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User Blogs Group Story 2: The Light (All contributors MUST READ OP!)

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Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Link to original post: [drupal=3094]User Blogs Group Story 2: The Light (All contributors MUST READ OP!)[/drupal]

Despite the Smash Civil War not reaching a proper conclusion, the group story was a success. It brought together posters in a fun project, and produced quite a bit of good writing. We've learned from our mistakes, and improved our writing skills both as individuals and as a group.

Now it's time to up the ante.

I came up with this story idea after reading an article in a science magazine about time travel and paradoxes (like the Grandfather Paradox). The article (found here suggests that paradoxes are impossble, and the past can't be changed. This is where the idea for the story began to form.


User Bloogs Group Story 2
The Light (This is a tentative title; if anyone has any better suggestions, I'm open to them)

An astronaut travels into the past, and must choose between saving the world he finds or saving the world he'll return to.

Main Characters
Benjamin Carter- The main character, an astronaut tasked with studying his solar system one billion years in the past.

Francis Witten- A religious leader on Mase that interprets Benjamin's arrival as a sign of the end of his world.

Eric Mavis- An ambitious scientist on Mase who is enthralled by Benjamin's technology and knowledge of the future.

Secondary Characters
Hera- Francis' wife.
Ken- Francis' son.

Nicon- Benjamin's home planet.
Mase- The giant planet that Benjamin finds one billion years in the past. Mase's technological advancement is more or less the same as ours (us in the real world, I mean). Their space program has only sent astronauts to Mase's various moons.


The basic idea is simple: Mase will be destroyed, and the planetary remains will form Nicon in the future. Ben arrives just before the planet is destroyed, and can either try to save Mase at the expense of Nicon, or let Mase be destroyed to ensure the creation of his home planet. But there's also the paradox issue: can he change the future, even if he wanted to?

That's all the necessary info, I think. Just assume that everyone looks human, and use familiar terminology when describing things(minutes, meters, dollars, etc.) It won't really do us any good to create exotic currency and measures of time if no one knows what we're talking about. Other than that, I purposefully left many things vague to allow the story to develop in any number of ways. Who's the villain, Francis or Eric? Is there a villain at all? How will Mase be destroyed? How does Ben get home? Does he at all? All of these questions will be answered by the group as the story continues. Mase can look as mundane or wild as you like. It's more demanding in terms of creativity and writing skill, but I think we're ready for it. If there's something you don't understand and you can't wing it, please contact me through PM or visitor message. I would like to avoid accidental spoilers in the form of questions in the thread.

Good luck, and have fun!

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
The Light
Chapter 1: A Matter of Time

The thing that always fascinated Benjamin about space was the colors.

On Nicon, the cities blotted out the night sky with a deluge of artificial light. Even out in the countryside, kilometers of atmosphere obscured the view. But out there, almost two lightyears from his home world, the full range of the universe's palette was visible: the wispy crimson strands of the Hekron nebula, the violet glow of blue-shifted stars, the itermittent yellow-white flashes of a nearby quasar. And directly ahead, the massive, colorless void of the black hole we was on a rendezvouz course with.

"Aerspace Central Command to Captain Carter, update status please," a female voice crackled across the radio.

"This is Carter. Approxmate ETA to the black hole's outer gravity well is twenty minutes. Preparing for Stage 2 separation of hyperlight boosters."

"Acknoledged, Captain. Proceed, and good luck."

15 years of R&D, billions of dollars and six months of solo space travel were culminating in the next half hour, and it was mundanely referred to as "Stage 2." They were only attempting what many of Nicon's best minds considered to be impossible.

"Cassy, begin Stage 2 separation countdown. Calculate trajectory for entering gravity well."

"Yes, dear," the computer responded. Ben had thought it strange that his ship's computer was programmed to emulate his wife, but as the days turned into weeks on his journey, it was comforting to hear another voice, even a simulated one. "T-minus three minutes to separation."

