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UCSB Melee Tournament + LAN Party + Brawl Touranament 11/20/10


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
UCSB MELEE Tournament

Saturday November 20, 2010

Time (for the melee Tournament):
The following schedule contains approximate times for the event:

11 AM: Venue opens, set up chairs and tables
12 PM: LAN Party starts
1 PM: Registration begins
2 PM: Registration closes, Doubles Round Robin Begins
4 PM: Singles Pools Begin
6 PM: Singles Bracket Begins / Pizza Arrives
8 PM: Tournament Ends / Crew Battle
12 AM: Clean up
For the LAN party: The lan Party goes from Noon to midnight. bring a computer or w/e it is you do at lan parties lol.
Loma Pelona Student Resource Center. Decent size room with projector built in:
Map: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/712/ucsbsmashmap.gif

Parking is available in the areas circled in Pink; unfortunately it does cost a dollar. For free parking you can try and find a spot in the adjacent town Isla Vista. Places to eat are located in areas circled and indicated in Red (mostly), and the actual Venue is circled in black. (Note, please disregard the phone number labeled as Gosu's at the bottom of the map, this map is the one I used for last year's tourney)

BYOC!!!!! Bring Your Own Controller! Controllers will not be provided. That's the only thing you absolutely need to bring besides a couple of bucks.
Singles: $1
Doubles: $2 ($1 per person)

Pot Distribution

Singles (60%, 30%, 10%)
Doubles (50%, 30%, 20%)


- Mages' DQ Rule

The Mages DQ Rule is applicable when a player is late for a match and it goes as follows:
2 Minutes Late – Warning
4 Minutes Late – Loss of first match of set
6 Minutes Late – Loss of set

Stage List


Starter Stage List:

* Dream Land: Fountain of Dreams
* Past Stages: Dream Land
* Special Stages: Final Destination
* Special Stages: Battlefield
* Yoshi's Island: Yoshi's Story

Counter Stage List:

* Kanto: Pokemon Stadium
* Planet Zebes: Brinstar
* Mushroom Kingdom: Rainbow Cruise
* Past Stages: Kongo Jungle


Starter Stage List:

* Kanto: Pokemon Stadium
* Past Stages: Dream Land
* Special Stages: Final Destination
* Special Stages: Battlefield
* Yoshi's Island: Yoshi's Story

Counter Stage List:

* Planet Zebes: Brinstar
* Mushroom Kingdom: Rainbow Cruise
* Past Stages: Kongo Jungle

General Melee Rules

* By popular demand, we will be doing pools to begin and 1st and 2nd seed of each pool will proceed to a double elimination bracket. Placement is determined by number of matches won, then least number of matches lost, and ties will be broken by a 2 out of 3 set between the tied parties.
* Items are set to off.
* Stock and Time are set to 4 stock and 8 minutes respectively.
* Regular sets are best of 3 matches.
* The Tournament Host is the arbiter of all disputes.
* Blind Picks: the first character selection of a set must be without prior knowledge of the opponent's character selection for both players.
* Modified Dave's Stupid Rule: No player can counter pick a stage he or she has previously won on unless agreed upon by both players.
* Gentleman's clause: any stage may be played on so long as both players and the Tournament Host agree to it, including banned stages. This can be used in tandem with the Modified Dave's Stupid Rule (MDSR).
* Timed out matches will be determined by the remaining number of lives, then percentage of the current stock. In the event of a percentage tie, replay that match. Any Sudden Death match is strictly not to be played.
*Wobbling is not banned.
*The tournament host (me) reserves the right to ban any player who engages in excessive stalling such as, but not limited to, jigglypuff's rising pound stall, ice climber's freeze glitch, peach's wallbomber, etc. Some of these tactics MAY be used to buy time, for example sheik shino stalling to stay safe for a bit and come up with a strategy or peach floating out of reach to avoid someone, but if these tactics are used for the express purpose of excessively prolonging a match, and I witness it taking place, I may disqualify you, so be warned. The tournament host reserves the right to be the final arbiter on this issue.

