in midair, they will fall to ground and will unfreeze after 5%, regardless of the element. The initial ice blast does no damage but for every second, the opponent receives 2% damage thus the opponent can be damaged anywhere from 14-20% damage while Fire element’s only receive 10% damage. A fire attack will decrease the time by 1 second.

Staff Boost allows Krystal to go blasting into the sky. She hangs on to the staff as it propels itself into the air. Once at the highest point, Krystal will lower her staff thus cutting of the jets. However, during this point, she is at a free fall and cannot move or attack unless attacked from another opponent. If an opponent is hit, they will remain next to Krystal as she passes by them. This will cause them to be burned by the jet engines of the staff. The initial hit does 4% damage with an additional 1% with the right perk while the jets can do 3-9% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks.

Staff Quake causes Krystal to slam her staff onto the ground. This will cause a radius around her to shake thus throwing opponents off their feet at low percentages or causing high vertical knockback at higher percentages. This move can also be charged to expand the radius of the quake. The quake itself causes between 10-13% damage with an additional 5% with the right perks.

Saurian Aid is Krystal’s Final Smash. She summons all her Saurian friends to aid her in combat. The Final Smash resembles Pit’s Palutena’s Army.They will come onto the field and charged into opponents causing high vertical and horizontal knock back. Some of these are Prince Tricky, GroundWalkers, ThornTails, HighTops (Downsized versions), LightFoots, and on the occasion, a SharpClaw. Meanwhile, CloudRunners will dive bomb grounded characters and harass other characters in the sky. This is a very high damaging Final Smash that has high vertical and horizontal knock back and high KO potential. A Saurian will continue attacking an opponent, even if it hit it once. There can only be 8 Saurians on the stage at one time. A Saurian will deliver damage anywhere from 10-15% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks for a usual total 30-70% damage per character with all the right perks.

Staff Barrier is Krystal’s Final Melee. Krystal will activate her staff and a blinding blue light will burst force and enclose a magical barrier around a 12 step circle around Krystal. It is similar in appearance to Gardevoir’s attack. It will follow Krystal where ever she goes and protect her from damage. Any attacks (opponents, assist trophies, pokeballs, environment) that touches the barrier will automatically take off 10% damage from Krystal. thus healing her. The FM lasts approximately 12 seconds.

Lupine Assault is Krystal’s Final Brawl. Krystal dashes at the opponent and slams her staff into the opponent. She then twirly the staff around, attacking the opponent repeatedly, and then does a smash attack that sends the opponent flying up. She then jumps and slams the opponent back down to the ground. It has a high vertical knock back at high percentages. It does between 68-80% with the right perks.

Proposed Stage: Planet Sauria

Proposed Taunts

Left Side – She twirls her staff fast and says “You think you can handle me?” She then raises her staff to her fighting position.

Right Side – Krystal sticks out her hip and puts one hand on it. She then holds out her hand and motions for the opponent to come here.

Up – She lowers her staff and says “So, you wanna dance?” And she begins to sway back and forth as if dancing.

Down – She pulls out her pistol, twirls it around it in her hand, and then holsters it after saying “Fully loaded.”

Proposed Winning Poses

She does a helicopter spins with the staff and then grabs it and brings it behind her back, both hands holding it and she smirks.

She does a back flip and then the splits. She then pushes herself up on her hands, does a hand stand, the splits, and flips back up and says “Take it easy.”

Prince Trikey comes and she pets him and then takes a piece of fruit and chucks it. Price Trikey then bounds off after the piece of fruit.

Proposed Stage Entrace

An Arwing appears and she flips out of into a kneeling position and then stands up.

Audience Cheer

Krystal, Krystal! Go Krystal!! (female cheer)

Kirby Hat

Krystal`s purple hair, fox ears, and the pendant on her forehead.

Proposed Palette Swap

Light Blue Krystal - Krystal's fur is lighter blue tint, the gem on her forehead in a sapphire, her hair in lighter blue, she has ice blue eyes, the blue gray portions of her suit is white, the dark blue portions of her suit is cerulean, and the blue portions of her suit is bronze. Her tail is almost whitish blue. She is made to look like her Ad​ventures​ games.

Trikey Krystal - Krystal's fur is a orange tint, the gem on her forehead is a ruby, her hair is light purple, she has fuchsia eyes, the blue gray portions of her suit is light pink, the dark blue portions of her suit is dark purple, and the blue portions of her suit is light purple. Her tail is a orange color. She is made to look like Trikey.

Pink Krystal - Krystal's fur is a lavender, the gem of her forehead is a amethyst, her hair is periwinkle, she has pink eyes, the blue gray portions stay the same, the dark blue portions of her suit is dark purple, and the blue portions of her suit is pink. Her tail is lavender. She appears as how she looked in Star Fox: Command.

Green Krystal - Krystal's fur is a light yellow green, the gem of her forehead is a emerald, her hair is dark green, she has lime green eyes, the blue gray portions of her suit is a green-gray, the dark blue portions of her suit is a forest green, and the blue portions of her suit is green. Her tail is a light green.

Red Krystal - Krystal's fur is a red-purple, the gem on her forehead is a amber, her hair is maroon, she has red eyes, the blue gray portions of her suit is ash grey, the dark blue portions of her suit is black, and the blue portions of her red. Her tail is red-purple. She is made to look like the alternate color in ​Star Fox: Assault​.

Proposed Buy-able Costumes

Sauria Krystal (from Star Fox Adventures).

Attributes: Magic damage increases by 20%. Physical damage resistance increases by 8%. Sword attack damage increases by 8%.

Krystal’s Proposed Move Set
Ground Attacks

* Neutral attack – One sideways hit from the staff followed by another sideways slower hit. First hit does 2% damage while the next does 4%.
* Dash attack – Thrusts her staff in front of her. Longest reach in her move set. Vertical knock back at very hot percentages. 7% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks
* Strong Side – A downward strike from her staff. Hits characters crouching or crawling. Low damage/knock back at 6% with an additional 1% with the right perks.
* Strong Up – Staff over head swipe. Attack does 3% damage on one side of the swing, 5% on the highest arc, and 3% on the opposite side making 11% damage overall with no added perks available.
* Strong Down – Staff sweep. Rakes her staff in front of her ground in front of her. Low knockback but high damage at 12% damage with an additional 2% damage with the right perks. Low lag ending.


* Side Smash – A more powerful staff thrust. Magic explodes on the end which can be sweetspotted like Zelda’s. Perfect punishing move. Fully charged creates a larger burst of magic. Does between 13-16% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks. Low lag ending.
* Down Smash – Strikes the ground in front of her with a small burst of magic/ High vertical knock back and KO potential. Deals between 15-20% damage with additional 2% with the right perks.
* Up Smash – Raises her staff and twirls it above her head on a helicopter. Does more damage on the sides then from the top where her hands are spinning the staff. The top only does 1% damage with no perks with every hit but the sides hit faster (roughly 3 hits per second) and cost 2% with no perks. The attack continues after initial hit but slows down by .5 seconds with every successful hit. Does between 6-28% damage.


* Ledge attack – Pulls herself up and sweeps the ground with her staff. Does 4% damage with no perks available.
* 100% Ledge attack – Gets up slowly and then juts her staff upwards into the opponent causing minor vertical knock back. Does 8% damage.
* Trip attack – Gets up and does a staff thrust. Does 6% damage.

Aerial Attacks

* Neutral Aerial – Swings her staff down with moderate downward vertical knock back but not enough to be a meteor attack. Does 8% damage with an additional 1% with the right perk.
* Forward Aerial – Pierces her staff downwards with a small burst of magic which can be sweetspotted as well. If not sweetspotted, it does 12% damage with an additional 1% with the right perk but can cause 23% damage if sweetspotted with an additional 1% with the right perk.
* Back Aerial – Slams her staff butt behind her with a high horizontal potential as well as KO potential. Deals 18% damage with an additional 3% damage with the right perks.
* Up Aerial – Same as her Up Smash but causes her to lift slightly in the air like a helicopter. Same physics as her Up smash but cannot continue as the Up Smash does. The middle of the staff causes 1% damage while the staff ends hit 3 times every second with damage at 3% each hit. The attack lasts 3 seconds so the attack damage totals at 27% damage.
* Thrusts her staff directly below her which can be sweetspotted like her Forward Aerial. High vertical knock back damage and a decent Meteor Smash. If not sweetspotted, it does 14% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks but, with the sweetspot, it can do 25% damage with an additional 2% damage with the right perks. Do to Krystal reach, it is hard to properly sweet spot while close to the ground.