Ben settled into his flight chair and opened his mission manual. The specifics of the plan had been drilled into his head for two years, and he reviewed them every day. The smallest mistake could result in him being shredded into sub-atomic particles and strewn across the galaxy. There wouldn't be enough of him left to cover a pin head. The mission manual was a white binder filled with pages. Most were covered with complex calculations that explained the mathematics of what he was about to accomplish. He glanced over them, and focused on the mission briefing.

Attn: Carter, Benjamin. Captain, Nicon Aerospace Central Command

Mission: Scientific study of the early state of the Nicon solar system.

Mission Briefing: This mission will test relativistic theories regarding space-time curvature and time travel.If successful, we will have the opportunity to study our solar system approximately one billion years in the past. The mission will be broken down into five stages.

Stage 1: You will lift off from Nicon aboard the Argian. The Argian has been equipped with hyperlight boosters that will accelerate you to four times the speed of light. Your target is the Cain black hole, approximately two light years away. The journey should take six months.

Stage 2: As you approach the black hole's outer gravity well, you will separate the hyperlight boosters and pilot the Argian on a trajectory that will take you along the hole's event horizon. Our understanding of relativity theorizes that the extreme gravitational forces of the hole will bend space-time onto itself, in a loop. You will use the hole's gravity to slingshot yourself along this loop, exiting at approximately one billion years in the past.

Stage 3: At this point you will be in the past. The black hole will have thrown your ship off, on a trajectory towards the solar system. The momentum that you built up in stage 1, combined with the slingshot effect and your onboard fuel, should sustain the Argian's hypyerlight factor 4 speed. Once you reach the solar system, you will engage in the research outlined on the following pages.

Stage 4: Your trajectory will swing you around our sun, which will send you back towards the black hole. You will replicate the process that took you bacj, but in reverse to return you to the present.

Stage 5: You will be back in the present, and your trajectory will bring you back into Nicon's solar system. This will complete your mission.
It looked so simple when laid out in black and white. The calculations were in the computer, and the auto-pilot would handle walking the razor thin line of the black hole's event horizon. On one side of that invisible barrier was history making glory, and on the other instantaneous death.

"T-minus two minutes until separation."

Ben had done his best to remain professional and detached from the mission. Now, as he strapped himself in, he allowed his mind to take in the moment. His earliest memory as a child was watching the first hyperlight space flight. He decided then that he would not only flu through space, but that he too would accomplish a first, something that had only been dreamed of before him. Ben let a smile creep across his lips.

"T-minus one minute until separation."

"All, right, back to business," he muttered to himself. "Cassy, confirm that trajectory calculations are accurate."

"Yes, Ben. All calculations are accurate, honey."

"Good. Separate hyperlight boosters on my command. Now!"

The Argian rocked as the boosters tumbled away. "Separation complete. Calculations have compensated for the decrease in mass. Auto-pilot is correcting trajectory towards the event horizon. Strap yourself in, honey."

"Two steps ahead of you," Ben said. He could tell the ship had passed into the black hole's gravity well. He suddenly felt ten kilos heavier. "Adjust artificia gravity to compensate for the black hole's effects. There, much better. ETA to event horizon."

"Forty five seconds." Ben glanced towards the black hole. It was like a tear in the colors of the heavens that exposed the complete darkness that everything was fixed upon. "Approaching event horizon. Calculations...confirmed. Space-time sufficiently compressed. Entering time loop."

Ben's gaze remained locked on the black hole. He was unaware that he was transcending time itself, riding the curvature of the universe like a loop-the-loop on a roller coaster. A crack of light caught his eye. The ship was moving away from the black hole.

"Cassy, report!"

"Calculations...complete. We have left the time loop. We will clear the black hole's gravity well in 45 seconds. Speed is holding constant at hyperlight factor 3.9997."

"That quickly? Traveling a bilion years into the past only took a few seconds?"

"There are many things we still do not understand about relativistic time travel, honey," Cassy answered.

"Well, let's make sure we're where, or when, we think we are. Cross-reference current star positions with projected star charts for this time period."

"Calculations...complete. Projections are accurate to 99.998%. We have traveled one billion and two years into the past. Congratulations honey!"