Additional Rules for Teams Play

* Life Stealing is allowed
* Set team attack to ON

Redwood Counter Pick System

1. Blind Picks character selection.
2. Stage Striking: Players eliminate stages from the Starter Stage List until only 1 remains, and the players then play the first match on that stage. Players strike stages in 1 2 2 1 order.
3. The first match is played.
4. Winning player of the preceding match bans a stage.
5. The losing player of preceding match picks stage for the next match.
6. The winning player of preceding match picks character.
7. The losing player picks character.
8. The next match is played.
9. Repeat 4-8 for all consecutive matches as necessary until the set is complete.

Grand Finals, loser's finals, and winner's finals will be best out of 5. semi-finals will be best out of 3 cuz I have a feeling we'll be more pressed for time due to the epicness of events taking place.

Post here if you plan to attend or are bringing a setup.
Oh yeah and if you wanna MM me, let me know.

PS: We WILL be doing crews afterward. And you WILL participate. :mad: :bee:
and if I forgot/left anything out, let me know.

1. Dantefox

Here are the rules for the brawl tournament:

I know this a double post. Don't sweat. Placeholder for Brawl rules for the AiB topic. Might be subject to small changes.


Singles: $1
Doubles: $2 ($1 per person)

Pot Distribution

Singles (60%, 30%, 10%)
Doubles (60%, 30%, 10%)

Metaknight banned!
3 Stock
8 minute timer
Items are set to "off" and "none"
• If the timer runs out, the victor is determined first by stock and then by percentage.
• Resolving Ties: If percents are the same or both players die simultaneously, there will be a 1 stock, 3 minute, same characters, same stage rematch.
• All sets with the exception of winner's finals, loser's finals, and the championship are best of 3 matches (best of 5 and above should be played out for any "finals" matches)
• In the event of a dispute, controller ports will be selected by Rock-Paper-Scissors.
• You are responsible for your own controller and name tag. Any malfunctions or errors that occur are your responsibility, so bring an extra controller if possible and always check to make sure you're using the correct settings BEFORE a match is played. If a match is to be restarted due to controller functions, it must be agreed upon by both parties.
• Stalling is banned.
Stalling: The act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict so that one may make the game unplayable. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not stalling, while using an infinite to run out the timer rather than to score a KO is. As such, any infinite chain-grabs, locks, etc. cannot exceed 300%.
• Some interactions (for example, a throw with a wind attack) can cause one character to become frozen until being hit. If this happens, the free character is expected to capitalize on this in a timely manner; a failure to do so is stalling.

Stages (Singles):


Lylat Cruise
Castle Seige


Final Destination
Yoshi’s Island
Pokemon Stadium 1
Pokemon Stadium 2
Delfino Plaza
Frigate Orpheon
Rainbow Cruise

Stages (Doubles):


Final Destination
Pokemon Stadium 2
Castle Seige


Lylat Cruise
Yoshi’s Island
Pokemon Stadium 1
Delfino Plaza
Frigate Orpheon
Rainbow Cruise

First match determined by 1212 stage striking from the neutral list. Second (and third) match determined through counterpick/ban process (modified Dave’s stupid rule in effect: you can’t counterpick a stage you won at unless it’s agreed by both players).
here's the allisbrawl page: http://allisbrawl.com/ttournament.aspx?id=11055

Doubles Results:

1: Santa Barbara Reset (Huy + Dante)
2: Andy and $heen (Andy + Sheen)
3: Slapping Machine (Cape + Joe)
4: Channel Juan on Cable on Television (Juan23 + Cho)
5: Peter and Jeff (Peter + Jeff)
5: We Drove 90 Miles to get our car antenna stolen while eating Korean BBQ (Willy + Steve)
7: Fox (Stefan + Chris)
7: Better Than the Awesome Davids (Andrej + John)
9: Undecided (Marty + Ray)
9: Corkscrew (Aaron + Eric)
9: Awesome Davids (David M + David C)
13: We don't play this game (Eric + Junk)
13: Team Sheik-Achu (Amanda + Rebecca)


Singles Results:

1: Andy
2: $heen
3: Jeff
4: DanteFox
5: Master Helmet
5: Metal Reflect Slime
7: Marty
7: ICU
9: John (Shiek)
9: CableCho
9: Luckless
9: Juan23
13: Corn
13: Stev
13: ViceGrip
13: Michael
17: Warpstatus
17: Kenny
17: TAS
17: Junk
17: Spicy Crab
17: Robert
17: Dr. Awesome
17: Israel
25: Stefan
25: A2ZOMG


Congrats to our winners, hope to see you guys again soon.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
you can get there as early as 10 am

will you guys have recording equipment?

hopefully SLO makes this. I've been hungry for a tournament / crew battle.
Ryan has recording equipment but he quit Melee for LoL so if Joe / Cape comes, he can borrow his recording equipment. Actually I am not sure if the recording equipment belongs to Cape or Ryan. Cape no longer lives with Ryan though.

