In the beginning, there was nothing. In that nothing was the Creators. Two siblings, Aethras and Tvorhost. Together, they began to create out of nothing.
Through Aethras came the heavens and the earth, magic and the mythical creatures of the worlds, including the powerful Dragons, whom mortals throughout time have revered as gods.
Through Tvorhost came the mortal races and common creatures. Soon after, Tvorhost would give upon the beings he and Aethras have created thought, emotions, will, knowledge, morality...
After the creation of the Planes and everything within and out of them, for reasons unknown, the Creators began to fight.
Their battle would go on for an unknown period of time until a child appeared before them. The child, unfamilliar with what the Creators were doing but gripped by fear of the act, asked in a nervous hushed tone: "What are you doing?".
The Creators looked upon the child but did not answer it's question. After a brief moment, the Creators turned away and began to leave. The child asked another question: "Where are you going?". Like before, no answer.
The child asked one more question: "Will we ever see you again?" Finally, the Creators spoke, both in tangent with each other.
"Listen well, child."
"We have done what we set out to do, and we leave with our works entrusted to you."
"But we shall return."
"Before we do, however. These events must come to pass."
"No one will know when or where, not even us, but they must come to pass."
And so, they began to tell the child of these events.
"An exile of royal blood shall defeat a dark dragon."
"A god shall be defeated by warriors with a blade infused with the soul of another."
"The dark dragon shall be defeated by the exile a second time. The exile, now a king, shall unify the land under their rule."
"A holy war will ensue upon distant lands."
"A triad of warriors, two from kingdoms, one from a tribe, shall bring peace between man and dragon."
"An offspring of the triad shall be chosen by a sealed sword."
"Two siblings shall bring together sacred stones and bring peace to their land."
"An individual, cloaked in radiance, shall defeat a mad king."
"A maiden of dawn will join with the radiant individual and bring chaos unto order upon a tower."
"A fell beast will bring ruin across time and will ultimately be defeated by itself."
"A child of two families, whose lands are ravaged by conflict, shall bring the two together."
Finally, the Creators said:
"These are events must come to pass before our return."
"But before we do, one last event must happen."
"A conflict will ensue upon this world. One in which the world will be truly divided."
"People will be divided and will fight each other in the name of different ideals and beliefs."
"Brother fights brother. Father fights son. Friends fight friends."
"But we shall return before then."
"Before that conflict, we shall be born on this world. Not as creators, but as you."
"While we exist as mortals upon this world, we will not know who we truly are. We will live as who we were raised as."
"We will not be together. We will be born to different people."
"We will participate in the coming conflict on different sides under different circumstances, but one thing is certain."
"We will do what you witnessed earlier. We will fight each other a second time."
"We will not know where or when in the conflict we will be fighting, nor will we know that we are fighting each other."
"But we will fight nonetheless."
"To us, will see our battle as just a battle. But to others throughout time and space, it will be felt."
"After our battle, the conflict will end in short time."
"After which, we shall live our mortal lives, then disappear once more."
The child then asked what all of this meant. The creators did not answer and finally departed.
Saddened by the Creators' departure and confused by what it was told, the child regardless, memorized what it was told and went on to tell it's fellow kind of what it had learned.
And so, this story has been passed down through history, teaching others of an event the has or will come to pass.
The Creators shall return.