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Toronto and Surrounding GTA Pokérankings

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Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
So you, of your own accord, chose to get owned by Vwins? I didn't know that. We can choose where we get placed? Or is it just because you like make the brackets and stuff?
The seeding had to do with pools placement, and since I came second I tied with all the people from the other pools who did the same. One of us HAD to get that bracket, and I chose to put myself in there.

Collectively though, your placings don't justify your PR ranking. Its not your fault either, seeing as this same thing happened to 2 other members on the PR as well. Its just the people who update this thing, NOT CHECKING SINGLES PLACINGS and awarding ranks based on...god knows what. What crew you're in?
2 other members? By whom do you mean? First off I know you mean Daniel as one of them, because you've got some sort of everlasting vendetta against him, and I think its rediculous you still don't think he was as good as he was placed.... even when he basically came out of retirement to do doubles with Jake one last time and they placed the best in the G.T.A.

But who's the second other person?


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
The PR shoud stay the some for sure. At least until the next bi-weekly.

also for future refrence of any1 that tries to flame me again:

I've placed from 3rd - 5th in every tourney since august, so for sure I can't move down in the PR.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Wait, Ambrose placed top 5 at bi-weekly #1. (Granted this is several months old tournament age seems irrelevant citing the arguments that are defending some other PR members)
He got top 5 again at the next bi-weekly he attended (at Switchblade's in Sept - the 4th bi-weekly?), I believe he actually got 3rd here

Ambrose also placed went out of brackets at Starfurry the same round that Noah did (which was after Nate had already been knocked out). I believe he also tied for 5th in doubles here.
Now granted he missed 2 bi-weeklies. But he is certainly not in-active, and at the tournaments he has attended he has done considerably better then Nate, Coolhat and Chaotic.

Coolhat is another player I feel sorry for in this nepotist crap because he wants to go higher on the PR, and deserves to be. I realize Jake mentioned if he "keeps up the good work" he'll go higher, but frankly he's already gone out and earned himself some better recognition I guess.
He beat Noah (who was tied for #1, but if we want to count this as a win over our #2 then fine, not much difference), and Nate (who is allegedy our 6th best player, right?) at Starfurry. Hell hasn't he beat Nate at the last 2 tournies now? He places consistently better then Nate or the people directly below him. Oh and he does well in doubles with Adnan.

Finally, we have the issue of Nate. Of the 10 people on the PR I believe you've won your last tournament set against.... 1 of them (DB? Who's ranked 10th) In fact I believe you've lost your last several tournament sets to the people on the PR. I believe this can include both pools and brackets but he may have won a pools match against one of them.
So, Nate's placings singles are getting worse and worse both in terms of brackets and the ever rapidly expanding list of people he cannot beat (while his doubles placings remain relatively the same); so it would stand to follow that his ranking should drop, yes? Well that's not the case, in fact the opposite is happening.
Your major defense is that you've done well in Quebec and in tournaments that happened a long time ago; while this may be nice if we're going to count those arguments as having any validity at all, then we should put TMoC back at the top of the PR shouldn't we?

-I realize my opinion, or logic for that matter as well don't mean much here but just some food for thought ;)


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
Runawayfire said:
2 other members? By whom do you mean? First off I know you mean Daniel as one of them, because you've got some sort of everlasting vendetta against him, and I think its rediculous you still don't think he was as good as he was placed....
Lol! Its so funny because I wasn't thinking of Daniel at ALL. He completely deserved his spot. We just had a friendly rivalry because he used to be one spot above me, remember? He's a sick player...I don't have any beef with him. :ohwell:

By 2 people I mean Ambrose and Coolhat. Except both of them suffer from being too low and placing well. Your case is not placing so well but being too high. All this, imo, spawned from bad judgement on the parts of the persons who update the PR.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2007
Ajax, Ontario
I think david should be put back on the PR, screw him if he doesnt want to be on it. It kind of screws around with things when David is still in the scene but not on the PR