Ben allowed himself a relieved sigh. As it sunk in that he hadn't died and was really a billion years in the past, his relief grew into giddy joy. "Woo-hoo!" he yelled triumphantly. He thought he should do something more to celebrate such a feat,but fatigue had overtaken him. "Allright Cassy. Maintain auto-pilot and trajectory towards the Nicon solar system. I'm going to get some rest."

"Okay, Ben. Have a good night." Ben stood at the foot of his bed, looking out the window. The black hole was out of view, and he could see this universe's colors. The Hekron nebula was just a small splotch in the distance, and the stars he'd memorized were out of order, but still dazzlig. It gave him a feeling of deja vu. Everything was similar enough to the night sky he knew to remind him of it.

"Six months until I reach home," he said. "Or what will become home."


"Approaching the Nicon solar system honey!" Cassy sang. Setting up the equipment for his research had only taken two weeks. Ben used the rest of the time reprogramming Cassy to be more life-like, with mixed results.

"Very Good. Confirm projections for the layout of the solar system and adjust trajectory accordingly."


Ben looked up from his mission manual. "Error? I knew I shouldn't have been tinkering with your programming."

"My programming is fine, honey. Cross-referencing the gravity projections of the Nicon system with the current readings has produced an error. The projections are incorrect."

Ben shrugged. "It's impossible to be entirely accurate in predicting the gravimetrics of a solar system one billion years in the past. They gave me enough fuel to compensate for gravity variances up to 10%. How much were they off by? I bet Dr. Cyon they'd be off by 4%."

"Projections are off by 63%."

"What?!" Ben hopped into the flight chair and read the display. "How can that be? Those predictions were checked and rechecked for over a decade! How could they be so wrong?"

"There is a massive stellar body in orbit around the Nicon star. It is approximately 150 million kilometers away from the star, and is nearly 300 timesthe size of Nicon."

"That's impossible.That's where Nicon should be! What's the planet's composition?"

"The atmosphere is composed primarily of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen. Water covers 62% of the surface. It has 17 moons, and appears capable of supporting life."

"Well I'll take my readings and let the scientists make sense of it all when I get back. Re-calculate trajectory to compensate for new gravimetrics."

"Calculating...new trajectory is set. Howeverm the new flight path will require more fuel than is presently on board."

"Oh no..." Ben muttered. Dying at the mouth of the black hole would have been quick and painless. Starving to death one billion years in the past in a fueless ship would not be. "Suggestions?"

"Landing on the unknown planet will allow us to formulate a plan before we run out of fuel."

"I didn't bring any gear for a landing, but I don't really have a choice. Set new trajectory to land us in a hospitable area on the planet."


Ben was baffled by what he saw as he passed through the solar system. The other planets were in place- Rese, Chedar, Payd. But there was no sign of Nicon, and in its place sat a blue monster, sitting in the inner solar system like a beach ball. As he approached, he saw dozens of smaller objects in orbit around the planet.

"Cassy, identify those objects."

"They are artificial satellites, similar in design and function to early space era satellites on Nicon."

"So there is life on this planet, advanced life. Switch off auto-pilot, I'll take us into the atmosphere manually to avoid detection." Ben took the controls into his hand, remembering the thrill of piloting ships before computer automation became standard. He weaved the Argian between the gaps in the satellites. He could see stretches of light on the dark side of the planet. Part of him was glad that there was an advanced civilization on the planet. The other part was terrified.

"Approaching atmosphere. Brace for impact."


"Daddy! Daddy! Look!" a little boy shouted, tugging at his father's sleeve. The father looked up and saw it: a red ball of fire streaking across the sky. The man's wife saw it as well, stepping out onto the porch for a better view. "What was that, daddy?"

"It was nothing, Ken," his mother said to him. "Go inside and wash up for dinner."

"Aw, yes ma'am." Ken said as he trudged inside. The mother stepped closer to the father, waiting to be sure that Ken was inside.

"What was that Francis?" she asked. He dropped to his knees, folding his hands in prayer. She does the same, and after a moment of silence, she asked again. "What was that?"

