Radical Fiction
You are Radical Fiction,
Town Gambiteer!
*Pretend there is a picture here, I meant to get one but ****ty college internet*
Gambits? GAMBITS?! B****** don’t know S**T about gambits. And who’s giving you the tools to make some crazy **** happen? Why, I am. You know what Gambiteer is? No big deal, just BP DayVig. Your abilities are:
Ain’t no p*ssyb*itch: If you are targeted for a NK, the kill will fail. This ability will only be used once.
The prophecy comes to pass: At any point during the day, you may submit a player’s name and express a desire to kill them. You may notice I didn’t give you a specific format for that, this is because you must attempt to use this power in FOUR separate ways before it will actually work, with the total resetting at the beginning of each Day phase. These must all also occur in separate posts, with a minimum of one hour between each attempt.You may not repeat methods of triggering it. Be creative!
If you have questions about your role, PM me and I will do my best to clarify.
You are
Town Aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated. Good luck!
You are Dry Bones,
Vanilla Townie!
You’ve never been knocked down before, but something inside you tells knows that you’ll get back up again…
Oh, and did I say something about there being no VTs in this game? My how careless.
I am dropping hints!
You are
Town Aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated. Good luck!
WL returns to the game after one full day phase as the faction responsible for his death.
You are Biceps,
Mafia Strongman! Damn man, you been working out? Those guns aren’t anything to laugh at, unless you don’t like having teeth in your FACE. As is such, your abilities are:
Shut up, Nerd: Once a night you may send me the command
roleblock: player name. Any actions performed by this player will be stopped. This effect not only lasts during the night, but into the next Day phase as well!
Biiiiiiig Muscles: Once during the game, you may send me the command
flexkill: player name. This kill will go through any kind of protection, even if the player would not normally be susceptible to a kill.
Regular Muscles: A regular kill, you know how it works.
You are
Mafia Aligned along with Sold2 (Nano Shinonome, Mafia
Robo-Redirector) and win when your faction is even to or outnumbering the remaining forces!
You are Nano Shinonome,
Mafia Robo-Redirector!
I’d be lying if I said you weren’t pretty damn adorable, but that’s really not horribly relevant! You have several toys at your disposal:
Poor Headphones Guy: Any player who hammers you or successfully NK’s you will also die in the following explosion.
Rock Paper Scissors Switchup: Once a night, you can chose to redirect one player’s night actions to another target.
Rocket Punch: A regular kill, can be used every Night, shared between you and Roxy, you get the idea.
You are
Mafia Aligned along with Purple (Biceps,
Mafia Strongman) and win when your faction is even to or outnumbering the remaining forces!
Red Ruy
You are Giant Robot Michael Jackson,
Independent King of Pop!
Being the musical legend you are (rightfully so), you have already developed a sizable following of 6 players! However, you do not know who they are, and there is some grim news as well. A challenger for their attention has arisen, and has an equally impressive fanbase.
Sh’amon! Oww!: Once a night, you may choose one player to play your music to. Upon hearing your impressive lyrics, they will be recruited into your fanbase. Keep in mind that your opponent has the same ability though…
*note: You and your rival are both immune to being persuaded into dancing. Should the event arise in which you have all living players dancing to your music save for the rival, you will be declared the winner.
You are
Indy Aligned and win when all living players are dancing to your music!
International Sex Explosion
You are The Bust A Move Music Video,
Independent Funkmaster!
Being the musical legend you are (rightfully so), you have already developed a sizable following of 6 players! However, you do not know who they are, and there is some grim news as well. A challenger for their attention has arisen, and has an equally impressive fanbase.
Bust a move: Once a night, you may choose one player to play your music to. Upon hearing your fresh beats, they will be recruited into your fanbase. Keep in mind that your opponent has the same ability though…
*note: You and your rival are both immune to being persuaded into dancing. Should the event arise in which you have all living players dancing to your music save for the rival, you will be declared the winner.
You are
Indy Aligned and win when all living players are dancing to your music!
You are Kaito,
Town Mason!
If I knew anything about this I’d write a better role PM but deal with it! You are masoned with Joey (Hatsune Miku), and he is confirmed to you as
town aligned. But wait, there’s more!
Puttin’ on a Show: This ability may only be used once, and only if both members of the group are still alive. It may only be activated after a lynch is set. Both players will send me the command
begin show through PM, which will cause the game to skip the Night phase and go straight into another Day phase. The next Day will only last 24 hours, so make it count!