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
I think david should be put back on the PR, screw him if he doesnt want to be on it. It kind of screws around with things when David is still in the scene but not on the PR
stop dragging me into this bull**** i don't play seriously anymore ever

exceptions include: marco's falcon because i suck vs falcon and even then not always, mike on request when i'm in the mood, imadh on request when i'm in the mood, chris on request when i'm in the mood because i suck vs luigi, ryan when i feel like it and basically people on request when i'm in the mood. otherwise no not really.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
ryan is about where he should be maybe 1 less but no way any lower and i think 4rth is accurate given how many 3-5th placings he gets plus his random 2nd place at the first biweekly he got 5th at starfurry which was pretty good and his competition for 4rth and the other 5th were like jake and bernard so who cares.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
So the next bi-weekly is on the awesome 20th.
Surely all matters will be settled then assuming everyone makes it out.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Why are you taking shots? Was I not beating you at your house 2 days ago and the last time I was there? Not to mention me and Ambrose simply creaming you and Mike in doubles?

I dont know what the point of going into this with everyone right before the next tournament which will be one of the single deciding factors for all the PR changes.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
i'm not taking shots. i'm just asking for you to - if you truly feel you are where you should be - to simply point out who you can beat in a tournament. why is everything interpreted as a flame. if you can beat someone, post.

stop dragging me into this bull**** i don't play seriously anymore ever
just an fyi.

also i don't get to play you often so i test in my friendlies with you for instance i was spamming f-tilts which got crouched under and got rested for it in my last two games i didn't get rested once because i stopped doing it and other crap like that.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
wait are we counting friendlies for a pr?

fine. count me. who else.
I'm not trying to count friendlies cause I'm sure almost every top player has beaten the others in friendlies. I'm just saying its funny that you of all people would be taking shots right after I was at your house twice playing dominantly.

There's honestly no pleasing some of you people.
For the last time, can't we just settle all this on the 20th?

Edit: I was referring to the last two times I was at your place, the time right before starfurry and the other day ago.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
what the hell are you talking about

or do you mean doubles or something...? 'cuz i'm sure i didn't lose to you in singles.

edit: fine count me, who else. i don't care if i'm brought up as someone that you can beat if you justify it, i don't think it's accurate given that they were friendlies and i'm strongly considering going fox r1 vs jiggs just because it's easier than using sheik and i'm more comfortable with it and i've been working on my fox mostly these days but w/e. okay. you beat me. you beat an unranked player. who do you beat that's RANKED other than dzenan.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
stop dragging me into this bull**** i don't play seriously anymore ever

exceptions include: marco's falcon because i suck vs falcon and even then not always, mike on request when i'm in the mood, imadh on request when i'm in the mood, chris on request when i'm in the mood because i suck vs luigi, ryan when i feel like it and basically people on request when i'm in the mood. otherwise no not really.
lol, I'm gonna start using that now

Pointman Rob

Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2005
Kingston, Ontario
Sounds to me like some of these qualms about the PR could be avoided with a little extra organization in the future. Maybe I'm a few months late in suggesting this, but adopting the MLG points system for tournaments would go a long way in helping determine who consistently does better than who when it counts.

I'm not saying base the PR solely on tournament points, but I imagine it would be a handy reference when its time to update.

I've only really half-thought this out, but feel free to discuss/suggest/praise/ridicule/flame/add additional thoughts.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
My apologies. You were civil.

Although I stand by the fact that we're the only PR that values year-old tournaments over recent ones and this makes me lol because it makes me think we're very stupid for doing it but whatever. If amateur PRs don't and professional PRs don't maybe there's a reason for this.

The other thing that makes me lol is that when somebody actually does have a streamline bracket nobody realizes it and that was the main argument against using Eric's point system in the first place.

Deleted member

Hmm. I'm kind of angered at a lot of people in this thread, namely Bernard for one

Bernard, what the hell man? I've asked you your opinion on several occasions on the PR. It may be flawed, I have admitted that on several occasions. So when you blame the people responsible for updating the PR, you can include everyone that I talk to, including you and Ryan. This isn't a bad thing, but realize that you had say as well.

