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TJ Combo vs Balrog. Who would win?

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Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
This is a REALLY serious discussion.
If TJ Combo got matched up in a boxing match against Balrog, who would win?
They are both equal in every aspect.
Who do you think would come out on top? I mean..TJ Combo does come from the game that invented combo breakers, while Balrog comes from a game that has no combos(5 hit combo as your max combo? lol gtfo).
Who would win?



Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
i have never thought about how even they are.. wow But either way i think T.J Combo would win due to his large arsenal of combos (+ combo breakers).

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
ever played ST? Balrog had 40-60% grabs. not to mention, he's from a REAL game. KI blows donkey **** for free. Time for Balrog to get paid, imo.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)

Laijin you're silly for not including him. He's clearly the best. Actually... Perhaps he's too refined to be caught up with the gorilla boxing.

I'll have to go with Combo, cause... well... he can dance if I recall.

and please excuse my blatant racism LOL

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
wow, you guys are EXTRA wack for thinking Combo even has a chance in this. Boxer is OBVIOUSLY superior. I mean, TJ Combo came from KILLER INSTINCT! Auto-loss.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
and every KI game has been good.
But not every SF game has been good.
So if thats the case, KI > SF.
Even if that WERE the case(KI ever being good, which it isn't), you're gonna base this on the percentage of good games? Really? KI is a series with, what, two games to it's name and a ****ing stupid internet meme. Street Fighter revived the arcade scene and to this day continues to be the 2D Fighter to beat. While, yes, I acknowledge that the EX series is probably the worst that a Street Fighter will get, the EX series is still better than KI.

Smoke a d!ck, kindly.



Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
you're even more ****ing ******** than i thought if you think KI is good...
Alright. Been wondering this about the entire thread now.
Why do you think KI is a bad game?
Please explain.
Never knew bad games were so popular. Sure sometimes they are, but this is not one of those cases. Even Brawl, as you may all call boring or whatever, is actually a very well made game. Most fighting games are not made with the mindset of "gotta make this game competitive!". I'm quite sure all of you are aware of this as your not all complete *******. With that in mind, why is KI a badly made game?


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
Alright. Been wondering this about the entire thread now.
Why do you think KI is a bad game?
Please explain.
Never knew bad games were so popular. Sure sometimes they are, but this is not one of those cases. Even Brawl, as you may all call boring or whatever, is actually a very well made game. Most fighting games are not made with the mindset of "gotta make this game competitive!". I'm quite sure all of you are aware of this as your not all complete *******. With that in mind, why is KI a badly made game?
Brawl has a good concept and design but it's a terribly made game. some characters have exactly zero options against MK's tornado, jab locks, laser locks, SNAKE'S HIT BOXES AKA: THE FIVE DOLLAR FOOT LONG


Brawl is an incredibly poorly made game. Killer instinct, has more glitches than I care to enumerate, incredibly busted combo breaker system, some stupid death combos, etc.

I really don't understand how you can think Killer Instinct was any more than a fun game to **** around with, whereas Street Fighter is both a fun game to screw around with and a competitive game.

And Balrog is regardless much more pro than TJ Combo. I mean, all he worries about is gettin paid, nyukka.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Brawl has a good concept and design but it's a terribly made game. some characters have exactly zero options against MK's tornado, jab locks, laser locks, SNAKE'S HIT BOXES AKA: THE FIVE DOLLAR FOOT LONG


Brawl is an incredibly poorly made game. Killer instinct, has more glitches than I care to enumerate, incredibly busted combo breaker system, some stupid death combos, etc.

I really don't understand how you can think Killer Instinct was any more than a fun game to **** around with, whereas Street Fighter is both a fun game to screw around with and a competitive game.

And Balrog is regardless much more pro than TJ Combo. I mean, all he worries about is gettin paid, nyukka.
Brawl is not made to be a competitive game bro, however for some ridiculous reason people try and force to be, and in return they get pure ****. When you look at it like that, it it does'nt even matter anymore. As long as the game is fun to casual players, and apparently it is since its ridiculously popular, then its doing it purpose.
So yea, my point is Brawl is not a terribly made game and is actually a VERY WELL made game. The game is not broken, it does exactly what it is designed and intended to do and in turn it is a very well made game. Design-wise is up to pure opinion. It was designed to not be competitive and in turn they did a very good job at making it so.
So my point remains, Brawl is a very well made game.

KI does not deliver the same quality, but it is pretty well made. Casually it does its job as apparently it sold well and no one *****ed about it. Games(especially around that time era) were not designed for the pure fact of being competitive. They were designed to be FUN(as essentially all games are). Like I said before I assume none of you are that ********, so I'm gonna assume you understand this fact and understand as well that these games did what they were made to do.

In the end however, its left up to pure opinion as to whether or not a game is competitive or not. Not considering that, KI is a good game, so is Brawl(and so is most Street Fighter games).