You are
Town Aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated. Good luck!
You are Hatsune Miku,
Town Mason!
If I knew anything about this I’d write a better role PM but deal with it! You are masoned with J (Kaito), and he is confirmed to you as
town aligned. But wait, there’s more!
Puttin’ on a Show: This ability may only be used once, and only if both members of the group are still alive. It may only be activated after a lynch is set. Both players will send me the command
begin show through PM, which will cause the game to skip the Night phase and go straight into another Day phase. The next Day will only last 24 hours, so make it count!
You are
Town Aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated. Good luck!
TPK and friends
You are Mathmatics,
Town Math Magician!
Numbers and ****! Your powers and understanding of mathematics knows no bounds, to the point where you’ve taken it on as your very name! As is such you have the following ability:
Calculus Changus: Once a night, you may choose one player and select a number from 0 to 3 (excluding yourself). Should this player have an ability that is in anyway related to a number (including but not limited to, being 1-shot), that number will change to the one you have specified. In doing so, this player will also be forced to post a tribute post to the number you selected for them.
You are
Town Aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated. Good luck!
You are A loli’s armpit,
Town Fart Distractor!
I'm not giving you a picture deal with it!
This is what you get! As is such you have the following ability:
Pffffpptppfptttt: Once a night, you may choose one player to sneak up behind and make an armpit fart sound. Upon the beginning of the next day, the town will be informed that the player you selected cut a big nasty fart during the night, and should be scolded for doing so in at least one post.
You are
Town Aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated. Good luck!
You are J Eating a Ham Sandwich,
Town Sandwich Deliverer!
Man you just can’t get over how good this ham sandwich is! It’s the best you’ve ever tasted, without a doubt! As is such you have the following abilities:
Just try a bite: Once a night, you may choose one player to share your delicious sandwich with. For the duration of the following day phase, they will be forced to post chewing/eating noises in all of their posts. In turn, if they mention ham (they will be told it’s a ham sandwich and that it is delicious), you must respond and praise how delicious ham is.
Also you are J: All of your posts must include a reaction gif of some kind, preferably one matching your mood in a post.
You are
Town Aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated. Good luck!
You are Chen and Yotsuba,
Town Kawaii Desu Super Team!! Whoa!!
As is such you have the following abilities!!
What!: Any and all posts made by Sosuke in this hydra will be made in the style of Niftybird (only in the game thread). Any and all posts made by Asdioh will be prefaced with “Did you know…”
What!: Once during the game, you may PM me the number and link to a post in the game, which I will evaluate to the best of my ability and return if it is true of false. Note that this ability can only be used once.
You are
Town Aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated. Good luck!
You are Elucia de Lute Ima,
Town Firetruck Enthusiast!
I really did read more than the last line of that Wikipedia section you gave me, honest! I’ll prove it!
I’m out: Once a night, you may choose to leave town (disappear using your scarf), making you immune to almost all night actions. Should you so desire, you may also submit a player’s name to me via PM, and that player will vanish in your place.
In order to tap into said powers, you
must get every other living member of town to say the word “firetruck” PER DAY PHASE. It is on YOU to keep tabs on who says it, and I will expect you to produce evidence of this happening.
You are
Town Aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated. Good luck!
You are Mother Theresa,
Town Super Saint!
A symbol of tolerance and kindness in the world, you stand for everything that is good, and God himself smiles kindly on you. As is such you have the following abilities:
Golden Rule: You must treat all other players with kindness and respect, even when accusing them of being scum. Maybe they’ll return the favor!
Smite: In the event that you are hammered (in the game, feel free to get wasted outside of it), God will be so upset with this sin that he will strike down the player who hammered you. This does not affect NKs, so play accordingly!
You are
Town Aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated. Good luck!
You are Stephen Colbert,
Town Cop!
The pundit himself throws his hefty wit and charm into the ring, trying to catch scum and move town into the winners circle! As is such you have the following abilities:
Knock Knock: Once a night, you may choose one player to investigate. Upon doing so, you will be told whether or not said player is town aligned (innocent) or not town aligned (guilty).
So Glad You Could Talk to Me: Once during the game, you may PM me the name of one playerslot you would like to open a QT with. During that night, you will (under the name Stephen Colbert) be able to communicate with them fully. Just be careful who you pick, what to say, and what you can trust!