Grabs & Throws

* Pummel – Slaps the opponent. 1% damage each. Very quick.
* Forward Throw – Shoves the spear butt into the gut and launches them. 8% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks.
* Back Throw – Falls back and launches them with a kick behind her. Like a Judo throw. Deals 6% damage with an additional 1% the right perks.
* Up Throw – Launches them in the air with her staff. Does 7% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks.
* Down Throw – Knocks down the opponent and slams the staff butt on the opponent. Does 7% damage with an additional 1% damage with the right perk. No knockback.
My Thoughts

I really had a good idea in my mind since Brawl how Krystal would play out. Link, Marth, Roy, Samus, Ike, Zamus, Pit, etc all wield some time of weapon but nothing as far reaching as a staff. I thought it would be interesting to combine magic and a staff together. That is why I placed Krystal as a fast mid-range weapons fighter. As well, she has a decent projectile attack as well a punishable guarding Side B attack. I feel she is a well-rounded and high tier character.

I added Krystal tot he roster basicallyfor all those reasons I listed earlier. She has been on many wish lists and predictions since Brawl, appeared on many polls as well as Sakurai’s, been a trophy and a taunt voice in Brawl, and appeared in many of the newer Star Fox games. I think not adding Krystal would be rather odd since she has a solid plac ein the SF franchise.
Chances of being in SSB4

65% – I am not sure if Sakurai will think Star Fox is deserving of four representatives however, Falco has been a mainstay and a tournament favorite since Melee and Wolf is a unique character that he could contend with Krystal as the third spot. However, Krystal is a highly requested character, a very unique move set that can be set apart from the rest of the Star Fox crew, and has a unique relationship to all three cast members: team mate and lover of Fox, team mate of Falco, and team mate of Star Wolf.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Original Post Here!

A war torn city is gripped by fear. Gunfire, explosions, cries of help echo throughout the fallen city. The war has all but taken the life from this city that is wreathed in smoke. A figure jumps out of the smoke onto a broken intersection and runs down it when a sudden aircraft looms in front of him. The figure, the world’s savior, ducks out of the way just in time as the aircraft opens fire. But, just then, a surge of plasma appears and rips the aircraft in half. Another purple plasma beam rips through another aircraft which crashes into another interaction. All around the city, plasma beams rips through the already destroyed buildings, houses, and roads. It seemed like the entire sky shooting out the beams. The world’s savior heaves up his Cannon Sword and stares into the sky. A sudden burst of purple rushes past him but he stands unfazed. It stares at a floating mechanical isle with plasma energy glowing all around it. The world’s savior rushes down the intersection, jumps onto a aircraft, and throws out the pilot. The world’s savior then sets his sights to the floating isle and it’s plasma beams.

Saki from Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Name: Saki Amamiya

Game Series: Sin and Punishment

Debut: Sin and Punishment: Successor of Earth(2000)

Element Alignment: Lightning

Affinity: Good

Purpose for Fighting: Survival

Availability: Starter

Perks: Gun Damage, Double Gun Damage, Projectile Damage, Double Projectile Damage, Shield Increase, Double Shield Increase, Sword Damage, Double Sword Damage, Speed Increase, Lightning Damage, Double Lightning Damage, Lighting Damage Resistance, Double Lightning Damage Resistance

Saki comes to the Smash party not as an Assist Trophy but as a gun-totting beam saber wielding savior of the world! He carries the world’s weight on his shoulders yet he just shrugs it off with his amazing acrobatic skills and gun-toting abilities. Saki hails from Sin and Punishment: Successor of Earth. Saki can amazing acrobatic skills that allows him to dominate the air and bring would-be air fighters to the ground. He can attack from distance or close rang so, in reality, he is a all-around fighter!


Power: **
Weight: **
Defense: ***
Speed: *****
Jump: *****
Recovery: ****
Element: ***

Saki’s best stats are in Speed, Jump, and Recovery. Saki, while only possessing two normal jumps and a recovery move, can easily move through the air as well as Kirby or Jigglypuff. Many of his attacks allow Saki to slightly hover in the air while performing some attacks. Saki also does well on the ground with dash attacks and grabs but his true fighting potential shines while in the air. Saki is able to use both a beam saber and a gun called a Cannon Sword. This allows Saki to switch between close and long distance attacks. Saki also has a very high jump that allows him to close the distance in the air. However, Saki’s attacks, while very fast, are not as strong as other characters. As well, he is a light weight so he can be easily juggled/KO’d by stronger characters.
Proposed B Move Set

B – Cannon Sword

Side B – Dashing Strike

Up B – Bullet Storm

Down B – Manual/Target Lock-On

Final Smash: Infinity Lock

Final Melee: Ruffian Transformation

Final Brawl: Successor of Earth

Cannon Sword allows Saki to pull out his gun and, while holding down B, release a stream of bullets. However, once the ammo is depleted, Saki must wait to it can restock itself. His gun has twenty rounds of ammo until it runs out. Cannon Sword can be altered by Saki’s Down B move Manual/Target Lock On which will be explained in detail then. Opponents stand stand next to Saki when he pulls out his Cannon Sword receive 5% damage with medium knock back. Saki can shoot ammo while jumping, running, crouching, or crawling.

Dashing Strike causes Saki to rush in a straight line for 3 seconds. It can also be used as a recovery move however, if down in mid air, he will free fall helplessly. If a opponent is hit by this attack, Saki will pause and the opponent will be electrocuted. This exchange happens for 2 seconds. It has a high vertical and horizontal knock back as well as KO potential but a slow lag after wards. If Saki hits a opponent in mid air, there will be no free fall allowing him to move, attack, or dodge after the initial attack. Does 14-17% damage with an additional 2% damage with the right perks.

Bullet Storm causes Saki to jump in the air in a display of acrobatic prowess. During the attack, Saki will release a hail of bullets (usually around six rounds of ammo) which will spray in different directions. Each bullet does 10% damage. It has very low KO potential but it is one of the highest recovery moves in a nonflying character.

Manual/Auto Lock On allows Saki to switch ammo types. Manual ammo is stronger, slower, or only moves in a straight line. When performing any attack that requires a gun, it will use up ammo. The gun can carry only 20 rounds of ammo of each ammo type and then needs 30 seconds to recharge that ammo type. Target Lock On ammo is faster, weaker, but automatically locks on to the closest opponent unless they are too far away or can obstacle lies in the way. For example, a player playing as Saki uses up his Manual ammo so, in order to perform the other attacks, he has to switch to Target Lock On Ammo to fight. If the player runs out of both ammo, he has to rely on grabs and physical based attacks with the beam sword. Saki begins flashing red when the ammo has 3 rounds left. Once Saki runs out of his bullets, his gun flashes red as well.

Manual ammo does 3% damage with an additional 1% with the right perk. Manual ammo is stronger, slower, and recharge faster while Auto Lock-On Ammo does 2% damage with an additional 1% with the right perks and is faster, weaker, and recharges slower. As well, Auto Lock On ammo does not stun opponents much like Fox’s lasers in Melee. Thus, Manual Ammo does 60% damage when fully used while Auto Lock On does 40% damage when fully used.

It takes roughly 3 seconds for Saki to switch ammo and can be down in mid-air. If Saki is KO’d or falls of the stage, all his ammo goes back to 20/20. Every attack save for his Final Smash, Final Melee, and Final Brawl use ammo.