And for some reason, everyone is picking now of all times to criticize it. Correct me if I'm wrong here everyone, but haven't I made posts saying that if you disagree, then SAY IT? PM ME? MSN ME? Instead of making lots of stupid comments, like Mike's above this, let's remember that it's important to criticize an update the day / time of when it is updated. Jesus Christ.

The 20th will be a day of heavy PR talk, so let's talk about the PR on the 20th and when the dust settles.

Honestly, I'm not against putting Chris up and Nate down, if that's what the general idea was. But at the time I updated it, it wasn't.

And for anyone who thinks that Chris isn't going up next tournament, he probably is, because he's good. But one tournament can get you only so high on one update. Check the ECCPR and look at Matt's Falcon. He won against a bunch of rankers at Smash Till You Drop 2 and went on as NEW as a respectable spot. Had he done it again, he would have gone higher. Panelists want to see consistency.

If Chris ****s **** up again this tournament, expect him to go up. But anyway, can we just wait until the next tournament?

Edit: I guess what I'm trying to say here is, why do we pick now of all times to talk ****?

Also, all of you are ****ing hypocrites. Don't make me dig for this, but all of you have used a past tournament as cannon fodder for their arguments. All of you. I'd also like to take this opportunity to ask why Mike and David say they don't care about this PR.

Also David, you say you don't play seriously in Smash anymore? How about when I played you and Mike at Starfurry. I don't think I've ever played so half-*****. If you want to see sandbagging, that's me sandbagging.

What are you gonna do, deny that I was sandbagging? Because that's what everyone's saying about you.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Excuse me? I made these points about Nate a while ago; you just choose to ignore them. The same points applied when I made them, just as well as they do now. Whether or not it's you not liking me and then not listening to me (and listening to Bernard, who you do like) or if it's just you being a slow dumb-*** I don't care.
Chris has been consistent about doing well, Nate has consistent about doing poorly.

Furthermore, If you don't want people debating in the PR thread (which is what it's for, isn't it?) then close the ****ing thread and make it so you can only edit the first post then. Debate isn't bad, if you can't handle criticism then you shouldn't be posting here at all. PR talk and debate is good and helps create a balanced and more accurate PR; you're against this and so you might be able to see why I don't want to be on the PR.

Finally, If I choose to use sarcasm to speak and infuse into my logic and arguments, then that's my choice as person and writer; and frankly I get 80s and higher on university papers so I'm a **** good writer. Just like it's your choice to use insults and sophism to support your claims.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
Also David, you say you don't play seriously in Smash anymore? How about when I played you and Mike at Starfurry. I don't think I've ever played so half-*****. If you want to see sandbagging, that's me sandbagging.

What are you gonna do, deny that I was sandbagging? Because that's what everyone's saying about you.
1) Good for you.

2) I don't care. If you sandbag in tournaments that's your decision and nothing I can say can alter your opinion ergo arguing with you would be futile. I'd also like it if you would refrain from insulting me.

3) What do I plan to do? Nothing, really. I'm not on the PR. I don't really lose anything from people making accusations towards me. People will have opinions and theories about me regardless of whether I sandbag or not. So... yeah. I don't see what point you're (trying) to make. Is it that I suck? Okay. That's nice. FYI if you think I suck stop beating around the bush and come out and say it. It would make this exchange considerably less murky.

4) This is not cited in your quote but we decided to bring things up now because not all of us instantly read the PR and think "What should be changed" moreover when we brought up Nate placing badly a while ago the consensus was that we'd see how he does at the next few tournaments. Well, we've just had Starfurry. Bernard brought something up. We discussed it. I'm sorry it doesn't fit into your immaculately arranged schedule.

5) Also not cited but how are we hypocrites if we're badgering you guys about using old tournaments as evidence and we use recent ones. We reference tournaments within the past 4 months whereas you guys are referring to when you went to Quebec ages ago. Note how none of us go further back than Caketown.

