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Twili Midna Breaks Her Chains! - Twili Midna as a Zelda Echo Fighter


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2017
Twili Midna for Zelda Echo Fighter Support Thread

Midna has been, for a long time, one of the most desired Zelda characters to make it into smash brothers. In a recent reddit poll, she was the 32nd most requested character, even getting a higher score than Dixie Kong and Lyn! And, in a Japanese smash ballot poll, she was tied for 32nd! Midna is clearly incredibly desired all across the world, despite how long it's been since the game she originated from. With no clear restrictions on how she fights, access to dark magic, and a simlar build to Zelda, a crowd pleasing pick like her is a shoe in for an Echo Fighter!

The main problem with Midna is that she is, in one form, an assist trophy. However, if Hyrule Warriors can make a distinction between imp-Midna and Twili Midna, I don't see why Smash can't! Otherwise, there aren't many issues to speak of. She's really perfect for the role of an echo fighter.

Differences from Zelda
Naturally, Twili Midna would have her own animations, and all of her magic would be dark, twilight looking magic. I think there are, however, a few changes that could be made to her specials. For example, her down B could be summoning phantom wolves, like she does in Hyrule Warriors, instead of summoning a Phantom.

Supporter List
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Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
While I don't think it will happen and my money's on Hilda, I fully support on principle.


Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
I agree that I don't think it'll happen (maybe DLC? likely not.) However, I support Twili Midna!


Smash Cadet
Oct 31, 2014
Oh hey, I actually voted for Twili Midna in the ballot what with the more likely Zelda characters being assists in Smash 4 and all. Wouldn't have expected to find a thread for her. I would have voted just voted for Midna or Skull Kid had I known a new Smash game that'd base its roster on the ballot would be around so soon, so I'm not the "purest" of support; ah well, lurking.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
Behind you.
I support
If smash can have three link’s, two Mario’s, two Zelda's, and two styles of Samus, all As fighters, why can’t Minda fight as a human and be an assist in her imp form?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2017
You know what would be an awesome final smash? She uses the fused shadows and turns into that octopus thing. That'd be awesome.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I got this thread added to the directory.


Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2018
I support her. It's a shame that she's pretty unlikely, since her imp form is already confirmed to be an Assist Trophy, and that one seemingly always takes higher priority than her true form when it comes to. . . well, anything.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2014
I'd love to have her in the game add me to the support list. She was my highest leveled character in HW, despite releasing as DLC months later.

Instead of Din's Fire she could send out a Sol from the palace of twilight and have it burst. The twilight teleportation effect would work really well to summon in a wolf or a hand and would work to replace Farore's Wind. As cool as it would be to see it, I don't think she'd transform into the Fused Shadow beast. Maybe she'd just use the spear like she does in Hyrule Warriors.

Anyways did anyone preorder the Twili Midna figure from First 4? It's the first figure I've ever ordered that wasn't a Figma or Amiibo. I just had to get it, although I honestly think an amiibo would suffice my desire for a Midna figure since they're higher quality this time around.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Been a big supporter of Midna in general.

I want her anyway I'll get her, and a Zelda echo is pretty much her only chance now that her imp form is an assist. But I feel her Twili form would be great as an echo fighter.


Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2007
Can't support twili Midna over imp Midna. Twili Midna is cool and all, but getting her over imp Midna feels like getting Cat Mario over regular Mario, or Baron K. Roolenstein over King K. Rool, or male Corrin over female Corrin(wait...). Feels rather pointless, especially if as an echo. Her proportions are way different to ALTTP Zelda and I think Midna deserves better than to be an echo fighter of a character she shares no abilities with. I guess the main problem I have with Twili Midna is that I can honestly not imagine a realistic scenario in which they'd go with Twili Midna over Imp Midna when planning the roster.

I guess I always pictured Twili Midna as a taunt/victory pose for imp Midna. Like, imp Midna is the one you spend 99% of Twilight Princess with, she is the one used in all the marketing, she is the one whose helmet is part of the game's cover. I can't honestly think they'd ever go with Twili Midna when Smash generally prefers the most "main" look of the character, and I don't want, as a Zelda fan, to get yet another important Zelda character as an echo of a character they share nothing with other than the generall body shape. Ganondorf was enough. Having 3/6 of the Zelda series' movesets be based on other fighter's seems like a ton without even getting into another echo fighter, especially one that should by all accounts be unique.

So, yeah... I feel like Midna's only good shot at being playable in Smash Ultimate is DLC if they do start making Assist Trophies into characters, and I can't see them making her playable in a form she only has in the last couple of minutes in the game. It's not like they've referenced Hyrule Warriors at all, either, and they always go for the most iconic look anyways.

I'm a huge Midna fan (she's been my most wanted character alongside Ridley and K.Rool since Brawl!), but I'd honestly prefer no Midna over Twili Midna. She is not -the- Midna I became a fan of, and I prefer not to reduce even further her absurdly small DLC chances. Twili Midna is cool and all, but I don't think she's really done anything to merit being a playable character, especially compared to the character who is with you (and semi-playable) for almost the entire game. Imp Midna also represents Link's companions in a way Twili Midna doesn't.

Not gonna hate on you guys or anything, more power to you and hey, playable Twili Midna is a playable Midna at least, so I know I'd play the hell out of her anyways. Just dropping by to say why I (and, I believe, the Smash dev team) wouldn't make her playable. But I won't be hating on here or anything, just wanted to drop by and get this off my chest. Good luck anyways! Only Sakurai knows who makes it in the end.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2014
Can't support twili Midna over imp Midna. Twili Midna is cool and all, but getting her over imp Midna feels like getting Cat Mario over regular Mario, or Baron K. Roolenstein over King K. Rool, or male Corrin over female Corrin(wait...). Feels rather pointless, especially if as an echo. Her proportions are way different to ALTTP Zelda and I think Midna deserves better than to be an echo fighter of a character she shares no abilities with. I guess the main problem I have with Twili Midna is that I can honestly not imagine a realistic scenario in which they'd go with Twili Midna over Imp Midna when planning the roster.