Infinity Lock is Saki’s Final Smash. Saki locks on all the opponents and begins firing away with a blast of bullets They are all homing Auto Lock On and take up no ammo; manual or lock on. The opponents can be juggled in this fashion. The attack will hit an opponent at least 4 times per second with damage ranging from 3-5% over 6 second period thus causing between 72-120% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks.

Ruffian Transformation is Saki’s Final Melee. Saki transforms into a Ruffian, a super being that resembles a robot. View the video here at 5:18. Saki gains a huge amount of bonuses which include +20% damage, +20 speed, and +20 damage resistance and doesn’t flinch. Saki can release powerful energy blasts from his guns by pressing A that travel across the field and causes between 50-60% damage with an additional 6% with the right perks. Near the end of the Final Melee, Saki will stop and a massive shock wave will shoot from his body resulting in an additional 10% damage with a high knock back.

Successor of Earth is Saki’s Final Brawl. Saki begins to pummel the opponent with gun round bursts. After 4 seconds of shooting, Saki then rushes forward and slashes them with his beam saber; cutting them in a x-shape cut. It causes 50-65% damage with an additional 3% damage with the right perks
Proposed Stage: City Ruins

Proposed Taunts

Left – Saki twirls his gun in his fingers and says “Is that all you’ve got?”

Right – Saki ruffles his hair in the back and kicks at the ground and sighs.

Up – Saki points his gun dramatically at different points and then raises it next to his head and says “Time to move!”

Down – He puts one foot out and leans on a knee with his elbow with his gun hanging listlessly at his side. He then says “Come on, I don’t have all day.”

Proposed Winning Poses

Saki transforms into his Ruffian self and jets out of the screen.

Saki jumps, spins, in the air and lands in a crouching stance. he then says “Mission Accomplished”.

Saki is sitting on the ground, taking a rest. His gun rests in one hand as it hangs down between his knees. He then smiles.

Proposed Stage Entrance

Comes zooming down from a lift platform seen in the games and flips off it. He then un- holsters his gun.

Audience Cheer

Let`s go, Saki! Let`s go, Saki!

Kirby Hat

Saki`s yellow hair cut and bony tail band.

Proposed Palette Swap

Blue Saki – Light blue hair, lighter skin, neon blue shirt with white buckle straps, brown pants, black gloves, and dark blue shoes. His beam saber color is neon blue color. Made to look like his son, Isa Jo.

Golden Saki – Duller yellow, goldenrod hair, tanner skin, golden shirt with brown buckle straps, white shorts, black gloves, and golden shoes. His beam saber color is neon yellow.

Black Saki – Dark brown hair, black shirt with gray buckle straps, light gray shorts, black gloves and shoes. His beam saber color is black. Made to look like Airan Jo.

Red Saki – Bright red hair with orange streaks, red skin tint color, crimson shirt with orange buckle straps, dark red shorts, black gloves, and red shoes. His saber color is red.

Green Saki – Black hair, regular skin color, forest green shirt with black buckle straps, dark green shorts, dark green gloves and shoes. His saber color is neon green. Made to look like Achi.

Buy-able Costume

Isa Jo Costume (from Sin and Punishment: Star Successor)

Attributes: 10% speed increase, 5% jump increase, falling speed is decreased by 4% while his attacks take longer to execute allowing him to stay in the air longer.
Proposed Move Set

Ground Moves


Neutral Attack – Delivers three hits. One is a short saber strike that does 2% damage with an additional 1% with the right perks, a second stronger hit with a long reach that does 3% damage with an additional 1% damage with the right perks, and then a final attack where Saki begins shooting the opponent. Holding down the A button allows Saki to continue shooting. It does damage depending on the ammo being used. A low knock back after the opponent is hit with the bullets.
Dash Attack – performs a running dash where Saki slices with his Cannon Sword. Damage only occurs after Saki rushes past. It has moderate vertical knockback damage and hits 3 times with 3% damage for total of 9% damage with an additional 2% damage with the right perks.

Forward Tilt – Leans forward and performs a vertical cut using his Cannon sword. Hits 4 times with 2% damage with each hit thus totaling to 8% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks.
Down Tilt – Performs a sweeping sword strike that has high vertical and horizontal knock back at high percentages. Can KO. Does 5 hits at 3% damage for each hit thus totaling to 15% damage with an additional 1% damage with the right perks.
Up Tilt – Thrusts his sword in a arc cutting above his head. Does 3 hits for 2% damage for for each hit thus totaling for 6% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks. Low damage but moderate vertical knock back.

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash – Saki begins shooting the opponent. Hold down the A button to continue shooting. Release the A button to swing Saki’s sword forward but only does 1 hit at 5% damage. The bullet attack can do an additional 3%-60% or 2%-40% damage with an additional 3% damage with the right perks. This damage fully depends on what ammo is used and how many rounds is used. In total in can do between 8%-65% or 7%-45% damage.
Up Smash – Performs a upward sword thrust followed by a burst of gunfire that can be continued by holding down A. Same physics as the Forward Smash but less knock back and reversed with the sword attack first and gun fire second.
Down Smash – Does a round house ground kick along with a burst of gun fire. It pumps out 6 rounds. The round house does 20% damage with no added perks plus additional damage from the bullets depending on the ammo used. Thus the attack can do between 32% damage or 38% damage depending on the ammo used.

Other attacks

Ledge attack -Saki quick jumps onto the stage and squeezes off 2 rounds of ammo. Does 6% damage or 4% damage; depending on the ammo used.
100% Ledge attack – Saki pulls himself up, hoists himself up into a flipping jump over the opponent and with his cannon sword extended. Deals 2% with 5 hits each thus totaling at 10% damage with an additional 2% damage with the right perks.
Floor attack – Rises and slices on one side of his body, then the other. Does 7% with an additional 1% with the right perks.
Trip attack – Rises and shoots the opponent with 2 rounds. Does 6% or 4% damage depending on the ammo.

Aerial Attacks

Neutral Aerial – Saki spins around in the air with his cannon sword extended. Hits 3 times with a 3% damage at each hit thus totaling at 9% damage with sone Hurston at the end.
Forward Aerial – Swings his cannon sword forward for 5% damage that 5 times for a total of 25% damage with a high horizontal knockback.
Back Aerial – Saki shoots 4 rounds behind him. Deals 12% or 8% damage depending on the ammo used.
Up Aerial – Swipes in an arc above his head. It has little start-up lag and a moderate amount of ending lag, and has a wide hitbox with low vertical reach. It has low vertical knockback, making it effective as a juggler, but ineffective for the purpose of KOing unless both Wolf and his opponent are near an upper blast line. Does 12%.
Down Aerial – Saki turns upside down and starts shooting right below him. He squeezes off 10 rounds at once in this attack. The last bullet is a possible meteor strikes. Manual ammo does 30% while Auto Lock On does 20% damage. It suspends opponents in mid air.

Grabs & Throws

Pummel – Hits his opponent with his elbow. Very fast but only does 2% damage.
Forward Throw – pushes his opponent and then slashes forward with his cannon sword. Hits 4 times with 2% damage each thus totaling at 8% damage with an additional 2% damage with the right perks.
Back Throw – Throws the opponent backwards like a judo throw and fires a 3 round burst at the opponent. The throw does 2% damage while the bullets do 9% or 6% damage thus totaling to 11% or 8% damage with an additional 1% with the right perk.
Up Throw – Throws the opponent upward and fires off 4 rounds of ammo. The throw does 1% damage while the bullets does 12% or 8% damage thus totaling at 13% or 8% damage with an additional 1% with the right perks.
Down Throw – Slams the opponent on the ground for 4% damage and fires 3 rounds into him. Manual deals 9% while the Auto Lock On does 6% damage thus totaling to a overall 13% or 10% damage with an additional 1% damage with the right perk.
My Thoughts

I didn’t really know who Saki was until Brawl came out but I heard people requesting/wanting the character to be in Brawl so I did a little bit of research. I found him to be both a interesting and unique character. I think Saki should focus on speed, acrobatic skills, and gun play with swordsmanship as well. I picture Saki playing with long to mid-range but being able to close in distance with his speed and jumping ability. However, I think he best shines at dominating the air battles. I envisioned him having various recovery moves that help him move out in the air with out “flying” plus his attacks temporarily suspending him in the air so he can execute him properly.