Deleted member

Right Mike, because clearly we're going to take your opinion into account. I've given you so many opportunities to prove that you are unbiased, but you just aren't.

I'd love to turn back time and listen to you, I really would. But after the many occasions where you change targets, (First Nate, then Daniel, then.. me? Um.) and when you posted your version of the PR, everyone laughed and shook their heads at the guy who claims is perfect and unbiased whilst claiming the original is made of 100% pure nepotism.

Listen buddy, I'm not against debate in this thread. But it's getting a little out of hand, don't you think?

I don't ignore claims made against Nate. I'm not afraid to put him down if that's what is called for. And maybe it is.

Quite frankly, Mike, you're the smasher who cried wolf.

David, I think you took that comment the wrong way. I wasn't being an *******, I was trying to point out that you shouldn't say you only try "on request", :) I don't think you suck, lol.

It's not like I had a schedule. The reason I posted what I did is that Bernard's sudden change of heart is very surprising. And irritating.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Daniel never came out, but he got a high rank. Even when he did come out; his singles record did not reflect his rank.
As for you, I've been saying the same thing about your play style for a while, it's only like a week ago apparently Bernard, among others, has noticed I was right. I dislike it because it relies on your opponent to beat themselves, and for you to outplay them. Which I think works well at the lower levels, but as people start to get better it starts to fail accordingly.

You annoy me as a person, because you're stuck in the mentality that I was in grade 10. Your arguments are more insults then points. I grew out of it because I realized it was a piss poor way of arguing and showed no intelligence. (You can stop implying that I'm stupid btw, before I get frustrated and come out and attack you personally for a myriad of things.)

BTW, my own PR was based on my opinion of how I saw players skill levels, not placings. If it was placings it would have been much different.
Believe what you want to believe about skill levels; this PR is a reflection your opinion, just as mine was a reflection of mine. Balanced PRs are created by looking at everyone's opinion, finding similarities, discussing and thencreating the PR accordingly. Nate's rank won't save him from being 2-4 stocked by me; it never does.

Edit: I might not be un-biased (GL making the argument that single person is btw) but I'm certainly more un-biased then you. Nate coming 23rd at Starfurry and then getting a rank boost clears shows you being un-biased.

Deleted member

Continue johning by saying my style of arguing is immature. But this little side discussion we've had you've made more Ad Hominem attacks than I have. As for your suggestion on my play style, perhaps it is. I don't know. You could be right.

I just think you dislike it because I beat you. And that is where I say your johns and your criticisms stem from, because you lose.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Nate's rank won't save him from being 2-4 stocked by me; it never does.
lolol Yeah Mike, you just own me up all the time. Thumbs up.
Edit: I might not be un-biased (GL making the argument that single person is btw) but I'm certainly more un-biased then you. Nate coming 23rd at Starfurry and then getting a rank boost clears shows you being un-biased.
I'd like to see what place you would have got considering if you had my bracket.
Also if you took the time to actually think about these things, you'd realize I wasn't really boosted as much as Daniel was just dropped.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I would have gone out at least the same round that I did anyways considering how bad Noah was that day.

Nate, just to prove my point then.
MM me... Bof7
You get 6 stock (your placing) I get 4. I ban Mute City. Your whatever vs. my Marth, ban where-ever you want.
Standard rules, except change the time to 10 minutes to reflect the stock count more accurately.

Jake, frankly I try to refrain from insults but with you I don't care because when you try to make a point it's more of you just insulting Ad Nauseum.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Nate, just to prove my point then.
MM me... Bof7
You get 6 stock (your placing) I get 4. I ban Mute City. Your whatever vs. my Marth, ban where-ever you want.
Standard rules, except change the time to 10 minutes to reflect the stock count more accurately.
:laugh: Are you serious? Of course I accept.
Even though (besides the money) this is really a no lose situation for you, seeing as if you lose you can't be critisized due to the stock advantage.
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