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Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2008
I'm not sure if anyone noticed this, so I'm posting it because my search buttons broke or something. But anyways, I was bored waiting for my friend to come when I pretended I was trying to gimp sandbag, if he could be grabbed. I nair comboed him to the side, then used up b for the KO. Of course, I missed since you can't grab sandbag, so I just thought that it woulda landed and I got the KO and could recover. I started trying to see how far I could go off the stage and use up b before I couldn't DI back.

Ok, now for what I found out. If you normally jump off the stage facing your opponent and upb*falcon dive*, your DI back will be very crappy and you'll probably die if you went way out away from the stage. HOWEVER, I found out that if you jump BACKWARDS off the stage *so that your back is facing the opponent*, then use up b toward the opponent *so that falcon spins around and uses falcon dive* the DI back will be ALOT HIGHER.

I guess, the direction falcon faces before he falcon dives, the better DI he has, and the opposite direction, its pretty crappy DI.

So... using up b as a gimp could be possible, especially against people with super armor recovery's *like yoshi or DDD*

Sorry if this was already discovered, but again I couldn't use the search feature to find out if it was.

Also, testing on the recovery DI for a connected aerial raptor boost? Perhaps it does better if you were facing away from the opponent.



Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
So this extra DI back will only help if you miss right? And does the forward capabilities of the Falcon Dive diminish if you do it backwards like this?


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
u neva said nothin about it, sharing is caring bro
I thought people would know this already, in fact in another post about a reverse Falcon Dive I confirmed that it works it's just really hard, but if you hang off a ledge reverse it and DI the Falcon Dive and can "teleport though the stage and Falcon Dive the opponent off the stage rather than to the middle of the stage. It's an excellent counter but I still can't do it consistently

there's an example of implementing the DI of Falcon dive
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