I wanted to have Saki have a Sin and Punishment feel as well as a rail gun atmosphere hence why he can walk, run, crouch, or crawl while holding down his B attack. However, he does run out of ammo unlike in Sin and Punishment. He was a lot of fun to create but a lot of work and I am still working on him as I type.
Chances Being in SSB4

60% – He is still largely unknown to Western audiences; even among SSBB players. The most recent Sin and Punishment: Star Successor features his son, Isa Jo, rather then Saki. However, he is a highly requested character, an assist trophy, had a new game within the series, and even Sakurai noted his ability in being a player character by saying: “He rivals just about any main character. There were many requests from users for his inclusion, and he IS pretty cool, so I did what I could to include him.” Sakurai and his team acknowledge Saki’s abilities and playability; even including a picture including him with three other characters: Zamus, Ike, and Link and mentioning he has no problem fitting in. I feel he has a pretty good chance in being in SSB4 as a playable character instead of an assist trophy.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Original Post Here

The forest was at war. The trees lashed back and forth; ripping from the ground with tremendous force that shook the earth. Trees were torn from the roots and hills and mountains were being torn down. In the middle of this tempest was a lone figure: a scarfed hero who fought against the earthen assault. The scarfed hero used his powers to calm the earth but to no avail. They were in pain; the scarfed hero could feel it. Suddenly, the ground opened up underneath him to give way to a great cavern. The scarfed hero jumped away in time but a tree lashed out at him as he landed. The scarfed hero ran from tree to lashing tree; always keeping the floating mechanical isle in view: the source of all evil or so the scarfed hero thought

Isaac from Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Name: Isaac

Game Series: Golden Sun

Debut: Golden Sun (2001)

Element Alignment: Earth

Affinity: Good

Purpose for Fighting: Stability

Perks: Magic Damage, Double Magic Damage, Magic Damage Resistance, Double Magic Damage Resistance, Shield Increase, Double Shield Increase, Daze Recovery, Projectile Damage, Projectile Damage Resistance, Health Buff, Double Health Buff, Hard KO Buff

Isaac comes to the Brawl with his Venus Adept abilities and psyenergy attacks to dominate the Smash Bros! Originally an assist trophy in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Isaac comes back to the battlefield as a full on contender. Isaac uses mostly Venus Adept or Psyenergy techniques to battle his foes but he does have a sword he carries. Isaac appears in Golden Sun, Golden Sun: The Lost Age, and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn as the main character, Matthew’s father.

Isaac’s Stats

Power: ****
Weight: ****
Defense: ****
Speed: ***
Jump: **
Recovery: **
Element: *****

Isaac has medium speed and jump abilities but has a high power, defense, and element rating. Isaac can punish characters, especially those with high defense or shields, with high hitting attacks. His downside that some of his attacks are slow and long start up/ending lags. Despite this, Isaac’s attacks causes wide spread amount of damage and can cripple opponents offenses and defenses. Issac’s jump ability or his recovery is not his strong suit but he can still fight his battles in the air if he needs to. He is best played on the ground but he can cover a wide range due to his attacks. He can alternate easily between short to far combat attacks.
Proposed B Move Set

B – Move

Side B – Mad Growth

Up B – Retreat

Down B - Spire

Final Smash: Ragnarok

Final Melee: Summon Judgment

Final Brawl: Sol Blade

Move is Isaac’s standard B move. It works much like how it did in Super Smash Bros. Brawl , however, Issac is able to charge the attack to make it go longer. Pressing B will cause it to travel for 2 seconds however charging it will cause it to travel for 6 seconds. However, Move does slightly less knock back then the assist trophy version. It can be done in the air but not running. As before, it does no damage however, the higher the percentage of an opponent, the more knock back the push does. It cannot be canceled by another attack but a shield can by-pass the move.

Mad Growth is Isaac’s Side B move. Isaac thrusts his hands on the ground and a tangle of plants and thorns erupt and shoot forward on the ground. The attack will continue until it hits a ledge so it’s best to do it while on a long level. It can be canceled by an another attack. Every time it hits, it causes 4% damage with an additional 2% damage with the right perks for each hit and once a opponent it hit, will will juggle the opponent as it travels the stage. It is best to use against opponents with lower percentages. It can done in midair too but only travels for 4 seconds. It causes vertical and horizontal knockback.

Retreat is Isaac’s Up B movie. Retreat is much like Zelda’s Farore’s Wind attack. A magical ring appears around Isaac and he vanishes from the screen. Direct the movement of this attack by tilting the control stick to the desired spot to teleport to. Once Isaac re-appears, psyenergy will push out causing high knock back for opponents near him as well as an additional 3% damage with an additional 2% damage with the right perks.

Spire is Isaac’s Down B move. Isaac will thrust his hands up and a great earthen stalagmite will thrust upwards from the ground. The harder the player tilts the control stick down determines the distance of that the spire will come from the ground. Tilting slightly down will cause it to come out in front of Isaac while pushing to the control stick to its farthest possible point will cause it to thrust a space of half a medium sized stage. It does two hits of damage each at 8% damage thus totaling at 16% damage with an additional 3% with the right perks. Does very high vertical knock back and potential KO.

Ragnarok is Issac’s Final Smash. Issac envelopes himself in a magical psyenergy shield. Suddenly, the camera pans out and a massive fiery sword quickly descends onto the stage and pierces it with the point sticking below the stage. The first strike will cause 53% damage to anyone who is hit by the descending sword. The sword then bursts into psyenergy causing wide spread damage to those not hit by the first strike. The second strike can hit 3 times per second and the second strike lasts 5 seconds. Each hit does 4% damage thus totaling to 60% damage with an additional 5% damage with the right perks. If hit by the two attacks, it can cause 113% damage overall and without perks.

Summon Judgment is Isaac’s Final Melee. Isaac folds his hand in almost a prayer and psyenergy releases from him. Judgment forms around Isaac and rushes forward. Isaac then can control Judgment’s attacks by hitting A. Judgment mimics many of Isaac’s attacks except with sword and shield. During this time, Isaac’s attacks do not damage but transfers to his summon which increases his attacks damage by 10%. This Final Smash lasts 10 seconds which then results in a white explosion in which causes Judgment to vanish. This explosion can cause anywhere from 30-50% damage for those who were not KO’d.

Sol Blade is Isaac’s Final Brawl. Isaac acquires the ultimate sword, Sol Blade, and crashes into his opponent. He slashes with it leaving a trail of fire and slashes again. He then jumps up where a bright ball of fire is floating overhead and slams the ball into the opponent causing a fire explosion. It does 70-85% damage with an additional 5% with the right perks.
Proposed Stage: Sol Sanctum

Proposed Taunts

Left Side – Isaac holds out his hand and a faint burst of psyenergy pulses out. He then closes his hand; veiling the psyenergy.

Right Side – Isaac does a fighting stance very similar to his Brawl sprite but instead he clenches his fist and shakes it,

Up Side – He raises his arms and spreads them open. A Isaac-sized faint image of Judgment appears from behind him and then vanishes. He resumes his fighting pose.

Down B – Four of the elemental Dijinn emerge from Isaac and gloats around him; glowing red, brown, blue, and purple lights. Then then enter into Isaac.

Proposed Winning Poses

Isaac holds forth both hands which shine with Psyenergy and then closes them together causing a burst of Psyenergy around him.

A Venus Dijinn comes from Isaac and circles around him. He holds out his hand and pets the creature.

Isaac unsheathes Sol Blade and does a few swipes with it; leaving trails of fire with each swing.

Proposed Stage Entrance

The ground ruptures and a stalagmite appears from the ground which crumbles revealing Isaac.

