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Thunder Child's Last Breath in Melee


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2006
Rocky Mount, NC

Well NC…I guess it’s the end of the road for me and its time to retire! Its been hella fun playing smash with you guys and I have no regrets. Traveling for tourneys and smash fests, hotels, McDonalds, Taco Bell, LOZR’s garage, the Raleigh tourneys/smash fests, Charlotte, and of course the broken controllers, the OMG epic combos, the catfish, those **** cuddly characters, and the world famous Knorr/Dr. Neo PANCAKES!!! LOL nope…no regrets at all!


TLOZ & 59JS aka Triforce: Ganon and Link really pack a punch when they’re not at each others throat. Kory and Jeremy you are the best in NC with the Triforce duo.

PAC!: It‘s like “Do something else hot” every time I see you play lol. You and Megan are fun to hang with. Pink Flamingo ftw mangz! One of my favorite falcons.

Chocolate Thunda: I hate fighting cuddly characters especially when they’re played right. Your Luigi and his cuddly friends like to team up and stomp on my nerves lol! You’ve come really far in this game and proved that you are GEARS! with your characters!

Zio/Steven: Zio you’re getting better trust me. You are a lot better than you were six months ago. Don’t give up, keep playing. Remember Determination> frustration! Your comic drawings amaze me! Steven its always fun hanging out and talking about everything else but smash. Smash talk did get boring at times. You are the link between smash and the outside world. We need to play Xbox Live man!

Darksyde: Wait…another d@mn cuddly! That Jiggs and those big sleepy eyes! Wait for it…wait for IT. NOW!!!! DOWN-B! *right in the middle of the picnic*. You have also come a long way son. And I don’t think people in the smash community realize that you set up regional tournaments for DDR and ITG! But if you keep traveling with Falcon and Jiggs, they will. You are too good on that note! Shpongle and Minibosses ftw.

Bill aka -Echo-: You’re a cool guy. Thx for the lift to Smash Aid X. Your sheik is fast and you are getting better. Don’t change your character for any reason or anyone!

Raleigh Crew: Malk, Knorr, Karn, and David. You are the reason why I come to Raleigh. You know how to set up a tournament for real with the housing, food, snacks, drinks, etc. The community should be grateful for that, not to mention the door fee of 5 dollars. I’ve been very grateful! See you soon.

Charlotte: You people are really fun to play with especially in crews. Very epic! Munk Aid tourneys were crunked! It was good seeing you pplz at MP Jubilee too.

Ali, Peter, Luther: Some of my favorite smashers. Luther, your bowser is too much. That’s why I had to ban Yoshi Story. Peter, I heard that you were a good person to train with and I see why. I’ve watched you fight and you really do play with a good group of characters. Very skilled my friend. Ali, where could’ve my falcon brother moonwalked to. *sad faces* You are my favorite falcon player by far. I will never forget seeing you moonwalk tech-chase in your matches with G-regulate ! See you in Brawl my friend! Yes! That’s where we will continue our battles.

Yeroc and NC Bobby: You guys are legends in my eyes. You were the first in NC and I really wish I had started when you guys did. Yeroc, I had no idea you were good friends with Chu and was among the first to participate in the very first crew battle ever! Watching you do homerun/target test made me realize that determination=win. You and Bobby knew about all the advanced techniques back in 2003 - 04, when I thought I was one of the best playing the old way (roll/spot dodge and Gamecrazy tournaments lol). But in 2005, TLOZ found this little article inside a Nintendo Power book with the word “wavedash” and www.smashboards.com listed. And I will never forget! I got a phone call from him saying, “there’s this Link player named Germ… and can move Link as fast as fox!”. And that’s when it all started for us.

Dr. Neo and the Ash crew: Ricky…you, Anthony, and your brother are some of the coolest people I’ve ever met. It has been fun playing with you all and smash aid 7 was a trip to remember. Ricky you are a true comedian lol! See you soon buddy.

And Finally…

Adam aka LOZR: Well my friend…this is it! The day where melee has finally come to an end. LOL right when Chu, Chillin, G-Reg, Tope etc, would actually make at trip or two to North Carolina. Hey do you remember those days when we were going make it to MLG with sponsors and everything lol. We never seriously went, but if we did we would have taken a lot of names. You represent North Carolina very well my friend. Not only have you made it to the top in NC, but you’re one of the best in the south now and somewhat reputable in the North. It’s been a long journey for me and all of our matches were fun. Keep going son. You will make it very far. Your new title should be…The NC Dragon!

