Guys, I experience the most confusing thing very the other day
Okay, so I was playing XCX and trying to beat Lao in the Life Core. It was my 13th try and if I failed again, I was just going to give up and look up a walk through.
So I'm fighting Lao on foot, my Skell is refuelling, with me waiting for the right moment to use a G-Buster.
Lao was down to less than an 1/8 of his health. Now was the time. I hop into my Skell, and use my G-Buster.....
And kill Lao!!!!
I'm so feaking Happy and sad at the same time. Happy cause i finally beat Lao after so long. But I was sad cause i found the final cutscene touching (especial with Elma's reveal)
So the credits are rolling, I'm happy i finally beat the game.
Then just when i was ready for free roaming, a cutscene turns up.
*watches cutscene
*final words of cutscene
*dropped off into game, no story mission to choose from
Someone, please tell, what the hell just happened?
Today is April 20th which means it's Lucina's birthday!
YAY. It's Lu Lu's birthday XD