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To XIF and People Who Like Brawl

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Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
This game is fun.

As the results from the ZP tourney show, anyone can win a tourney in this game.

It really sucks that Sakurai is such a complete and utter A$$hole.

Does anyone wanna bet me that this game will never be able to have a PRs?

This truly is the game for n00bs.

We all paid $20 to play a game that has been out for less than 2 weeks(in the US) and that no one knows how to play.

It's so funny that everyone came to ZP thinking they had a chance to win(CHOPS LOL) and then Galeon, a kid who never had a chance at a Melee tourney, comes in and beats everyone with Lucas(who I knew was like the best character in the game).

I saw that annoying kid snowman freaking out after Christian beat Linguini.

I know right! Who the hell is CHristian(my *****h, that's who)/

And Eliott is laughing at people because he beat them.

And then when Emilio beat Sasha with Marth some kid was trying to high 5 him like he beat Ken or something.


This isn't Melee.

It's not even smash.

This is a game for 5 year olds.

This game was made for people to just pickup a controller and be just as good as someone who has been playing it for 5 years.

This game is not Melee.

It is not fun.

Anyone who is good at this game will play the exact same way as the next person who is good at this game.

There is no depth to this game.

It should not even have the same name as its predescessor(spelling?).

See you all at upcoming tourneys.

( I made this post because of the whole tripping thing)


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Brawls gay.

it's got about as much tech skill as pong and attracted a community full of ******* that are about as useful as helen keller


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
yo dguy, did smash irc die? i tried to log on to get some hoes to play me on wifi
Yeah it did for the most part. A combination of lack of interest and and a server issue that ended up making two channels for us, so half the people went into each and had no idea. We could probably set up another one if interest was high enough, but AIM has been working fine for setting up matches so far since most people have their AIM listed when you click on their profile.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2005
gainesville, fl
eh thats cool. ill prolly do that, i was just looking for the lazy mans route. plus IMing people all the time could be annoying


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
pembroke pines FL
yea brawl is still a fun game. but as far as skill level goes in depth, melee truely did show it. but hey w.e im sure sooner or later someone will start or find some new sort of technique or something to make brawl like melee. maybe a new way of playing.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
the only reason why melee was more advanced was because it was out for 7 years where as brawl been out for two months counting the japanese version and everyone wants to be able to pick up brawl and play it like they been playing it for years..i remember the first time i picked up melee..my stocks were gone in 30 seconds or less...im not asking u to like the game ,but don't bash the game itsw still new..give it some time and then see if a random person can pick it up and beat people who has been playing it for a while..and brawl to me takes more skill to play because u have to be smart to play this game not just have tech skill and win tournies with fox,marth and falco...i love threads like these because if u check the brawl discussion there are like 20 others the same...if u guys seriously don't like the game play melee and stop making threads about brawl


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
it is not fun getting owned by people you know you would utterly **** in melee

like when i beat hungrybox! :D

or when i beat hiroshi :D

or when i beat uuaa :D

or when i beat qdvs :D

or when i beat chops :D

or when i beat vericz

as in I would get utterly *****

or when random kids from the lounge own me

or when action ******* beats me with stupid lucas

or when pikminkid does 2 moves and wins

but this game is nub as hell and you just gotta pick the cheapest character and play the gayest pick up metaknight or lucas and just camp. Win money
who cares about fun when you can win money by pushing 8 buttons per minute


sarcasm btw

i like brawl tho i think its fun

but i dont like random people being better than me or really good people that played melee.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
the only reason why melee was more advanced was because it was out for 7 years where as brawl been out for two months counting the japanese version and everyone wants to be able to pick up brawl and play it like they been playing it for years..i remember the first time i picked up melee..my stocks were gone in 30 seconds or less...im not asking u to like the game ,but don't bash the game itsw still new..give it some time and then see if a random person can pick it up and beat people who has been playing it for a while..and brawl to me takes more skill to play because u have to be smart to play this game not just have tech skill and win tournies with fox,marth and falco...i love threads like these because if u check the brawl discussion there are like 20 others the same...if u guys seriously don't like the game play melee and stop making threads about brawl
This game is not hard in any way shape or form
two seconds of playing melee require more effort than 2 minutes of brawl

and im a brawl supporter btw
its just a fact

you dont have to think you just have to have good timing
melee required so much more mindgames


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
wow..lucas is not the best character first of all..and in melee certain characters were broken and it made it almost impossible for the rst of the cast to win..in brawl any character can win and if u don't think so tell these so called people to come to a ga tourny and ill play them with many characters to show u..anyway..brawl is balanced and people don't like it..if u want broken characters go bck to melee if u want balance play brawl..and please don't tell me any character is broken in his game because every character in this game has a weakness...

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
Pb&J, why do you even bother...

btw I didn't ban anyone but this should be closed..

lol hopefully most of you in FL will catch up with the rest of us a few years from now....
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