fam you don't gotta form a case to defend **** you like
if you like **** then like it
i like xc2 despite all the controversy surrounding the character designs but i don't foam at the mouth whenever someone mentions them or says that they don't like the game
Okay first of all, I have the same thing with XC2.
The thing is I know a lot of people who don't even want to give FE a try because, and I quote "It promotes incest!"
And also people who refuse to give Xenoblade a try, not even XC1 or XCX because it's a "Waifu game!" and "The presence of Waifus makes it a bad game!"
Now I may just know the wrong people, but it pretty much causes me to jump on the defensive whenever someone critisises these games because while the critisism is just, the general aversion towards these games is not.
My point is: I get very upset when people form opinions based on a small aspect of the whole picture. I know that may be annoying but so is talking **** about a game someone else likes.
In the end I'm just trying to have a more or less civilised discussion, hoping to find out why this one teeny tiny aspect the game is so important.