So this argument is pretty ****ing ******** as I have just made my point.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
Brawl is not made to be a competitive game bro, however for some ridiculous reason people try and force to be, and in return they get pure ****. When you look at it like that, it it does'nt even matter anymore. As long as the game is fun to casual players, and apparently it is since its ridiculously popular, then its doing it purpose.
So yea, my point is Brawl is not a terribly made game and is actually a VERY WELL made game. The game is not broken, it does exactly what it is designed and intended to do and in turn it is a very well made game. Design-wise is up to pure opinion. It was designed to not be competitive and in turn they did a very good job at making it so.
So my point remains, Brawl is a very well made game.

KI does not deliver the same quality, but it is pretty well made. Casually it does its job as apparently it sold well and no one *****ed about it. Games(especially around that time era) were not designed for the pure fact of being competitive. They were designed to be FUN(as essentially all games are). Like I said before I assume none of you are that ********, so I'm gonna assume you understand this fact and understand as well that these games did what they were made to do.

In the end however, its left up to pure opinion as to whether or not a game is competitive or not. Not considering that, KI is a good game, so is Brawl(and so is most Street Fighter games).

So this argument is pretty ****ing ******** as I have just made my point.
how dumb ARE you, Laijin? KI was NOT well made, as it produced probably more glitches than any other game of its kind. Almost all of the glitches had a very heavy impact on game play. On top of that, it was popular simply because it was violent and bloody, which was what the market called for at the time. Popularity does not necessarily mean the game was well made. In addition, the combat system was incredibly clunky and fairly unresponsive, and was subject to slowdowns at various points of the game, even in the arcade versions. This applies to KI 1 and 2. Competitive play aside, the game was AWFUL due to poor programming and, in my opinion, unoriginal character designs. Most of their designs were simply slightly altered designs of other previously made characters. And, for the record, most FIGHTING games are designed for competition, which is why they are released and tested in arcade format. Yeesh, kids these days...


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
how dumb ARE you, Laijin? KI was NOT well made, as it produced probably more glitches than any other game of its kind. Almost all of the glitches had a very heavy impact on game play. On top of that, it was popular simply because it was violent and bloody, which was what the market called for at the time. Popularity does not necessarily mean the game was well made. In addition, the combat system was incredibly clunky and fairly unresponsive, and was subject to slowdowns at various points of the game, even in the arcade versions. This applies to KI 1 and 2. Competitive play aside, the game was AWFUL due to poor programming and, in my opinion, unoriginal character designs. Most of their designs were simply slightly altered designs of other previously made characters. And, for the record, most FIGHTING games are designed for competition, which is why they are released and tested in arcade format. Yeesh, kids these days...
Man. Are we really having an argument on whether KI was well made or not?
I'll make this as short as possible.
Popularity != Quality. I thought I went over that in my last post, however KI was NOT a badly made game. Sure it had glitches, every game has glitches. Even the most well made games are not absolutely perfect and will often suffer from slow down when too many things fill the screen. Stuff like that are not simple to avoid and in my opinion the dev team for KI did a pretty good job for what they had to work with(Especially when you look at modern games that are on the PS3 and 360, MUCH easier to code for than coding for the SNES. However games often literally just flat out CRASH extremely often)..
The design of the game is purely left to opinion and I won't argue over opinion, however the game's engine was not as bad as your making it out to be. So quit bashing it.
Your missing the point of a company producing a game. A company sells a game if they think its gonna sell(as they produce more copies if they think its going to sell well). Most games ARE NOT designed to be perfectly balanced for tournaments or whatever, games are for the most part(there are always exceptions) first designed to be fun and to appeal to the market and sell well. The producers don't give a **** if the game is balanced or competitive, they just care if it'll sell or not and fighting games are the same way especially in the era KI was released(Its changed quite a bit now).
Man. I hate arguing.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
Man. Are we really having an argument on whether KI was well made or not?
I'll make this as short as possible.
Popularity != Quality. I thought I went over that in my last post, however KI was NOT a badly made game. Sure it had glitches, every game has glitches. Even the most well made games are not absolutely perfect and will often suffer from slow down when too many things fill the screen. Stuff like that are not simple to avoid and in my opinion the dev team for KI did a pretty good job for what they had to work with(Especially when you look at modern games that are on the PS3 and 360, MUCH easier to code for than coding for the SNES. However games often literally just flat out CRASH extremely often)..
The design of the game is purely left to opinion and I won't argue over opinion, however the game's engine was not as bad as your making it out to be. So quit bashing it.
Your missing the point of a company producing a game. A company sells a game if they think its gonna sell(as they produce more copies if they think its going to sell well). Most games ARE NOT designed to be perfectly balanced for tournaments or whatever, games are for the most part(there are always exceptions) first designed to be fun and to appeal to the market and sell well. The producers don't give a **** if the game is balanced or competitive, they just care if it'll sell or not and fighting games are the same way especially in the era KI was released(Its changed quite a bit now).
Man. I hate arguing.
you hate arguing, i'm sure, because you are horrible at it. the only thing outstanding about your argument is the amount of idiocy and ignorance that runs rampant within it. we are not arguing about KI being competitive or not. the issue, seeing as how you've apparently forgotten, is that you said KI was a good game, and i called you an idiot for it. a well made game isn't necessarily one made for competition. there are multitudes of good, non-competitive games. the point is that KI did not function as the programmers intended. hitboxes froze in place, the game had HUGE slowdowns, etc. THAT is not a good game. computer programs, if you work for a company that has to develop any kind of program, are NOT considered good when coded incorrectly. you HAVE to at least know that, or i hope you do, anyway. every game has glitches, yes, but not glitches that bring the enjoyment level of the game to the depths. And, so you know, most fighting games are designed with the intent of competition. how wide of a scale is not always known, but that is why they are released in arcades for location tests. players can test the game and report back major issues so they can be put into a new board and replaced in the machine, if need be. on my last note, the system is terrible. any game where you can combo break punishment with guaranteed results (i.e. KI and MK vs DC) has a horrible fighting engine. KI2 fixed this to a degree, but still had many of the issues that KI had.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
oh come on

