So, yeah, I know that the Kafeneio is on the 25th, but this was already set (I've been busy, so haven't announced until now) before that. Sorry for the unfortunate timing in advance.
Sandy Nickelcade's End of Summer Lock-in is upon us! It was be the night of the 24th, going into the 25th (officially, 1 AM to 8 AM of Saturday the 25th). As a crash refresher course on these lock-ins...
*$10 entry fee, period. No penalties for paying five minutes before the event!
*Food and drinks will be provided (at least, until the food runs out, and your first fill of drinks, refills are extra)
*As usual, there's a DDR tournament going on
*I will be hosting a smash tournament... but not your average run! It'll be a "Deal With It" for fun tournament with different rules (though not completely out the windows such as "Metaknight vs Ganon... or maybe it will be? Hahahahahah!!! Details later)
*Tournaments are no entry fee (usually, could change depending on the TO, but the smash will for sure be no entry fee. Consequently, it'll also be no prizes, this is just an experiment to start off with)
Also, some legalities regarding age:
Persons 13-17 admitted only with parental consent form which can be found at the following link:, persons 12 and under admitted only when accompanied by a person 13-17 years of age (with additional parental consent) or a person 18 years of age or older acting as a "sponsor" in place of parent/guardian. Sponsor form can be found here: Special needs adults and children who require medical, behavioral or other supervision will not be admitted without a parent or guardian 18 years of age or older. Doors lock at close (1am), and nobody will be admitted back in to the lock-in following door lock unless special arrangements have been made. Doors re-open at 8am and we ask that all attendees secure rides that will pick them up no later than 8:30am.
Even if you can pass off as 18+, we still ask that you comply such rules that we have set there. Again, legality reasons.
Questions? Feel free to ask! Also, for those curious, there are a few people in the DDR scene that play MvC3 (not so sure about any other fighters).