Audience Cheer

Fight Isaac, fight! Fight Isaac, fight! (male cheer)

Kirby Hat

Isaac`s yellow hair and his trade mark yellow scarf.

Proposed Palette Swap

Green Isaac – Yellow-green hair, a olive green scarf and cape, a green-blue long shirt, tunic, and pants with yellow trimmings, the red part of his shirt is brown, the yellow orbs on his chest are goldenrod, his belt is dark brown and a goldenrod buckle, and his gloves and boots are brown. Made to look like Ivan.

Red Isaac – Brown hair, a faded red scarf and cape, a red shirt, tunic, and pants with purple trimmings, the red part of his shirt is burgundy and the yellow orbs on his chest are white, his belt is light brown and his buckle is red, and his gloves and boots are dark red. Made to look like Jenna.

White Isaac – Light-yellow hair, a white scarf and cape, a white shirt, tunic, and pants with gray trimmings, the red part of his shirt is black and the yellow orbs on his chest is light gray, his belt is black and his buckle is dark gray, and his gloves and boots are slate gray.

Blue Isaac – His hair is sky blue, his scarf and cape are light blue, a lavender shirt, tunic, and pants with light blue trimmings, the red part of his shirt is powder blue and the yellow orbs are dark purple, his belt is dark blue and his buckle is light blue, and his gloves and boots are a navy blue. Made to look like Mia.

Brown Isaac – His hair is light brown, his scarf and cape are light brown, a dark brown shirt, tunic, and pants with light brown trimmings, the red of his shirt is green and the yellow orbs are brown, his belt is black and his belt buckle is light yellow, and his gloves and boots are black. Made to look like Garet.

Proposed Buy-able Costumes

Adult Isaac Costume (from Golden Sun: Dark Dawn)

Attributes: 10% physical damage increase, 10% magical damage increase, 9% speed decrease, 20% element increase.

Isaac’s Move Set

Ground Attacks

All of Isaac’s psyenergy attacks have the potential to lower opponents defenses by .5% temporarily thus increasing the amount of damage they take. This effect

* Punches with one hand, then the other hand, and then uses Psyenergy to push the opponent. The first punch does 5%, the next 4%, and then the last attack does 10% damage thus totaling at 19% damage overall with an additional 2% with the right perks.
* Dash Attack – Isaac rushes forward and uses Psyenergy to push opponents with both his hands. Does 6% damage with an additional 1% with the right perk.
* Forward Tilt – Swipes his hand in front of him causing psyenergy to burst out. Does 9% damage with an additional 1% damage with the right perk. Slow start up lag.
* Up Tilt – A psyenergy infused hand thrust that has high knockback potential. It does between 10-12% damage with an additional 3% damage with the right perks. Has a slow ending lag but excellent KO potential at higher percentages.
* Down Tilt – Isaac crouches and spins along the ground while shooting out Psyenergy. It hits both sides at 6% damage each thus totaling at 12% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks.


* Side Smash – A spire of rock shoots from his fist. It doesn’t travel and crumbles after 3 seconds. Has slow start up and ending lag but very powerful. Has excellent knock back and KO potential. Does 19-24% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks.
* Up Smash – Unsheathes his sword and stabs upwards while inserting Psyenergy into the attack. High vertical KO potential. Does 15-20% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks. Fast start up and ending.
* Down Smash – Ike touches the ground and a small shaking occurs knocking opponents off from the ground. Closer opponents can be damaged for 12-17% damage and farther opponents receive 25-20% damage with an additional 2% damage with the right perks for both distances.

Other attacks

* Ledge attack- Vaults himself onto the stage and expels a large amount of Psyenergy thus driving the opponent into the ground. Vertical knock back. Does 10% damage.
* 100% ledge attack- Slowly gets up and performs a 2 second small sized Move attack that slams the opponent back wards. Does no damage but high knock back potential.
* Floor attack – Performs a Psyenergy fist thrust. Very quick. Does 5% damage with an additional 1% with the right perks.
* Trip – Uppercuts slightly with a Psyenergy infused fist. Does vertical knock back damage and 10% damage with an additional 2% damage with the right perks.

Aerial Attacks

* Neutral aerial – Isaac spins in a circle in the air while extending his arms; causing Psyenergy to be released. Does 12% damage with no added perks.
* Forward aerial – Does quick sword cut that has a ending lag. It does 6% damage and a possible meteor smash effect.
* Back aerial – Performs a backwards kick that is infused with Psyenergy. Does 10% damage with an additional 2% damage with the right perks.
* Up aerial – Thrusts a stalagmite above him. Has high vertical knock back and KO potential. Does 16% damage with an additional 3% damage with the right perks. His strongest aerial attack.
* Down aerial – Isaac thrusts his hands downward and pushes the opponent with his palms. Similar to his Ledge Attack but has a longer range. If down to a grounded opponent, it will cause them to crash onto the ground and bounce into the air. Does 13% damage with an additional 1% damage with the right perk.

Grabs and Throws

* Pummel – Attacks them with Psyenergy. Does 4% damage.
* Up Throw – Infuses his hands with Psyenergy and thrusts them in the air. Does 6% damage with an additional 1% with the right perks.
* Down Throw – Throws the opponent down to the ground which causes a stalagmite to push them up. High vertical knock back damage at high percentages. Does 9% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks.
* Back Throw – Infuses his legs with Psyenergy and drop kicks them causing high horizontal knock back. Does 7% damage with no added perks.
* Forward Throw -Isaac thrusts the opponent forward using a short distance Psyenergy attack. Does 5% damage.

My Thoughts

I wanted Isaac to focus more on hand to hand combat rather than sword combat since there are many swordsman(ladies) in the roster. I wanted to distance him from a Lucario clone though since he uses Psyenergy as opposed to Aura energy. Thus, I made his attacks more damaging and crippling by causing the opponents defenses to lower with every psyenergy attack. I wanted Isaac to be able to cause a lot of damage with his attacks yet be slower and less air focused hence why his aerial attacks do less damage then his grounded attacks. I also envision him to be more technical and complicated in his design so maybe more experienced players can bring out his true potential.

I included Isaac in my roster because I felt he has strong and unique potential move set, potential story material, and represents a franchise long ignored/avoided/forgotten by the Smash. Universe. Thus, I think Isaac would fit very well in the Smash games and provide a outlet into the Golden Sun Universe.

Chances of Being in SSB4

50% – I am up on the fence whether Golden Sun will be represented and even more so by Isaac. The fact he was an Assist Trophy, has a unique move set, a unique character design, and potential story material gives Isaac a good lead but, the most recent Golden Sun game features his son as opposed to Isaac. As well, Golden Sun has been missed out in the last 2 games that were released when those games were released. Hopefully, GS will be represented this time around and hopefully by our beloved Venus Adept, Isaac.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Original Post Here!

The sea of grass whispered in the breeze and the clouds gathered overhead among the bright blue sky. Here is peace and peace shall stay. A bird lazily flapped in the wing and gave a peaceful call. Suddenly, the blue sky gives way a rush of darken clouds. The proud sun marred by black ink splashed across a canvas that is the sky. The ground begins to shake as herds of dinosaur-type creatures, giant apes, and birds come crashing through the one peaceful plains. Grass is ripped up and trees are thrown into the air. The great arch that made Gaur Plains famous began to crumble. In the middle of this storm was one young adventurer with a peculiar blade. He dodged between the stampeding monsters that came surging among the plains. He drew his peculiar blade: red with a circular hit and a broad blade and shown it against the gathering darkness. A pillar of smoke rushed towards him and from it came a deathly resemblance of a face. The young adventurer slashes at it and it vanished in a flash of light. However, more of them came and more he slashed. Of in the distance, within the darkness he could see it: a mechanical floating isle; hinged upon the airs of the world.