"The light at the end of the world, Hera," he said quietly.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Stickying this baby.

/will contribute.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I'm going to be pushing this pretty hard around the site, so let anyone who you think might be interested know!


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
.... um... wow... I.... Just.... I was just bliown away. I mean, ****, Jam! I knew you had something big in store but I never would have guessed this. I'd love to start contributing, but I just don't know where! I think that once I've taken this all in and thought up ideas I'll start...


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Glad I found this before too much progress was made.

I might do some contributing. This story looks really awesome and I'd love to be a part of it, but I'm not sure if I can muster up enough motivation to do any writing, lol.

Either way I'll probably be keeping up with the story, and good luck to everyone else!


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
Getting drilled by AWPers
This is going to be the ice-breaker then!

Chapter 2: Order and Chaos

The ship continued to illuminate the sky with its glaring reddish-orange hue of fire upon its re-entry. Virtually all the Maseians slowly made their way outside their secluded homes and gazed as the object continued to streak across the sky. It didn't take long for Benjamin's ship to cross the horizon relative to the view of all the observers. Another moment elapsed, and Benjamin made contact with the ground a large distance away from the nearby city. An enormous flash engulfed everyone's vision for an infinitesimally short time, and then without warning, a deafening sonic boom sheared the air around everyone.

Francis and his family braced themselves from the impact. Hera could easily see Francis's crestfallen face after what had just happened.

"It's just as He predicted," muttered Francis solemnly. "The end of us."

Hera recoiled slightly, oblivious to the fact that Ken was still washing up for the dinner they had yet to eat for the evening.

"Hera, I want you to take Ken and protect him from harm. Stay inside the house, and do not come back at all until I return. I must speak with the rest of the city regarding what just occured."

Francis reached deep into his waist are and fumbled around for his holster. "Here, take this," he said. He handed her a makeshift revolver, checking to make sure there were six rounds loaded as he popped open the chamber. As he clicked it back shut, he turned away to head to the gun rack in the closet. "There's bound to be all sorts of chaos and turmoil erupting from that fire in the sky. You'll really need something to defend yourself just in case," he added. It didn't take long for Francis to find his lever-action shotgun. He smiled to himself as he spincocked the lever, loading several shells in the process. Concealing his most trusty weapon underneath the torso of his beaten and weary gray jacket, he made his way out the front door of the house.

"Honey, I will be addressing the rest of the public about this unholy intervention at the town square. Time is critical right now." He quickly turned to Hera, both of them kissing much longer than they normally did, and Francis exited to his car. As he started up his car, he could barely make out faint screams from a considerable distance away. This was it. As the chief religious leader for the Maseians, he knew it was his job to help restore order to a fragmenting planet. Because if what he prophecized was true, then this fireball must be the harbinger to God's end of the world.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Chap 2. Cont:

Francis drove as fast as he could without being reckless, he needed to get to town hall. Thoughts pounded in his skull, each one telling him that this was the end of the wolrd. Just as the god Lumos said in his holy scriptures.

"I say to you this; my holy power cannot provide protection for all time. All things must pass away, and your time shall come the day the sky rains fire." - Book 12, Verse 13

He arrived at town hall, where he ran into the mayor's office as quickly as his feet would carry him. Just has he entered, a loud "boom" was audioble and the entire earth seemed to have shaken. He rushed to the mayor's desk. Both men did nothing but gazed into eachother's eyes, examining the fear in both of them. Then Francis spoke, "Mayor Walker, I'm afraid that what is written in the scriptures has come to pass! You have seen it, and you know now that it's more than just writtings in a book!" The Mayor was silent, he then calmly said, "You're right, if my memory isn't too shakey, then next we should see a Demon come from the fires...."

The Phone rang, and Walker picked it up. His secretary was on the other line, apparently the police found some sort of armored creature who crawled out of a matalic shell with the ball of fire had landed. He fled the scene and now the police are hot on his heels, looking for him. Both the priest and the mayor looked at eachother, and they both knew what eachother was thinking, "It's the end of the world."


