Here's my first page of the storyboard.
I was thinking that it could be a bit more story-driven than what we've seen from SSB Wii U/3DS's trailers. Ridley is fighting one simulation of Samus after another in a combat training room while he reflects upon how nothing that has done in the past has succeeded in killing Aran. In the middle of this, he gets word that Samus has entered a fighting tournament called "Super Smash Bros." and sees this as his chance to catch the bounty hunter off-guard. He flies off from the ship (space dragons don't need no gunships), then an in-game sizzle reel follows.
You like the idea of this, or did you have something else in mind?
Edit: The brackets around speech text signify that it's in gibberish (the "space pirate language"). I was planning for his voiceover being in intelligible English for the last half (mostly sizzle reel).
Edit II: Yes, Ridley can talk (he just never does in the games).