You are
Town Aligned and win when all threats to town have been eliminated. Good luck![/collapse]
[collapse=Night Actions and janx]If I messed something up, shut up I didn't mess anything up.
RR Followers (last update I have on record)
Blue Berry
Hide (Jungle)
Interview (Soupamario)
Block (Purple)
Redirect (Sold2)
Recruit (ISE/RR)
Kill (Sold2/Purple)
Fart (Moth)/Sandwich (Kuz)
Cop (Soupamario)/Lie Detector (Videogames)/Numbers (JTB)
N2 Actions
JTB -> J, 3
Soup -> QT with WashedLaundry
Soup -> Investigate Blue Berry
RR -> Recruit WashedLaundry
Sold2 -> Redirect Soup
Sold2 -> Kill J
Videogames -> No Action
Purple -> Roleblock Sold2 (Randomized, I’m sorry Sold)
N2 Results
RR Recruits WashedLaundry
Soup gets Innocent result on Blue Berry
J gets 3-shot, must make post about 3
N3 Actions
Soup -> Soup
RR -> Recruit J
Sold2 -> Redirect Soup to Roxy
Videogames -> Check RF post
Roxy -> Strongman RF
Roxy -> Roleblock RR
Zen -> Sold2, 0
N3 Results
RR is roleblocked, recruit fails
Soup investigates Roxy, gets a Guilty
Roxy uses his big muscles to kill Radical Fiction
Videogames gets True
Sold2 gets his redirect limit set at 0
N4 Actions
RR recruits Videogames.jpg
Roxy roleblocks Zen
Sold2 Kills Videogames
Zen gives Videogames a 3
N4 Results
RR recruits Videogames.jpg
Roxy roleblocks Zen; Zen does nothing
Videogames.jpg is killed
N5 Actions
Zen gives Joey a 3
Roxy roleblocks Zen
Sold2 kills J
N5 Results
J is killed
Roxy roleblocks Zen; Zen does nothing[/collapse]
Alright, there's the goods. I had a great time modding this whole thing, thanks to everyone for playing!
[collapse=Final Player Thoughts]Videogames.jpg - Sosk you had incredible reads, but got tripped up by not having quite enough confidence in your actions and a bit too much in Asdioh imo. Asdioh, you played super townie as per usual and I don't really have much to say that's negative about you. Only thing you guys did that I wasn't totally behind was the use of your power. A lie detector is a huuuuuge thing to have, but it certainly doesn't need to be used like a cop. I'm not saying your use wasn't good, but its not how I envisioned it, nah mean?
J - You played a really good game, but kinda seemed to get sick of it as the game went on. Like VG, I'm not sure what moved you to use your power so early on when there were numerous town PRs that would have benefited from it and given some of the inactives a chance to catch up, but what's done is done!
Sold2 - More like golddice2.
Tigerwoods - You dead irl???
Roxy - Pooooor pooor Sold2. Your lurking kept you alive since other people always seemed to step up and do scummy stuff, but you're just lucky RF didn't get his gun pointed at you early on.
Soup - I actually really liked your play up until you started getting cop investigations and faked the guilty on WL. The whole modkill business was nasty as well, but its not a huge deal. Lessons learned and whatnot.
RR - Very well played, except for the indy claim at the end hahaha. I mean I can't judge since I did the same thing and it won me Bingo, and I was really impressed by how well worked out your fake claim was.
Joey - Just so you know, if the cop had been insane and you had been a mason, he would have gotten an innocent. So you were right! Just turns out everything about that was wrong hahaha
Jungle - See, above. I was hyped to see you try to get everyone talk about firetrucks and you did not do it

TPK/JTB - Sucks you two had to replace out, but its aight, I know stuff comes up
Zen - By the time you got into the game, scum had the town PRs pretty well locked down. Still, you did very well with what was available to you imo.
Kuz - What a way to die. By far the best death I've seen.
Moth - Haaaaaaaaaahahhahaha you were Town Fart Distractor. Thats what you get for picking such a weird flavor!
Radical Fiction - You did exactly what you should have done with your role, save for the shooting Kuz thing at the beginning (but that was so great I won't even hold it against you). Sucks that scum used their one strongman kill on you, especially since Jungle (the doc) had died earlier in the game
WashedLaundry - I know you were hoping to get some kinda PR when you came back to life, but I stand by that getting to come back at all is a pretty sweet power. Town was lucky to get you back, since they had all but let RR go with his claim.[/collapse]