Shulk in Xenoblade Chronicles

Name: Shulk

Game Series: Xenoblade Chronicles

Debut: Xenoblade Chronicles (2010)

Element Alignment: Light

Affinity: Good

Purpose for Fighting: Hope

Perks: Sword Damage, Double Sword Damage, Sword Damage Resistance, Double Sword Damage Resistance, Speed Increase, Light Damage Increase, Double Light Damage Increase, Projectile Damage, Double Projectile Damage

Shulk is the main protaganist in the new Wii series Xenoblade Chronicles. He is the wielder of the Monado, a powerful energy sword that grants the wielder special powers. Shulk is the heir of this powerful blade and brings his abilities to the next installment of Smash Bros! Shulk is a technical fighter that may be hard for beginning players to master but he his attacks hit hard and fast and have a wide spread amount of damage.

Shulk's Stats

Power: ****
Weight: ***
Defense: **
Speed: ***
Jump: **
Recovery: **
Element: **

Shulk's main strengths lies in the power of his sword, the reach of his sword, and his speed. He is able to cut through opponents efficiently and still have enough health. His sword, Monado. Every single KO that Shulk does only empowers the blade making it's attacks that much stronger. However, every single time Shulk is KO'd by an opponent, the Monado loses power and his attacks do less damage. Therefore, it's best to switch between offense and defense when playing as Shulk. Shulk has also the longest reach of any swordfighter due to his swords length. However, the Monado highest damage area is right at the tip and the weakest part is in the middle so it's best to play from fairly far away or up close.
Proposed B Move Set

B - Monado Buster

Side B -Back Slash

Up B - Monado Speed

Down B - Monado Shield

Final Smash - Monado Cyclone

Final Melee - Monado Eater

Final Brawl - Monado Master

Please note I have never played Xenoblade and detailed attack info is hard to come by so I'm going on what I see in videos and what I read on the Xenoblade Wiki. Help is highly appreciated!

Monado Buster is Shulk's standard B attack. It is a chargeable energy projectile weapon. The only problem, in order to charge it, Shulk must not be moving so if he is hit by an attack, it will cancel out. However, pressing B quickly will allow Shulk to fire the Monando Buster while jumping or falling. If charged to max, it will cause massive horizontal knock back damage. It does between 13-30% damage depending on the amount charged with an additional 3% damage with the right perks. It takes 10 seconds to fully charge.

Back Slash is Shulk's Side B attack. If hit from the front, it will only do small damage at 5% with no perks but, if down from behind (ground or aerial) it will do between 20-25% damage with an additional 2% with the right perks. If done in the air, the attack can be a powerful Meteor Smash. In order to get it at it's highest damage, you must sweetspot the blade side of the Monando with the back perfectly which is problematic for a moving or jumping target. Hitting the back earlier or later will result in lower damage percentages and no Meteor Smash while in the air.

Monado Speed is Shulk's Up B Recovery move. A bright red aura envelopes Shulk and he rushes up with a slight angle, depending where he is facing. The attack does between 10-15% damage with an additional 3% damage with the right perks. During the attack, Shulk is unable to flinch for 1.5 seconds. This occurs right in the middle of his animation.

Monado Shield is Shulk's Down B move. When Sulk activates it, a blue shield appears like a bubble around him. Once it takes a hit, the shield will vanish and Shulk will take half damage. However, the shield copies the attack damage it receives and when activated the next time, any damage under the previous percentage is negated, no matter how many times it hits. Once Shulk is KO'd, the damage goes back to 0% and Shulk has to do it over again.

Monado Cyclone is Shulk's Final Smash. Shulk holds up his sword and a cyclone forms around it and encircles a large radius. It will envelope an entire small stage, a quarter of a medium size stage, half of a large stage, and a 3/4 of a huge stage. It can hit an opponent 10 times a second with 1% damage for each hit. The attack lasts 8 seconds thus I can damage for a total of 80% damage with an additional 5% damage with the right perks. The Monado's effects also affect the Final Smash.

Monado Eater is Shulk's Final Melee. Shulk releases his Monado and a enlarges the Monado blade and quickly slashes through the stage. Every opponent hit by this attack has their health drain by 7% every second. The Final Melee itself lasts 10 seconds thus totaling for 70% damage with an additional 3% damage with the right perks.

Monado Master is Shulk's Final Brawl. Shulk jumps up and slashes down with his activated Monado. He than slashes side ways, kicks the opponent, and does a Monado Buster as a finishing move. It has a high horizontal knock back ability and KO potential. It does 68% damage with an additional 4% damage with the right perks.

Proposed Stage: Gaur Plains

Proposed Taunts

Left Side - Shulk raises the Monado and it begins to glow with a blue aura. Shulk then shouts "Monado, lend me your power!" Shulk returns to his normal position.

Right Side - Hoists the Monado onto his shoulder like his idle animation and says "Ok, my turn now!"

Up - Lowers the Monado and motions for the opponent to come. He then says "Let's see what you can do!"

Down - Shulk stabs the ground with his Monado and holds both of his hands on the hilt. He then looks at the opponent, puffs out his chest and says "With Monado with me, there is no way I can lose!"

Winning Poses

- Shulk slashes with the Monado several times and then takes a intense fighting stance and says "That was the power of Monado!"

- Shulk sits down on the floor and polishes Monado until the player press A or Start.

- Shulk sheathes Monado and starts clapping like the other players and says "Not baaad, not bad at all!"

Crowd Cheer

"Shulk! Shulk! MO-NA-DO!" (guys cheer)

Proposed Stage Entrance

Monado appears out of this air and Shulk materializes; shown to be in a peaceful state. He grabs hold of the sword and prepares to fight.

Proposed Kirby Hat

Shulk's blond hair

Proposed Palette Swaps

Blue Shulk - Dark blue hair, Blue jacket with white ornaments, dark red undershirt with white straps and blue stripes, blue pants with red decorations, dark blue leg straps and buckles, and dark red boots. His Monado color is blue with white lines. Made to look like Sharla.

White Shulk - Brighter yellow hair, white coat with brass color ornaments, bright red undershirt with yellow straps and white stripes, brown pants with yellow deocrations, dark red leg strapes and buckles, and white boots. His Monado color is white with black stripes. Made to look like Fiora.

Black Shulk - Brown hair, black coat with white ornaments, maroon undershirt with black straps and white stripes, black pants with white decorations, black leg straps and buckles and dull red boots. His Monado color is black with white stripes. Made to look like Dunban.

Orange Shulk - Orange hair with pink tips, orange coat with yellow ornaments, black undershirt with white straps and yellow stripes, black pants with orange decorations, grey leg straps and buckles, and dark orange boots. His Monado color is orange with white stripes. Made to look like Reyn and Riki.

Purple Shulk - Light Purple Hair, purple coat with light blue ornaments, cerulean undershirt with white straps and purple stripes, gray pants with blue deocrations, dark purple leg straps and buckles, and dark purple boots. His Monando color is purple with white stripes. Made to look like Melia.

Buy-able Costumes

****son Costume (from Xenoblade Chronicles)

Attributes: 5% sword damage, 5% physical damage, 3% speed and jump increase, 15% defense increase
Shulk's Move Set

Ground Attacks


Neutral attack - Slashes overhead with the Monado. One hit attack and does 13% damage with additional 2% damage with the right perks. Does 14% damage if sweetspotted.
Dash Attack - Suddenly stop and then rushes forward with a very quick horizontal sword slash. Very quick. Does 10% damage with an additional 1% damage with the right perk. Does 12% damage if sweetspotted.
Strong Side - A piercing attack. Does 10% damage with an additional 1% damage with the right perk. Slow ending lag. Does 12% damage if sweetspotted.
Strong Up - Waves the Monado above him. Slow start up and ending lag but powerful. Does 16% damage with an additional 2% damage with the right perks. High vertical knock back. Does 17% damage if sweetspotted.
Strong Down - Shulk stomps forward and slashes towards the ground. The first attack does 5% damage and the second attack does 8% damage, 9% damage if sweetspotted, both with an additional 1% damage. Slow ending lag. High knock back.