I guess I always pictured Twili Midna as a taunt/victory pose for imp Midna. Like, imp Midna is the one you spend 99% of Twilight Princess with, she is the one used in all the marketing, she is the one whose helmet is part of the game's cover. I can't honestly think they'd ever go with Twili Midna when Smash generally prefers the most "main" look of the character, and I don't want, as a Zelda fan, to get yet another important Zelda character as an echo of a character they share nothing with other than the generall body shape. Ganondorf was enough. Having 3/6 of the Zelda series' movesets be based on other fighter's seems like a ton without even getting into another echo fighter, especially one that should by all accounts be unique.

So, yeah... I feel like Midna's only good shot at being playable in Smash Ultimate is DLC if they do start making Assist Trophies into characters, and I can't see them making her playable in a form she only has in the last couple of minutes in the game. It's not like they've referenced Hyrule Warriors at all, either, and they always go for the most iconic look anyways.

I'm a huge Midna fan (she's been my most wanted character alongside Ridley and K.Rool since Brawl!), but I'd honestly prefer no Midna over Twili Midna. She is not -the- Midna I became a fan of, and I prefer not to reduce even further her absurdly small DLC chances. Twili Midna is cool and all, but I don't think she's really done anything to merit being a playable character, especially compared to the character who is with you (and semi-playable) for almost the entire game. Imp Midna also represents Link's companions in a way Twili Midna doesn't.

Not gonna hate on you guys or anything, more power to you and hey, playable Twili Midna is a playable Midna at least, so I know I'd play the hell out of her anyways. Just dropping by to say why I (and, I believe, the Smash dev team) wouldn't make her playable. But I won't be hating on here or anything, just wanted to drop by and get this off my chest. Good luck anyways! Only Sakurai knows who makes it in the end.
Thanks for sharing your opinion! You were being honest, realistic, and very respectful. For characters like Midna that don't really have a great chance it's fun to just talk about how much we like the character and brainstorming ideas. Sorry if this comes off as patronizing at all.

Not to hate on Skull Kid, but I think Midna or Ghirahim would make a much better character. They have much more move set potential imo. Although, Majora would be a very cool character to have playable even though like Twili Midna that appearance just doesn't make sense marketability wise.

Anyways, what would you like Midna's final smash to be? I think her using the fused shadow to rampage straight across the stage like Ganondorf's would be really cool.
Aug 2, 2014
The Sacred Grove
Well Imp Midna is an assist trophy again so this would be a cool consolation. Also if Skull Kid gets in, Imp Midna might've been too similar, both known as imps, both use a taboo magic and both would most likely float about. However Imp Midna is the more well known version of Midna and I always imagined that if she got in it'd be that version.....hmm...

Also it might be weird to see Midna's true form fighting and then her imp-self pops out of the assist trophy.

However I'd definitely take this over Hilda, way more interesting to me and she'd represent TP. Supported.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2014
Over There
Ooh, I like the idea of this one! Twili Midna hadn't crossed my mind, especially as an echo of Zelda.
I think she would be a good fit and I prefer her design to the imp form.


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2018
I would much prefer Imp Midna as a unique, but since that's off the table, I think Twili Midna is a good choice for a Zelda alt... certainly more interesting and well known than Hilda.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2013
It would feel like a consolation to Midna supporters.

I guess it's better than nothing, and I'd love to see what they come up with in reskinning Zelda's moves as Twilight themed magic. Her up-B could use the warp effect from TP, and her down-B could summon... something different. I don't know. But that's an interesting thought to explore.

I wouldn't be super excited, but I wouldn't hate it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2018
Switch FC
SW 7459 3215 2216
I support Twili Midna. After seeing Midna's true form I much preferred it over her Imp form. Midna can work as a Zelda echo but I guess a minor obstacle would be her height. Sakurai can make it work seeing how he sized down Bayo's lanky body and sized up Olimar (and apparently Lucina for Marth). A lot of the characters on the roster aren't even size accurate so Midna, a character that changed from a human shaped body into an imp and back, should be able to get away with such a thing.

Another thing I wanted to mention was the whole "Midna can't use Zelda's magic" debate that I've seen used against Midna. Zelda has been using the same spells that Link uses in OOT since Melee as her specials. I mean Zelda can use magic so it works but if Sakurai can make Zelda use someone else's spells then a Zelda Echo with reskinned Twili Magic specials and attacks should aesthetically work as well.


Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
I think now that we are at the point of DLC; Twili Midna can get support to become more than an Echo of Zelda. A full unique character!

It's not like it would effect Imp Midna chances for later games either as there are more than one Link and more than one Mario.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
How have I not stumbled across this thread sooner? Support. While Ganon is my most wanted, TP is my favorite and Midna is a close second regardless of which form they use. (And I actually prefer her normal self. Imp's more iconic, but since that form is in as an AT already...)


Smash Rookie
Jan 8, 2019
You can add me as a supporter.
I've always wanted Midna in Smash, but because they keep throwing her in as an assist trophy, I figured why not support her other form who's just if not more capable of being a fighter? (Plus like Aonuma said, it's a shame we didn't see more of her in her true form because it was only left for the end of the game) She's my number one most wanted character^^


Smash Apprentice
Jan 4, 2019
Here's a name for Midna's boxing title, "The Twilight Princess", and her classic route name is "Mirrored Reflections".
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