lots of situations will have a clearly BEST option but choosing the worse option is sometimes the correct choice
some spots don't have one clear response like that but a lot do.
But that's what I mean. Like...
Pretend you're Fox and I'm Marth. I get the grab near the ledge (facing the middle of the stage) and down-throw you. You land right on the ledge without teching. I don't punish it. Now your options are:
1.) Get up attack from where you are.
2.) Stand up.
3.) Roll back into the stage.
4.) Roll back away from the stage (essentially staying in the same spot).
If you do 1, 2 or 4 you're going to be in clear tipper range for death. But if you roll back into the stage where I'm standing you'll probably be regrabbed and I'll rack up more damage or w/e. I know this. You know this. Thus, I've already plugged it in my brain that you'll be coming back towards me out of player's natural tendacy to want to get away from the ledge and escape certain death.
The "best" option appears to avoid any scenarios where you immediately die aka rolling back toward the stage. But because that is the "best" option I will definitely pick up on the roll.
So what happens when two players are at such high levels of play that they know the "best" and "worst" options? They start to switch. Suddenly, the "worst" option is a viable pick and the "best" option is scarcely used. Then it's no longer about "best" and "worst", but rather it becomes rock, paper, scissors.
If your opponent knows how to punish and is ready for the "best" option then doesn't it suddenly stop becoming the "best" option and turns into a regular option?