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I never found out about the last one until too late, so I'll definitely look at contributing to this one.

The theme of the story is too good to pass up.


Nov 1, 2007
Right here, not quite now
Chap 2. Cont:

Hera sat still in an armchair, chewing her collar like she had always done while nervous. She called Francis' cellular phone an eighth time.

"Francis, I..."
"Hera, you really shouldn't worry. The alien doesn't seem to be violent at all."
"But please, Francis, I really care for you. Don't try anything."
"I have God on my side. He will protect me."
"I'm sure God has better things to do than to protect you from the radiation that creature ought to emit",
"I'll be fine, darling. Bye."

Francis hung up before Hera could say "I love you". She was considering calling him back again, but thought it would be better to just let him do his work. She turned on the television set and waited for the 5:30 news.

"This is truly a day that will go down in history, as a seemingly intelligent extraterrestrial life form has landed on Mase. The creature is currently unconscious and is being taken to a sterile environment where scientists will attempt to communicate with it. So far, we know that the alien life form is considerably taller than the average human and that its natural habitat has an average temperature that ought to be 30 degrees warmer than on Mase. Just to clarify, we can confirm that this is not any kind of hoax. Stay tuned for further updates."

Chapter 3:

Benjamin woke up. He tried to lift his head, but realized that he had been fastened to the bed he was lying in. He tried to remember what had happened. He had travelled a billion years back in time and... that's where his memory was cut off.

Suddenly, he heard music. It seemed to come from a short, fat creature in a white plastic suit. He suddenly remembered the satellites he had seen outside the atmosphere. These were the alien life forms. He creature lifted his hand and said:


Could this be right? Did the people of Mase really sing when saluting? Benjamin mimicked:


The creature started singing again, and Benjamin realized that this was language on Mase - pitch and rhythm were needed to pronounce all phonemes correctly. The creature exited the room and the straps around Benjamin's limbs were loosened. He sat up, but had difficulty doing so due to the gravity. His room was approximately ten square meters large and only contained a small hole in the floor, a computer screen and some kind of syringe hanging from a tube in the ceiling. He stood up and walked to the computer screen.

A clipshow displaying the functions of the room started. The syringe would apparently be his only source of nourishment and the hole was for waste. After the instruction montage, a video of a creature with pink-yellowish skin, a compact body and single spot of fur on the head started playing. The purpose of this video was obviously to teach him the language, and he soon realized that it was a ten hour tape that looped after it was done playing.

After one week of intensive learning, he finally managed to decipher the message at the very end of the video.

"If you can... understand this, raise your arm... for 20 seconds."

Benjamin had already learned what a second was, and did as the video said. Suddenly, another video started playing.

"Welcome to Mase. We are excited to meet the first alien to ever reach our planet. Although, there is a problem. The temperature and atmosphere in this cell are adjusted to the data we found in your space shuttle, and you will probably not live if you walk outside of it. Therefore, you will be kept inside until we have found another solution."

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
I will ask that posters not include multiple chapters in one post, for organizational reasons.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Is it just me, or this story turning into Atlantis the Lost Empire Phocahontus Fergully: The Last Rainforest Dances with Wolves The Last Samurai Avatar v2.0?
I was hoping it would turn more into the Day the Earth Stood Still. The good version, not the remake with Reeves in it.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
Chapter 4: Trajectory Set (Takes place during Chapter 1)

A crack of light caught his eye. The ship was moving away from the black hole.

"Cassy, report!"

"Calculations...complete. We have left the time loop. We will clear the black hole's gravity well in 45 seconds. Speed is holding constant at hyperlight factor 3.9997."

"That quickly? Traveling a billion years into the past only took a few seconds?"

"There are many things we still do not understand about relativistic time travel, honey," Cassy answered.

"Well, let's make sure we're where, or when, we think we are. Cross-reference current star positions with projected star charts for this time period."

"Calculations...complete. Projections are accurate to 99.998%. We have traveled one billion and two years into the past. Congratulations honey!"

