N3DS system transfer, hour seven. The wait is beginning to take its toll. I'm beginning to hallucinate Clock Town as I stare at the progress screen. Supplies are running low. I fear I will soon have to eat the stylus.
One line apiece for the stuff I missed while sleeping.
- Surprise, the leak has no legs to stand on.
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Wintropy Another continent. Been there, sympathize deeply. Godspeed.
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Kotor It took me a minute to get the joke. I'd like that minute back please.
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Your points are both diabolical and brilliant. Kudos.
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XenoBrawler610 I for one would welcome our new bomber overlords, if they pull the franchise's head out of its own ass.
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I would agree on the emote's usage, but oh god, the salt would flow like rivers, and rage like a mighty stream.
- @
Chapter Serf
Axes be good. Forum game be good. Actually feel like there should be a thread dedicated to it though.
- Geez, all these likes. I'm like NSG Lite up in here.
Same great taste, only 10 calories.
- Entirely unsure what to make of the 13th hell business. Unrelated question, do they have a highway there?
- @
Hell to pay. I see what you did there.
Let's see what we can do about this character stuff now.
Name: Red
Class: Mercenary
Subclass: Thief, Knight, Mercenary, Soldier, Myrmidon
Lvl: 8 HP: 27 Str: 9 Mag: 4 Skl: 13 Spd: 13 Luk: 5 Def: 8 Res: 5
Growth Rates:
HP: 95% Str: 65% Mag: 10% Skl: 70% Spd: 65% Luk: 35% Def: 50% Res: 20%
Max Stat Modifiers:
Str: +1 Mag: -1 Skl: +2 Spd: +2 Luk: -2 Def: 0 Res: 0
Recruitment Conditions: Locate the "Imbiblis" tome in Chapter 6, then deliver it to Red in Chapter 7.
Starting Equipment: Imbiblis, Steel Sword, Vulnerary
Profile: Relaxed, with penchants for tinkering, philosophy, and drinks - pursuits that compliment each other surprisingly well - there's more to him than meets the eye despite his initially capricious nature. Although his actions occasionally make sense only to himself, his motives and kindness are ultimately genuine. Long nights working late into the evening have made it so that his eyes have trouble seeing in bright sunlight - or any sunlight really - leading him to use specially-made tinted glasses to compensate. An overall rather easygoing individual, he joins primarily for the entertainment.
His signature weapon, the Imbiblis tome, is a device of his own creation. Appearing as a locked tome, when the clasp is pressed a hidden flask is popped out from the side. In combat, after the casting animation, Red leaps forward and uses the tome's thickly reinforced cover to bash the enemy. Strangely, this deals Magic damage. Though generally very weak compared to other options, it is unique in that it bypasses resistance, which makes it a viable option against high-Res foes. Its damage is calculated based on level rather than its user's Mag stat - which is good, because Red's Mag stat, while higher than most fighters initially, increases very little overall.
With all this said, his talents as a fighter are generally preferred. His Str, Skl and Spd growths ensure he'll hit fast, accurate, and hard, and he doubles enemies fairly easy. However, his defenses are only average, and his poor Luk limits his useful skills and makes critical hits unreliable at best.