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This needs to be said, right now!! Concerning the metagame!!!

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Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
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This was supposed to be my post in a thread at SRK in response to SWF, concerning why smash isn't respected in other fighting game communities. I took some time in writing this so yeah. It's an unpopular post, but hey.

I can't take it anymore,what the hell is wrong with you people!!!! I'm going to be yelling at SWF much more than SRK right about now because this is getting way out of hand. I'm gonna list everything here that pisses me off about SWF and trust, I don't care about what anyone from there thinks about me after this post.

1. EVO: One of the major things that puts my piss to a boil. The interview says that CPU practiced to adapt to the items and stages. <= the argument should end right after that sentence. The way I see it, he did what he had to do to win and if running away from Ken gave him a chance, why not do it. He played to win in the current tourney ruleset, why do you blame and ridicule him for that? Also, PLEASE STFU ABOUT KEN!!! He's good but name one thing that he did with Marth that was more amazing than current top Marth's (or top anything) in SWF Brawl? At EVO, he DID make mistakes and that cost him against a person that prepared ahead of time for the ruleset. You know it's ironic, most smashers are disappointed that Brawl was axed from Evo '09. Why are some of you upset that Brawl got the boot when some of you flamed the tourney in the first place and boycotted it because EVO wanted everything in since the game wasn't out for that long to ban anything in the first place? What bothers me even more is that Ken didn't try to take away the fact that CPU won or flame him and whine but strangely enough, everyone (especially heads from SWF) is doing the exact opposite, madness I tell you :dizzy:.

2. The item myths from SWF: This will be a bit short but I have to come clean. The arguments for banning items in Brawl is either really stupid or very weak. Remember, THIS IS NOT MELEE!!! What was broken in Melee may not be so broken in it's sequel. Why is it that you can turn off any item now even containers? Why don't explosions kill you at very low percents (With DI of course)? Why is there a defense for basically all items including FS'es? Could it be that the developers toned down and balanced items so that it will be used more often? Did any of you took the time to test it out? How do you know items are broken in Brawl or take no skill? Why was 3 top smashers from SWF in the Top 3 in the items tourney at Season's Beatings II? Also random stuff happens in the majority of fighter you know and love, so the random argument holds no water (or anything from Melee in fact).

3. Banning issues: Be honest, out of all the fighting game communities. Smash has the most banned stuff in it's game. Now, Melee was understandable as to why it is what it is today. However, there is NO clear grounds as to why Brawl has anything banned (The bans are much worse than Melee), therefore it gives the Smashers the image that they are ban happy. I tried to look for test vids for proof, but with no success (But you'll find no item vids on Final Destination and Battlefield very quickly). The reasons for the bans in Brawl is quite frankly straight up johns. "BAAAAWWW!!! I CAN'T CATCH THAT SONIC ON LARGE STAGES!!! BAN!!!" Newsflash, some stages are built to cater to some characters abilities, while others are neutral. That's what counterpicks are, it's not supposed to be "fair" to you, it's supposed to give you opponent an advantage. You're stuck with Ice Climbers against a faster character on Temple, well, sucks to be you. But wait a minute, you have items, now running away is even more dangerous because if ICs get the Smashball, they automatically control Temple (!!!). Now that player can't go anywhere, but away from the iceburg literally lowering their options and making it easier for ICs to get to them on a stage like Temple. Of course this isn't limited to FS, other items can control the stage and the person running away has a harder time getting items since they are constantly on the move away from you. Also, nobody wants to risk a Sudden death so now runaway on Temple isn't the best auto win option anymore, it helps but it can blow up in your face now if you get careless. When you ban, you lower the depth of the game, you have to ban for the best and clearly that didn't happen for Brawl. Some people even say that it's banned becaude it's unpopular and no one likes them (.........). In competition, it doesn't matter what you like, you do and use what you have to do to win. I'm sure heads in SF4 don't like Sagat or get a free powerful super when you're getting damaged but was any of these banned? No it wasn't, people just found ways over it. I'm sure others can put another example in the game they play. If people in SWF wanna ban because of something considered unpopular or liking something, they have no business dictating a metagame.

4. SBR= Elitism?: SWF's popular reason is because idiots and immature people on the board who don't know what they are talking about. So they let certain people in to decide the way of how Brawl will be played, tiers, etc. So why does everyone look down on this idea, especially other communities? Well, every community even SRK has it's idiots but what do they do? They ban said idiots, ignore them and continue intelligent discussion. No need to shut themselves in a private room and shut out the rest of the community from any important discussions about community stuff like tiers, rules, and whatever stuff they want. This is why the SBR has a bad image, only a few players get in and dictate the important stuff while every other community have open discussions. The SBR like to say that they have no true power, but you only let in mods and "pros", therefore you portray yourselves with that power and everyone will blindly follow what you say or your "pros" are gonna cry.

5. Mentality: This is the ultimate reason why everyone hates you. First off, there should be NO Melee vs. Brawl, both should support each other, not be at each other's throats. Also, there's alot of hypocrisy going on here. For example, SBR doesn't care how you run your tourneys, but why the **** did that situation with EVO occur? Don't be mad when your claims fall on deaf ears when you have NO backing to them. Also why are you complaining about how your metagame is shaping when you took like the bulk of the game out? People are upset that the game is horribly unbalanced (Metaknight anyone?) but acknowledge that there will be more viable characters and balance with items and more stages open (........). Yet, they have the option to think about banning MK instead of the obvious answer. They complain about no depth but yet items and stages give more strategies. They also complain about combos but yet, some items can allow follow ups. Man you guys love to hurt yourselves. Also, no items is NOT the only way to play. At my school I decided to hold a FFA with items since we were doing casuals man did their faces light up so fast. Then this guy was calling it gay and *** **** and started to interfere when I was changing the options putting it to 3 stock no items FD. It was still a FFA and last 2 was off, needless to say, I took him off and proceded with what me and everyone else wanted to do. During the matches with items, he was yawning on purpose and complaining (but yet I **** him regularly SWF rules or not). I told him to chill out, it's just casuals and he said that there should be practice and still complained. STUFF LIKE THAT SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING!!!!

Now do you see why nobody likes the Smash community, this is raw truth from a smasher that checks on SWF. There way too many things wrong now that the community needs a big makeover, it's not intelligent like the Melee days anymore. Melee has explored items and techinically everything in the game, why can't Brawl get the same treatment. Smashers in SRK like Keits did item tourneys (all-brawl) and it basically throws your theories about it being broken and lacking depth out the window. The metagame isn't looking very good right now so why not be open to another idea that was previously banned in Melee and start from scratch. What about combining the stuff we learned from no items to the all-brawl ruleset? SWF should try this, not like no item Brawl is gonna die with a new gametype. Before calling other people scrubs, look at yourselves first, you're the ones banning all over the place. Have a open mind for once, it's unhealthy to the community to continue going on like this :(.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
If you hate the Smash community so much, leave. Don't tell us we're idiots and don't know what we're talking about because you disagree.

If you can't understand why items are banned...wow. Items are not balanced. As long as they still spawn randomly, they're unbalanced. The fact that you completely miss that shows that you're not credible in terms of this argument. This is competitive play. Items take skill to USE (most of them, anyways), but too much luck comes into play with GETTING them.

Also, maybe the reason competitive Smash has so much banned is that Sakurai is an uncompetitive communist who thinks that wins shouldn't be accentuated and gimmicks should be added so that even with more skill you can't win?
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