Smash World: Its been fun going to tournaments, meeting new people, playing with some of the best in the world. I know a lot of folks in smash and played a million friendlies (literally). Ken, Isai, Chu, Azen, Chillin, Forward, Shiz, M2King, etc…I’ve played some of you. Chudat, you are really ****in hard to beat lol! Azen, you are my favorite smasher in the world. I tried my best to replicate your fighting style for it is so pimp. But you are one of a kind man. All of you are! You guys are the best and don’t quit!!! Hopefully we’ll meet in Brawl someday!

North Carolina has grown and gained so much experience over the past couple of years its simply amazing! We have finally sparked attraction out of state and have shown people that NC can break boundaries too. This is what I wanted. This is what we all wanted. This was my real personal goal. Not to so much as making it to the top of the world, but to at least do my best to help get North Carolina on the map... Mission Accomplished!

Super Smash Bros. Melee is on its last few pages before a new legend begins and I’m satisfied. This is my last breath in the smash community for a while. But don’t worry for I will be reborn in Brawl. And when I come back…“The Legend of Thunder Child” will be written in smash history…

*walking away*

Until Then,

Gerod aka ~Thunder Child~


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2005
Tarboro, NC <CREW YGO>
OMG man I can't believe this guy actually made the thread. Well if you are actually retiring............. then it's been fun man. NC is losing one of it's best smashers for sure. I guess I'll just have to pick up fox now and try to actually place well in tourneys cause we lost you :( Oh well man, hopefully you can find your way out to the garage again for some friendlies once in a while, but if not then brawl for sure. You will be missed son, peace.



Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2005
Catfish Country
I love you tc i really do =( =(

I will were your tag at the next tournament

also who am i supposed to marth ditto now?

Does this mean tloz and 59js are gonna call it quits now??

who am i gonna fox ditto now?

Yg0 lost one of there best players =(

T.C. mindgames cannot be replaced


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Man, I am real **** sad about this. I can't even believe this guy actually went home and made the thread. I remember seeing this guy play that first night over at Chris' house and I just kept saying "man, do something else hot." I can't believe he's giving up but I definitely understand.

I love T.C. He shall be missed. Up throw to Knee. Don't forget...



Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
TC won't be missed. Just go to scrubby tournaments and he will show up to take their money. A man needs to eat.

For realz man I love you but I know I'll see you come December. There will be jubilees to come and you better make your way over, even if it isn't to play this old game.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Man, you say your leaving, but come next Jubilee it will be so amazing you won't be able to help yourself. See you then.


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2005
Seoul, SK
noooooo TC. i was thinking of doing the same, but i'm still playing just don't think i'm entering anymore melee tourneys. i'll go to friendly people.
but i'll see you again for brawl.

ps. everybody stop banning yoshi's story on me dang! hah


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2006
Enfield, NC
WTF!!! LOL!!! Yall guys are funny. This guy ain't quit, he's just not going to enter any tournies. I'm sure he may only skip the next tourney, but if some more top players show up at another tourney near here then he'll have to enter. :chuckle: :laugh:


Smash Rookie
Aug 15, 2007
well tc it seems you dont show your face at game crazy like you used to, im sorry to here your quiting but when you said you wanna play xbox live with me well hahe YOUR NOT EVEN IN MY **** LEAGUE, you been wasting time playing this dang game that gave me all the time to get better at xbox. I know i beat your *** now so yeah id enjoy whooping on some thunnnda chillld


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I find it annoying you sealed me in the same package as Stev0n. BRO!!!!!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2006
Rocky Mount, NC
**** quitting! I'm coming out of retirement. This **** is too **** depressing! *reading posts*
Besides, I cant even think of what would keep me occupied until brawl came out...Foward didnt quit this game or anybody. I will never believe it because its just not possible! (unless you play Maple Story).

I can never leave you guys behind. I can never leave my crew.
So I'm just going to pretend this thread never existed and you should do the same.
I'm saving this retirement thing I wrote though. It's hit box is too big! And it took a little while to write.

Ali.. falcon ditto son!

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