- Side B is buffed and it's now Marth's best move (I think)
- Up Smash is powerful now-18% non tip and 22% tip. I'm not sure if the knockback got a boos though; it seems oddly average in terms of knockback. Also, it has a MUCH wider range, so it won't do 8% damage and have very little knockback if you're next to the person anymore
- Down Smash is one frame slower but has boosted killing power
- Up B now gives invincibility on the first five frames, unlike in Melee where Marth is only invinicible on frame 5, making it a good option to break out of chain grabs/jab combos. This is Marth's fastest move (starts on frame 1), and has reduced landing lag.
- Up B is more powerful (14% damage max and has more knockback). Also stagespikes better
- Up B gives more distance
- Counter has been buffed
- Shield Breaker charges faster, aids in recovery (don't use this near the stage because it doesn'
t grab the edge) and breaks shields easier. Despite the fact that it has less charging time, a true tipped Shield Breaker can do up to 25%-26% and have at least the same knockback as it used to in Melee
- Aerials are more powerful and can kill now.
(Fair, Bair, Uair and Dair can do up to 14%, while Nair can do up to 16% if both of the hits tip)
- Infinite grabs on Ness (and Lucas if you dashgrab or something)
- Shortened grab range
- Severely reduced grab game
- Dash grab has short range
- Dancing Blade is weaker (don't worry about this though, since this time all the hits connect)
- Dancing Blade only aids in recovery once, unlike Melee's multiple.
- Fair doesn't chain as easily (Ken Combo is near impossible nowadays)
- Shortened sword (duh)
- No more Fair to tip FSmash or along the likes of that
- Jab is worsened
Other stuff
- Tipped FSmash is just as powerful as before, but harder to hit because you can't send your opponents into the tip anymore
- Despite Marth's shortened range, his range is still pretty good
- Look in Emblem Lord's threads for Marth stuff.