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Thoughts on the Internet


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Link to original post: [drupal=1201]Thoughts on the Internet[/drupal]

My, the user blogs have become increasingly depressing since we've decided to make it smart.

Lately, I've been thinking about how I use the internet. I spend a few solid hours of my day on it, and I've realized...

I only visit a few sites!

Smash World Forums, Facebook, Gaia, Youtube, Uncyclopedia, ... and Google. That's it.

My rut reminds me of a Christmas present I got a few years back. Prior to said year, I wanted nothing more than to learn to play the guitar. They were so... cool to me. I wasn't a fan of music, either, but who cared? I wanted a guitar.

I remember going to Sam's Club with my parents. After chowing down on a few free samples, I'd always rush over to this one aisle, where there was always a guitar on display. I'd play it- well, play with it.

One year I finally got a guitar. I loved it at first, but lost interest in a week. For several years, I wanted nothing more than that guitar, and now it's right there, sitting in the corner of my room, next to the closet. Collecting dust. Kinda funny.

This is just what has happened to me with the internet.

I have in front of my eyes the internet, a book with near-infinite pages, a book containing the sum of human knowladge. On the internet, right now, someone is starting a web comic. Right now, someone is making a new friend with someone in Jamaica. Someone is researching something they're interested in.

Why can't I be making the next great web comic? I say with due arrogance that I'm funny enough and skilled enough to write something decent. I'm a good cartoonist, too. Why can't I be making friends with someone in Jamaica? And why can't I be researching something I'm interested in?

Of course, the answer to all of these questions is, to my shock, I can. I can make a web comic, and I can make friends with someone in Jamaica, and I can read stuff on Francois Rabuleigh (Spelled that name wrong) or animation or anything I want to.

So why don't I?

Why don't I use this toy to the fullest, rather than just play with a fraction of it?

I'm not sure why. Obviously I know that I can do all things mentioned above. But I don't.

I think that it is in man's nature to create and stick to a routine. Look at Henry David Thoreau. Or was it David Henry? Whatever. Ever when he finally was living how he wanted to, even when he did get his guitar, when he did get the internet... He made a path. Within a week living at Walden pond, he'd created a path in the brush. He was doing what he was trying to get away from.

I don't know about you, but I am Henry.

Kinda funny, isn't it?


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
I never thought about the internet like that before...

But yeah, those free samples at Sam's are too good.

OLD LADY: Would you like some pineapple sauce my young fellow?

CUSTOMER: That's the wierdest thing I've ever heard, but it's free so why not!

*buys some after enjoying sample*


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Good thread. I only use smashboards, facebook, pandora, and AIM. Maybe check email sometimes, along with webcomics when they update. But there is SO MUCH that you can do, it's overwhelming. People need to be more productive on the internet, broaden their horizons and all, embrace all the opportunities it gives us.


Deleted member

Great read Zook, you're one of the few that know how to write a good blog. I do find it strange that even with the millions of websites we only visit a few.

Ones I go to

Sites that I can't mention
Occasionally 4chan


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Quite a read, I can see what you're saying. I find it interesting what you say about human nature and routine. I guess that most of us just like doing what we're comfortable with, and eventually that becomes routine. Excellent post.


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Great read Zook, you're one of the few that know how to write a good blog. I do find it strange that even with the millions of websites we only visit a few.

Ones I go to

Sites that I can't mention
Occasionally 4chan
Ha, I forgot to mention that site on my list.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
The internet is really really great... for porn.
I got a fast connection so I don't have to wait... for porn.
There's always some new site ( for porn)
I browse all day and night (for porn)
It's like I'm surfing at the speed of light! (For poooorn!)


- Normal people don't sit at home and look at porn on the internet.

- Ooooooh?

- What?

- You have NO idea. Ready normal people?

- Ready! (x3)

The internet is for porn!
The internet is for porn!
Why'd you think the net was born? Porn Porn Porn!


Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2009
The internet is really really great... for porn.
I got a fast connection so I don't have to wait... for porn.
There's always some new site ( for porn)
I browse all day and night (for porn)
It's like I'm surfing at the speed of light! (For poooorn!)


- Normal people don't sit at home and look at porn on the internet.

- Ooooooh?

- What?

- You have NO idea. Ready normal people?

- Ready! (x3)

The internet is for porn!
The internet is for porn!
Why'd you think the net was born? Porn Porn Porn!
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