Side Smash - Does three forward slashes. Similar in appearance to his neutral A. His first slash is quick and does 5-7% damage. The second attack is a bit slower and does 4-6% damage. The last attack has a laggy start up and does 10-12% damage, 12-14% if sweetspotted with an additional 3% damage with the right perks. Altogether it does 19-24% damage. Last attack does high knock back when fully charged and KO potential.
Up Smash - Holds the Monado straight up and a burst of light shoots up from the blade. Does 20-25% damage with an additional 2% damage with the right perks. Does 22-27% damage if sweetspotted. High vertical knock back, KO potential but slow start up however it has a quick end lag.
Down Smash - Slams the sword on the ground and a flash of energy travels for 1.5 seconds on the ground. The very tip of the attack does 23-26% damage, the middle of the attack does 13-16% damage, and the close part of the attack does 18-21% damage with an additional 1% damage at any area with the right perks. Slow ending keg but a quick start up. Disjointed hit boxes make difficult to sweet spot. Can meteor smash hanging opponents with only the tip.

Other attacks

Ledge attack - Pulls himself up and stabs forward. Does 10% damage.
100% ledge attack - Slowly climbs up and does a quick diagonal upwards slash that does 12% damage.
Floor attack - Crouches and swings in a half circle. Does 7% damage.

Aerial Attacks

Nair - Does a quick slash that releases a bit of energy. Does 8% damage, 10% if sweetspotted. Does an additional 1% damage with the right perks.
Fair - Swings his sword downward from head to toe. Does 12-13% damage, 14% damage if sweetspotted with an additional 1% damage with the right perk. Possible meteor smash if sweetspotted at the last possible downward angle.
Bair - Spins backward in 360 degree. Hits three times at 5% damage each with 7% damage if sweetspotted at the last hit along with an additional 1% damage with the right perks. Does a total of 15-17% damage with high knock back at the last hit.
Uair - Shulk grabs his sword at the tip and pushes the broad side up. Horrible reach with no sweetspot. Does 15% damage with an additional 1% damage with the right perk.
Dair - Performs a air flip with Monado stretched out. It hits 5 times with 4% damage at each hit for a total of 20% damage, 5% damage if sweetspotted on a hit which is extremely hard to do. Does an additional 2% damage with the right perks.

Grabs & Throws

Pummel - Hits opponent with a headbutt. A slow pummel. Does 3% damage.
Forward Throw - Throws the opponent and then punches them away with his free hand. Does 6% damage with an additional 1% damage with the right perks.
Back Throw - Swings the opponent back and punches them using the swords hilt and cross guard. Does 8% damage with an additional 2% damage with the tight perks.
Down Throw - Throws the opponent down and does a weak Down Smash esque attack. Does 10% damage with an additional 1% damage with the right perk. Can KO at very high percentages. Opponents close by gets hit with 3% damage.
Up Throw - Throws the opponent up and flip kicks them with his foot. Does 6% with no added perks.
My Thoughts

I had a hard time coming up with a move set for Shulk because I have yet to play the game and a lack of info online. However, I see him as a hard hitting character with decent speed but poor jumping abilities. His recovery move was designed around this idea. However, his sword attacks hit very hard and have side effects on characters.

I added Shulk because of a few reasons. He is the primary protagonist of the new game, Xenoblade Chronicles which was made by Monolith Soft, famous for thier Xenogears series. However, they gave been purchased by Nintendo thus became a first party developer making Xenoblade Chronicles a Nintendo game. Secondly, he has a very unique move set and character potential.
Thirdly, he's new and adds a new flavor to the Smash series.
Chances of Being in SSB4
75% - Shulk is a extremely new character and relatively unknown to Western players. That could hurt his chances but I imagine Nintendo would be eager to advertise a new Character that had a RPG flair that's different from Mario, Link, Pit, Pikachu, and even Ike or Marth.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Original Post Here!

Starship Mario from Super Mario Galaxy 2​

Name: Starship Mario

Universe: Mario

Debut: Super Mario Galaxy 2

Stage Size: Medium

Type: Moving platform, Stationary Platforms

Obstacle Level: 3 (out of 5)

Availability: Starter

Starship Mario appears in Super Mario Galaxy 2 as the main hub for Mario as he treks across the galaxy. It is in the shape of Mario`s head and moves from galaxy to galaxy. It will be the first available Mario stage in SSB4.


Starship Mario appears as it did in Super Mario Galaxy 2. Every time you play on the stage, a new galaxy appears in the background. Here is a list of galaxies that appear randomly:

Comet Observatory

Good Egg Galaxy

Gusty Garden Galaxy

Toy Time Galaxy

Melty Molten Galaxy

Freezy Flake Galaxy

Space Storm Galaxy

Chompworks Galaxy


The galaxy will stay there permanently until the game ends. If played on the stage again, a new galaxy will appear. The galaxies have no effect on Starship Mario and only appears as a background for the battle. There is a single platform that hovers above the top of Mario`s hat and will descend for one minute allowing fighters to fight on top of the hat. The platform reappears and changes to a different side of the face where players will fight.

Top of the hat

Below Starship Mario lies the Engine Room

Starship Mario`s Engine Room

It appears as it did in the game but in SSB4, there is a stationary platform that hovers underneath the glowing blue orb.

Obstacles and Movement

Starship Mario has four phases: stationary phase, movement phase, descent phase, and stationary phase. The first phase: stationary is where fighters fight on a battlefield-esque platform above Mario`s hat. There are no obstacles or hazards at this point. After one minute

The second phase is movement where a warning will sound that the platform will move. It will begin to hover again and in one swift movement, it will whirl to the right or left side of Mario`s face. If a player is caught on the floor at the time of the movement, they are flung out of bounds. High percentages will be KO`d but lower percentages will need to recover back to the stage. There are no hazards here safe for being careful of the warning sign. After 1 minute, the platform sign will flash to rush characters onto the platform. It will hover again and whip back to its orginal position. It will hover there until the next phase, descent.

The third phase happens 40 seconds after the platform returns to its orginal position. A opening will appear underneath the platform and it will descend through mario`s head into the Engine room where the platform will rest. The area has no Star KOs or opening at the top and sides but opponents can be KOd at the bottom. This is the best place to rack up damage. Additionally, the blue orb in the middle can cause 1% damage if touched. When touched, a player will bounce up and must try to get away from the orb before he or she touches it again. This is the main hazard of Starship Mario. After one minute and thirty seconds, the platform will ascend back to its orginal position hovering above Mario`s hat and the entire process will start over again.


[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vEaZFUoPfE&feature=youtu.be]Starship Mario
(Super Mario Galaxy 2)
Sky Station Galaxy (Super Mario Galaxy 2)
Good Egg Galaxy (Super Mario Galaxy)
Gusty Garden Galaxy (Super Mario Galaxy)
Toy Time Galaxy (Super Mario Galaxy)
Melty Monster Galaxy (Super Mario Galaxy 2)
Freezy Flake Galaxy (Super Mario Galaxy 2)
Space Storm Galaxy (Super Mario Galaxy 2)
Final Bowser Battle (Super Mario Galaxy 2)
Cloud Court Galaxy(Super Mario Galaxy 2)
Starshine Beach (Super Mario Galaxy 2)
Chompworks Galaxy (Super Mario Galaxy 2)
Comet Observatory (Super Mario Galaxy)


These characters can be seen in the background walking around, hovering, or running:

Hungry Luma
Toad Brigade
Star Bunny
Gold and Silver Gearmo

My Thoughts

I wanted a Mario Galaxy level in SSBB but, instead, we had Delfine Plaza which is a good game! I wanted to make a similar level based off the Super Mario galaxy franchise so I decided to incorporate a sense of movement like Delfino Plaza did on Starship mario. Hence why the stage sometimes changes angles occassionally and descend into the Engine Room. I wanted to players to see a large portion of Starship Mario.
Chances Being in SSB4

80% - We will see soem stage based off the Super Mario Galaxy series. So while it may not be Starship Mario, some other stage representation of the series will be there. A major contender is the Comet Observatory from Super Mario Galaxy 1.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Original Post Here

Name: Skyloft

Universe: Legend of Zelda

Debut: Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (2010)

Stage Size: Medium

Obstacle Level: 3 (out of 5)

availability: Starter

Skyloft is the giant floating island that appears in the new game Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. It is the birthplace of the game`s Link and Zelda as well as a major location within the game. It is said to have the descendents of those who used to live on the Surface. However, the Surface has now become a legend and those who live on Skyloft only keep to themselves.


