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Tripping: The Bright Future for Falcon?


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
The title may have left you confused (hell im confused just by saying it) but I believe that tripping may actually be Falcon's new "Thunder" the reason being because Falcon can cause tripping easily with a wiffed knee. But you all may be thinking "so............?" to what im saying, but if we can add some application to tripping I think Falcon can put up a greater fight against harder match-ups. For instance if you auto cancel a flubbed knee it has a great chance of tripping, when the opponent is trippING he/she has a severe lag animation to go through, enough for Falcon to land with no lag, then the opponent has four choices, to roll left, right, attack, or simply get up, does this sound Familiar? If you haven't caught on to my idea yet im talking about tech chasing, even though tripping isn't as reliable as hit stun this may just be something to look into. But I know a good 90% of the Falon boards users are lazy >_> (I know im not an exception) so I tried this on my bro last night, first as R.O.B with his down tilt (because it's quicker), in the match (btw he had no idea of this, he just thought this is a regular match) I used Dtilt until he would trip, then kept spacing and punished his roll every time, first he thought I was spamming Dtilt, then later thought I was better with R.O.B then I was with Falcon, so I used Falcon in the next round, did an auto canceled knee, he tripps I tech chase into a Dair (man this is bringing back memories) then after a couple more trips and punishes he leaves, hmmm does the mean that tripping may just be the new tech-chase????????



Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
LOL @ person with 5 posts

falcon's weak knee trips a lot of the time. i don't know the exact %.. BUT IT'S ALOT.

Red Alloy

Smash Apprentice
May 1, 2008
ACed weak knee-->ACed Dair-->Sweetspot knee-->Show me ya moves-->repeat?

I like where this is going...


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
Don't post it on the tactical boards, we don't want them to know our secrets. I thought the flubbed Knee causes tripping only at low percents (up to 30 or something like that); wouldn't that be too low for DAir to Knee to kill?

Edit: From my recent experience the bright new future for Falcon might be the Aerial Reverse Falcon Punch. It can be spaced well with DI for killing people who try to punish it before it lands, and people often dodge it too early because it takes longer than the regular Falcon Punch.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
Don't post it on the tactical boards, we don't want them to know our secrets. I thought the flubbed Knee causes tripping only at low percents (up to 30 or something like that); wouldn't that be too low for DAir to Knee to kill?

Edit: From my recent experience the bright new future for Falcon might be the Aerial Reverse Falcon Punch. It can be spaced well with DI for killing people who try to punish it before it lands, and people often dodge it too early because it takes longer than the regular Falcon Punch.
you raise a fine argument, nevertheless it can be said that when tripping is induced punishment can be cruel :p

as for your Falcon punch comment I also agree that if spaced it can be an amazing attack, if only we could get rid of the after lag......

Red Alloy

Smash Apprentice
May 1, 2008
I did a bit of testing on this, and by the looks of it, it's all about timing. There are 3 different points in time for when you hit with the knee:

The Sweetspot: Has killing power, does 19%
Right after the Sweetspot: A much weaker hit that retains some knockback, does 6%
The rest of the time: Very weak, can cause tripping, does 3%

Now for the timing, it should be about the space of Falcon's backward dodge. On a CPU set to stand in training mode, you can stand right next to them, backward dodge, and knee, and they'll be hit every time.

Maximum % for causing tripping depends on character weight. Each of these falls into a range between 29% (Jiggs) and 38% (Bowser).

I think we need to focus more on what we can do with the knee. I'm planing on writing a guide on the knee soon. Good idea? Yes/no?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2008
I think we need to focus more on what we can do with the knee. I'm planing on writing a guide on the knee soon. Good idea? Yes/no?
dat would ba great idea 4 those people who think the knee is a horrible move :)
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