So.. I've finally decided to get FE: Awakening. The game was really fun, I like the pair up mechanic, I like most of the characters in the game, I think the maps are well designed and the story, while pretty weak especially when compared to the Jugdral and the Tellius games, is pretty enjoyable.
Also, Nah is best child unit. She murders everything. All of her stats are capped except MAG, DEF(Although its really close to capping) and RES. Her Japanese voice is the cutest thing ever. She kills things while screaming "DESU!~". She is simply too precious to marry her off to someone. Nah is love, Nah is life.
Her skills are Odd Rythm, Wyrmsbane, Aegis, Vantage and Astra in case if anyone is curious :3
Considering to swap Vantage for either Deliverer or Quick Burn since its really unlikely for Nah to even get Low Health considering her capped HP stat, nearly capped Defense and Dragonstone+ bonuses.