Ben allowed himself a relieved sigh. As it sunk in that he hadn't died and was really a billion years in the past, his relief grew into giddy joy. "Woo-hoo!" he yelled triumphantly. He thought he should do something more to celebrate such a feat,but fatigue had overtaken him. "Allright Cassy. Maintain auto-pilot and trajectory towards the Nicon solar system. I'm going to get some rest."

"Okay, Ben. Have a good night." Ben stood at the foot of his bed, looking out the window. The black hole was out of view, and he could see this universe's colors. The Hekron nebula was just a small splotch in the distance, and the stars he'd memorized were out of order, but still dazzling. It gave him a feeling of deja vu. Everything was similar enough to the night sky he knew to remind him of it.

"Six months until I reach home," he said. "Or what will become home."

"There's an inconsistency in the fuel supply however."

"How much is there?"

"Only enough to make one fourth of the trip, honey."

"We may be able to make it," he answered, "throw on the back-up thrusters."


It had been two weeks, and scrambled thoughts were mixed around in his head. Six months of mundane exercises and mental preparation were still sorting themselves out. Ben groaned and rested his head on his palms, which he had not realized were dripping with sweat. He pulled himself away and wiped his face on his sleeve, then he turned to face the window that stared into the dark abyss of twinkling lights and splashed colors casted by nebulae.

"I had better start putting up the instruments now if I want to be finished any time before we get there."

"That's a great idea, honey!" the electronic mimicry of his wife answered.

Just as Ben was starting to get up, though, he glimpsed a separate, faster-moving object far in the distance. At first he thought it to be a comet, but what was a fragile entity like that doing so close to a black hole?

"Quick Cassy, give me some information on that moving object ahead of us," he said, keeping his eye on it.

"Calculations... complete. It appears to be another space-craft, of the same build as ours. We aren't alone after all! Their trajectory is also following the same path. Isn't that interesting?"

"That is interesting," Ben replied. "We'll keep our pace steady, though. We can't spare any extra fuel following them should they change course."

"Absolutely! Our course remains on a straight path to Nicon."

"That is, if we can make it."


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
Getting drilled by AWPers
I was going to write another chapter, but I keep re-reading Frown's chapter and I have to do a double-take every time upon reading it. No offense, but it's given me writer's block.

Benjamin supposedly learned the Mase language in a week? How on earth does time accelerate at such a pace when the rest of the story was progressing normally?


Nov 1, 2007
Right here, not quite now
1. He is not a human.
2. A person could learn a language in a week if given no other things to do.
3. He currently BAD at the language.

If my chapter caused this thing to die, I apologize. Jam Stunna gets to decide whether I should delete it or not.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
Getting drilled by AWPers
Those aren't the problems.

The problem is what Francis and the rest of Mase was doing in that entire week time period. They weren't just sitting there twiddling their thumbs around; that's for sure.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
Maybe they couldn't see/investigate the alien since the hospital/whatever wouldn't let them/denied its existence, so they did other things in their spare time!

Real spoiler:
Just throwing this out there just in case someone couldn't tell; the Ben in my chapter is a second Ben created as a result of the black hole. That would explain the fuel shortage in his chapter and the gleaming ship thing he saw. :)

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Yeah, I'm reluctant to add another chapter so soon, seeing as mine is the longest one, and I don't want to impose my vision on the story too strongly.

Everything seems fine to me now. Be creative!


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
Frown. Post another chapter.

Or else one of the other lazy bums will have to do it! :mad:
Just kidding, you're not lazy... but still

Deleted member

I'd like to contribute. I haven't read the spoilers part, so I'll try to contribute.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
I feel bad for not writing anything.

But I feel like the idea of having characters being SWF members, like the first story, was better, because we know their personalities through their posting habits and such. That way I feel like everyone could connect to the characters and the story more. But that's just my opinion.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
Buhl, Idaho
Err... I want to write something. If no one has added a chapter by Tuesday I'll write something short if that's OK.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
I'll do the same as Highfive.
You can definitely count on another chapter from me (as long as I don't forget).
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