I normally jab on Robin quite a bit, but lately people have been DIing out of my wind jab, specifically, and I didn't think it was worth to use it as weird as that sounds.
It is possible to DI and jump out of Wind Jab, but it's still worth using, especially on fastfallers because they have a much harder time escaping it. You should still get a little bit out of it unless at max range.
You do also want to make use of Fire Jab too. Floaty characters tend to have a relatively easy time getting out of Wind Jab/some multihit moves so Fire Jab is usually better at hitting them.
I hear the word "disjoint" being thrown around with talking about Robin's jab a lot. What does that actually mean?
A disjointed attack is one where the hitbox isn't connected to/doesn't overlap with a hurtbox. When

throws out a punch or a kick, he's extending both a hurtbox and hitbox at the same time since his fist/leg is part of his body. When

swings her sword, she's only extending a hitbox because the sword isn't part of her body. Disjoints are always a good thing.
Usually it's pretty easy to tell who has disjoints and what moves are disjointed (basically every attack using a weapon), though there's a few, like

's Fsmash or

's Bouncing Fish that have a disjoint for like no ****ing reason when they really shouldn't.
There's also a few moves that are what's called "transcendent", meaning they don't interact with other hitboxes at all (disjointed moves can still clank and stuff).

's hands are transcendent during his Fsmash, as are his lasers.
Is there a reason why Falco is considered a fast faller when Robin can fast fall also?
Everyone can fast fall, but some characters naturally drop to the ground faster than others. You can see on
this page that Falco has a high fall speed (1.8 fall speed, 2.88 fast fall speed, ranked 5th-8th), while Robin has an average fall speed (1.5 fall speed, 2.4 fast fall speed, ranked 28-32). You then have "floaty" characters, who have a low fall and fast fall speed, like

Is there a certain number of pummels that you usually do before you throw without risk of grab releasing?
Not really, I just have it in mind that low damage=few pummels, more damage=more pummels. It also depends a bit on how good your opponent is at mashing out of throws, though you'll eventually get a feel for roughly how long you wanna pummel people.
Not that everyone has a pummel worth using. Robin's is terrible, while

has a really good/fast one.
I've tried edge guarding/off stage play and it almost never works out for me,
Yeah, it doesn't always work out for me too. It is kind of a risk in this game.
I tried to gimp a Ness a day or two ago but instead ate electrified Ness missile and died =(
Like I said yesterday some characters are good at it, some aren't, some are easy to edgeguard, some are nearly impossible to. You also don't necessarily wanna go for it every time either.
To grab on to the ledge while an opponent is on do I have to have my back facing the ledge while I jump on to it? So, I suppose throwing out an Arc Fire on to the ledge and waiting for my opponent would be the best thing to do outside of trying to read my opponent?
While on stage yeah you'll need to have your back to the ledge if you're gonna jump onto it (because then you'll be facing the ledge once you descend on it). You can also run off and grab onto the ledge,
like Raz shows in this video he made a few months ago about ledge trumping.
For covering people's get up options, you can go for a read if you feel like you've got them read or conditioned them to do a particular option. You can also try to react to what they're doing and then select the best move to cover that option. You can usually sorta-kinda tell what they're gonna do from the start up animation, and some of them have vulnerable periods you can exploit.
It's also, like a lot of stuff in Smash 4, character dependent.

can cover almost all ledge options with Eruption alone if he's good at timing it.

can cover both a normal get up and a plain jump get up with her Usmash. Most Dsmashes can catch roll get ups.