The stage is the main plaza area found on Skyloft.

Skyloft`s Plaza

It is the area between the wooden shacks and the large gray tower. It is here where opponents will do battle. The stage is bordered by the shacks which serve as a background and platform to the left and the tower to the right. There is no edge to the tower to the right and it serves a purpose much alike to Shadow Moses Island in SSBB. The tower to the right is unable to collapse but players can ricochet off from it if smashed into it. The shack to the right is only background save for its roof where players can step onto it. The deck juts out towards the camera. The back ground is the lake, the bazaar, Knights Academy, and of in the distance, the Goddess Statue.

Occasionally, the clouds will open up in the back ground and a green pillar of light will appear but this does not affect the match. In the distance you can see Knights flying Loftwings, the denizens of Skyloft going about their business, and even Zelda`s purple and Link`s crimson Loftwing flying together in the distance. Island will often come floating into view as well as Beedle`s shop which will come to the forefront every so often.

Obstacles and Movements

Skyloft is pretty straight forward in terms of a stage. It doesn`t move or change directions. However, one minute into the match, floating small islands that were in the background come approaching to the front and stall there. There is never more than three islands but their movements are totlly random. Players can grasp hold of the islands and fight on top of them but be careful, two many players may wiehgt them down and they will crash to the floor. As well, on some of these islands there are plants that shoot out mini bombs. The bombs are slow though and easy to predict the trajectory. At least twice during the match, a island will appear that looks slightly different from the other islands. If you try to climb on top of it or touch it, you will be sucked in and shot through it at high speeds. Lower percentages only have to worry about recoverin gback but higher percentages will be KO`d.

At least twice during the match, Beedle`s flying shop will appear from the back ground and pass overhead. Ringing the bell will cause it to stop in midair, where ever the bell was rung, and can used as an additional platform. The air store will wait 40 seconds before it moves on again.


Skyloft (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Ballad of the Goddess (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
The Sky (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Fi`s Theme (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Romance in the Air (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Knights Academy (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Wing Ceremony (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Gate of Time (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Beedle`s Airshop (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Groose's Theme (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Fun Fun Island (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Message from the Goddess (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Intro Theme (Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks)
Sacred Grove (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
Ways of the Sword (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
City in the Sky (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)



My Thoughts

Skyloft is just a bueatiful place it would be a shame not for it to be in SSB4. It is the main location of Skyward Sword and the basis of the entire Legend of Zelda...legend. At first, I imagined Skyloft to involve jumping from island to island as you battle in order to make it to a stationary platform on the Skyloft island but I ditched that idea. Legend of Zelda stages have usually been straight forward with very few gimmicks involved and fairly simple in design (save for Pirate Ship). Thus I wanted Skyloft to be similar in the way where it is simple yet interesting to play on.

I had fun choosing the music since the SS soundtrack is so diverse! I will add more when I can

Chances on Being in SSB4

80% - I think we can expect to see some SS inspired stage in SSB4 and Skyloft seems like the most obvious choice seeing as how it is the main location for the game. There are other options such as Sealed Grounds and Skyview Temple.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Original Post Here

Castelia City from Pokémon Black and White

Name: Castelia City

Universe: Pokémon

Debut: Pokémon Black and White (2010)

Stage Size: Medium

Obstacle Level: 2 (out of 5)

Availability: Starter

Castelia City comes straight out of the Pokémon Black and White games. It is one of the largest cities in the Pokémon world and features an expansive skyline full of buildings, billboards, and neon signs. This is the cosmopolitan area of the Pokémon world. Here you can meet trainers from far and wide and do battle against a whole bunch of different fighting styles. It is also rumored that Game Freak has a office in this city. Can you find it?

Castelia city has two different levels: lower and upper parts. A lower part is a single stage that is able to walk off from. It is situated in front of the Pokemon Center.

Castelia City Bottom

Onlookers, pedestrians, and trainers can be seen in the background going to and fro on their business. Some of the trainers will go into the PokéCenter.

The upper portion contains walkable billboards that advertise Pokémon products and such. Occasionally, a Pidove will fly in the background. The fighters fight upon five rooftops and two bill board signs.

Obstacles and Movements

There aren’t too many hazards in this stage. In order for the stage to go from the streets to the rooftops, a construction beam will be lifted from the ground by a Gurdurr . Luckily, the beam itself is as long as the camera length. Only if the player misses the beam and stays down on the ground while the beam is lifted up does it truly become dangerous. However, the beam moves up slowly so unless you want to be KO’d, it’s easy to get back on the stage. This usually lasts one minute.

After the Gurdurr lifts up the construction beam, it will attach to a construction cable which will lift the beam to the skyline. This lasts about 40 seconds in length. During this time, the construction beam will slowly spin around, similar to how Black and White showed and experimented on different camera angles or moving objects. The construction platform will reach the skyline, stop and wait for players to leave the construction beam. Once everyone is off, it will descend below.

The skyline doesn’t move and there aren’t any obstacles/hazards save for not falling down between the buildings. There are five rooftops and two bill board signs that players can stand on. There is a tall, slender building with a small rooftop, once with a radio tower on it that players have to jump over, a wide one with a wide rooftop, a wide one with a video screen (pictured on the main picture). and another one that is shaped like a tetris block (see to the left of the yellow building).

After a minute, the construction beam will appear again and take players to the bottom of the stage.

Castelia City (Pokémon Black and White)
Sky Arrow Bridge (Pokémon Black and White)
Icirrus City (Pokémon Black and White)
Mistralton City (Pokémon Black and White)
Nacrene City (Pokémon Black and White)
Ferris Wheel (Pokémon Black and White)
Introduction (Pokémon Black and White)
Belle’s Theme (Pokémon Black and White)
Professor Juniper’s Theme (Pokémon Black and White)
Global Link Terminal (Pokémon Black and White)
Gear Station (Pokémon Black and White)
Musical (Pokémon Black and White)
Pokémon Center (Pokémon Black and White)
Cheren’s Theme (Pokémon Black and White)
Cerulean City (Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver)
Oak’s Pokémon Talk Radio (Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver)
Azalea Town/Blackthorn City (Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver)
Goldenrod City (Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver)
Entrance (PokéPark Wii: Pikachu’s Adventure)
Bastiodan’s Block Barrage (PokéPark Wii: Pikachu’s Adventure)
Absol’s Hurdle Bounce (PokéPark Wii: Pikachu’s Adventure)


Ace Trainer (female)
Backers (Male and Female)
Clerk (Female)
PokéFan (male)
Preschooler (male and female)
Professor Juniper
My Thoughts

Castelia City was a stage I wanted in SSB4 since I saw a picture of it. I always played at Celadon City/Saffron City on SSBB so I wanted to make a stage similar to it. I also envisioned a stage with a lot of people walking behind. I like the idea of including cameos. I would really like a stage like this in SSB4!
Chances of Being in SSB4

25% – I would love to see a Castelia City stage but it has competition from
Pokèmon Stadium 3 and other important locations from Black and White (Dragon Spiral Tower, N’s Castle, etc).

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007

Here is an image of the partial roster​

Obviously characters in my blog has not yet been released but this is them so far. I will release more as time goes by. Secret Characters are not included and will be included after I go through the starters. The characters from left to right are: Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Yoshi, Pikachu, Kirby, Samus, Bowser, Zelda/Shiek, Pit, Peach, Dixie Kong, Saki, Fox, Bowser Jr,Shadow Mario, Isaac, Pikmin and Olimar, Nightmare, and Shulk, Expect more to come!
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