Firstly, I went above and beyond to try and get Wii VC working. In fact, 0.10 worked better on Wii VC than console.
If you really think I haven't already read those threads and through months of discord chat, you are wrong.
Supporting WiiU VC is not on the table for the time being because even when I'm not running into issues like cache problems, graphical bugs, and other things that slow development significantly, changes in structure can immediately break the work around that "fix" these problems.
So no it's not impossible but I'd rather say that then explain why it's not happening in the near future over and over again.
Also, way to get banned from that orgami irc. I wouldn't suggest attacking a community of people much more experienced than you at what they do.
That was an off topic ad hominem you just used. Hope you didn't expect me not to respond.
I was not banned from their IRC, and most of them are inexperienced under 18 years old and don't even know the basic opcodes for N64, let alone anything about asm. I've been apart of various rom hacking communities for a very long time, probably longer than you. I was flustered with the lack of documentation found and working links for Wad editors, I tried my best with several injectors to get your rom hack injecting into wad, I'm going to guess when you made the color swaps that caused this issue but it could of been anything, I don't even know fully what you did here.
That site does have a few people who have made some useful advances, I'd say QuequeRAM, Shygoo, Kaze, Skelux, and Turok if he's still around(He made the open source N64 Assembler, CajeASM) are all people who could help you out here since you don't seem to be able to fix this problem anytime in the near future.
There is also other rom hacking sites like juls rusted logic and which there are probably people who can help you. Not to mention the speedrunning websites like ZSR have people who have taken Zelda64 games completely apart and created speedrun strategies using their documentation.
Whatever your problem is with VC/Dolphin wads now, I'm more than sure if you tried your very best you could get some guy to help you out. I might be able to help as well, but I don't have the time or patience to. There is also people on Kaillera (which is dead now) who could of helped you. Over at Emuditial or whatever their new site is, Guady, HenryX, and a few random guys have made several SSB64 rom hacks. They could possibly be of assistance to, and are probably on smashboards.
So in conclusion, if you cannot do this your self. With enough effort, you can get someone who is more experienced than you with MIPS in general to fix or change whatever you did "wrong" that broke VC/Dolphin support. Sorry for the wall of text, but I had to let you know everything for the sake of those who for whatever reason want this on VC or dolphin.
Edit: I'm not trying to insult you like you did me, I just know how difficult it can be to have to figure everything out on your own through trial and error, and countless webpages of endless irrelevant and somewhat relevant information.
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