Killer Instinct is better. You know why?

Go play Gold or whatever one has TUSK in it.

Stare at TUSK for like ten minutes.

Play as TUSK and do his super moves.

he doesn't yell "SKYTOMB" but I always think that's what he says.

SKYTOMB is the best name for a finishing move in the history of all games.



on the real SF is better...


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
you hate arguing, i'm sure, because you are horrible at it. the only thing outstanding about your argument is the amount of idiocy and ignorance that runs rampant within it. we are not arguing about KI being competitive or not. the issue, seeing as how you've apparently forgotten, is that you said KI was a good game, and i called you an idiot for it. a well made game isn't necessarily one made for competition. there are multitudes of good, non-competitive games. the point is that KI did not function as the programmers intended. hitboxes froze in place, the game had HUGE slowdowns, etc. THAT is not a good game. computer programs, if you work for a company that has to develop any kind of program, are NOT considered good when coded incorrectly. you HAVE to at least know that, or i hope you do, anyway. every game has glitches, yes, but not glitches that bring the enjoyment level of the game to the depths. And, so you know, most fighting games are designed with the intent of competition. how wide of a scale is not always known, but that is why they are released in arcades for location tests. players can test the game and report back major issues so they can be put into a new board and replaced in the machine, if need be. on my last note, the system is terrible. any game where you can combo break punishment with guaranteed results (i.e. KI and MK vs DC) has a horrible fighting engine. KI2 fixed this to a degree, but still had many of the issues that KI had.
I hate arguing because I really am horrible at it. I fail to make my points clear.
I know exactly what your saying, but I did'nt make point clear in my last post:
-KI, while it indeed does have glitches, was not broken to the point of it being completely unplayable. The game was OBVIOUSLY playable and the glitches that you bring up did not frequently occur amongst majority of casual players to the degree of everyone calling it a horrible game(If it was really unplayable. Reviews around that time would've been complete **** as an unplayable game is obviously well..bad). Since this is true, KI was not programmed as badly as you say it was.

-The other point I was trying to make was that if KI was truly was programmed badly, then HOLY **** today's game programmers must suck extremely hard. I don't ever remember a game flat out crashing(in the 32 bit age) to the point where it literally..well..crashes(How the **** does that even get through testing?). The first times I've ever seen Killzone 2, Call of Duty 4 and Fallout 3 within the first 5 minutes of watching someone play those games literally crashed. And whoa, are they not suppose to be a few of the best games this genre? So if KI, which was made for the SNES, which had 32 bits of memory and very little to work with which made programing for it significantly harder overall in comparison to the 360 and PS3, which pretty much have internal OSs running inside of them and ridiculous amount of memory, then I guess you think today's programmers must be complete trash then.

Whether the game being good or not is complete opinion. I'll admit I was probably wrong about the localization tests and stuff. Even with that, KI is not as broken as you make it out to be. That is my argument.

Edit: A couple of examples of badly programmed games: Mortal Kombat Advanced and Superman 64. Also just cause a game is "good" does not mean its programmed well(I gave examples up in my argument above)


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
I didn't really know how to respond to these walls of text, but marty touched on basically what I want to say, so I will quote and trim out the unecessary:

you hate arguing, i'm sure, because you are horrible at it. the only thing outstanding about your argument is the amount of idiocy and ignorance that runs rampant within it. we are not arguing about KI being competitive or not. the issue, seeing as how you've apparently forgotten, is that you said KI was a good game, and i called you an idiot for it. a well made game isn't necessarily one made for competition. there are multitudes of good, non-competitive games. the point is that KI did not function as the programmers intended. hitboxes froze in place, the game had HUGE slowdowns, etc. THAT is not a good game. computer programs, if you work for a company that has to develop any kind of program, are NOT considered good when coded incorrectly. you HAVE to at least know that, or i hope you do, anyway. every game has glitches, yes, but not glitches that bring the enjoyment level of the game to the depths. And, so you know, most fighting games are designed with the intent of competition. how wide of a scale is not always known, but that is why they are released in arcades for location tests. players can test the game and report back major issues so they can be put into a new board and replaced in the machine, if need be. on my last note, the system is terrible. any game where you can combo break punishment with guaranteed results (i.e. KI and MK vs DC) has a horrible fighting engine. KI2 fixed this to a degree, but still had many of the issues that KI had.
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