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Tips for spiking


Smash Rookie
May 27, 2008
I can't seem to even get one spike in and I was wondering if someone could help me with this. Thx in advance!


Smash Rookie
Jun 26, 2008
Run off the edge and SH dair, that's the best and safest way to do it. Also CG to the edge and SH dair works great as well.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2008
It takes some practice getting used to the way Falco spikes. A great way to get used to Falco's sweetspot is to go into Wifi mode, start a new game and practice spiking against the punching bag. The goal is to spike him as many times in a row as possible. Go. Keep a rythm. Eventually, dash towards the punching bag and land a moving spike. Spike in several different situations. After you feel like you've mastered the exact timing, U-smash (or F-Smash) the Punching Bag off the ledge and spike him to his doom. Repeat until you feel confident spiking in a game.

I think one of the most useful things to practice is chain-spiking. Shot hop, DI right/left, spike, short hop, DI right/left spike and repeat. Although it's very situational, it can still work as a great approach. But really, the only way you can get 'good' at spiking is by practicing. Use it whenever you can. Try spiking level 5-7 CPUs. If you're still having trouble, fight a Lucas and knock him off the ledge. When he uses his Up-B recovery, he's screaming "Spike me!"

Eventually, practice in real matches.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
SH=short hop, it's when you let go of the jump button before the initial jump animation finishes and will result in a jump about half the height of your normal jump

As for practicing this I disagree with zamz idea unless you are COMPLETELY new to the game, I'd say go into 1-player, then training mode, choose falco for yourself and Snake as the computer, choose a good stage (ie. FD, BF, smashville)
set computer setting to stand (should be done already) and set the computer's damage to like 100%, nudge him near the edge and Forward Tilt him off the side, practice spiking him when he's coming back

in order to spike with Falco's down air you need to hit right when the move starts
imo the easiest way to do this is jumping off the edge letting yourself fall to just a tiny bit below stage level, then use your second jump followed immediately by the Dair (so while your still rising you should start the attack), once the move finishes UpB to safety

Deleted member

Short hop dair off the stage and then do another rising dair with your second jump. Should leave you adequate room to get back on the stage without grabbing the ledge, so it really never backfires. Make sure to tech the hit into the wall though if they hit you...

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
I find that certain spikes such as Falco's are more difficult this time thanks to that stupid footstool.


Smash Cadet
May 12, 2008
omg no joke. footstool is so evil. i hate when I have nobody to play with so i sit here and play lvl9s, cause they are the gods of footstooling.

i just made myself sound like a noob, but im serious

Hawks go Caw

Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
New Orleans, LA
When you practice against the computer in training, they're surprisingly good at anticipating your moves in that if you jump off the stage, they'll recover low or if you walk off the stage they'll recover high, so that's a tough way to practice. It's how I did it though. And there's no need to put the computer to 100% first. You should practice spiking at all percentages to get the idea of how far the opponent travels.
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