Like Zz posted, I'm hosting a tournament on Nov 9th, at my house in Provo. I'm going to be taking this tournament seriously and making sure I advertise immensely. Make sure to mark your guys' calendars for the 9th of November and make sure you can get time off from work. I plan to have more than 40 people there, just like the last tournament I hosted about 3 years ago, lmao. If this turns out just like I plan, I'll most likely be hosting more tournaments in the future. I will post the flyer here on this thread when I am done making it, and hopefully you guys can print a few of your own and post them around your area for a better turnout. The only thing I ask of you guys is for setups. Tv's, and Wii's. I should be able to take care of the tables and chairs, but if you guys have any you'd like to bring, that'd be even better. I plan to have a sound system to call out matches instead of individually finding the people who need to play the match. I will have a room for tournament matches, and a room for friendlies just to make sure matches are prioritized, and a friendly room just for the people who didn't want to enter the tournament and just want to play friendlies. We will be selling snacks and drinks for your convenience, and possibly ordering pizza for all the attendee's. The pizza will be free. There 'will' be a venue fee, but note that the venue fee will solely go towards the making of this tournament along side with the pizza and anything else that was spent for making this tournament a great one. I will post the details when I have everything set up, but yeah I'm so excited!! I promise to make this tournament enjoyable for casual, and competitive players. Hope to see you all there!!