Happy New Years everyone!
Sadly the laptop that I got for Christmas had a virus and I don't know how I accidently downloaded a virus, so my dad had to take it to Best Buy and I only now got it, but they didn't know what was wrong with it so I had to get a new one. *sigh*
And now for FE 7 stuff.
I got to recruit Karel
I knew that Harken did have a Brave Sword and that was tempting but I'm already using a Hero (Raven) and not using a Swordmaster, so I chose Karel.
I also found this guy to be very tough.
inb4 someone tags Kenneth
I had to do the entire chapter over again because I had Geitz go and attack the boss with his bow.
He missed and got killed in one hit.
In fact, most of my units couldn't properly fight the boss and had to use Florina, and now she's getting kind of over leveled.
I also got to do some supports.
Some of my favorites were Lyn/Florina (B), Canas/Pent (C), and Lucius/Serra (C), mostly the part where she finds out Lucius is a guy.
I also have to feel bad for Nino considering how much Sonia hates her.
I help but feel bad for her.
Also, will I have any opportunities to get Guiding Rings after this?
Because I really want to promote both Canas and Lucius.