John and David should make the rule set for Brawl and rule sets for both Melee and Brawl should be printed out like Andrew's tournament.



Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
Oh yeah and if you wanna MM me, let me know.
For the last 2 LPTs that you ran, I do not think anyone has MMed you. People are more likely to MM if you are someone whom they never played before.

This is coming from someone who has not attended a single A.S. Tech Meeting this quarter. I went to the meeting yesterday and they will not allow anyone to help set up nor be in the venue until 11 AM.

John and David should make the rule set for Brawl and rule sets for both Melee and Brawl should be printed out like Andrew's tournament.



Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
For the last 2 LPTs that you ran, I do not think anyone has MMed you. People are more likely to MM if you are someone whom they never played before.

This is coming from someone who has not attended a single A.S. Tech Meeting this quarter. I went to the meeting yesterday and they will not allow anyone to help set up nor be in the venue until 11 AM.

John and David should make the rule set for Brawl and rule sets for both Melee and Brawl should be printed out like Andrew's tournament.

you should have said that then.

remember: relevant information. it's key.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
mewtwo's soulstunner glitch
This is only possible if items are on. We are not playing with items unless someone decides to split and turn on items for grand finals or something. Also is :peach: camping :ganondorf: on Kongo Jungle 64 considered stalling? Pink Shinobi did this to Rockcrock at Genesis and he did not get disqualified but it seems sketchy.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
If you're using it to unnecessarily stall the match I'm gonna dq you if I see you do it.

Technically peach can pull items out so I'll leave the mewtwo thing there.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
If you're using it to unnecessarily stall the match I'm gonna dq you if I see you do it.

Technically peach can pull items out so I'll leave the mewtwo thing there.
The only item that will work will be the red shell and :peach: cannot pull a red shell. How about if I am playing a campy :fox: like Jman's. Can I shino stall with :sheik: on the ledge like Amsah?


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
no because he was using it to make the fox approach. plus there are counters to that. I'm mainly talking about stuff like rising pound stall, peach wallbomber etc. stuff where the opponent can't do anything about it at all.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
You never fought a laser camping :fox: using :peach: on Kongo Jungle 64 before have you? My brother and I tested this out and the :fox: can circle camp (similar to Hyrule Temple) the :peach: for 8 minutes and just deal damage with lasers.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2006
Santa Barbara, California
If you and your brother tested it out then it must be true! If you prove it to me somehow then I'll ban that. If someone tries that out in tournament and you call me over as it's happening and I determine it to be unfair, I'll DQ that person.


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA

I think MRS mains Kirby in brawl teams
:snake: = kirby. cmon steve
This guy knows what's up.

there better be videos for this. I wanna see my boy andy's **** samus!
We will have multiple recording stations.

rom3 weekend otherwise i'd prolly show up!
Maybe next LPT in February and one in May.

OH Kirby! I wouldn't wanna team with a Kirby main =/

Also who is bringing power strips?


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
will do my ******. i've been practicing quite a bit ;]

MRS you should seriously change your brawl team character to like snake or something
K. Also is your first legal name Andy or Andeh? Strain called you Andy but Mio called you Andeh in one of the TIO Tournament Results section on AiB. Also sometimes my PM Box is glitchy and people don't seem to respond to my PMs and I sent you an offline message on AIM asking your name. I was just wondering. :212:


Chemistry PhD Programs?
Dec 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA / San Jose, CA
I wished they still had the blue names for Tournament Organizers. I miss seeing your blue name. How many Melee set ups are we going to have? Is David Mendez bringing a set up?

I'll field this one - it's Andres, but he's a man of many names
Interesting. I wish I knew all of Andymosity's names. :c
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